ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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return [
'appname' => 'ESPTerm',
'appname_demo' => 'ESPTerm<sup> DEMO</sup>',
'menu.cfg_wifi' => 'WiFi Settings',
'menu.cfg_network' => 'Network Settings',
'menu.cfg_term' => 'Terminal Settings',
'menu.about' => 'About ESPTerm',
'' => 'Quick Reference',
'menu.term' => 'Back to Terminal',
'menu.cfg_system' => 'System Settings',
'menu.cfg_wifi_conn' => 'Connecting to Network',
'menu.settings' => 'Settings',
'title.term' => 'Terminal',
'term_nav.config' => 'Config',
'term_nav.wifi' => 'WiFi',
'' => 'Help',
'term_nav.about' => 'About',
'term_nav.paste' => 'Paste',
'term_nav.upload' => 'Upload',
'term_nav.keybd' => 'Keyboard',
'term_nav.paste_prompt' => 'Paste text to send:',
'net.ap' => 'DHCP Server (AP)',
'net.sta' => 'DHCP Client (Station)',
'net.sta_mac' => 'Station MAC',
'net.ap_mac' => 'AP MAC',
'net.details' => 'MAC addresses',
'term.defaults' => 'Initial Settings',
'' => 'Expert Options',
'term.explain_initials' => '
Those are the initial settings used after ESPTerm powers on, or when the screen
8 years ago
reset command is received. They can be changed later by the terminal application
via control commands.
'term.explain_expert' => '
Those are advanced config options that usually don\'t need to be changed.
Edit them only if you know what you\'re doing.',
'term.example' => 'Default colors preview',
'term.explain_scheme' => '
To select default text and background color, click on the
preview palette. Alternatively, use numbers 0-15 for theme colors, 16-255 for standard
colors and hex (#FFFFFF) for True Color (24-bit).
'term.fgbg_presets' => 'Presets',
'term.color_scheme' => 'Color Scheme',
'term.reset_screen' => 'Reset screen & parser',
'term.term_title' => 'Header text',
'term.term_width' => 'Width',
'term.term_height' => 'Height',
'term.buttons' => 'Button labels',
'term.theme' => 'Color scheme',
'term.cursor_shape' => 'Cursor style',
'term.parser_tout_ms' => 'Parser timeout',
'term.display_tout_ms' => 'Redraw delay',
'term.display_cooldown_ms' => 'Redraw cooldown',
'term.fn_alt_mode' => 'SS3 Fn keys',
'term.show_config_links' => 'Show nav links',
'term.show_buttons' => 'Show buttons',
'term.loopback' => 'Local Echo (<span style="text-decoration:overline">SRM</span>)',
'term.crlf_mode' => 'CR+LF enter (LNM)',
'term.want_all_fn' => 'Capture all keys<br>(F5, F11, F12…)',
'term.button_msgs' => 'Button codes<br>(ASCII, dec, CSV)',
'term.color_fg' => 'Default fg.',
'term.color_bg' => 'Default bg.',
'term.color_fg_prev' => 'Fg. colors',
'term.color_bg_prev' => 'Bg. colors',
'term.colors_preview' => 'Defaults',
'cursor.block_blink' => 'Block, blinking',
'cursor.block_steady' => 'Block, steady',
'cursor.underline_blink' => 'Underline, blinking',
'cursor.underline_steady' => 'Underline, steady',
'cursor.bar_blink' => 'I-bar, blinking',
'cursor.bar_steady' => 'I-bar, steady',
// // terminal color labels
// 'color.0' => 'Black',
// 'color.1' => 'Red',
// 'color.2' => 'Green',
// 'color.3' => 'Yellow',
// 'color.4' => 'Blue',
// 'color.5' => 'Purple',
// 'color.6' => 'Cyan',
// 'color.7' => 'Silver',
// 'color.8' => 'Gray',
// 'color.9' => 'Light Red',
// 'color.10' => 'Light Green',
// 'color.11' => 'Light Yellow',
// 'color.12' => 'Light Blue',
// 'color.13' => 'Light Purple',
// 'color.14' => 'Light Cyan',
// 'color.15' => 'White',
'net.explain_sta' => '
Switch off Dynamic IP to configure the static IP address.',
'net.explain_ap' => '
Those settings affect the built-in DHCP server in AP mode.',
'net.ap_dhcp_time' => 'Lease time',
'net.ap_dhcp_start' => 'Pool start IP',
'net.ap_dhcp_end' => 'Pool end IP',
'net.ap_addr_ip' => 'Own IP address',
'net.ap_addr_mask' => 'Subnet mask',
'net.sta_dhcp_enable' => 'Use dynamic IP',
'net.sta_addr_ip' => 'ESPTerm static IP',
'net.sta_addr_mask' => 'Subnet mask',
'net.sta_addr_gw' => 'Gateway IP',
'wifi.ap' => 'Built-in Access Point',
'wifi.sta' => 'Join Existing Network',
'wifi.enable' => 'Enabled',
'wifi.tpw' => 'Transmit power',
'wifi.ap_channel' => 'Channel',
'wifi.ap_ssid' => 'AP SSID',
'wifi.ap_password' => 'Password',
'wifi.ap_hidden' => 'Hide SSID',
'wifi.sta_info' => 'Selected',
'wifi.not_conn' => 'Not connected.',
'wifi.sta_none' => 'None',
'wifi.sta_active_pw' => '🔒 Password saved',
'wifi.sta_active_nopw' => '🔓 Open access',
'wifi.connected_ip_is' => 'Connected, IP is ',
'wifi.sta_password' => 'Password:',
'wifi.scanning' => 'Scanning',
'wifi.scan_now' => 'Click here to start scanning!',
'wifi.cant_scan_no_sta' => 'Click here to enable client mode and start scanning!',
'wifi.select_ssid' => 'Available networks:',
'wifi.enter_passwd' => 'Enter password for ":ssid:"',
'wifi.sta_explain' => 'After selecting a network, press Apply to connect.',
'wifi.conn.status' => 'Status:',
'wifi.conn.back_to_config' => 'Back to WiFi config',
'wifi.conn.telemetry_lost' => 'Telemetry lost; something went wrong, or your device disconnected.',
'wifi.conn.explain_android_sucks' => '
If you\'re configuring ESPTerm via a smartphone, or were connected
from another external network, your device may lose connection and this
progress indicator won\'t work. Please wait a while (~ 15 seconds),
then check if the connection succeeded.',
'wifi.conn.explain_reset' => '
To force enable the built-in AP, hold the BOOT
button until the blue LED starts flashing. Hold the button longer (until the LED
flashes rapidly) for a "factory reset".',
'wifi.conn.disabled' =>"Station mode is disabled.",
'wifi.conn.idle' =>"Idle, not connected and has no IP.",
'wifi.conn.success' => "Connected! Received IP ",
'wifi.conn.working' => "Connecting to selected AP",
'' => "Connection failed, check settings & try again. Cause: ",
'system.save_restore' => 'Save & Restore',
'system.confirm_restore' => 'Restore all settings to their default values?',
'system.confirm_restore_hard' =>
'Restore to firmware default settings? This will reset ' .
'all active settings and switch to AP mode with the default SSID.',
'system.confirm_store_defaults' =>
'Enter admin password to confirm you want to overwrite the default settings.',
'system.password' => 'Admin password:',
'system.restore_defaults' => 'Reset to saved defaults',
'system.write_defaults' => 'Save active settings as defaults',
'system.restore_hard' => 'Reset active settings to factory defaults',
'system.restore_hard_explain' => '(This clears the WiFi config! Does not affect saved defaults or admin password.)',
'system.explain_persist' => '
ESPTerm saves all settings in Flash. The active settings can be copied to
the "defaults area" and restored later using the blue button below.
'system.uart' => 'Serial Port',
'system.explain_uart' => '
This form controls the communication UART. The debug UART is fixed
at 115.200 baud, one stop-bit and no parity.
'' => 'Access Restrictions',
'system.explain_security' => '
Some parts, or all of the web interface can be protected by a password prompt.
Leave the new password fields empty if you do not wish to change it.<br>
The default password is "%def_access_pw%".
'system.pwlock' => 'Protected pages',
'system.pwlock.none' => 'None, all open',
'system.pwlock.settings_noterm' => 'WiFi, Net & System settings',
'system.pwlock.settings' => 'All settings pages',
'system.pwlock.menus' => 'This entire menu section',
'system.pwlock.all' => 'Everything, even terminal',
'system.new_access_pw' => 'New password',
'system.new_access_pw2' => 'New pass., repeat',
'system.admin_pw' => 'Admin password',
'system.access_name' => 'Username',
'system.change_adminpw' => 'Change Admin Password',
'system.explain_adminpw' =>
The "admin password" is used to manipulate the stored default settings
and to change access restrictions. This password is not saved as part
of the main config, i.e. using save / restore does not affect this
password. When the admin password is forgotten, the easiest way to
re-gain access is to wipe and re-flash the chip.<br>
The default admin password is "%def_admin_pw%".
'system.new_admin_pw' => 'New admin pass.',
'system.new_admin_pw2' => 'New pass., repeat',
'system.old_admin_pw' => 'Old admin pass.',
'uart.baud' => 'Baud rate',
'uart.parity' => 'Parity',
'uart.parity.none' => 'None',
'uart.parity.odd' => 'Odd',
'uart.parity.even' => 'Even',
'uart.stop_bits' => 'Stop-bits',
'' => 'One',
'uart.stop_bits.one_and_half' => 'One and half',
'uart.stop_bits.two' => 'Two',
'apply' => 'Apply!',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'confirm' => 'OK',
'form_errors' => 'Validation errors for:',