Add commands and things

cpsdqs 7 years ago
parent 8d994009fb
commit cc1dae16bc
Signed by untrusted user: cpsdqs
GPG Key ID: 3F59586BB7448DD1
  1. 150

@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ class ANSIParser {
let type = numbers[0]
if (type === 1) this.handler('set-attrs', 1) // bold
else if (type === 2) this.handler('set-attrs', 1 << 1) // faint
else if (type === 3) this.handler('set-attrs', 1 << 2) // italic
else if (type === 4) this.handler('set-attrs', 1 << 3) // underline
else if (type === 5 || type === 6) this.handler('set-attrs', 1 << 4) // blink
else if (type === 7) this.handler('set-attrs', -1) // invert
else if (type === 9) this.handler('set-attrs', 1 << 6) // strike
else if (type === 20) this.handler('set-attrs', 1 << 5) // fraktur
if (type === 1) this.handler('add-attrs', 1) // bold
else if (type === 2) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 1) // faint
else if (type === 3) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 2) // italic
else if (type === 4) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 3) // underline
else if (type === 5 || type === 6) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 4) // blink
else if (type === 7) this.handler('add-attrs', -1) // invert
else if (type === 9) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 6) // strike
else if (type === 20) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 5) // fraktur
else if (type >= 30 && type <= 37) this.handler('set-color-fg', type % 10)
else if (type >= 40 && type <= 47) this.handler('set-color-bg', type % 10)
else if (type === 39) this.handler('set-color-fg', 7)
@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ class ScrollingTerminal { = Math.max(0, Math.min(6, args[0]))
} else if (action === 'reset-style') { = TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE
} else if (action === 'set-attrs') {
} else if (action === 'add-attrs') {
if (args[0] === -1) { = ( & 0xFF0000) | (( >> 8) & 0xFF) | (( & 0xFF) << 8)
} else { = ( & 0x00FFFF) | (args[0] << 16) |= (args[0] << 16)
} else if (action === 'set-color-fg') { = ( & 0xFFFF00) | args[0]
@ -360,22 +360,139 @@ let demoshIndex = {
'local-echo': class LocalEcho extends Process {
run (...args) {
if (!args.includes('--suppress-note')) {
this.emit('write', 'Note: not all terminal features are supported or bug-free in this demo\x1b[0m\r\n')
write (data) {
this.emit('write', data)
'print-demo': class PrintDemo extends Process {
run () {
// lots of printing
this.emit('write', '\r\n')
this.emit('write', '┌ESPTerm─Demo──')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[31m31\x1b[32m32\x1b[33m33\x1b[34m34\x1b[35m35\x1b[36m36\x1b[37m37')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[90m90\x1b[91m91\x1b[92m92\x1b[93m93\x1b[94m94\x1b[95m95\x1b[96m96\x1b[97m97')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[0m─────────────┐\r\n')
this.emit('write', '│')
for (let i = 0; i < 57; i++) this.emit('write', ' ')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', ' │││││││││\r\n')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[1mBold \x1b[m\x1b[2mFaint \x1b[m\x1b[3mItalic \x1b[m\x1b[4mUnderline\x1b[0m \x1b[m\x1b[5mBlink')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[m\x1b[7mInverse\x1b[m \x1b[9mStrike\x1b[m \x1b[20mFraktur \x1b[m')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', ' ──\x1b[100m \x1b[m──\r\n')
this.emit('write', '│')
for (let i = 0; i < 57; i++) this.emit('write', ' ')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', ' ──\x1b[100;30m ESP8266 \x1b[m──\r\n')
this.emit('write', '└')
for (let i = 0; i < 57; i++) this.emit('write', '─')
this.emit('write', '┤')
this.emit('write', ' ──\x1b[100m \x1b[m──\r\n')
for (let i = 0; i < 58; i++) this.emit('write', ' ')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', ' ──\x1b[100;30m (@)#### \x1b[m──\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[44;96m This is a demo of the ESPTerm Web Interface \x1b[m ')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', ' ──\x1b[100m \x1b[m──\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[44;96m \x1b[m ')
this.emit('write', '│')
this.emit('write', ' │││││││││\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[44;96m Try the links beneath this screen to browse the menu. \x1b[m ♦\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[44;96m \x1b[m\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[44;96m <°)))>< ESPTerm fully supports UTF-8 お は よ ー ><(((°> \x1b[m\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[44;96m \x1b[m\r\n')
this.emit('write', '\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[92mOther interesting features:\x1b[m ↓\r\n\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[32m- Almost full VT100 emulation \x1b[35m() ()')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[0m Funguje tu čeština!\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[34m- Xterm-like mouse tracking \x1b[37m==\x1b[100m°.°\x1b[40m==')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[35m<---,\r\n')
this.emit('write', " \x1b[33m- File upload utility \x1b[0m'' '' \x1b[35mmouse\r\n")
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[31m- User-friendly config interface\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[95m- Advanced WiFi & network settings')
for (let i = 0; i < 17; i++) this.emit('write', ' ')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[93mTry ESPTerm today!\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' \x1b[37m- Built-in help page')
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) this.emit('write', ' ')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[36m--> \x1b[93mPre-built binaries are\r\n')
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) this.emit('write', ' ')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[36mlink on the About page \x1b[93mavailable on GitHub!\r\n')
colors: class PrintColors extends Process {
run () {
this.emit('write', '\r\n')
let fgtext = 'foreground-color'
this.emit('write', ' ')
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
this.emit('write', '\x1b[' + (i < 8 ? `3${i}` : `9${i - 8}`) + 'm')
this.emit('write', fgtext[i] + ' ')
this.emit('write', '\r\n ')
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
this.emit('write', '\x1b[' + (i < 8 ? `4${i}` : `10${i - 8}`) + 'm ')
this.emit('write', '\x1b[m\r\n')
for (let r = 0; r < 6; r++) {
this.emit('write', ' ')
for (let g = 0; g < 6; g++) {
for (let b = 0; b < 6; b++) {
this.emit('write', `\x1b[48;5;${16 + r * 36 + g * 6 + b}m `)
this.emit('write', '\x1b[m')
this.emit('write', '\r\n')
this.emit('write', ' ')
for (let g = 0; g < 24; g++) {
this.emit('write', `\x1b[48;5;${232 + g}m `)
this.emit('write', '\x1b[m\r\n\n')
ls: class ListCommands extends Process {
run () {
this.emit('write', '\x1b[92mList of demo commands\x1b[m\r\n')
for (let i in demoshIndex) {
if (typeof demoshIndex[i] === 'string') continue
this.emit('write', i + '\r\n')
pwd: '/this/is/a/demo\r\n',
cd: '\x1b[38;5;239mNo directories to change to\r\n',
whoami: `${window.navigator.userAgent}\r\n`,
hostname: `${window.location.hostname}`,
uname: 'ESPTerm Demo\r\n',
mkdir: '\x1b[38;5;239mDid not create a directory because this is a demo.\r\n',
rm: '\x1b[38;5;239mDid not delete anything because this is a demo.\r\n',
cp: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to copy because this is a demo.\r\n',
mv: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to move because this is a demo.\r\n',
ln: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to link because this is a demo.\r\n',
touch: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to touch\r\n'
class DemoShell {
constructor (terminal) {
constructor (terminal, printDemo) {
this.terminal = terminal
this.parser = new ANSIParser((...args) => this.handleParsed(...args))
this.input = ''
this.cursorPos = 0
this.child = null
this.index = demoshIndex
if (printDemo)'print-demo')
else this.prompt()
write (text) {
if (this.child) {
@ -384,7 +501,7 @@ class DemoShell {
} else this.parser.write(text)
prompt (success = true) {
if (this.terminal.cursor.x !== 0) this.terminal.write('\x1b[38;5;238m⏎\r\n')
if (this.terminal.cursor.x !== 0) this.terminal.write('\x1b[m\x1b[38;5;238m⏎\r\n')
this.terminal.write('\x1b[34;1mdemosh \x1b[m')
if (!success) this.terminal.write('\x1b[31m')
this.terminal.write('$ \x1b[m')
@ -452,6 +569,7 @@ class DemoShell {
spawn (name, args = []) {
let Process = this.index[name]
if (Process instanceof Function) {
this.child = new Process(...args)
let write = data => this.terminal.write(data)
this.child.on('write', write)
@ -461,6 +579,10 @@ class DemoShell {
} else {
@ -480,6 +602,6 @@ window.demoInterface = {
init (screen) {
this.terminal = new ScrollingTerminal(screen) = new DemoShell(this.terminal) = new DemoShell(this.terminal, true)
