Compare commits
2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
a44eaa70e7 | 7 years ago |
8a732167c1 | 7 years ago |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
<?php |
/* This script is run on demand to generate JS version of tr() */ |
require_once __DIR__ . '/base.php'; |
$selected = [ |
'wifi.connected_ip_is', |
'wifi.not_conn', |
'wifi.enter_passwd', |
'term_nav.fullscreen', |
'term_conn.connecting', |
'term_conn.waiting_content', |
'term_conn.disconnected', |
'term_conn.waiting_server', |
'term_conn.reconnecting' |
]; |
$out = []; |
foreach ($selected as $key) { |
$out[$key] = tr($key); |
} |
file_put_contents(__DIR__. '/js/lang.js', |
"// Generated from PHP locale file\n" . |
'let _tr = ' . json_encode($out, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) . ";\n\n" . |
"module.exports = function tr (key) { return _tr[key] || '?' + key + '?' }\n" |
); |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ |
let data = require('locale-data') |
module.exports = function localize (key) { |
return data[key] || `?${key}?` |
} |
@ -1,539 +0,0 @@ |
const { getColor } = require('./themes') |
const { |
} = require('./screen_attr_bits') |
// debug toolbar, tooltip and screen
module.exports = function attachDebugger (screen, connection) { |
// debug screen overlay
const debugCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') |
debugCanvas.classList.add('debug-canvas') |
const ctx = debugCanvas.getContext('2d') |
// debug toolbar
const toolbar = document.createElement('div') |
toolbar.classList.add('debug-toolbar') |
// debug tooltip
const tooltip = document.createElement('div') |
tooltip.classList.add('debug-tooltip') |
tooltip.classList.add('hidden') |
// update functions, defined somewhere below
let updateTooltip |
let updateToolbar |
// tooltip cell
let selectedCell = null |
// update tooltip cell when mouse moves
const onMouseMove = (e) => { |
if ( !== screen.layout.canvas) { |
selectedCell = null |
return |
} |
selectedCell = screen.layout.screenToGrid(e.offsetX, e.offsetY) |
updateTooltip() |
} |
// hide tooltip when mouse leaves
const onMouseOut = (e) => { |
selectedCell = null |
tooltip.classList.add('hidden') |
} |
// updates debug canvas size
const updateCanvasSize = function () { |
let { width, height, devicePixelRatio } = screen.layout.window |
let cellSize = screen.layout.getCellSize() |
let padding = Math.round(screen.layout._padding) |
debugCanvas.width = (width * cellSize.width + 2 * padding) * devicePixelRatio |
debugCanvas.height = (height * cellSize.height + 2 * padding) * devicePixelRatio |
|||| = `${width * cellSize.width + 2 * screen.layout._padding}px` |
|||| = `${height * cellSize.height + 2 * screen.layout._padding}px` |
} |
// defined somewhere below
let startDrawLoop |
let screenAttached = false |
// node to which events were bound (kept here for when they need to be removed)
let eventNode |
// attaches/detaches debug screen overlay to/from DOM
const setScreenAttached = function (attached) { |
if (attached && !debugCanvas.parentNode) { |
screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(debugCanvas) |
eventNode = debugCanvas.parentNode |
eventNode.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) |
eventNode.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) |
screen.layout.on('size-update', updateCanvasSize) |
updateCanvasSize() |
screenAttached = true |
startDrawLoop() |
} else if (!attached && debugCanvas.parentNode) { |
debugCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(debugCanvas) |
eventNode.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) |
eventNode.removeEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) |
screen.layout.removeListener('size-update', updateCanvasSize) |
screenAttached = false |
} |
} |
// attaches/detaches toolbar and tooltip to/from DOM
const setToolbarAttached = function (attached) { |
if (attached && !toolbar.parentNode) { |
screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(toolbar) |
screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(tooltip) |
updateToolbar() |
} else if (!attached && toolbar.parentNode) { |
screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(toolbar) |
screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(tooltip) |
} |
} |
// attach/detach toolbar when debug mode is enabled/disabled
screen.on('update-window:debug', enabled => { |
setToolbarAttached(enabled) |
}) |
// ditto ^
screen.layout.on('update-window:debug', enabled => { |
setScreenAttached(enabled) |
}) |
let drawData = { |
// last draw reason
reason: '', |
// when true, will show colored cell update overlays
showUpdates: false, |
// draw start time in milliseconds
startTime: 0, |
// end time
endTime: 0, |
// partial update frames
frames: [], |
// cell data
cells: new Map(), |
// scroll region
scrollRegion: null |
} |
// debug interface
screen._debug = screen.layout.renderer._debug = { |
drawStart (reason) { |
drawData.reason = reason |
drawData.startTime = |
}, |
drawEnd () { |
drawData.endTime = |
}, |
setCell (cell, flags) { |
drawData.cells.set(cell, [flags,]) |
}, |
pushFrame (frame) { |
drawData.frames.push([...frame,]) |
} |
} |
let isDrawing = false |
let drawLoop = function () { |
// draw while the screen is attached
if (screenAttached) window.requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop) |
else isDrawing = false |
let now = |
let { width, height, devicePixelRatio } = screen.layout.window |
let padding = Math.round(screen.layout._padding) |
let cellSize = screen.layout.getCellSize() |
ctx.setTransform(devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, devicePixelRatio, 0, 0) |
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width * cellSize.width + 2 * padding, height * cellSize.height + 2 * padding) |
ctx.translate(padding, padding) |
ctx.lineWidth = 2 |
ctx.lineJoin = 'round' |
if (drawData.showUpdates) { |
const cells = drawData.cells |
for (let cell = 0; cell < width * height; cell++) { |
// cell does not exist or has no flags set
if (!cells.has(cell) || cells.get(cell)[0] === 0) continue |
const [flags, timestamp] = cells.get(cell) |
let elapsedTime = (now - timestamp) / 1000 |
if (elapsedTime > 1) { |
cells.delete(cell) |
continue |
} |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 * Math.max(0, 1 - elapsedTime) |
let x = cell % width |
let y = Math.floor(cell / width) |
if (flags & 2) { |
// updated
ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0' |
} else if (flags & 1) { |
// redrawn
ctx.fillStyle = '#f0f' |
} |
if (!(flags & 4)) { |
// outside a clipped region
ctx.fillStyle = '#0ff' |
} |
if (flags & 16) { |
// was filled to speed up rendering
ctx.globalAlpha /= 2 |
} |
ctx.fillRect(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height, cellSize.width, cellSize.height) |
if (flags & 8) { |
// wide cell
ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00' |
ctx.beginPath() |
ctx.moveTo(x * cellSize.width, (y + 1) * cellSize.height) |
ctx.lineTo((x + 1) * cellSize.width, (y + 1) * cellSize.height) |
ctx.stroke() |
} |
} |
let framesToDelete = [] |
for (let frame of drawData.frames) { |
let timestamp = frame[4] |
let elapsedTime = (now - timestamp) / 1000 |
if (elapsedTime > 1) framesToDelete.push(frame) |
else { |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - elapsedTime |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0' |
ctx.strokeRect(frame[0] * cellSize.width, frame[1] * cellSize.height, |
frame[2] * cellSize.width, frame[3] * cellSize.height) |
} |
} |
for (let frame of framesToDelete) { |
drawData.frames.splice(drawData.frames.indexOf(frame), 1) |
} |
} |
if (selectedCell !== null) { |
// draw a dashed outline around the selected cell
let [x, y] = selectedCell |
|||| |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 |
ctx.lineWidth = 1 |
// draw X line
ctx.beginPath() |
ctx.moveTo(0, y * cellSize.height) |
ctx.lineTo(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height) |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00' |
ctx.setLineDash([cellSize.width]) |
ctx.stroke() |
// draw Y line
ctx.beginPath() |
ctx.moveTo(x * cellSize.width, 0) |
ctx.lineTo(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height) |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#0f0' |
ctx.setLineDash([cellSize.height]) |
ctx.stroke() |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 |
ctx.lineWidth = 1 + 0.5 * Math.sin((now / 1000) * 10) |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff' |
ctx.lineJoin = 'round' |
ctx.setLineDash([2, 2]) |
ctx.lineDashOffset = (now / 1000) * 10 |
ctx.strokeRect(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height, cellSize.width, cellSize.height) |
ctx.lineDashOffset += 2 |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000' |
ctx.strokeRect(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height, cellSize.width, cellSize.height) |
ctx.restore() |
} |
if (drawData.scrollRegion !== null) { |
// draw two lines marking the scroll region bounds
let [start, end] = drawData.scrollRegion |
|||| |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#00f' |
ctx.lineWidth = 2 |
ctx.setLineDash([2, 2]) |
ctx.beginPath() |
ctx.moveTo(0, start * cellSize.height) |
ctx.lineTo(width * cellSize.width, start * cellSize.height) |
ctx.stroke() |
ctx.beginPath() |
ctx.moveTo(0, (end + 1) * cellSize.height) |
ctx.lineTo(width * cellSize.width, (end + 1) * cellSize.height) |
ctx.stroke() |
ctx.restore() |
} |
} |
startDrawLoop = function () { |
if (isDrawing) return |
isDrawing = true |
drawLoop() |
} |
let pad2 = i => ('00' + i.toString()).substr(-2) |
let formatColor = color => color < 256 |
? color.toString() |
: '#' + pad2(color >> 16) + pad2((color >> 8) & 0xFF) + pad2(color & 0xFF) |
let makeSpan = (text, styles) => { |
let span = document.createElement('span') |
span.textContent = text |
Object.assign(, styles || {}) |
return span |
} |
let formatAttributes = (target, attrs) => { |
if (attrs & ATTR_FG) target.appendChild(makeSpan('HasFG')) |
if (attrs & ATTR_BG) target.appendChild(makeSpan('HasBG')) |
if (attrs & ATTR_BOLD) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Bold', { fontWeight: 'bold' })) |
if (attrs & ATTR_UNDERLINE) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Uline', { textDecoration: 'underline' })) |
if (attrs & ATTR_BLINK) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Blink')) |
if (attrs & ATTR_ITALIC) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Italic', { fontStyle: 'italic' })) |
if (attrs & ATTR_STRIKE) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Strike', { textDecoration: 'line-through' })) |
if (attrs & ATTR_OVERLINE) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Oline', { textDecoration: 'overline' })) |
if (attrs & ATTR_FAINT) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Faint', { opacity: 0.5 })) |
if (attrs & ATTR_FRAKTUR) target.appendChild(makeSpan('Fraktur')) |
} |
updateTooltip = function () { |
// TODO: make this not destroy and recreate the same nodes every time
tooltip.classList.remove('hidden') |
tooltip.innerHTML = '' |
let cell = selectedCell[1] * screen.window.width + selectedCell[0] |
if (!screen.screen[cell]) return |
let foreground = document.createElement('span') |
foreground.textContent = formatColor(screen.screenFG[cell]) |
let preview = document.createElement('span') |
preview.textContent = ' ●' |
|||| = getColor(screen.screenFG[cell], screen.layout.renderer.palette) |
foreground.appendChild(preview) |
let background = document.createElement('span') |
background.textContent = formatColor(screen.screenBG[cell]) |
let bgPreview = document.createElement('span') |
bgPreview.textContent = ' ●' |
|||| = getColor(screen.screenBG[cell], screen.layout.renderer.palette) |
background.appendChild(bgPreview) |
let character = screen.screen[cell] |
let codePoint = character.codePointAt(0) |
let formattedCodePoint = codePoint.toString(16).length <= 4 |
? `0000${codePoint.toString(16)}`.substr(-4) |
: codePoint.toString(16) |
let attributes = document.createElement('span') |
attributes.classList.add('attributes') |
formatAttributes(attributes, screen.screenAttrs[cell]) |
let data = { |
Cell: `col ${selectedCell[0] + 1}, ln ${selectedCell[1] + 1} (${cell})`, |
Foreground: foreground, |
Background: background, |
Character: `U+${formattedCodePoint}`, |
Attributes: attributes |
} |
let table = document.createElement('table') |
for (let name in data) { |
let row = document.createElement('tr') |
let label = document.createElement('td') |
label.appendChild(new window.Text(name)) |
label.classList.add('label') |
let value = document.createElement('td') |
value.appendChild(typeof data[name] === 'string' ? new window.Text(data[name]) : data[name]) |
value.classList.add('value') |
row.appendChild(label) |
row.appendChild(value) |
table.appendChild(row) |
} |
tooltip.appendChild(table) |
let cellSize = screen.layout.getCellSize() |
// add 3 to the position because for some reason the corner is off
let posX = (selectedCell[0] + 1) * cellSize.width + 3 |
let posY = (selectedCell[1] + 1) * cellSize.height + 3 |
|||| = `translate(${posX}px, ${posY}px)` |
} |
let toolbarData = null |
let toolbarNodes = {} |
// construct the toolbar if it wasn't already
const initToolbar = function () { |
if (toolbarData) return |
let showUpdates = document.createElement('input') |
showUpdates.type = 'checkbox' |
showUpdates.addEventListener('change', e => { |
drawData.showUpdates = showUpdates.checked |
}) |
let fancyGraphics = document.createElement('input') |
fancyGraphics.type = 'checkbox' |
fancyGraphics.value = !! |
fancyGraphics.addEventListener('change', e => { |
|||| = +fancyGraphics.checked |
}) |
toolbarData = { |
cursor: { |
title: 'Cursor', |
Position: '', |
Style: '', |
Visible: true, |
Hanging: false |
}, |
internal: { |
Flags: '', |
'Cursor Attributes': '', |
'Code Page': '', |
Heap: 0, |
Clients: 0 |
}, |
drawing: { |
title: 'Drawing', |
'Last Update': '', |
'Show Updates': showUpdates, |
'Fancy Graphics': fancyGraphics, |
'Redraw Screen': () => { |
screen.layout.renderer.resetDrawn() |
screen.layout.renderer.draw('debug-redraw') |
} |
} |
} |
for (let i in toolbarData) { |
let group = toolbarData[i] |
let table = document.createElement('table') |
table.classList.add('toolbar-group') |
toolbarNodes[i] = {} |
for (let key in group) { |
let item = document.createElement('tr') |
let name = document.createElement('td') |
name.classList.add('name') |
let value = document.createElement('td') |
value.classList.add('value') |
toolbarNodes[i][key] = { name, value } |
if (key === 'title') { |
name.textContent = group[key] |
name.classList.add('title') |
} else { |
name.textContent = key |
if (group[key] instanceof Function) { |
name.textContent = '' |
let button = document.createElement('button') |
name.classList.add('has-button') |
name.appendChild(button) |
button.textContent = key |
button.addEventListener('click', e => group[key](e)) |
} else if (group[key] instanceof window.Node) value.appendChild(group[key]) |
else value.textContent = group[key] |
} |
item.appendChild(name) |
item.appendChild(value) |
table.appendChild(item) |
} |
toolbar.appendChild(table) |
} |
let heartbeat = toolbarNodes.heartbeat = document.createElement('div') |
heartbeat.classList.add('heartbeat') |
heartbeat.textContent = '❤' |
toolbar.appendChild(heartbeat) |
} |
connection.on('heartbeat', () => { |
if (screenAttached && toolbarNodes.heartbeat) { |
toolbarNodes.heartbeat.classList.remove('beat') |
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
toolbarNodes.heartbeat.classList.add('beat') |
}) |
} |
}) |
updateToolbar = function () { |
initToolbar() |
Object.assign(toolbarData.cursor, { |
Position: `col ${screen.cursor.x + 1}, ln ${screen.cursor.y + 1}`, |
Style: + (screen.cursor.blinking ? ', blink' : ''), |
Visible: screen.cursor.visible, |
Hanging: screen.cursor.hanging |
}) |
let drawTime = Math.round((drawData.endTime - drawData.startTime) * 100) / 100 |
toolbarData.drawing['Last Update'] = `${drawData.reason} (${drawTime}ms)` |
toolbarData.drawing['Fancy Graphics'].checked = !! |
for (let i in toolbarData) { |
let group = toolbarData[i] |
let nodes = toolbarNodes[i] |
for (let key in group) { |
if (key === 'title') continue |
let value = nodes[key].value |
if (!(group[key] instanceof window.Node) && !(group[key] instanceof Function)) { |
value.textContent = group[key] |
} |
} |
} |
} |
screen.on('update', updateToolbar) |
screen.on('internal', data => { |
if (screenAttached && toolbarData) { |
Object.assign(toolbarData.internal, { |
Flags: data.flags.toString(2), |
'Cursor Attributes': data.cursorAttrs.toString(2), |
'Code Page': `${data.charsetGx} (${data.charsetG0}, ${data.charsetG1})`, |
Heap: data.freeHeap, |
Clients: data.clientCount |
}) |
drawData.scrollRegion = [data.regionStart, data.regionEnd] |
updateToolbar() |
} |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ |
const { mk } = require('../utils') |
module.exports = function attachDebugScreen (screen) { |
const debugCanvas = mk('canvas') |
const ctx = debugCanvas.getContext('2d') |
debugCanvas.classList.add('debug-canvas') |
let mouseHoverCell = null |
let updateToolbar |
let onMouseMove = e => { |
mouseHoverCell = screen.screenToGrid(e.offsetX, e.offsetY) |
startDrawing() |
updateToolbar() |
} |
let onMouseOut = () => (mouseHoverCell = null) |
let addCanvas = function () { |
if (!debugCanvas.parentNode) { |
screen.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(debugCanvas) |
screen.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) |
screen.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) |
} |
} |
let removeCanvas = function () { |
if (debugCanvas.parentNode) { |
debugCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(debugCanvas) |
screen.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) |
screen.canvas.removeEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) |
onMouseOut() |
} |
} |
let updateCanvasSize = function () { |
let { width, height, devicePixelRatio } = screen.window |
let cellSize = screen.getCellSize() |
debugCanvas.width = width * cellSize.width * devicePixelRatio |
debugCanvas.height = height * cellSize.height * devicePixelRatio |
|||| = `${width * cellSize.width}px` |
|||| = `${height * cellSize.height}px` |
} |
let drawInfo = mk('div') |
drawInfo.classList.add('draw-info') |
let startTime, endTime, lastReason |
let cells = new Map() |
let clippedRects = [] |
let updateFrames = [] |
let startDrawing |
screen._debug = { |
drawStart (reason) { |
lastReason = reason |
startTime = |
clippedRects = [] |
}, |
drawEnd () { |
endTime = |
console.log(drawInfo.textContent = `Draw: ${lastReason} (${(endTime - startTime)} ms) with graphics=${}`) |
startDrawing() |
}, |
setCell (cell, flags) { |
cells.set(cell, [flags,]) |
}, |
clipRect (...args) { |
clippedRects.push(args) |
}, |
pushFrame (frame) { |
frame.push( |
updateFrames.push(frame) |
startDrawing() |
} |
} |
let clipPattern |
{ |
let patternCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') |
patternCanvas.width = patternCanvas.height = 12 |
let pctx = patternCanvas.getContext('2d') |
pctx.lineWidth = 1 |
pctx.strokeStyle = '#00f' |
pctx.beginPath() |
pctx.moveTo(0, 0) |
pctx.lineTo(0 - 4, 12) |
pctx.moveTo(4, 0) |
pctx.lineTo(4 - 4, 12) |
pctx.moveTo(8, 0) |
pctx.lineTo(8 - 4, 12) |
pctx.moveTo(12, 0) |
pctx.lineTo(12 - 4, 12) |
pctx.moveTo(16, 0) |
pctx.lineTo(16 - 4, 12) |
pctx.stroke() |
clipPattern = ctx.createPattern(patternCanvas, 'repeat') |
} |
let isDrawing = false |
let lastDrawTime = 0 |
let t = 0 |
let drawLoop = function () { |
if (isDrawing) window.requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop) |
let dt = ( - lastDrawTime) / 1000 |
lastDrawTime = |
t += dt |
let { devicePixelRatio, width, height } = screen.window |
let { width: cellWidth, height: cellHeight } = screen.getCellSize() |
let screenLength = width * height |
let now = |
ctx.setTransform(devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, devicePixelRatio, 0, 0) |
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width * cellWidth, height * cellHeight) |
let activeCells = 0 |
for (let cell = 0; cell < screenLength; cell++) { |
if (!cells.has(cell) || cells.get(cell)[0] === 0) continue |
let [flags, timestamp] = cells.get(cell) |
let elapsedTime = (now - timestamp) / 1000 |
if (elapsedTime > 1) continue |
activeCells++ |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 * Math.max(0, 1 - elapsedTime) |
let x = cell % width |
let y = Math.floor(cell / width) |
if (flags & 1) { |
// redrawn
ctx.fillStyle = '#f0f' |
} |
if (flags & 2) { |
// updated
ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0' |
} |
ctx.fillRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) |
if (flags & 4) { |
// wide cell
ctx.lineWidth = 2 |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00' |
ctx.strokeRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) |
} |
} |
if (clippedRects.length) { |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 |
ctx.beginPath() |
for (let rect of clippedRects) { |
ctx.rect(...rect) |
} |
ctx.fillStyle = clipPattern |
ctx.fill() |
} |
let didDrawUpdateFrames = false |
if (updateFrames.length) { |
let framesToDelete = [] |
for (let frame of updateFrames) { |
let time = frame[4] |
let elapsed = - time |
if (elapsed > 1000) framesToDelete.push(frame) |
else { |
didDrawUpdateFrames = true |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - elapsed / 1000 |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0' |
ctx.lineWidth = 2 |
ctx.strokeRect(frame[0] * cellWidth, frame[1] * cellHeight, frame[2] * cellWidth, frame[3] * cellHeight) |
} |
} |
for (let frame of framesToDelete) { |
updateFrames.splice(updateFrames.indexOf(frame), 1) |
} |
} |
if (mouseHoverCell) { |
|||| |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 |
ctx.lineWidth = 1 + 0.5 * Math.sin(t * 10) |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff' |
ctx.lineJoin = 'round' |
ctx.setLineDash([2, 2]) |
ctx.lineDashOffset = t * 10 |
ctx.strokeRect(mouseHoverCell[0] * cellWidth, mouseHoverCell[1] * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) |
ctx.lineDashOffset += 2 |
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000' |
ctx.strokeRect(mouseHoverCell[0] * cellWidth, mouseHoverCell[1] * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) |
ctx.restore() |
} |
if (activeCells === 0 && !mouseHoverCell && !didDrawUpdateFrames) { |
isDrawing = false |
removeCanvas() |
} |
} |
startDrawing = function () { |
if (isDrawing) return |
addCanvas() |
updateCanvasSize() |
isDrawing = true |
lastDrawTime = |
drawLoop() |
} |
// debug toolbar
const toolbar = mk('div') |
toolbar.classList.add('debug-toolbar') |
let toolbarAttached = false |
const dataDisplay = mk('div') |
dataDisplay.classList.add('data-display') |
toolbar.appendChild(dataDisplay) |
const internalDisplay = mk('div') |
internalDisplay.classList.add('internal-display') |
toolbar.appendChild(internalDisplay) |
toolbar.appendChild(drawInfo) |
const buttons = mk('div') |
buttons.classList.add('toolbar-buttons') |
toolbar.appendChild(buttons) |
{ |
const redraw = mk('button') |
redraw.textContent = 'Redraw' |
redraw.addEventListener('click', e => { |
screen.renderer.resetDrawn() |
screen.renderer.draw('debug-redraw') |
}) |
buttons.appendChild(redraw) |
const fancyGraphics = mk('button') |
fancyGraphics.textContent = 'Toggle Graphics' |
fancyGraphics.addEventListener('click', e => { |
|||| = +! |
}) |
buttons.appendChild(fancyGraphics) |
} |
const attachToolbar = function () { |
screen.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(toolbar) |
} |
const detachToolbar = function () { |
toolbar.parentNode.removeChild(toolbar) |
} |
screen.on('update-window:debug', debug => { |
if (debug !== toolbarAttached) { |
toolbarAttached = debug |
if (debug) attachToolbar() |
else { |
detachToolbar() |
removeCanvas() |
} |
} |
}) |
const displayCellAttrs = attrs => { |
let result = attrs.toString(16) |
if (attrs & 1 || attrs & 2) { |
result += ':has(' |
if (attrs & 1) result += 'fg' |
if (attrs & 2) result += (attrs & 1 ? ',' : '') + 'bg' |
result += ')' |
} |
let attributes = [] |
if (attrs & (1 << 2)) attributes.push('\\[bold]bold\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 3)) attributes.push('\\[underline]underln\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 4)) attributes.push('\\[invert]invert\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 5)) attributes.push('blink') |
if (attrs & (1 << 6)) attributes.push('\\[italic]italic\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 7)) attributes.push('\\[strike]strike\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 8)) attributes.push('\\[overline]overln\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 9)) attributes.push('\\[faint]faint\\()') |
if (attrs & (1 << 10)) attributes.push('fraktur') |
if (attributes.length) result += ':' + attributes.join() |
return result.trim() |
} |
const formatColor = color => color < 256 ? color : `#${`000000${(color - 256).toString(16)}`.substr(-6)}` |
const getCellData = cell => { |
if (cell < 0 || cell > screen.screen.length) return '(-)' |
let cellAttrs = screen.renderer.drawnScreenAttrs[cell] | 0 |
let cellFG = screen.renderer.drawnScreenFG[cell] | 0 |
let cellBG = screen.renderer.drawnScreenBG[cell] | 0 |
let fgText = formatColor(cellFG) |
let bgText = formatColor(cellBG) |
fgText += `\\[color=${screen.renderer.getColor(cellFG).replace(/ /g, '')}]●\\[]` |
bgText += `\\[color=${screen.renderer.getColor(cellBG).replace(/ /g, '')}]●\\[]` |
let cellCode = (screen.renderer.drawnScreen[cell] || '').codePointAt(0) | 0 |
let hexcode = cellCode.toString(16).toUpperCase() |
if (hexcode.length < 4) hexcode = `0000${hexcode}`.substr(-4) |
hexcode = `U+${hexcode}` |
let x = cell % screen.window.width |
let y = Math.floor(cell / screen.window.width) |
return `((${y},${x})=${cell}:\\[bold]${hexcode}\\[]:F${fgText}:B${bgText}:A(${displayCellAttrs(cellAttrs)}))` |
} |
const setFormattedText = (node, text) => { |
node.innerHTML = '' |
let match |
let attrs = {} |
let pushSpan = content => { |
let span = mk('span') |
node.appendChild(span) |
span.textContent = content |
for (let key in attrs) span[key] = attrs[key] |
} |
while ((match = text.match(/\\\[(.*?)\]/))) { |
if (match.index > 0) pushSpan(text.substr(0, match.index)) |
attrs = { style: '' } |
let data = match[1].split(' ') |
for (let attr of data) { |
if (!attr) continue |
let key, value |
if (attr.indexOf('=') > -1) { |
key = attr.substr(0, attr.indexOf('=')) |
value = attr.substr(attr.indexOf('=') + 1) |
} else { |
key = attr |
value = true |
} |
if (key === 'color') console.log(value) |
if (key === 'bold') += 'font-weight:bold;' |
if (key === 'italic') += 'font-style:italic;' |
if (key === 'underline') += 'text-decoration:underline;' |
if (key === 'invert') += 'background:#000;filter:invert(1);' |
if (key === 'strike') += 'text-decoration:line-through;' |
if (key === 'overline') += 'text-decoration:overline;' |
if (key === 'faint') += 'opacity:0.5;' |
else if (key === 'color') += `color:${value};` |
else attrs[key] = value |
} |
text = text.substr(match.index + match[0].length) |
} |
if (text) pushSpan(text) |
} |
let internalInfo = {} |
updateToolbar = () => { |
if (!toolbarAttached) return |
let text = `C((${screen.cursor.y},${screen.cursor.x}),hang:${screen.cursor.hanging},vis:${screen.cursor.visible})` |
if (mouseHoverCell) { |
text += ' m' + getCellData(mouseHoverCell[1] * screen.window.width + mouseHoverCell[0]) |
} |
setFormattedText(dataDisplay, text) |
if ('flags' in internalInfo) { |
// we got ourselves some internal data
let text = ' ' |
text += ` flags:${internalInfo.flags.toString(2)}` |
text += ` curAttrs:${internalInfo.cursorAttrs.toString(2)}` |
text += ` Region:${internalInfo.regionStart}->${internalInfo.regionEnd}` |
text += ` Charset:${internalInfo.charsetGx} (0:${internalInfo.charsetG0},1:${internalInfo.charsetG1})` |
text += ` Heap:${internalInfo.freeHeap}` |
text += ` Clients:${internalInfo.clientCount}` |
setFormattedText(internalDisplay, text) |
} |
} |
screen.on('draw', updateToolbar) |
screen.on('internal', data => { |
internalInfo = data |
updateToolbar() |
}) |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
// Bits in the cell attribs word
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ |
exports.ATTR_FG = (1 << 0) // 1 if not using default background color (ignore cell bg) - color extension bit
exports.ATTR_BG = (1 << 1) // 1 if not using default foreground color (ignore cell fg) - color extension bit
exports.ATTR_BOLD = (1 << 2) // Bold font
exports.ATTR_UNDERLINE = (1 << 3) // Underline decoration
exports.ATTR_INVERSE = (1 << 4) // Invert colors - this is useful so we can clear then with SGR manipulation commands
exports.ATTR_BLINK = (1 << 5) // Blinking
exports.ATTR_ITALIC = (1 << 6) // Italic font
exports.ATTR_STRIKE = (1 << 7) // Strike-through decoration
exports.ATTR_OVERLINE = (1 << 8) // Over-line decoration
exports.ATTR_FAINT = (1 << 9) // Faint foreground color (reduced alpha)
exports.ATTR_FRAKTUR = (1 << 10) // Fraktur font (unicode substitution)
/* eslint-enable no-multi-spaces */ |
@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ |
const EventEmitter = require('events') |
const CanvasRenderer = require('./screen_renderer') |
const DEFAULT_FONT = '"DejaVu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Inconsolata", "Menlo", monospace' |
/** |
* Manages terminal screen layout and sizing |
*/ |
module.exports = class ScreenLayout extends EventEmitter { |
constructor () { |
super() |
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas') |
this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(this.canvas) |
this._window = { |
width: 0, |
height: 0, |
devicePixelRatio: 1, |
fontFamily: DEFAULT_FONT, |
fontSize: 20, |
padding: 6, |
gridScaleX: 1.0, |
gridScaleY: 1.2, |
fitIntoWidth: 0, |
fitIntoHeight: 0, |
debug: false |
} |
// scaling caused by fitIntoWidth/fitIntoHeight
this._windowScale = 1 |
// actual padding, as it may be disabled by fullscreen mode etc.
this._padding = 0 |
// properties of this.window that require updating size and redrawing
this.windowState = { |
width: 0, |
height: 0, |
devicePixelRatio: 0, |
padding: 0, |
gridScaleX: 0, |
gridScaleY: 0, |
fontFamily: '', |
fontSize: 0, |
fitIntoWidth: 0, |
fitIntoHeight: 0 |
} |
this.charSize = { width: 0, height: 0 } |
const self = this |
// make writing to window update size and draw
this.window = new Proxy(this._window, { |
set (target, key, value) { |
if (target[key] !== value) { |
target[key] = value |
self.scheduleSizeUpdate() |
self.renderer.scheduleDraw(`window:${key}=${value}`) |
self.emit(`update-window:${key}`, value) |
} |
return true |
} |
}) |
this.on('update-window:debug', debug => { this.renderer.debug = debug }) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => this.emit('mousedown', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => this.emit('mousemove', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => this.emit('mouseup', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', e => this.emit('touchstart', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', e => this.emit('touchmove', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('touchend', e => this.emit('touchend', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('wheel', e => this.emit('wheel', e)) |
this.canvas.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => this.emit('contextmenu', e)) |
} |
/** |
* Schedule a size update in the next millisecond |
*/ |
scheduleSizeUpdate () { |
clearTimeout(this._scheduledSizeUpdate) |
this._scheduledSizeUpdate = setTimeout(() => this.updateSize(), 1) |
} |
get backgroundImage () { |
return |
} |
set backgroundImage (value) { |
|||| = value ? `url(${value})` : '' |
if (this.renderer.backgroundImage !== !!value) { |
this.renderer.backgroundImage = !!value |
this.renderer.resetDrawn() |
this.renderer.scheduleDraw('background-image') |
} |
} |
get selectable () { |
return this.canvas.classList.contains('selectable') |
} |
set selectable (selectable) { |
if (selectable) this.canvas.classList.add('selectable') |
else this.canvas.classList.remove('selectable') |
} |
/** |
* Returns a CSS font string with the current font settings and the |
* specified modifiers. |
* @param {Object} modifiers |
* @param {string} [] - the font style |
* @param {string} [modifiers.weight] - the font weight |
* @returns {string} a CSS font string |
*/ |
getFont (modifiers = {}) { |
let fontStyle = || 'normal' |
let fontWeight = modifiers.weight || 'normal' |
let fontFamily = this.window.fontFamily || '' |
if (fontFamily.length > 0) fontFamily += ',' |
fontFamily += DEFAULT_FONT |
return `${fontStyle} normal ${fontWeight} ${this.window.fontSize}px ${fontFamily}` |
} |
/** |
* Converts screen coordinates to grid coordinates. |
* @param {number} x - x in pixels |
* @param {number} y - y in pixels |
* @param {boolean} rounded - whether to round the coord, used for select highlighting |
* @returns {number[]} a tuple of (x, y) in cells |
*/ |
screenToGrid (x, y, rounded = false) { |
let cellSize = this.getCellSize() |
x = x / this._windowScale - this._padding |
y = y / this._windowScale - this._padding |
y = Math.floor(y / cellSize.height) |
if (this.renderer.drawnScreenLines[y]) x /= 2 // double size
x = Math.floor((x + (rounded ? cellSize.width / 2 : 0)) / cellSize.width) |
x = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.window.width - 1, x)) |
y = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.window.height - 1, y)) |
return [x, y] |
} |
/** |
* Converts grid coordinates to screen coordinates. |
* @param {number} x - x in cells |
* @param {number} y - y in cells |
* @param {boolean} [withScale] - when true, will apply window scale |
* @returns {number[]} a tuple of (x, y) in pixels |
*/ |
gridToScreen (x, y, withScale = false) { |
let cellSize = this.getCellSize() |
if (this.renderer.drawnScreenLines[y]) x *= 2 // double size
return [x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height].map(v => this._padding + (withScale ? v * this._windowScale : v)) |
} |
/** |
* Update the character size, used for calculating the cell size. |
* The space character is used for measuring. |
* @returns {Object} the character size with `width` and `height` in pixels |
*/ |
updateCharSize () { |
this.charSize = { |
width: this.renderer.getCharWidthFor(this.getFont()), |
height: this.window.fontSize |
} |
return this.charSize |
} |
/** |
* The cell size, which is the character size multiplied by the grid scale. |
* @returns {Object} the cell size with `width` and `height` in pixels |
*/ |
getCellSize () { |
if (!this.charSize.height && this.window.fontSize) this.updateCharSize() |
return { |
width: Math.ceil(this.charSize.width * this.window.gridScaleX), |
height: Math.ceil(this.charSize.height * this.window.gridScaleY) |
} |
} |
/** |
* Updates the canvas size if it changed |
*/ |
updateSize () { |
// see below (this is just updating it)
this._window.devicePixelRatio = Math.ceil(this._windowScale * (window.devicePixelRatio || 1)) |
let didChange = false |
for (let key in this.windowState) { |
if (this.windowState.hasOwnProperty(key) && this.windowState[key] !== this.window[key]) { |
didChange = true |
this.windowState[key] = this.window[key] |
} |
} |
if (didChange) { |
const { |
width, |
height, |
fitIntoWidth, |
fitIntoHeight, |
padding |
} = this.window |
this.updateCharSize() |
const cellSize = this.getCellSize() |
// real height of the canvas element in pixels
let realWidth = width * cellSize.width |
let realHeight = height * cellSize.height |
let originalWidth = realWidth |
if (fitIntoWidth && fitIntoHeight) { |
let terminalAspect = realWidth / realHeight |
let fitAspect = fitIntoWidth / fitIntoHeight |
if (terminalAspect < fitAspect) { |
// align heights
realHeight = fitIntoHeight - 2 * padding |
realWidth = realHeight * terminalAspect |
} else { |
// align widths
realWidth = fitIntoWidth - 2 * padding |
realHeight = realWidth / terminalAspect |
} |
} |
// store new window scale
this._windowScale = realWidth / originalWidth |
realWidth += 2 * padding |
realHeight += 2 * padding |
// store padding
this._padding = padding * (originalWidth / realWidth) |
// the DPR must be rounded to a very nice value to prevent gaps between cells
let devicePixelRatio = this._window.devicePixelRatio = Math.ceil(this._windowScale * (window.devicePixelRatio || 1)) |
this.canvas.width = (width * cellSize.width + 2 * Math.round(this._padding)) * devicePixelRatio |
|||| = `${realWidth}px` |
this.canvas.height = (height * cellSize.height + 2 * Math.round(this._padding)) * devicePixelRatio |
|||| = `${realHeight}px` |
// the screen has been cleared (by changing canvas width)
this.renderer.resetDrawn() |
this.renderer.render('update-size', this.serializeRenderData()) |
this.emit('size-update') |
} |
} |
serializeRenderData () { |
return { |
padding: Math.round(this._padding), |
devicePixelRatio: this.window.devicePixelRatio, |
charSize: this.charSize, |
cellSize: this.getCellSize(), |
fonts: [ |
this.getFont(), |
this.getFont({ weight: 'bold' }), |
this.getFont({ style: 'italic' }), |
this.getFont({ weight: 'bold', style: 'italic' }) |
] |
} |
} |
render (reason, data) { |
this.window.width = data.width |
this.window.height = data.height |
Object.assign(data, this.serializeRenderData()) |
this.renderer.render(reason, data) |
} |
} |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
#! /usr/bin/env php |
<?php |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php'; |
$selected = array_slice($argv, 1); |
$output = []; |
foreach ($selected as $key) { |
$output[$key] = tr($key); |
} |
fwrite(STDOUT, json_encode($output, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); |
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* This is a Webpack loader that loads the language data by running |
* dump_selected.php. |
*/ |
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process') |
const path = require('path') |
const selectedKeys = require('./js-keys') |
module.exports = function (source) { |
let child = spawnSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '_js-dump.php'), selectedKeys, { |
timeout: 1000 |
}) |
let data |
try { |
data = JSON.parse(child.stdout.toString().trim()) |
} catch (err) { |
console.error(`\x1b[31;1m[lang-loader] Failed to parse JSON:`) |
console.error(child.stdout.toString().trim()) |
console.error(`\x1b[m`) |
if (err) throw err |
} |
// adapted from webpack/loader-utils
let remainingRequest = this.remainingRequest |
if (!remainingRequest) { |
remainingRequest = this.loaders.slice(this.loaderIndex + 1) |
.map(obj => obj.request) |
.concat([this.resource]).join('!') |
} |
let currentRequest = this.currentRequest |
if (!currentRequest) { |
remainingRequest = this.loaders.slice(this.loaderIndex) |
.map(obj => obj.request) |
.concat([this.resource]).join('!') |
} |
let map = { |
version: 3, |
file: currentRequest, |
sourceRoot: '', |
sources: [remainingRequest], |
sourcesContent: [source], |
names: [], |
mappings: 'AAAA;AAAA' |
} |
this.callback(null, |
`/* Generated language file */\n` + |
`module.exports=${JSON.stringify(data)}\n`, map) |
} |
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
return [ |
'menu.cfg_wifi' => 'WiFi Beállítások', |
'menu.cfg_network' => 'Hálózati beállítások', |
'menu.cfg_term' => 'Terminál beállítások', |
'menu.about' => 'Az ESPTerm-ről', |
'' => 'Gyors referencia', |
'menu.term' => 'Vissza a terminálba', |
'menu.cfg_system' => 'Rendszer beállítások', |
'menu.cfg_wifi_conn' => 'Csatlakozás a hálózathoz', |
'menu.settings' => 'Beállítások', |
// Terminal page |
'title.term' => 'Terminál', // page title of the terminal page |
'term_nav.fullscreen' => 'Teljesképernyő', |
'term_nav.config' => 'Beállítás', |
'term_nav.wifi' => 'WiFi', |
'' => 'Segítség', |
'term_nav.about' => 'Info', |
'term_nav.paste' => 'Beillesztés', |
'term_nav.upload' => 'Feltöltés', |
'term_nav.keybd' => 'Billentyűzet', |
'term_nav.paste_prompt' => 'Szöveg beillesztése és küldése:', |
'term_conn.connecting' => 'Csatlakozás', |
'term_conn.waiting_content' => 'Várakozás a csatlakozásra', |
'term_conn.disconnected' => 'Kapcsolat bontva', |
'term_conn.waiting_server' => 'Várakozás a kiszolgálóra', |
'term_conn.reconnecting' => 'Újracsatlakozás', |
// Terminal settings page |
'term.defaults' => 'Alap beállítások', |
'' => 'Haladó beállítások', |
'term.explain_initials' => ' |
Ezek az alap beállítások amik az ESPTerm bekapcsolása után, |
vagy amikor képernyő reset parancsa érkezikd (<code>\ec</code>). |
Ezek megváltoztathatóak egy terminál alkalmzás és escape szekveciák segítségével. |
', |
'term.explain_expert' => ' |
Ezek haladó beállítási opciók amiket általában nem kell megváltoztatni. |
Csak akkor változtass rajta ha tudod mit csinálsz!', |
'term.example' => 'Alapértelmezet színek előnézete', |
'term.explain_scheme' => ' |
Az alapértelmezett szöveg és háttér szín kiválasztásához kattints a |
paletta előnézet gombra. Alternatíva: használd a 0-15 számokat a téma színekhez, |
16-255 számokat a normál színekhez és hexa (#FFFFFF) a True Color (24-bit) színekhez. |
', |
'term.fgbg_presets' => 'Alapértelmezett beállítások', |
'term.color_scheme' => 'Szín séma', |
'term.reset_screen' => 'A képernyő olvasó alapállapotba állítása', |
'term.term_title' => 'Fejléc szöveg', |
'term.term_width' => 'Szélesség', |
'term.term_height' => 'Magasség', |
'term.buttons' => 'Gomb cimkék', |
'term.theme' => 'Szín paletta', |
'term.cursor_shape' => 'Kurzor stílus', |
'term.parser_tout_ms' => 'Olvasó időtúllépés', |
'term.display_tout_ms' => 'Újrarajzolás késleltetése', |
'term.display_cooldown_ms' => 'Újrarajzolás cooldown', |
'term.allow_decopt_12' => '\e?12h/l engedélyezés', |
'term.fn_alt_mode' => 'SS3 Fn gombok', |
'term.show_config_links' => 'Navigációs linkek mutatása', |
'term.show_buttons' => 'Gombok mutatása', |
'term.loopback' => 'Helyi visszajelzés (<span style="text-decoration:overline">SRM</span>)', |
'term.crlf_mode' => 'Enter = CR+LF (LNM)', |
'term.want_all_fn' => 'F5, F11, F12 elfogása', |
'term.button_msgs' => 'Gomb kódok<br>(ASCII, dec, CSV)', |
'term.color_fg' => 'Alap előtér.', |
'term.color_bg' => 'Alap háttér', |
'term.color_fg_prev' => 'Előtér', |
'term.color_bg_prev' => 'Háttér', |
'term.colors_preview' => '', |
'term.debugbar' => 'Belső állapot hibakeresés', |
'term.ascii_debug' => 'Kontroll kódok mutatása', |
'term.backdrop' => 'Háttérkép', |
'term.button_count' => 'Gomb szám', |
'term.button_colors' => 'Gomb színek', |
'term.font_stack' => 'Betű típus', |
'term.font_size' => 'Betű méret', |
'cursor.block_blink' => 'Blokk, villog', |
'cursor.block_steady' => 'Blokk, fix', |
'cursor.underline_blink' => 'Aláhúzás, villog', |
'cursor.underline_steady' => 'Aláhúzás, fix', |
'cursor.bar_blink' => 'I, villog', |
'cursor.bar_steady' => 'I, fix', |
// Text upload dialog |
'upload.title' => 'Szöveg feltöltése', |
'upload.prompt' => 'Szöveg fájl betöltése:', |
'upload.endings' => 'Sor vége:', |
'' => 'CR (Enter gomb)', |
'upload.endings.crlf' => 'CR LF (Windows)', |
'upload.endings.lf' => 'LF (Linux)', |
'upload.chunk_delay' => 'Chunk késleltetés (ms):', |
'upload.chunk_size' => 'Chunk méret (0=line):', |
'upload.progress' => 'Feltöltés:', |
// Network config page |
'net.explain_sta' => ' |
Kapcsold ki a dinamikus IP címet a statikus cím beállításához.', |
'net.explain_ap' => ' |
Ezek a beállítások a beépített DHCP szervet és az AP módot befolyásolják.', |
'net.ap_dhcp_time' => 'Lízing idő', |
'net.ap_dhcp_start' => 'Kezdő IP cím', |
'net.ap_dhcp_end' => 'Záró IP cím', |
'net.ap_addr_ip' => 'Saját IP cím', |
'net.ap_addr_mask' => 'Hálózati maszk', |
'net.sta_dhcp_enable' => 'Dinamikus IP cím használata', |
'net.sta_addr_ip' => 'ESPTerm statikus IP címe', |
'net.sta_addr_mask' => 'Hálózati maszk', |
'net.sta_addr_gw' => 'Útválasztó IP címe', |
'net.ap' => 'DHCP Szerver (AP)', |
'net.sta' => 'DHCP Kliens (Station)', |
'net.sta_mac' => 'Állomás MAC címe', |
'net.ap_mac' => 'AP MAC címe', |
'net.details' => 'MAC címek', |
// Wifi config page |
'wifi.ap' => 'Beépített Access Point', |
'wifi.sta' => 'Kapcsolódás létező hálózathoz', |
'wifi.enable' => 'Engedélyezve', |
'wifi.tpw' => 'Adás teljesítmény', |
'wifi.ap_channel' => 'Csatorna', |
'wifi.ap_ssid' => 'AP SSID', |
'wifi.ap_password' => 'Jelszó', |
'wifi.ap_hidden' => 'SSID rejtése', |
'wifi.sta_info' => 'Kiválasztott', |
'wifi.not_conn' => 'Nincs csatlkoztatva.', |
'wifi.sta_none' => 'Egyiksem', |
'wifi.sta_active_pw' => '🔒 Jelszó elmentve', |
'wifi.sta_active_nopw' => '🔓 Szabad hozzáférés', |
'wifi.connected_ip_is' => 'Csatlakozva, az IP cím ', |
'wifi.sta_password' => 'Jelszó:', |
'wifi.scanning' => 'Keresés', |
'wifi.scan_now' => 'Kattints a keresés indításához!', |
'wifi.cant_scan_no_sta' => 'Kattints a kliens mód engedélyezéséhez és a keresés indításához!', |
'wifi.select_ssid' => 'Elérhető hálózatok:', |
'wifi.enter_passwd' => 'Jelszó a(z) ":ssid:" hálózathoz', |
'wifi.sta_explain' => 'A hálózat kiválasztása után nyomdj meg az Alkamaz gombot a csatlakozáshoz.', |
// Wifi connecting status page |
'wificonn.status' => 'Státusz:', |
'wificonn.back_to_config' => 'Vissza a WiFi beállításhoz', |
'wificonn.telemetry_lost' => 'Telemetria megszakadt; valami hiba történt, vagy az eszközöd elvesztette a kapcsolatot.', |
'wificonn.explain_android_sucks' => ' |
Ha okostelefonon kapcsolódsz az ESPTerm-hez, vagy amikor csatlakozol |
egy másik hálózatról, az eszközöd elveszítheti a kapcsolatot és |
ez az indikátor nem fog működni. Kérlek várj egy keveset (~ 15 másodpercet), |
és ellenőrizd, hogy a kapcsolat helyrejött-e.', |
'wificonn.explain_reset' => ' |
Az beépített AP engedélyezéséhez tarts lenyomva a BOOT gombot amíg a kék led |
villogni nem kezd. Tartsd addig lenyomva amíg a led el nem kezd gyorsan villogni |
a gyári alapállapot visszaállításához".', |
'wificonn.disabled' =>"Station mode letiltva.", |
'wificonn.idle' =>"Alapállapot, nincs csatlakozva és nincs IP címe.", |
'wificonn.success' => "Csatlakozva! Kaptam IP címet", |
'wificonn.working' => "Csatlakozás a beállított AP-hez", |
'' => "Csatlakozás nem sikerült, ellenőrizd a beállítások és próbáld újra. A hibaok: ", |
// Access restrictions form |
'pwlock.title' => 'Hozzáférés korlátozása', |
'pwlock.explain' => ' |
A web interfész néhany része vagy a teljes interfész jelszavas védelemmel látható el. |
Hagyd a jelszó mezőt üresen ha nem akarod megváltoztatni.<br> |
Az alapértelmezett jelszó "%def_access_pw%". |
', |
'pwlock.region' => 'Védett oldalak', |
'pwlock.region.none' => 'Egyiksem, minden hozzáférhető', |
'pwlock.region.settings_noterm' => 'WiFi, Hálózat és Rendszer beállítások', |
'pwlock.region.settings' => 'Minden beállítás oldal', |
'pwlock.region.menus' => 'Ez a teljes menű rész', |
'pwlock.region.all' => 'Minden, még a terminál is', |
'pwlock.new_access_pw' => 'Új jelszó', |
'pwlock.new_access_pw2' => 'Jelszó ismét', |
'pwlock.admin_pw' => 'Admin jelszó', |
'pwlock.access_name' => 'Felhasználó név', |
// Setting admin password |
'adminpw.title' => 'Admin jelszó megváltoztatása', |
'adminpw.explain' => |
' |
Az "admin jelszo" a tárolt alap beállítások módosításához és a hozzáférések |
változtatásához kell. Ez a jelszó nincs a többi beállítással egy helyre mentve, |
tehát a mentés és visszaállítás műveletek nem befolyásolják. |
Ha az admin jelszó elveszik akkor a legegyszerűbb módja a hozzáférés |
visszaszerzésére a chip újraflashselésere.<br> |
Az alap jelszó: "%def_admin_pw%". |
', |
'adminpw.new_admin_pw' => 'Új admin jelszó', |
'adminpw.new_admin_pw2' => 'Jelszó ismét', |
'adminpw.old_admin_pw' => 'Régi admin jelszó', |
// Persist form |
'persist.title' => 'Mentés & Visszaállítás', |
'persist.explain' => ' |
ESPTerm az összes beállítást Flash-be menti. Az aktív beállítások at lehet másolni |
a "alapértelmezett" területre és az később a lenti kék gombbal visszaállítható. |
', |
'persist.confirm_restore' => 'Minden beállítást visszaállítasz az "alap" értékre?', |
'persist.confirm_restore_hard' => |
'Visszaállítod a rendszer alap beállításait? Ez minden aktív ' . |
'beállítást törölni fog és AP módban az alap SSID-vel for újraindulni.', |
'persist.confirm_store_defaults' => |
'Add meg az admin jelszót az alapállapotba állítás megerősítéshez.', |
'persist.password' => 'Admin jelszó:', |
'persist.restore_defaults' => 'Mentett beállítások visszaállítása', |
'persist.write_defaults' => 'Aktív beállítások mentése alapértelmezetnek', |
'persist.restore_hard' => 'Gyári alapbeállítások betöltése', |
'persist.restore_hard_explain' => |
'(Ez törli a Wifi beállításokat, de nincs hatása az admin jelszóra.)', |
'backup.title' => 'Configurációs fájl biztonsági másolat készítés', |
'backup.explain' => 'Minden beállítás menthető és visszaállítható az admin jelszó kivételévelAll config except the admin password can be backed up and restored using egy .INI fájllal.', |
'backup.export' => 'Fáljbe exportálás', |
'backup.import' => 'Importálás!', |
// UART settings form |
'uart.title' => 'Soros port paraméterek', |
'uart.explain' => ' |
Ez a beállítás szabályozza a kommunikációs UART-ot. A hibakereső UART fix |
115.200 baud-val, egy stop-bittel és paritás bit nélkül működik. |
', |
'uart.baud' => 'Baud rate', |
'uart.parity' => 'Parity', |
'uart.parity.none' => 'Egyiksem', |
'uart.parity.odd' => 'Páratlan', |
'uart.parity.even' => 'Páros', |
'uart.stop_bits' => 'Stop-bit', |
'' => 'Egy', |
'uart.stop_bits.one_and_half' => 'Másfél', |
'uart.stop_bits.two' => 'Kettő', |
// HW tuning form |
'hwtuning.title' => 'Hardware Tuning', |
'hwtuning.explain' => ' |
ESP8266-t órajelét lehetséges 80 MHz-ről 160 MHz-re emelni. Ettől |
jobb válaszidők és gyakoribb képernyő frissítések várhatóak, viszont megnövekszik |
az energia felhasználás. Az interferencia esélye is megnő. |
Ovatosan használd!. |
', |
'hwtuning.overclock' => 'Órajel emelése 160MHz-re', |
'gpio2_config' => 'GPIO2 function', // TODO translate |
'gpio4_config' => 'GPIO4 function', |
'gpio5_config' => 'GPIO5 function', |
'' => 'Disabled', |
'gpio_config.off_2' => 'Debug UART Tx', |
'gpio_config.out_initial0' => 'Output (initial 0)', |
'gpio_config.out_initial1' => 'Output (initial 1)', |
'gpio_config.in_pull' => 'Input (pull-up)', |
'gpio_config.in_nopull' => 'Input (floating)', |
// Generic button / dialog labels |
'apply' => 'Alkalmaz', |
'start' => 'Start', |
'cancel' => 'Mégse', |
'enabled' => 'Engedélyezve', |
'disabled' => 'Letiltva', |
'yes' => 'Igen', |
'no' => 'Nem', |
'confirm' => 'OK', |
'copy' => 'Másolás', |
'form_errors' => 'Validációs hiba:', |
]; |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
// define language keys used by JS here
module.exports = [ |
'wifi.connected_ip_is', |
'wifi.not_conn', |
'wifi.enter_passwd', |
'term_nav.fullscreen', |
'term_conn.connecting', |
'term_conn.waiting_content', |
'term_conn.disconnected', |
'term_conn.waiting_server', |
'term_conn.reconnecting' |
] |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
<div class="Box fold"> |
<h2>Remote GPIO Control</h2> |
<div class="Row v"> |
<p> |
ESPTerm provides a simple API to remotely control and read GPIO pins GPIO2, GPIO4, and GPIO5. |
The main use of this API is to remotely reset a device that communicates with ESPTerm |
through the UART. |
</p> |
<p> |
GPIO2 is normally used for debug UART, so when used as GPIO, debug logging is disabled. You |
can configure the pin functions in <a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.
</p> |
<p> |
The GPIO control endpoint is `/api/v1/gpio`, with optional GET arguments: |
</p> |
<ul> |
<li>`do2=<i>x</i>` - set GPIO2 level. <i>x</i> can be `0`, `1`, or `t` to toggle the pin. |
<li>`do4=<i>x</i>` - set GPIO4 level |
<li>`do5=<i>x</i>` - set GPIO5 level |
<li>`pulse=<i>ms</i>` - the command starts a pulse. After the given amount of time |
(milliseconds) has elapsed, the pins are set to the opposite levels than what was specified |
(in the case of toggle, the original pin state) |
</ul> |
<p> |
A quick example: <a href="/api/v1/gpio?do4=1&pulse=500">`/api/v1/gpio?do4=1&pulse=500`</a> |
sends a 500ms long positive pulse on GPIO4. |
</p> |
<p> |
The GPIO endpoint always returns a JSON object like this: `{"io2":0,"io4":1,"io5":0}`, showing |
the current input levels. Input reading works always, regardless of the GPIO settings. |
</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
Reference in new issue