Added content from old ESPTerm repo @ b8ed46cbea0b88730a2a6bad8375790158110910

Ondřej Hruška 8 years ago
commit 75496b8b00
  1. 10
  2. 86
  3. 3
  4. 50
  5. 186
  6. 50
  7. 0
  8. 23
  9. BIN
  10. 1
  11. BIN
  12. 93
  13. BIN
  14. 5
  15. BIN
  16. BIN
  17. BIN
  18. 50
  19. 0
  20. 189
  21. 703
  22. 310
  23. 8
  24. 44
  25. 32
  26. 6
  27. 134
  28. 262
  29. 378
  30. 146
  31. 161
  32. 163
  33. 180
  34. 14
  35. 20
  36. 36
  37. 13
  38. 69
  39. 98
  40. 90
  41. 203
  42. 123
  43. 89
  44. 20
  45. 80
  46. 199
  47. 63
  48. 103
  49. 254
  50. 84
  51. 17
  52. 65
  53. 26
  54. 33
  55. 93
  56. 108
  57. 17
  58. 439
  59. 55
  60. 57
  61. 58
  62. 58
  63. 82
  64. 204
  65. 13
  66. 52
  67. 41
  68. 179
  69. 60
  70. 9
  71. 18
  72. 111
  73. 95
  74. 22
  75. 411
  76. 87
  77. 26
  78. 48
  79. 25
  80. 25
  81. 64
  82. 25
  83. 30
  84. 31
  85. 27
  86. 26
  87. 26
  88. 48
  89. 66
  90. 25
  91. 51
  92. 113
  93. 34
  94. 63
  95. 29
  96. 43
  97. 3
  98. 3
  99. 42
  100. 55
  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Those replacements are done by the development server to test it locally
* without esphttpd. This is needed mainly for places where the replacements
* are given to JavaScript, to avoid syntax errors with
$vers = '???';
$f = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../user/version.h');
preg_match_all('/#define FW_V_.*? (\d+)/', $f, $vm);
#define FW_V_MAJOR 1
#define FW_V_MINOR 0
#define FW_V_PATCH 0
$vers = $vm[1][0].'.'.$vm[1][1].'.'.$vm[1][2];
return [
'term_title' => ESP_DEMO ? 'ESPTerm Web UI Demo' : 'ESPTerm local debug',
'btn1' => 'OK',
'btn2' => 'Cancel',
'btn3' => '',
'btn4' => '',
'btn5' => 'Help',
'bm1' => '01,'.ord('y'),
'bm2' => '01,'.ord('n'),
'bm3' => '',
'bm4' => '',
'bm5' => '05',
'labels_seq' => ESP_DEMO ? 'TESPTerm Web UI DemoOKCancelHelp' : 'TESPTerm local debugOKCancelHelp',
'parser_tout_ms' => 10,
'display_tout_ms' => 15,
'display_cooldown_ms' => 35,
'fn_alt_mode' => '1',
'opmode' => '2',
'sta_enable' => '1',
'ap_enable' => '1',
'tpw' => '60',
'ap_channel' => '7',
'ap_ssid' => 'TERM-027451',
'ap_password' => '',
'ap_hidden' => '0',
'sta_ssid' => 'Cisco',
'sta_password' => 'Passw0rd!',
'sta_active_ip' => ESP_DEMO ? '' : '',
'sta_active_ssid' => 'Cisco',
'vers_fw' => $vers,
'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
'time' => date('G:i'),
'vers_httpd' => '0.4',
'vers_sdk' => '010502',
'githubrepo' => '',
'ap_dhcp_time' => '120',
'ap_dhcp_start' => '',
'ap_dhcp_end' => '',
'ap_addr_ip' => '',
'ap_addr_mask' => '',
'sta_dhcp_enable' => '1',
'sta_addr_ip' => '',
'sta_addr_mask' => '',
'sta_addr_gw' => '',
'sta_mac' => '5c:cf:7f:02:74:51',
'ap_mac' => '5e:cf:7f:02:74:51',
'term_width' => '80',
'term_height' => '25',
'default_bg' => '0',
'default_fg' => '7',
'show_buttons' => '1',
'show_config_links' => '1',
'uart_baud' => 115200,
'uart_stopbits' => 1,
'uart_parity' => 2,
'theme' => 0,

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
define("ESP_IP", "");

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
$pages = [];
if (! function_exists('pg')) {
/** Add a page */
function pg($key, $bc, $icon, $path, $titleKey = null)
global $pages;
$pages[$key] = (object) [
'key' => $key,
'bodyclass' => $bc,
'path' => $path,
'icon' => $icon ? "icn-$icon" : '',
'label' => tr("menu.$key"),
'title' => $titleKey ? tr($titleKey) : tr("menu.$key"),
pg('cfg_term', 'cfg', 'terminal', '/cfg/term');
pg('term_set', 'api', '', '/cfg/term/set');
pg('cfg_wifi', 'cfg', 'wifi', '/cfg/wifi');
pg('cfg_wifi_conn', '', '', '/cfg/wifi/connecting');
pg('wifi_connstatus', 'api', '', '/cfg/wifi/connstatus');
pg('wifi_set', 'api', '', '/cfg/wifi/set');
pg('wifi_scan', 'api', '', '/cfg/wifi/scan');
pg('cfg_network', 'cfg', 'network', '/cfg/network');
pg('network_set', 'api', '', '/cfg/network/set');
pg('cfg_system', 'cfg', 'configure', '/cfg/system');
pg('system_set', 'api', '', '/cfg/system/set');
pg('write_defaults', 'api', '', '/cfg/system/write_defaults');
pg('restore_defaults', 'api', '', '/cfg/system/restore_defaults');
pg('restore_hard', 'api', '', '/cfg/system/restore_hard');
pg('help', 'cfg page-help', 'help', '/help');
pg('about', 'cfg page-about', 'about', '/about');
pg('term', 'term', '', '/', 'title.term');
pg('reset_screen', 'api', '', '/system/cls', 'title.term');
pg('index', 'api', '', '/', '');
// ajax API
return $pages;

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
* The common stuff required by both index.php and build_html.php
* this must be required_once
if (defined('BASE_INITED')) return;
define('BASE_INITED', true);
if (!empty($argv[1])) {
parse_str($argv[1], $_GET);
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/_env.php')) {
die("Copy <b>_env.php.example</b> to <b>_env.php</b> and check the settings inside!");
require_once __DIR__ . '/_env.php';
$prod = defined('STDIN');
define('DEBUG', !$prod);
$root = DEBUG ? json_encode(ESP_IP) : '';
define('JS_WEB_ROOT', $root);
define('ESP_DEMO', (bool)getenv('ESP_DEMO'));
if (ESP_DEMO) {
define('DEMO_SCREEN', '"S\u0019\u0001Q\u0001\u0017\u0001K\u0001\u0015\u0004\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002P\u0001┌ESPTerm─Demo─\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\u0002\u000131\u0003\u0003\u000132\u0003\u0004\u00013\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\u0005\u000134\u0003\u0006\u000135\u0003\u0007\u000136\u0003\b\u000137\u0003\t\u000190\u0003\n\u000191\u0003\u000b\u000192\u0003\f\u000193\u0003\r\u000194\u0003\u000e\u000195\u0003\u000f\u000196\u0003\u0010\u000197\u0003\b\u0001─\u0002\r\u0001┐ \u0002\u0015\u0001│ \u00029\u0001│ \u0002\u0004\u0001│\u0002\t\u0001 \u0002\b\u0001│\u0004\u0002\u0001Bold \u0004\u0003\u0001F\u0004\u0003\u0001a\u0004\u0003\u0001i\u0004\u0003\u0001n\u0004\u0003\u0001t\u0004\u0003\u0001 \u0004\u0005\u0001I\u0004\u0005\u0001t\u0004\u0005\u0001a\u0004\u0005\u0001l\u0004\u0005\u0001i\u0004\u0005\u0001c\u0004\u0005\u0001 \u0004\t\u0001U\u0004\t\u0001n\u0004\t\u0001d\u0004\t\u0001e\u0004\t\u0001r\u0004\t\u0001l\u0004\t\u0001i\u0004\t\u0001n\u0004\t\u0001e\u0004\u0001\u0001 \u0004\u0011\u0001B\u0004\u0011\u0001l\u0004\u0011\u0001i\u0004\u0011\u0001n\u0004\u0011\u0001k\u0004\u0011\u0001 \u0001q\u0001\u0001Inverse\u0003\b\u0001 \u0004A\u0001S\u0004A\u0001t\u0004A\u0001r\u0004A\u0001i\u0004A\u0001k\u0004A\u0001e\u0004\u0001\u0001 \u0004!\u0001F\u0004!\u0001r\u0004!\u0001a\u0004!\u0001k\u0004!\u0001t\u0004!\u0001u\u0004!\u0001r\u0004\u0001\u0001 │ \u0002\u0002\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0002\t\u0001\u0003\b\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0002\u0006\u0001│ \u00029\u0001│ \u0002\u0002\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0003\u0002\u0002ESP826\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0003\b\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0002\u0006\u0001└─\u00029\u0001┤ \u0002\u0002\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0002\t\u0001\u0003\b\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0002@\u0001│ \u0002\u0002\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0003\u0002\u0002(@)#\u0002\u0004\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0003\b\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0002\u0007\u0001\u0003O\u0001 This is a static demo of the ESPTerm Web Interface \u0002\u0004\u0001\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0002\u0001│ \u0002\u0002\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\n\u0002 \u0002\t\u0001\u0003\b\u0001─\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0002\u0007\u0001\u0003O\u0001 \u00027\u0001\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0002\u0001│ \u0002\u0004\u0001│\u0002\t\u0001 \u0002\t\u0001\u0003O\u0001 Try the links beneath this scre\u0002\u0002\u0001n to browse the menu. \u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0002\u0001♦ \u0002\u0016\u0001\u0003O\u0001 \u00027\u0001\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0019\u0001\u0003O\u0001 <°)\u0002\u0003\u0001>< ESPTerm ful\u0002\u0002\u0001y sup\u0002\u0002\u0001orts UTF-8 \u0002\u0002\u0001><(\u0002\u0003\u0001°> \u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0019\u0001\u0003O\u0001 \u00027\u0001\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002i\u0001\u0003\u000b\u0001Other interesting features:\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0018\u0001↓ \u0002n\u0001\u0003\u0003\u0001- Almost ful\u0002\u0002\u0001 VT10\u0002\u0002\u0001 emulation \u0003\b\u0001 \u0003\u0006\u0001()\u0003\b\u0001 \u0003\u0006\u0001()\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\b\u0001Funguje tu čeština! \u0002\u0011\u0001\u0003\u0005\u0001- Xterm-like mouse tracking\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0003\u0001=\u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\t\u0002°.°\u0003\b\u0001=\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0003\u0006\u0001<-\u0002\u0003\u0001, \u0003\b\u0001 \u0002$\u0001\u0003\u0004\u0001- File upload utility\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\n\u0001\'\u0002\u0002\u0001 \'\u0002\u0002\u0001 \u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\u0006\u0001 \u0002\u0004\u0001mouse\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002!\u0001\u0003\u0002\u0001- User-friendly config interface\u0003\b\u0001 \u00020\u0001\u0003\u000e\u0001-\u0003\u0002\u0001 \u0003\u000e\u0001Advanced WiFi & network set\u0002\u0002\u0001ings\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0011\u0001\u0003\f\u0001Try ESPTerm today!\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u000b\u0001- Built-in help page \u0002\u001a\u0001\u0003\u0007\u0001-\u0002\u0002\u0001>\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\f\u0001Pre-built binaries\u0003\b\u0001 \u0003\f\u0001are\u0003\b\u0001 \u0002\"\u0001\u0003\u0007\u0001link on the About page \u0002\u0002\u0001\u0003\f\u0001available on GitHub! \u0003\b\u0001 \u0002U\u0001"');
define('DEMO_APS', <<<APS
"result": {
"inProgress": 0,
"APs": [
{"essid": "Cisco", "bssid": "88:f7:c7:52:b3:99", "rssi": 205, "rssi_perc": 100, "enc": 4, "channel": 7},
{"essid": "UPC Wi-Free", "bssid": "8a:f7:c7:52:b3:9b", "rssi": 203, "rssi_perc": 100, "enc": 5, "channel": 1},
{"essid": "UPC Wi-Free", "bssid": "0a:95:2a:0c:84:31", "rssi": 166, "rssi_perc": 32, "enc": 5, "channel": 1},
{"essid": "MujO2Internet_2EEB96", "bssid": "d0:60:8c:2e:eb:96", "rssi": 174, "rssi_perc": 48, "enc": 4, "channel": 4},
{"essid": "Internet", "bssid": "38:72:c0:32:bd:0d", "rssi": 164, "rssi_perc": 28, "enc": 2, "channel": 10},
{"essid": "MyO2Internet_08C850", "bssid": "78:c1:a7:08:c8:50", "rssi": 186, "rssi_perc": 72, "enc": 4, "channel": 11},
{"essid": "UPC Wi-Free", "bssid": "06:7c:34:9a:6f:7c", "rssi": 167, "rssi_perc": 34, "enc": 0, "channel": 11},
{"essid": "Internet_B0", "bssid": "5c:f4:ab:11:3b:b3", "rssi": 175, "rssi_perc": 50, "enc": 3, "channel": 13},
{"essid": "UPC5716805", "bssid": "08:95:2a:0c:84:3f", "rssi": 165, "rssi_perc": 30, "enc": 4, "channel": 1}
define('LOCALE', isset($_GET['locale']) ? $_GET['locale'] : 'en');
$_messages = require(__DIR__ . '/lang/' . LOCALE . '.php');
$_pages = require(__DIR__ . '/_pages.php');
define('APP_NAME', 'ESPTerm');
/** URL (dev or production) */
function url($name, $relative = false)
global $_pages;
if ($relative) return $_pages[$name]->path;
if (DEBUG) return "/index.php?page=$name";
if (ESP_DEMO) return "$name.html";
else return $_pages[$name]->path;
/** URL label for a button */
function label($name)
global $_pages;
return $_pages[$name]->label;
function e($s)
return htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_HTML5 | ENT_QUOTES);
function je($s)
return htmlspecialchars(json_encode($s), ENT_HTML5);
function tr($key)
global $_messages;
return isset($_messages[$key]) ? $_messages[$key] : ('??' . $key . '??');
/** Like eval, but allows <?php and ?> */
function include_str($code)
$tmp = tmpfile();
$tmpf = stream_get_meta_data($tmp);
$tmpf = $tmpf ['uri'];
fwrite($tmp, $code);
$ret = include($tmpf);
return $ret;
if (!function_exists('utf8')) {
function utf8($num)
if($num<=0x7F) return chr($num);
if($num<=0x7FF) return chr(($num>>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128);
if($num<=0xFFFF) return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
if($num<=0x1FFFFF) return chr(($num>>18)+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
return '';
if (!function_exists('load_esp_charsets')) {
function load_esp_charsets() {
$chsf = __DIR__ . '/../user/character_sets.h';
if (! file_exists($chsf)) {
return [
'!! ERROR: `../user/character_sets.h` not found !!' => [
['65', 'A', '&'],
$re_table = '/\/\/ %%BEGIN:(.)%%\s*(.*?)\s*\/\/ %%END:\1%%/s';
preg_match_all($re_table, file_get_contents($chsf), $m_tbl);
$re_bounds = '/#define CODEPAGE_(.)_BEGIN\s+(\d+)\n#define CODEPAGE_\1_END\s+(\d+)/';
preg_match_all($re_bounds, file_get_contents($chsf), $m_bounds);
$cps = [];
foreach ($m_tbl[2] as $i => $str) {
$name = $m_tbl[1][$i];
$start = intval($m_bounds[2][$i]);
$table = [];
$str = preg_replace('/,\s*\/\/[^\n]*/', '', $str);
$rows = explode("\n", $str);
$rows = array_map('trim', $rows);
foreach($rows as $j => $v) {
if (strpos($v, '0x') === 0) {
$v = substr($v, 2);
$v = hexdec($v);
} else {
$v = intval($v);
$ascii = $start+$j;
$table[] = [
utf8($v==0? $ascii :$v),
$cps[$name] = $table;
return $cps;
if (!function_exists('tplSubs')) {
function tplSubs($str, $reps)
return preg_replace_callback('/%(j:|js:|h:|html:)?([a-z0-9-_.]+)%/i', function ($m) use ($reps) {
$key = $m[2];
if (array_key_exists($key, $reps)) {
$val = $reps[$key];
} else {
$val = '';
switch ($m[1]) {
case 'j:':
case 'js:':
$v = json_encode($val);
return substr($v, 1, strlen($v) - 2);
case 'h:':
case 'html:':
return htmlspecialchars($val);
return $val;
}, $str);

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/base.php';
function process_html($s) {
$pattern = '/<!--(.*)-->/Uis';
$s = preg_replace($pattern, '', $s);
$pattern = '/(?:(?:\/\*(?:[^*]|(?:\*+[^*\/]))*\*+\/)|(?:(?<!\:|\\\|\'|\")\/\/.*))/';
$s = preg_replace($pattern, '', $s);
$pattern = '/\s+/s';
$s = preg_replace($pattern, ' ', $s);
return $s;
$no_tpl_files = ['help', 'cfg_wifi_conn'];
$dest = ESP_DEMO ? __DIR__ . '/../html_demo/' : __DIR__ . '/../html/';
foreach($_pages as $_k => $p) {
if ($p->bodyclass == 'api') {
if (ESP_DEMO) {
$target = 'term.html';
echo "Generating: ~$_k.html -> $target\n";
$s = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$target\">";
} else {
} else {
echo "Generating: $_k ($p->title)\n";
$_GET['page'] = $_k;
ob_flush(); // print the message
ob_clean(); // clean up
include(__DIR__ . '/index.php');
$s = ob_get_contents(); // grab the output
// remove newlines and comments
// as tests have shown, it saves just a couple kilobytes,
// making it not a very big improvement at the expense of ugly html.
// $s = process_html($s);
} // clean up
$of = $dest . $_k . ((in_array($_k, $no_tpl_files)||ESP_DEMO) ? '.html' : '.tpl');
file_put_contents($of, $s); // write to a file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* This script is run on demand to generate JS version of tr() */
require_once __DIR__ . '/base.php';
$selected = [
$out = [];
foreach ($selected as $key) {
$out[$key] = $_messages[$key];
file_put_contents(__DIR__. '/jssrc/lang.js',
"// Generated from PHP locale file\n" .
'var _tr = ' . json_encode($out, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) . ";\n\n" .
"function tr(key) { return _tr[key] || '?'+key+'?'; }\n"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 318 B

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# resolve current file's directory
DIR=$(dirname $(realpath $0))
# list with full paths, sort from newest
NEWEST=$(ls -dt1 "$DIR"/*.zip | head -1)
if [[ -z "$NEWEST" ]]; then
echo "Fontello zip not found."
exit 1
# Clean the output folder
rm -rf "$OUTPUT_DIR"
mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"
echo "Unpacking fontello..."
unzip -ju "$NEWEST" -d "$OUTPUT_DIR"
echo "Patching paths in the fontello CSS..."
# Fix bad relative paths in the CSS
sed -i "s|\.\./font/|/fonts/|g" "$OUTPUT_DIR/"*.css
echo "Generating SASS file with icon codes..."
echo -e "@charset \"UTF-8\";\n\n/* Fontello data, processed by the unpack script. */\n" > "$SASSFILE"
# Extract the base font-face style
#grep -Pazo "(?s)@font-face.*?normal;\n\}" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello.css" \
# | sed 's/\x0//g' >> "$SASSFILE"
grep -Pazo "(?s)@font-face \{\n\s*font-family: 'fontello';\n\s*src: url\('data.*?woff'\)" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello-embedded.css" \
| sed 's/\x0//g' >> "$SASSFILE"
echo -e ";\n}" >> "$SASSFILE"
grep -Pazo "(?s)$ICON_PREFIX-\"\]:before .*?\}" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello.css" \
| sed 's/\x0//g' \
| sed "s/$ICON_PREFIX-\"\]:before/\n\n%fontello-icon-base \{\n\&::before /g" \
echo -e "\n}" >> "$SASSFILE"
echo -e "\n\n/* Fontello icon codes */" >> "$SASSFILE"
echo -n "\$icon-codes: (" >> "$SASSFILE"
sed -r "s|\.$ICON_PREFIX-([a-z0-9-]+):before \{ content: ('.*?');.*?$|\t\1: \2,|g" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello-codes.css" \
| sed -r "s|@.*||g" >> "$SASSFILE"
echo -ne "\n);\n" >> "$SASSFILE"
echo -ne "\n/* Fontello classes */" >> "$SASSFILE"
cat "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello-codes.css" \
| sed -r 's/\/\*.+\*\///g' \
| sed -r "s|@.*||g" \
| sed 's/:before/::before/g' >> "$SASSFILE"
TAIL=$(cat <<ASDF
[class^="$ICON_PREFIX-"], [class*=" $ICON_PREFIX-"] {
@extend %fontello-icon-base;
@mixin icon-base() {
@extend %fontello-icon-base;
@mixin icon-content(\$icon-name) {
&::before {
content: map-get(\$icon-codes, \$icon-name);
@mixin icon(\$icon-name) {
@include icon-base();
@include icon-content(\icon-name);
echo "$TAIL" >> "$SASSFILE"
echo -e "\e[32mFontello ready\e[0m"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/base.php';
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) $_GET['page'] = 'term';
$_GET['PAGE_TITLE'] = $_pages[$_GET['page']]->title . ' :: ' . APP_NAME;
$_GET['BODYCLASS'] = $_pages[$_GET['page']]->bodyclass;
$_pf = __DIR__ . '/pages/'.$_GET['page'].'.php';
if (!file_exists($_pf)) {
header("Location: /", true, 302);
require __DIR__ . '/pages/_head.php';
$include_re = '/<\?php\s*(require|include)\s*\(?\s*?(?:__DIR__\s*\.)?\s*(["\'])(.*?)\2\s*\)?;\s*\?>/';
if (file_exists($_pf)) {
$f = file_get_contents($_pf);
// Resolve requires inline - they wont work after dumping the resulting file to /tmp for eval
$f = preg_replace_callback($include_re, function ($m) use ($_pf) {
$n = dirname($_pf).'/'.$m[3];
if (file_exists($n)) {
return file_get_contents($n);
} else {
return "<p>NOT FOUND: $n</p>";
}, $f);
$str = tplSubs($f, require(__DIR__ . '/_debug_replacements.php'));
else $str = $f;
// special symbols
$str = str_replace('\,', '&#8239;', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<=[^ \\\\])~(?=[^ ])/', '&nbsp;', $str);
$str = str_replace('\~', '~', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<![\w\\\\])`([^ `][^`]*?[^ `]|[^ `])`(?!\w)/', '<code>$1</code>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<![\w\\\\])_([^ _][^_]*?[^ _]|[^ _])_(?!\w)/', '<i>$1</i>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<![\w\\\\])\*([^ *][^*]*?[^ *]|[^ *])\*(?!\w)/', '<b>$1</b>', $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\s*(\\\\\\\\)[\n \t]+/", '<br>', $str);
require __DIR__ . '/pages/_tail.php';

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
/** Global generic init */
$.ready(function () {
// Checkbox UI (checkbox CSS and hidden input with int value)
$('.Row.checkbox').forEach(function(x) {
var inp = x.querySelector('input');
var box = x.querySelector('.box');
$(box).toggleClass('checked', inp.value);
var hdl = function() {
inp.value = 1 - inp.value;
$(box).toggleClass('checked', inp.value)
$(x).on('click', hdl).on('keypress', cr(hdl));
// Expanding boxes on mobile
$('.Box.mobcol,.Box.fold').forEach(function(x) {
var h = x.querySelector('h2');
var hdl = function() {
$(h).on('click', hdl).on('keypress', cr(hdl));
$('form').forEach(function(x) {
$(x).on('keypress', function(e) {
if ((e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) && e.ctrlKey) {
// loader dots...
setInterval(function () {
$('.anim-dots').each(function (x) {
var $x = $(x);
var dots = $x.html() + '.';
if (dots.length == 5) dots = '.';
}, 1000);
// flipping number boxes with the mouse wheel
$('input[type=number]').on('mousewheel', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var val = +$this.val();
if (isNaN(val)) val = 1;
var step = +($this.attr('step') || 1);
var min = +$this.attr('min');
var max = +$this.attr('max');
if(e.wheelDelta > 0) {
val += step;
} else {
val -= step;
if (typeof min != 'undefined') val = Math.max(val, +min);
if (typeof max != 'undefined') val = Math.min(val, +max);
if ("createEvent" in document) {
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
} else {
var errAt ='err=');
if (errAt !== -1 && qs('.Box.errors')) {
var errs =',');
var hres = [];
errs.forEach(function(er) {
var lbl = qs('label[for="'+er+'"]');
if (lbl) {
hres.push(lbl.childNodes[0].textContent.trim().replace(/: ?$/, ''));
} else {
qs('.Box.errors .list').innerHTML = hres.join(', ');
// remove tabindixes from h2 if wide
if (window.innerWidth > 550) {
$('.Box h2').forEach(function (x) {
// brand works as a link back to term in widescreen mode
var br = qs('#brand');
br && br.addEventListener('click', function() {
location.href='/'; // go to terminal
$._loader = function(vis) {
$('#loader').toggleClass('show', vis);
function showPage() {
$.ready(function() {
if (window.noAutoShow !== true) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
/*! v0.1.0 by @mathias */
if (!String.fromCodePoint) {
(function() {
var defineProperty = (function() {
// IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements
try {
var object = {};
var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var result = $defineProperty(object, object, object) && $defineProperty;
} catch(error) {}
return result;
var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var floor = Math.floor;
var fromCodePoint = function() {
var MAX_SIZE = 0x4000;
var codeUnits = [];
var highSurrogate;
var lowSurrogate;
var index = -1;
var length = arguments.length;
if (!length) {
return '';
var result = '';
while (++index < length) {
var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]);
if (
!isFinite(codePoint) || // `NaN`, `+Infinity`, or `-Infinity`
codePoint < 0 || // not a valid Unicode code point
codePoint > 0x10FFFF || // not a valid Unicode code point
floor(codePoint) != codePoint // not an integer
) {
throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint);
if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point
} else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves
codePoint -= 0x10000;
highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800;
lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate);
if (index + 1 == length || codeUnits.length > MAX_SIZE) {
result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
codeUnits.length = 0;
return result;
if (defineProperty) {
defineProperty(String, 'fromCodePoint', {
'value': fromCodePoint,
'configurable': true,
'writable': true
} else {
String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint;

@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
/*!chibi 3.0.7, Copyright 2012-2016 Kyle Barrow, released under MIT license */
(function () {
'use strict';
var readyfn = [],
loadedfn = [],
domready = false,
pageloaded = false,
d = document,
w = window;
// Fire any function calls on ready event
function fireReady() {
var i;
domready = true;
for (i = 0; i < readyfn.length; i += 1) {
readyfn = [];
// Fire any function calls on loaded event
function fireLoaded() {
var i;
pageloaded = true;
// For browsers with no DOM loaded support
if (!domready) {
for (i = 0; i < loadedfn.length; i += 1) {
loadedfn = [];
// Check DOM ready, page loaded
if (d.addEventListener) {
// Standards
d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fireReady, false);
w.addEventListener('load', fireLoaded, false);
} else if (d.attachEvent) {
// IE
d.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', fireReady);
// IE < 9
w.attachEvent('onload', fireLoaded);
} else {
// Anything else
w.onload = fireLoaded;
// Utility functions
// Loop through node array
function nodeLoop(fn, nodes) {
var i;
// Good idea to walk up the DOM
for (i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
// Convert to camel case
function cssCamel(property) {
return property.replace(/-\w/g, function (result) {
return result.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
// Get computed style
function computeStyle(elm, property) {
// IE, everything else or null
return (elm.currentStyle) ? elm.currentStyle[cssCamel(property)] : (w.getComputedStyle) ? w.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(property) : null;
// Returns URI encoded query string pair
function queryPair(name, value) {
return encodeURIComponent(name).replace(/%20/g, '+') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value).replace(/%20/g, '+');
// Set CSS, important to wrap in try to prevent error thown on unsupported property
function setCss(elm, property, value) {
try {[cssCamel(property)] = value;
} catch (e) {
// Show CSS
function showCss(elm) { = '';
// For elements still hidden by style block
if (computeStyle(elm, 'display') === 'none') { = 'block';
// Serialize form & JSON values
function serializeData(nodes) {
var querystring = '', subelm, i, j;
if (nodes.constructor === Object) { // Serialize JSON data
for (subelm in nodes) {
if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(subelm)) {
if (nodes[subelm].constructor === Array) {
for (i = 0; i < nodes[subelm].length; i += 1) {
querystring += '&' + queryPair(subelm, nodes[subelm][i]);
} else {
querystring += '&' + queryPair(subelm, nodes[subelm]);
} else { // Serialize node data
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
if (elm.nodeName === 'FORM') {
for (i = 0; i < elm.elements.length; i += 1) {
subelm = elm.elements[i];
if (!subelm.disabled) {
switch (subelm.type) {
// Ignore buttons, unsupported XHR 1 form fields
case 'button':
case 'image':
case 'file':
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
case 'select-one':
if (subelm.length > 0) {
querystring += '&' + queryPair(, subelm.value);
case 'select-multiple':
for (j = 0; j < subelm.length; j += 1) {
if (subelm[j].selected) {
querystring += '&' + queryPair(, subelm[j].value);
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if (subelm.checked) {
querystring += '&' + queryPair(, subelm.value);
// Everything else including shinny new HTML5 input types
querystring += '&' + queryPair(, subelm.value);
}, nodes);
// Tidy up first &
return (querystring.length > 0) ? querystring.substring(1) : '';
// Class helper
function classHelper(classes, action, nodes) {
var classarray, search, i, replace, has = false;
if (classes) {
// Trim any whitespace
classarray = classes.split(/\s+/);
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
for (i = 0; i < classarray.length; i += 1) {
var clz = classarray[i];
if (action === 'remove') {
else if (action === 'add') {
else if (action === 'toggle') {
else if (action === 'has') {
if (elm.classList.contains(clz)) {
has = true;
// search = new RegExp('\\b' + classarray[i] + '\\b', 'g');
// replace = new RegExp(' *' + classarray[i] + '\\b', 'g');
// if (action === 'remove') {
// elm.className = elm.className.replace(search, '');
// } else if (action === 'toggle') {
// elm.className = (elm.className.match(search)) ? elm.className.replace(replace, '') : elm.className + ' ' + classarray[i];
// } else if (action === 'has') {
// if (elm.className.match(search)) {
// has = true;
// break;
// }
// }
}, nodes);
return has;
// HTML insertion helper
function insertHtml(value, position, nodes) {
var tmpnodes, tmpnode;
if (value) {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
// No insertAdjacentHTML support for FF < 8 and IE doesn't allow insertAdjacentHTML table manipulation, so use this instead
// Convert string to node. We can't innerHTML on a document fragment
tmpnodes = d.createElement('div');
tmpnodes.innerHTML = value;
while ((tmpnode = tmpnodes.lastChild) !== null) {
// Catch error in unlikely case elm has been removed
try {
if (position === 'before') {
elm.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpnode, elm);
} else if (position === 'after') {
elm.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpnode, elm.nextSibling);
} else if (position === 'append') {
} else if (position === 'prepend') {
elm.insertBefore(tmpnode, elm.firstChild);
} catch (e) {
}, nodes);
// Get nodes and return chibi
function chibi(selector) {
var cb, nodes = [], json = false, nodelist, i;
if (selector) {
// Element node, would prefer to use (selector instanceof HTMLElement) but no IE support
if (selector.nodeType && selector.nodeType === 1) {
nodes = [selector]; // return element as node list
} else if (typeof selector === 'object') {
// JSON, document object or node list, would prefer to use (selector instanceof NodeList) but no IE support
json = (typeof selector.length !== 'number');
nodes = selector;
} else if (typeof selector === 'string') {
nodelist = d.querySelectorAll(selector);
// Convert node list to array so results have full access to array methods
// not supported in IE < 9 and often slower than loop anyway
for (i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i += 1) {
nodes[i] = nodelist[i];
// Only attach nodes if not JSON
cb = json ? {} : nodes;
// Public functions
// Executes a function on nodes
cb.each = function (fn) {
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
// <= IE 8 loses scope so need to apply
return fn.apply(elm, arguments);
}, nodes);
return cb;
// Find first
cb.first = function () {
return chibi(nodes.shift());
// Find last
cb.last = function () {
return chibi(nodes.pop());
// Find odd
cb.odd = function () {
var odds = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 2) {
return chibi(odds);
// Find even
cb.even = function () {
var evens = [], i;
for (i = 1; i < nodes.length; i += 2) {
return chibi(evens);
// Hide node
cb.hide = function () {
nodeLoop(function (elm) { = 'none';
}, nodes);
return cb;
// Show node = function () {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
}, nodes);
return cb;
// Toggle node display
cb.toggle = function (state) {
if (typeof state != 'undefined') { // ADDED
if (state);
} else {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
// computeStyle instead of style.display == 'none' catches elements that are hidden via style block
if (computeStyle(elm, 'display') === 'none') {
} else { = 'none';
}, nodes);
return cb;
// Remove node
cb.remove = function () {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
// Catch error in unlikely case elm has been removed
try {
} catch (e) {
}, nodes);
return chibi();
// Get/Set CSS
cb.css = function (property, value) {
if (property) {
if (value || value === '') {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
setCss(elm, property, value);
}, nodes);
return cb;
if (nodes[0]) {
if (nodes[0].style[cssCamel(property)]) {
return nodes[0].style[cssCamel(property)];
if (computeStyle(nodes[0], property)) {
return computeStyle(nodes[0], property);
// Get class(es)
cb.getClass = function () {
if (nodes[0] && nodes[0].className.length > 0) {
// Weak IE trim support
return nodes[0].className.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '').replace(/\s+/, ' ');
// Set (replaces) classes
cb.setClass = function (classes) {
if (classes || classes === '') {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
elm.className = classes;
}, nodes);
return cb;
// Add class
cb.addClass = function (classes) {
classHelper(classes, 'add', nodes);
// if (classes) {
// nodeLoop(function (elm) {
// elm.className += ' ' + classes;
// }, nodes);
// }
return cb;
// Remove class
cb.removeClass = function (classes) {
classHelper(classes, 'remove', nodes);
return cb;
// Toggle class
cb.toggleClass = function (classes, set) {
var method = ((typeof set === 'undefined') ? 'toggle' : (+set ? 'add' : 'remove'));
classHelper(classes, method, nodes);
return cb;
// Has class
cb.hasClass = function (classes) {
return classHelper(classes, 'has', nodes);
// Get/set HTML
cb.html = function (value) {
if (value || value === '') {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
elm.innerHTML = value;
}, nodes);
return cb;
if (nodes[0]) {
return nodes[0].innerHTML;
// Insert HTML before selector
cb.htmlBefore = function (value) {
insertHtml(value, 'before', nodes);
return cb;
// Insert HTML after selector
cb.htmlAfter = function (value) {
insertHtml(value, 'after', nodes);
return cb;
// Insert HTML after selector innerHTML
cb.htmlAppend = function (value) {
insertHtml(value, 'append', nodes);
return cb;
// Insert HTML before selector innerHTML
cb.htmlPrepend = function (value) {
insertHtml(value, 'prepend', nodes);
return cb;
// Get/Set HTML attributes
cb.attr = function (property, value) {
if (property) {
property = property.toLowerCase();
// IE < 9 doesn't allow style or class via get/setAttribute so switch. cssText returns prettier CSS anyway
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {//FIXED BUG HERE
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
if (property === 'style') { = value;
} else if (property === 'class') {
elm.className = value;
} else {
elm.setAttribute(property, value);
}, nodes);
return cb;
if (nodes[0]) {
if (property === 'style') {
if (nodes[0].style.cssText) {
return nodes[0].style.cssText;
} else if (property === 'class') {
if (nodes[0].className) {
return nodes[0].className;
} else {
if (nodes[0].getAttribute(property)) {
return nodes[0].getAttribute(property);
// Get/Set HTML data property = function (key, value) {
if (key) {
return cb.attr('data-' + key, value);
// Get/Set form element values
cb.val = function (value) {
var values, i, j;
if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // FIXED A BUG HERE
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
switch (elm.nodeName) {
case 'SELECT':
if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
value = [value];
for (i = 0; i < elm.length; i += 1) {
// Multiple select
for (j = 0; j < value.length; j += 1) {
elm[i].selected = '';
if (elm[i].value === ""+value[j]) {
elm[i].selected = 'selected';
case 'INPUT':
case 'TEXTAREA':
case 'BUTTON':
elm.value = value;
}, nodes);
return cb;
if (nodes[0]) {
switch (nodes[0].nodeName) {
case 'SELECT':
values = [];
for (i = 0; i < nodes[0].length; i += 1) {
if (nodes[0][i].selected) {
return (values.length > 1) ? values : values[0];
case 'INPUT':
case 'TEXTAREA':
case 'BUTTON':
return nodes[0].value;
// Return matching checked checkbox or radios
cb.checked = function (check) {
if (typeof check === 'boolean') {
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
if (elm.nodeName === 'INPUT' && (elm.type === 'checkbox' || elm.type === 'radio')) {
elm.checked = check;
}, nodes);
return cb;
if (nodes[0] && nodes[0].nodeName === 'INPUT' && (nodes[0].type === 'checkbox' || nodes[0].type === 'radio')) {
return (!!nodes[0].checked);
// Add event handler
cb.on = function (event, fn) {
if (selector === w || selector === d) {
nodes = [selector];
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
if (d.addEventListener) {
elm.addEventListener(event, fn, false);
} else if (d.attachEvent) {
// <= IE 8 loses scope so need to apply, we add this to object so we can detach later (can't detach anonymous functions)
elm[event + fn] = function () {
return fn.apply(elm, arguments);
elm.attachEvent('on' + event, elm[event + fn]);
}, nodes);
return cb;
// Remove event handler = function (event, fn) {
if (selector === w || selector === d) {
nodes = [selector];
nodeLoop(function (elm) {
if (d.addEventListener) {
elm.removeEventListener(event, fn, false);
} else if (d.attachEvent) {
elm.detachEvent('on' + event, elm[event + fn]);
// Tidy up
elm[event + fn] = null;
}, nodes);
return cb;
return cb;
// Basic XHR
chibi.ajax = function (options) { // if options is a number, it's timeout in ms
var opts = extend({
method: 'GET',
nocache: true,
timeout: 5000,
loader: true,
callback: null
}, options);
opts.method = opts.method.toUpperCase();
var loaderFn = opts.loader ? chibi._loader : function(){};
var url = opts.url;
var method = opts.method;
var query = null;
if ( {
query = serializeData(;
if (query && (method === 'GET')) {
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' + query : '&' + query;
query = null;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// prevent caching
if (opts.nocache) {
var ts = (+(new Date())).toString(36);
url += ((url.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&') + '_=' + ts;
loaderFn(true);, url, true);
xhr.timeout = opts.timeout;
// Abort after given timeout
var abortTmeo = setTimeout(function () {
console.error("XHR timed out.");
}, opts.timeout + 10);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
opts.callback && opts.callback(xhr.responseText, xhr.status);
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
if (method === 'POST') {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
return xhr;
chibi._loader = function(){};
// Alias to cb.ajax(url, 'get', callback)
chibi.get = function (url, callback, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.url = url;
opts.callback = callback;
opts.method = 'GET';
return chibi.ajax(opts);
// Alias to cb.ajax(url, 'post', callback) = function (url, callback, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.url = url;
opts.callback = callback;
opts.method = 'POST';
return chibi.ajax(opts);
// Fire on DOM ready
chibi.ready = function (fn) {
if (fn) {
if (domready) {
return chibi;
} else {
// Fire on page loaded
chibi.loaded = function (fn) {
if (fn) {
if (pageloaded) {
return chibi;
} else {
var entityMap = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#39;',
'/': '&#x2F;',
'`': '&#x60;',
'=': '&#x3D;'
chibi.htmlEscape = function(string) {
return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function (s) {
return entityMap[s];
// Set Chibi's global namespace here ($)
w.$ = chibi;

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
// keymaster.js
// (c) 2011-2013 Thomas Fuchs
// keymaster.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
var k,
_handlers = {},
_mods = { 16: false, 18: false, 17: false, 91: false },
_scope = 'all',
// modifier keys
'⇧': 16, shift: 16,
'⌥': 18, alt: 18, option: 18,
'⌃': 17, ctrl: 17, control: 17,
'⌘': 91, command: 91
// special keys
_MAP = {
backspace: 8, tab: 9, clear: 12,
enter: 13, 'return': 13,
esc: 27, escape: 27, space: 32,
left: 37, up: 38,
right: 39, down: 40,
del: 46, 'delete': 46,
home: 36, end: 35,
pageup: 33, pagedown: 34,
',': 188, '.': 190, '/': 191,
'`': 192, '-': 189, '=': 187,
';': 186, '\'': 222,
'[': 219, ']': 221, '\\': 220,
// added:
insert: 45,
np_0: 96, np_1: 97, np_2: 98, np_3: 99, np_4: 100, np_5: 101,
np_6: 102, np_7: 103, np_8: 104, np_9: 105, np_mul: 106,
np_add: 107, np_sub: 109, np_point: 110, np_div: 111, numlock: 144,
code = function(x){
return _MAP[x] || x.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
_downKeys = [];
for(k=1;k<20;k++) _MAP['f'+k] = 111+k;
// IE doesn't support Array#indexOf, so have a simple replacement
function index(array, item){
var i = array.length;
while(i--) if(array[i]===item) return i;
return -1;
// for comparing mods before unassignment
function compareArray(a1, a2) {
if (a1.length != a2.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) return false;
return true;
var modifierMap = {
function updateModifierKey(event) {
for(k in _mods) _mods[k] = event[modifierMap[k]];
function isModifierPressed(mod) {
if (mod=='control'||mod=='ctrl') return _mods[17];
if (mod=='shift') return _mods[16];
if (mod=='meta') return _mods[91];
if (mod=='alt') return _mods[18];
return false;
// handle keydown event
function dispatch(event) {
var key, handler, k, i, modifiersMatch, scope;
key = event.keyCode;
if (index(_downKeys, key) == -1) {
// if a modifier key, set the key.<modifierkeyname> property to true and return
if(key == 93 || key == 224) key = 91; // right command on webkit, command on Gecko
if(key in _mods) {
_mods[key] = true;
// 'assignKey' from inside this closure is exported to window.key
for(k in _MODIFIERS) if(_MODIFIERS[k] == key) assignKey[k] = true;
// see if we need to ignore the keypress (filter() can can be overridden)
// by default ignore key presses if a select, textarea, or input is focused
if(!, event)) return;
// abort if no potentially matching shortcuts found
if (!(key in _handlers)) return;
scope = getScope();
// for each potential shortcut
for (i = 0; i < _handlers[key].length; i++) {
handler = _handlers[key][i];
// see if it's in the current scope
if(handler.scope == scope || handler.scope == 'all'){
// check if modifiers match if any
modifiersMatch = handler.mods.length > 0;
for(k in _mods)
if((!_mods[k] && index(handler.mods, +k) > -1) ||
(_mods[k] && index(handler.mods, +k) == -1)) modifiersMatch = false;
// call the handler and stop the event if neccessary
if((handler.mods.length == 0 && !_mods[16] && !_mods[18] && !_mods[17] && !_mods[91]) || modifiersMatch){
if(handler.method(event, handler)===false){
if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
else event.returnValue = false;
if(event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
if(event.cancelBubble) event.cancelBubble = true;
// unset modifier keys on keyup
function clearModifier(event){
var key = event.keyCode, k,
i = index(_downKeys, key);
// remove key from _downKeys
if (i >= 0) {
_downKeys.splice(i, 1);
if(key == 93 || key == 224) key = 91;
if(key in _mods) {
_mods[key] = false;
for(k in _MODIFIERS) if(_MODIFIERS[k] == key) assignKey[k] = false;
function resetModifiers() {
for(k in _mods) _mods[k] = false;
for(k in _MODIFIERS) assignKey[k] = false;
// parse and assign shortcut
function assignKey(key, scope, method){
var keys, mods;
keys = getKeys(key);
if (method === undefined) {
method = scope;
scope = 'all';
// for each shortcut
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
// set modifier keys if any
mods = [];
key = keys[i].split('+');
if (key.length > 1){
mods = getMods(key);
key = [key[key.length-1]];
// convert to keycode and...
key = key[0]
key = code(key);
// handler
if (!(key in _handlers)) _handlers[key] = [];
_handlers[key].push({ shortcut: keys[i], scope: scope, method: method, key: keys[i], mods: mods });
// unbind all handlers for given key in current scope
function unbindKey(key, scope) {
var multipleKeys, keys,
mods = [],
i, j, obj;
multipleKeys = getKeys(key);
for (j = 0; j < multipleKeys.length; j++) {
keys = multipleKeys[j].split('+');
if (keys.length > 1) {
mods = getMods(keys);
key = keys[keys.length - 1];
key = code(key);
if (scope === undefined) {
scope = getScope();
if (!_handlers[key]) {
for (i = 0; i < _handlers[key].length; i++) {
obj = _handlers[key][i];
// only clear handlers if correct scope and mods match
if (obj.scope === scope && compareArray(obj.mods, mods)) {
_handlers[key][i] = {};
// Returns true if the key with code 'keyCode' is currently down
// Converts strings into key codes.
function isPressed(keyCode) {
if (typeof(keyCode)=='string') {
keyCode = code(keyCode);
return index(_downKeys, keyCode) != -1;
function getPressedKeyCodes() {
return _downKeys.slice(0);
function filter(event){
var tagName = ( || event.srcElement).tagName;
// ignore keypressed in any elements that support keyboard data input
return !(tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA');
// initialize key.<modifier> to false
for(k in _MODIFIERS) assignKey[k] = false;
// set current scope (default 'all')
function setScope(scope){ _scope = scope || 'all' };
function getScope(){ return _scope || 'all' };
// delete all handlers for a given scope
function deleteScope(scope){
var key, handlers, i;
for (key in _handlers) {
handlers = _handlers[key];
for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; ) {
if (handlers[i].scope === scope) handlers.splice(i, 1);
else i++;
// abstract key logic for assign and unassign
function getKeys(key) {
var keys;
key = key.replace(/\s/g, '');
keys = key.split(',');
if ((keys[keys.length - 1]) == '') {
keys[keys.length - 2] += ',';
return keys;
// abstract mods logic for assign and unassign
function getMods(key) {
var mods = key.slice(0, key.length - 1);
for (var mi = 0; mi < mods.length; mi++)
mods[mi] = _MODIFIERS[mods[mi]];
return mods;
// cross-browser events
function addEvent(object, event, method) {
if (object.addEventListener)
object.addEventListener(event, method, false);
else if(object.attachEvent)
object.attachEvent('on'+event, function(){ method(window.event) });
// set the handlers globally on document
addEvent(document, 'keydown', function(event) { dispatch(event) }); // Passing _scope to a callback to ensure it remains the same by execution. Fixes #48
addEvent(document, 'keyup', clearModifier);
// reset modifiers to false whenever the window is (re)focused.
addEvent(window, 'focus', resetModifiers);
// store previously defined key
var previousKey = global.key;
// restore previously defined key and return reference to our key object
function noConflict() {
var k = global.key;
global.key = previousKey;
return k;
// set window.key and window.key.set/get/deleteScope, and the default filter
global.key = assignKey;
global.key.setScope = setScope;
global.key.getScope = getScope;
global.key.deleteScope = deleteScope;
global.key.filter = filter;
global.key.isPressed = isPressed;
global.key.isModifier = isModifierPressed;
global.key.getPressedKeyCodes = getPressedKeyCodes;
global.key.noConflict = noConflict;
global.key.unbind = unbindKey;
if(typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = assignKey;

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// Generated from PHP locale file
var _tr = {
"wifi.connected_ip_is": "Connected, IP is ",
"wifi.not_conn": "Not connected.",
"wifi.enter_passwd": "Enter password for \":ssid:\""
function tr(key) { return _tr[key] || '?'+key+'?'; }

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
/** Module for toggling a modal overlay */
(function () {
var modal = {};
var curCloseCb = null; = function (sel, closeCb) {
var $m = $(sel);
$m.removeClass('hidden visible');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
curCloseCb = closeCb;
modal.hide = function (sel) {
var $m = $(sel);
setTimeout(function () {
if (curCloseCb) curCloseCb();
}, 500); // transition time
modal.init = function () {
// close modal by click outside the dialog
$('.Modal').on('click', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('no-close')) return; // this is a no-close modal
$('.Dialog').on('click', function (e) {
// Hide all modals on esc
$(window).on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.which == 27) {
window.Modal = modal;

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(function (nt) {
var sel = '#notif';
var hideTmeo1; // timeout to start hiding (transition)
var hideTmeo2; // timeout to add the hidden class = function (message, timeout) {
if (undef(timeout)) timeout = 2500;
hideTmeo1 = setTimeout(nt.hide, timeout);
nt.hide = function () {
var $m = $(sel);
hideTmeo2 = setTimeout(function () {
}, 250); // transition time
nt.init = function() {
$(sel).on('click', function() {
})(window.Notify = {});

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
/** Init the terminal sub-module - called from HTML */
window.termInit = function () {

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
/** Handle connections */
var Conn = (function () {
var ws;
var heartbeatTout;
var pingIv;
var xoff = false;
var autoXoffTout;
var reconTout;
var pageShown = false;
function onOpen(evt) {
function onClose(evt) {
console.warn("SOCKET CLOSED, code " + evt.code + ". Reconnecting...");
reconTout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
// this happens when the buffer gets fucked up via invalid unicode.
// we basically use polling instead of socket then
function onMessage(evt) {
try {
// . = heartbeat
switch ( {
case 'B':
case 'T':
case 'S':
if(!pageShown) {
pageShown = true;
case '-':
xoff = true;
autoXoffTout = setTimeout(function () {
xoff = false;
}, 250);
case '+':
xoff = false;
} catch (e) {
function canSend() {
return !xoff;
function doSend(message) {
if (_demo) {
console.log("TX: ", message);
return true; // Simulate success
if (xoff) {
// TODO queue
console.log("Can't send, flood control.");
return false;
if (!ws) return false; // for dry testing
if (ws.readyState != 1) {
console.error("Socket not ready");
return false;
if (typeof message != "string") {
message = JSON.stringify(message);
return true;
function init() {
if (_demo) {
console.log("Demo mode!");
ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + _root + "/term/");
ws.onopen = onOpen;
ws.onclose = onClose;
ws.onmessage = onMessage;
console.log("Opening socket.");
function heartbeat() {
heartbeatTout = setTimeout(heartbeatFail, 2000);
function heartbeatFail() {
console.error("Heartbeat lost, probing server...");
pingIv = setInterval(function () {
console.log("> ping");
$.get('http://' + _root + '/system/ping', function (resp, status) {
if (status == 200) {
clearInterval(pingIv);"Server ready, reloading page...");
}, {
timeout: 100,
}, 1000);
return {
ws: null,
init: init,
send: doSend,
canSend: canSend, // check flood control

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
* User input
* --- Rx messages: ---
* S - screen content (binary encoding of the entire screen with simple compression)
* T - text labels - Title and buttons, \0x01-separated
* B - beep
* . - heartbeat
* --- Tx messages ---
* s - string
* b - action button
* p - mb press
* r - mb release
* m - mouse move
var Input = (function() {
var opts = {
np_alt: false,
cu_alt: false,
fn_alt: false,
mt_click: false,
mt_move: false,
no_keys: false,
/** Send a literal message */
function sendStrMsg(str) {
return Conn.send("s"+str);
/** Send a button event */
function sendBtnMsg(n) {
/** Fn alt choice for key message */
function fa(alt, normal) {
return opts.fn_alt ? alt : normal;
/** Cursor alt choice for key message */
function ca(alt, normal) {
return opts.cu_alt ? alt : normal;
/** Numpad alt choice for key message */
function na(alt, normal) {
return opts.np_alt ? alt : normal;
function _bindFnKeys() {
var keymap = {
'tab': '\x09',
'backspace': '\x08',
'enter': '\x0d',
'ctrl+enter': '\x0a',
'esc': '\x1b',
'up': ca('\x1bOA', '\x1b[A'),
'down': ca('\x1bOB', '\x1b[B'),
'right': ca('\x1bOC', '\x1b[C'),
'left': ca('\x1bOD', '\x1b[D'),
'home': ca('\x1bOH', fa('\x1b[H', '\x1b[1~')),
'insert': '\x1b[2~',
'delete': '\x1b[3~',
'end': ca('\x1bOF', fa('\x1b[F', '\x1b[4~')),
'pageup': '\x1b[5~',
'pagedown': '\x1b[6~',
'f1': fa('\x1bOP', '\x1b[11~'),
'f2': fa('\x1bOQ', '\x1b[12~'),
'f3': fa('\x1bOR', '\x1b[13~'),
'f4': fa('\x1bOS', '\x1b[14~'),
'f5': '\x1b[15~', // note the disconnect
'f6': '\x1b[17~',
'f7': '\x1b[18~',
'f8': '\x1b[19~',
'f9': '\x1b[20~',
'f10': '\x1b[21~', // note the disconnect
'f11': '\x1b[23~',
'f12': '\x1b[24~',
'shift+f1': fa('\x1bO1;2P', '\x1b[25~'),
'shift+f2': fa('\x1bO1;2Q', '\x1b[26~'), // note the disconnect
'shift+f3': fa('\x1bO1;2R', '\x1b[28~'),
'shift+f4': fa('\x1bO1;2S', '\x1b[29~'), // note the disconnect
'shift+f5': fa('\x1b[15;2~', '\x1b[31~'),
'shift+f6': fa('\x1b[17;2~', '\x1b[32~'),
'shift+f7': fa('\x1b[18;2~', '\x1b[33~'),
'shift+f8': fa('\x1b[19;2~', '\x1b[34~'),
'shift+f9': fa('\x1b[20;2~', '\x1b[35~'), // 35-38 are not standard - but what is?
'shift+f10': fa('\x1b[21;2~', '\x1b[36~'),
'shift+f11': fa('\x1b[22;2~', '\x1b[37~'),
'shift+f12': fa('\x1b[23;2~', '\x1b[38~'),
'np_0': na('\x1bOp', '0'),
'np_1': na('\x1bOq', '1'),
'np_2': na('\x1bOr', '2'),
'np_3': na('\x1bOs', '3'),
'np_4': na('\x1bOt', '4'),
'np_5': na('\x1bOu', '5'),
'np_6': na('\x1bOv', '6'),
'np_7': na('\x1bOw', '7'),
'np_8': na('\x1bOx', '8'),
'np_9': na('\x1bOy', '9'),
'np_mul': na('\x1bOR', '*'),
'np_add': na('\x1bOl', '+'),
'np_sub': na('\x1bOS', '-'),
'np_point': na('\x1bOn', '.'),
'np_div': na('\x1bOQ', '/'),
// we don't implement numlock key (should change in numpad_alt mode, but it's even more useless than the rest)
for (var k in keymap) {
if (keymap.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
bind(k, keymap[k]);
/** Bind a keystroke to message */
function bind(combo, str) {
// mac fix - allow also cmd
if (combo.indexOf('ctrl+') !== -1) {
combo += ',' + combo.replace('ctrl', 'command');
// unbind possible old binding
key(combo, function (e) {
if (opts.no_keys) return;
/** Bind/rebind key messages */
function _initKeys() {
// This takes care of text characters typed
window.addEventListener('keypress', function(evt) {
if (opts.no_keys) return;
var str = '';
if (evt.key) str = evt.key;
else if (evt.which) str = String.fromCodePoint(evt.which);
if (str.length>0 && str.charCodeAt(0) >= 32) {
// console.log("Typed ", str);
// ctrl-letter codes are sent as simple low ASCII codes
for (var i = 1; i<=26;i++) {
bind('ctrl+' + String.fromCharCode(96+i), String.fromCharCode(i));
bind('ctrl+]', '\x1b'); // alternate way to enter ESC
bind('ctrl+\\', '\x1c');
bind('ctrl+[', '\x1d');
bind('ctrl+^', '\x1e');
bind('ctrl+_', '\x1f');
// mouse button states
var mb1 = 0;
var mb2 = 0;
var mb3 = 0;
/** Init the Input module */
function init() {
// Button presses
$('#action-buttons button').forEach(function(s) {
s.addEventListener('click', function() {
// global mouse state tracking - for motion reporting
window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(evt) {
if (evt.button == 0) mb1 = 1;
if (evt.button == 1) mb2 = 1;
if (evt.button == 2) mb3 = 1;
window.addEventListener('mouseup', function(evt) {
if (evt.button == 0) mb1 = 0;
if (evt.button == 1) mb2 = 0;
if (evt.button == 2) mb3 = 0;
/** Prepare modifiers byte for mouse message */
function packModifiersForMouse() {
return (key.isModifier('ctrl')?1:0) |
(key.isModifier('shift')?2:0) |
(key.isModifier('alt')?4:0) |
return {
/** Init the Input module */
init: init,
/** Send a literal string message */
sendString: sendStrMsg,
/** Enable alternate key modes (cursors, numpad, fn) */
setAlts: function(cu, np, fn) {
if (opts.cu_alt != cu || opts.np_alt != np || opts.fn_alt != fn) {
opts.cu_alt = cu;
opts.np_alt = np;
opts.fn_alt = fn;
// rebind keys - codes have changed
setMouseMode: function(click, move) {
opts.mt_click = click;
opts.mt_move = move;
// Mouse events
onMouseMove: function (x, y) {
if (!opts.mt_move) return;
var b = mb1 ? 1 : mb2 ? 2 : mb3 ? 3 : 0;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("m" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
onMouseDown: function (x, y, b) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("p" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseUp: function (x, y, b) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("r" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseWheel: function (x, y, dir) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
// -1 ... btn 4 (away from user)
// +1 ... btn 5 (towards user)
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
var b = (dir < 0 ? 4 : 5);
Conn.send("p" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
mouseTracksClicks: function() {
return opts.mt_click;
blockKeys: function(yes) {
opts.no_keys = yes;

@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
var Screen = (function () {
var W = 0, H = 0; // dimensions
var inited = false;
var cursor = {
a: false, // active (blink state)
x: 0, // 0-based coordinates
y: 0,
fg: 7, // colors 0-15
bg: 0,
attrs: 0,
suppress: false, // do not turn on in blink interval (for safe moving)
forceOn: false, // force on unless hanging: used to keep cursor visible during move
hidden: false, // do not show (DEC opt)
hanging: false, // cursor at column "W+1" - not visible
var screen = [];
var blinkIval;
var cursorFlashStartIval;
// Some non-bold Fraktur symbols are outside the contiguous block
var frakturExceptions = {
'C': '\u212d',
'H': '\u210c',
'I': '\u2111',
'R': '\u211c',
'Z': '\u2128',
// for BEL
var audioCtx = null;
try {
audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.audioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
} catch (er) {
console.error("No AudioContext!", er);
/** Get cell under cursor */
function _curCell() {
return screen[cursor.y*W + cursor.x];
/** Safely move cursor */
function cursorSet(y, x) {
// Hide and prevent from showing up during the move
cursor.suppress = true;
_draw(_curCell(), false);
cursor.x = x;
cursor.y = y;
// Show again
cursor.suppress = false;
function alpha2fraktur(t) {
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
return t;
/** Update cell on display. inv = invert (for cursor) */
function _draw(cell, inv) {
if (!cell) return;
if (typeof inv == 'undefined') {
inv = cursor.a && cursor.x == cell.x && cursor.y == cell.y;
var fg, bg, cn, t;
fg = inv ? : cell.fg;
bg = inv ? cell.fg :;
t = cell.t;
if (!t.length) t = ' ';
cn = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<0)) cn += ' bold';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) cn += ' faint';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<2)) cn += ' italic';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<3)) cn += ' under';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<4)) cn += ' blink';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<5)) {
cn += ' fraktur';
t = alpha2fraktur(t);
if (cell.attrs & (1<<6)) cn += ' strike';
cell.slot.textContent = t;
cell.elem.className = cn;
/** Show entire screen */
function _drawAll() {
for (var i = W*H-1; i>=0; i--) {
function _rebuild(rows, cols) {
W = cols;
H = rows;
/* Build screen & show */
var cOuter, cInner, cell, screenDiv = qs('#screen');
// Empty the screen node
while (screenDiv.firstChild) screenDiv.removeChild(screenDiv.firstChild);
screen = [];
for(var i = 0; i < W*H; i++) {
cOuter = mk('span');
cInner = mk('span');
/* Mouse tracking */
(function() {
var x = i % W;
var y = Math.floor(i / W);
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseMove(x, y);
cOuter.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseDown(x, y, evt.button+1);
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseUp(x, y, evt.button+1);
cOuter.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (evt) {
if (Input.mouseTracksClicks()) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mousewheel', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseWheel(x, y, evt.deltaY>0?1:-1);
return false;
/* End of line */
if ((i > 0) && (i % W == 0)) {
/* The cell */
cell = {
t: ' ',
fg: 7,
bg: 0, // the colors will be replaced immediately as we receive data (user won't see this)
attrs: 0,
elem: cOuter,
slot: cInner,
x: i % W,
y: Math.floor(i / W),
/** Init the terminal */
function _init() {
/* Cursor blinking */
blinkIval = setInterval(function () {
cursor.a = !cursor.a;
if (cursor.hidden || cursor.hanging) {
cursor.a = false;
if (!cursor.suppress) {
_draw(_curCell(), cursor.forceOn || cursor.a);
}, 500);
/* blink attribute animation */
setInterval(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 800); // 200 ms ON
}, 1000);
inited = true;
// constants for decoding the update blob
var SEQ_REPEAT = 2;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3;
var SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4;
/** Parse received screen update object (leading S removed already) */
function _load_content(str) {
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, attrs, cell;
if (!inited) _init();
var cursorMoved;
// Set size
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // height
num2 = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // width
if (num != H || num2 != W) {
_rebuild(num, num2);
// console.log("Size ",num, num2);
// Cursor position
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // row
num2 = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // col
cursorMoved = (cursor.x != num2 || cursor.y != num);
cursorSet(num, num2);
// console.log("Cursor at ",num, num2);
// Attributes
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg attribs
cursor.hidden = !(num & (1<<0)); // DEC opt "visible"
cursor.hanging = !!(num & (1<<1));
// console.log("Attributes word ",num.toString(16)+'h');
!!(num & (1<<2)), // cursors alt
!!(num & (1<<3)), // numpad alt
!!(num & (1<<4)) // fn keys alt
var mt_click = !!(num & (1<<5));
var mt_move = !!(num & (1<<6));
$('#screen').toggleClass('noselect', mt_move);
var show_buttons = !!(num & (1<<7));
var show_config_links = !!(num & (1<<8));
$('.x-term-conf-btn').toggleClass('hidden', !show_config_links);
$('#action-buttons').toggleClass('hidden', !show_buttons);
fg = 7;
bg = 0;
attrs = 0;
// Here come the content
while(i < str.length && ci<W*H) {
j = str[i++];
jc = j.charCodeAt(0);
if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR_ATTR) {
num = parse3B(str, i); i += 3;
fg = num & 0x0F;
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
attrs = (num & 0xFF00)>>8;
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
fg = num & 0x0F;
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_ATTR) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
attrs = num & 0xFF;
else if (jc == SEQ_REPEAT) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
// console.log("Repeat x ",num);
for (; num>0 && ci<W*H; num--) {
cell = screen[ci++];
cell.fg = fg; = bg;
cell.t = t;
cell.attrs = attrs;
else {
cell = screen[ci++];
// Unique cell character
t = cell.t = j;
cell.fg = fg; = bg;
cell.attrs = attrs;
// console.log("Symbol ", j);
// if (!cursor.hidden || cursor.hanging || !cursor.suppress) {
// // hide cursor asap
// _draw(_curCell(), false);
// }
if (cursorMoved) {
cursor.forceOn = true;
cursorFlashStartIval = setTimeout(function() {
cursor.forceOn = false;
}, 1200);
_draw(_curCell(), true);
/** Apply labels to buttons and screen title (leading T removed already) */
function _load_labels(str) {
var pieces = str.split('\x01');
qs('h1').textContent = pieces[0];
$('#action-buttons button').forEach(function(x, i) {
var s = pieces[i+1].trim();
// if empty string, use the "dim" effect and put nbsp instead to stretch the btn vertically
x.innerHTML = s.length > 0 ? e(s) : "&nbsp;"; = s.length > 0 ? 1 : 0.2;
/** Audible beep for ASCII 7 */
function _beep() {
var osc, gain;
if (!audioCtx) return;
// Main beep
osc = audioCtx.createOscillator();
gain = audioCtx.createGain();
gain.gain.value = 0.5;
osc.frequency.value = 750;
osc.type = 'sine';
// Surrogate beep (making it sound like 'oops')
osc = audioCtx.createOscillator();
gain = audioCtx.createGain();
gain.gain.value = 0.2;
osc.frequency.value = 400;
osc.type = 'sine';
/** Load screen content from a binary sequence (new) */
function load(str) {
var content = str.substr(1);
switch(str.charAt(0)) {
case 'S':
case 'T':
case 'B':
console.warn("Bad data message type, ignoring.");
return {
load: load, // full load (string)

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
/** File upload utility */
var TermUpl = (function() {
var lines, // array of lines without newlines
line_i, // current line index
fuTout, // timeout handle for line sending
send_delay_ms, // delay between lines (ms)
nl_str, // newline string to use
curLine, // current line (when using fuOil)
inline_pos; // Offset in line (for long lines)
// lines longer than this are split to chunks
// sending a super-ling string through the socket is not a good idea
var MAX_LINE_LEN = 128;
function fuOpen() {
fuStatus("Ready...");'#fu_modal', onClose);
$('#fu_form').toggleClass('busy', false);
function onClose() {
console.log("Upload modal closed.");
line_i = 0;
function fuStatus(msg) {
qs('#fu_prog').textContent = msg;
function fuSend() {
var v = qs('#fu_text').value;
if (!v.length) {
lines = v.split('\n');
line_i = 0;
inline_pos = 0; // offset in line
send_delay_ms = qs('#fu_delay').value;
// sanitize - 0 causes overflows
if (send_delay_ms < 0) {
send_delay_ms = 0;
qs('#fu_delay').value = send_delay_ms;
nl_str = {
'CR': '\r',
'LF': '\n',
'CRLF': '\r\n',
$('#fu_form').toggleClass('busy', true);
function fuSendLine() {
if (!$('#fu_modal').hasClass('visible')) {
// Modal is closed, cancel
if (!Conn.canSend()) {
// postpone
fuTout = setTimeout(fuSendLine, 1);
if (inline_pos == 0) {
curLine = lines[line_i++] + nl_str;
var chunk;
if ((curLine.length - inline_pos) <= MAX_LINE_LEN) {
chunk = curLine.substr(inline_pos, MAX_LINE_LEN);
inline_pos = 0;
} else {
chunk = curLine.substr(inline_pos, MAX_LINE_LEN);
inline_pos += MAX_LINE_LEN;
if (!Input.sendString(chunk)) {
var all = lines.length;
fuStatus(line_i+" / "+all+ " ("+(Math.round((line_i/all)*1000)/10)+"%)");
if (lines.length > line_i || inline_pos > 0) {
fuTout = setTimeout(fuSendLine, send_delay_ms);
} else {
function closeWhenReady() {
if (!Conn.canSend()) {
// stuck in XOFF still, wait to process...
fuStatus("Waiting for Tx buffer...");
setTimeout(closeWhenReady, 100);
} else {
// delay to show it
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
function fuClose() {
return {
init: function() {
qs('#fu_file').addEventListener('change', function (evt) {
var reader = new FileReader();
var file =[0];
console.log("Selected file type: "+file.type);
if (!file.type.match(/text\/.*|application\/(json|csv|.*xml.*|.*script.*)/)) {
// Deny load of blobs like img - can crash browser and will get corrupted anyway
if (!confirm("This does not look like a text file: "+file.type+"\nReally load?")) {
qs('#fu_file').value = '';
reader.onload = function(e) {
var txt =[\r\n]+/,'\n');
qs('#fu_text').value = txt;
console.log("Loading file...");
}, false);
close: fuClose,
start: fuSend,
open: fuOpen,

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
/** Make a node */
function mk(e) {return document.createElement(e)}
/** Find one by query */
function qs(s) {return document.querySelector(s)}
/** Find all by query */
function qsa(s) {return document.querySelectorAll(s)}
/** Convert any to bool safely */
function bool(x) {
return (x === 1 || x === '1' || x === true || x === 'true');
* Filter 'spacebar' and 'return' from keypress handler,
* and when they're pressed, fire the callback.
* use $(...).on('keypress', cr(handler))
function cr(hdl) {
return function(e) {
if (e.which == 10 || e.which == 13 || e.which == 32) {
/** Extend an objects with options */
function extend(defaults, options) {
var target = {};
target[k] = defaults[k];
target[k] = options[k];
return target;
/** Escape string for use as literal in RegExp */
function rgxe(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
/** Format number to N decimal places, output as string */
function numfmt(x, places) {
var pow = Math.pow(10, places);
return Math.round(x*pow) / pow;
/** Get millisecond timestamp */
function msNow() {
return +(new Date);
/** Get ms elapsed since msNow() */
function msElapsed(start) {
return msNow() - start;
/** Shim for log base 10 */
Math.log10 = Math.log10 || function(x) {
return Math.log(x) / Math.LN10;
* Perform a substitution in the given string.
* Arguments - array or list of replacements.
* Arguments numeric keys will replace {0}, {1} etc.
* Named keys also work, ie. {foo: "bar"} -> replaces {foo} with bar.
* Braces are added to keys if missing.
* @returns {String} result
String.prototype.format = function () {
var out = this;
var repl = arguments;
if (arguments.length == 1 && (Array.isArray(arguments[0]) || typeof arguments[0] == 'object')) {
repl = arguments[0];
for (var ph in repl) {
if (repl.hasOwnProperty(ph)) {
var ph_orig = ph;
if (!ph.match(/^\{.*\}$/)) {
ph = '{' + ph + '}';
// replace all occurrences
var pattern = new RegExp(rgxe(ph), "g");
out = out.replace(pattern, repl[ph_orig]);
return out;
/** HTML escape */
function e(str) {
return $.htmlEscape(str);
/** Check for undefined */
function undef(x) {
return typeof x == 'undefined';
/** Safe json parse */
function jsp(str) {
try {
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch(e) {
return null;
/** Create a character from ASCII code */
function Chr(n) {
return String.fromCharCode(n);
/** Decode number from 2B encoding */
function parse2B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
/** Decode number from 3B encoding */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
/** Encode using 2B encoding, returns string. */
function encode2B(n) {
var lsb, msb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = ((n - lsb) / 127);
lsb += 1;
msb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb);
/** Encode using 3B encoding, returns string. */
function encode3B(n) {
var lsb, msb, xsb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = (n - lsb) / 127;
lsb += 1;
msb = (n % 127);
n = (n - msb) / 127;
msb += 1;
xsb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb) + Chr(xsb);

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
(function(w) {
var authStr = ['Open', 'WEP', 'WPA', 'WPA2', 'WPA/WPA2'];
var curSSID;
// Get XX % for a slider input
function rangePt(inp) {
return Math.round(((inp.value / inp.max)*100)) + '%';
// Display selected STA SSID etc
function selectSta(name, password, ip) {
$('#sta-nw').toggleClass('hidden', name.length == 0);
$('#sta-nw-nil').toggleClass('hidden', name.length > 0);
$('#sta-nw .essid').html(e(name));
var nopw = undef(password) || password.length == 0;
$('#sta-nw .passwd').toggleClass('hidden', nopw);
$('#sta-nw .nopasswd').toggleClass('hidden', !nopw);
$('#sta-nw .ip').html(ip.length>0 ? tr('wifi.connected_ip_is')+ip : tr('wifi.not_conn'));
/** Update display for received response */
function onScan(resp, status) {
//var ap_json = {
// "result": {
// "inProgress": "0",
// "APs": [
// {"essid": "Chlivek", "bssid": "88:f7:c7:52:b3:99", "rssi": "204", "enc": "4", "channel": "1"},
// {"essid": "TyNikdy", "bssid": "5c:f4:ab:0d:f1:1b", "rssi": "164", "enc": "3", "channel": "1"},
// ]
// }
if (status != 200) {
// bad response
rescan(5000); // wait 5sm then retry
try {
resp = JSON.parse(resp);
} catch (e) {
var done = !bool(resp.result.inProgress) && (resp.result.APs.length > 0);
rescan(done ? 15000 : 1000);
if (!done) return; // no redraw yet
// clear the AP list
var $list = $('#ap-list');
// remove old APs
$('#ap-list .AP').remove();
$list.toggleClass('hidden', !done);
$('#ap-loader').toggleClass('hidden', done);
// scan done
resp.result.APs.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.rssi - a.rssi;
}).forEach(function (ap) {
ap.enc = parseInt(ap.enc);
if (ap.enc > 4) return; // hide unsupported auths
var item = mk('div');
var $item = $(item)
.data('ssid', ap.essid)
.data('pwd', ap.enc)
.attr('tabindex', 0)
// mark current SSID
if (ap.essid == curSSID) {
var inner = mk('div');
.htmlAppend('<div class="rssi">{0}</div>'.format(ap.rssi_perc))
.htmlAppend('<div class="essid" title="{0}">{0}</div>'.format($.htmlEscape(ap.essid)))
.htmlAppend('<div class="auth">{0}</div>'.format(authStr[ap.enc]));
$item.on('click', function () {
var $th = $(this);
var conn_ssid = $'ssid');
var conn_pass = '';
if (+$'pwd')) {
// this AP needs a password
conn_pass = prompt(tr("wifi.enter_passwd").replace(":ssid:", conn_ssid));
if (!conn_pass) return;
selectSta(conn_ssid, conn_pass, '');
function startScanning() {
$('#ap-loader .anim-dots').html('.');
/** Ask the CGI what APs are visible (async) */
function scanAPs() {
if (_demo) {
onScan(_demo_aps, 200);
} else {
$.get('http://' + _root + '/cfg/wifi/scan', onScan);
function rescan(time) {
setTimeout(scanAPs, time);
/** Set up the WiFi page */
function wifiInit(cfg) {
// Update slider value displays
$('.Row.range').forEach(function(x) {
var inp = x.querySelector('input');
var disp1 = x.querySelector('.x-disp1');
var disp2 = x.querySelector('.x-disp2');
var t = rangePt(inp);
$(inp).on('input', function() {
t = rangePt(inp);
// Forget STA credentials
$('#forget-sta').on('click', function() {
selectSta('', '', '');
return false;
selectSta(cfg.sta_ssid, cfg.sta_password, cfg.sta_active_ip);
curSSID = cfg.sta_active_ssid;
w.init = wifiInit;
w.startScanning = startScanning;
})(window.WiFi = {});

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
return [
'appname' => 'ESPTerm',
'appname_demo' => 'ESPTerm<sup> DEMO</sup>',
'menu.cfg_wifi' => 'WiFi Settings',
'menu.cfg_network' => 'Network Settings',
'menu.cfg_term' => 'Terminal Settings',
'menu.about' => 'About ESPTerm',
'' => 'Quick Reference',
'menu.term' => 'Back to Terminal',
'menu.cfg_system' => 'System Settings',
'menu.cfg_wifi_conn' => 'Connecting to Network',
'menu.settings' => 'Settings',
'title.term' => 'Terminal',
'term_nav.config' => 'Config',
'term_nav.wifi' => 'WiFi',
'' => 'Help',
'term_nav.about' => 'About',
'term_nav.paste' => 'Paste',
'term_nav.upload' => 'Upload',
'term_nav.keybd' => 'Keyboard',
'term_nav.paste_prompt' => 'Paste text to send:',
'net.ap' => 'DHCP Server (AP)',
'net.sta' => 'DHCP Client (Station)',
'net.sta_mac' => 'Station MAC',
'net.ap_mac' => 'AP MAC',
'net.details' => 'MAC addresses',
'term.defaults' => 'Initial Settings',
'' => 'Expert Options',
'term.explain_initials' => '
Those are the initial settings used after ESPTerm powers on or when the screen
reset command is received. Some options can be changed by the application via escape sequences,
those changes won\'t be saved in Flash.
'term.explain_expert' => '
Those are advanced config options that usually don\'t need to be changed.
Edit them only if you know what you\'re doing.',
'term.example' => 'Default colors preview',
'term.reset_screen' => 'Reset screen & parser',
'term.term_title' => 'Header text',
'term.term_width' => 'Width / height',
'term.default_fg_bg' => 'Text / background',
'term.buttons' => 'Button labels',
'term.theme' => 'Color scheme',
'term.parser_tout_ms' => 'Parser timeout',
'term.display_tout_ms' => 'Redraw delay',
'term.display_cooldown_ms' => 'Redraw cooldown',
'term.fn_alt_mode' => 'SS3 Fn keys',
'term.show_config_links' => 'Show nav links',
'term.show_buttons' => 'Show buttons',
'term.loopback' => 'Local Echo',
'term.button_msgs' => 'Button codes<br>(ASCII, dec, CSV)',
// terminal color labels
'color.0' => 'Black',
'color.1' => 'Red',
'color.2' => 'Green',
'color.3' => 'Yellow',
'color.4' => 'Blue',
'color.5' => 'Purple',
'color.6' => 'Cyan',
'color.7' => 'Silver',
'color.8' => 'Gray',
'color.9' => 'Light Red',
'color.10' => 'Light Green',
'color.11' => 'Light Yellow',
'color.12' => 'Light Blue',
'color.13' => 'Light Purple',
'color.14' => 'Light Cyan',
'color.15' => 'White',
'net.explain_sta' => '
Switch off Dynamic IP to configure the static IP address.',
'net.explain_ap' => '
Those settings affect the built-in DHCP server in AP mode.',
'net.ap_dhcp_time' => 'Lease time',
'net.ap_dhcp_start' => 'Pool start IP',
'net.ap_dhcp_end' => 'Pool end IP',
'net.ap_addr_ip' => 'Own IP address',
'net.ap_addr_mask' => 'Subnet mask',
'net.sta_dhcp_enable' => 'Use dynamic IP',
'net.sta_addr_ip' => 'ESPTerm static IP',
'net.sta_addr_mask' => 'Subnet mask',
'net.sta_addr_gw' => 'Gateway IP',
'wifi.ap' => 'Built-in Access Point',
'wifi.sta' => 'Join Existing Network',
'wifi.enable' => 'Enabled',
'wifi.tpw' => 'Transmit power',
'wifi.ap_channel' => 'Channel',
'wifi.ap_ssid' => 'AP SSID',
'wifi.ap_password' => 'Password',
'wifi.ap_hidden' => 'Hide SSID',
'wifi.sta_info' => 'Selected',
'wifi.not_conn' => 'Not connected.',
'wifi.sta_none' => 'None',
'wifi.sta_active_pw' => '🔒 Password saved',
'wifi.sta_active_nopw' => '🔓 Open access',
'wifi.connected_ip_is' => 'Connected, IP is ',
'wifi.sta_password' => 'Password:',
'wifi.scanning' => 'Scanning',
'wifi.scan_now' => 'Click here to start scanning!',
'wifi.cant_scan_no_sta' => 'Click here to enable client mode and start scanning!',
'wifi.select_ssid' => 'Available networks:',
'wifi.enter_passwd' => 'Enter password for ":ssid:"',
'wifi.sta_explain' => 'After selecting a network, press Apply to connect.',
'wifi.conn.status' => 'Status:',
'wifi.conn.back_to_config' => 'Back to WiFi config',
'wifi.conn.telemetry_lost' => 'Telemetry lost; something went wrong, or your device disconnected.',
'wifi.conn.explain_android_sucks' => '
If you\'re configuring ESPTerm via a smartphone, or were connected
from another external network, your device may lose connection and this
progress indicator won\'t work. Please wait a while (~ 15 seconds),
then check if the connection succeeded.',
'wifi.conn.explain_reset' => '
To force enable the built-in AP, hold the BOOT
button until the blue LED starts flashing. Hold the button longer (until the LED
flashes rapidly) for a "factory reset".',
'wifi.conn.disabled' =>"Station mode is disabled.",
'wifi.conn.idle' =>"Idle, not connected and has no IP.",
'wifi.conn.success' => "Connected! Received IP ",
'wifi.conn.working' => "Connecting to selected AP",
'' => "Connection failed, check settings & try again. Cause: ",
'system.save_restore' => 'Save & Restore',
'system.confirm_restore' => 'Restore all settings to their default values?',
'system.confirm_restore_hard' =>
'Restore to firmware default settings? This will reset ' .
'all active settings and switch to AP mode with the default SSID.',
'system.confirm_store_defaults' =>
'Enter admin password to confirm you want to store the current settings as defaults.',
'system.password' => 'Admin password:',
'system.restore_defaults' => 'Reset active settings to defaults',
'system.write_defaults' => 'Save active settings as defaults',
'system.restore_hard' => 'Reset active settings to firmware defaults',
'system.explain_persist' => '
ESPTerm contains two persistent memory banks, one for default and
one for active settings. Active settings can be stored as defaults
by the administrator (password required).
'system.uart' => 'Serial Port',
'system.explain_uart' => '
This form controls the primary, communication UART. The debug UART is fixed at 115.200 baud, one stop-bit and no parity.
'uart.baud' => 'Baud rate',
'uart.parity' => 'Parity',
'uart.parity.none' => 'None',
'uart.parity.odd' => 'Odd',
'uart.parity.even' => 'Even',
'uart.stop_bits' => 'Stop-bits',
'' => 'One',
'uart.stop_bits.one_and_half' => 'One and half',
'uart.stop_bits.two' => 'Two',
'apply' => 'Apply!',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'confirm' => 'OK',
'form_errors' => 'Validation errors for:',

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
echo "Packing js..."
cat jssrc/chibi.js \
jssrc/keymaster.js \
jssrc/utils.js \
jssrc/modal.js \
jssrc/notif.js \
jssrc/appcommon.js \
jssrc/lang.js \
jssrc/wifi.js \
jssrc/term_* \
jssrc/term.js > js/app.js

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<nav id="menu">
<div id="brand" tabindex=0><?= tr('appname'.(ESP_DEMO?'_demo':'')) ?></div>
<a href="<?= e(url('term')) ?>" class="icn-back"><?= tr('menu.term') ?></a>
// generate the menu
foreach ($_pages as $k => $page) {
if (strpos($page->bodyclass, 'cfg') === false) continue;
$sel = ($_GET['page'] == $k) ? 'selected' : '';
$text = $page->label;
$url = e(url($k));
echo "<a href=\"$url\" class=\"$page->icon $sel\">$text</a>";
function menuOpen() { $('#menu').toggleClass('expanded') }
$('#brand').on('click', menuOpen).on('keypress', cr(menuOpen));

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<title><?= $_GET['PAGE_TITLE'] ?></title>
<link href="/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/js/app.js"></script>
var _root = <?= JS_WEB_ROOT ?>;
var _demo = <?= (int)ESP_DEMO ?>;
<?php if($_GET['page']=='term'): ?>var _demo_screen = <?= ESP_DEMO ? DEMO_SCREEN : 0 ?>;<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($_GET['page']=='cfg_wifi'): ?>var _demo_aps = <?= ESP_DEMO ? json_encode(DEMO_APS) : '' ?>;<?php endif; ?>
<body class="<?= $_GET['BODYCLASS'] ?>">
<div id="outer">
$cfg = false;
if (strpos($_GET['BODYCLASS'], 'cfg') !== false) {
$cfg = true;
require __DIR__ . '/_cfg_menu.php';
<div id="content">
<img src="/img/loader.gif" alt="Loading…" id="loader">
<?php if ($cfg): ?>
<h1><?= tr('menu.' . $_GET['page']) ?></h1>
<div class="Box errors hidden">
<span class="lead"><?= tr('form_errors') ?></span>&nbsp;<span class="list"></span>
<?php endif; ?>

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?php if ($_GET['BODYCLASS'] !== 'page-term'): ?>
<div class="botpad"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="NotifyMsg hidden" id="notif"></div>

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
<div class="Box">
<img src="/img/cvut.svg" id="logo" class="mq-tablet-min">
<h2>ESP8266 Remote Terminal</h2>
<img src="/img/cvut.svg" id="logo2" class="mq-phone">
&copy; Ondřej Hruška, 2016-2017
&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
<a href="" target="blank">Katedra měření, FEL ČVUT</a><br>
Department of Measurement, FEE CTU
<div class="Box">
<td>v%vers_fw%, built %date% at %time%</td>
<div class="Box">
Please report any issues to the <a href="%githubrepo%/issues">bugtracker</a> or send them by e-mail (see above).
Firmware updates can be downloaded from the <a href="%githubrepo%/releases">releases page</a> and flashed
with <a href=""></a>.
<div class="Box">
<i class="icn-github"></i> You're welcome to submit your improvements and ideas to our <a href="%githubrepo%">GitHub repository</a>!
<i class="icn-donate"></i> If you'd like to donate, please try <a href="">PayPal</a> or
<a href="">LiberaPay</a>.
<div class="Box">
The webserver is based on a <a href="">fork</a> of the
<a href="">esphttpd</a> library by Jeroen Domburg (Sprite_tm).
Using (modified) JS library <a href="">chibi.js</a> by
Kyle Barrow as a lightweight jQuery alternative.

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
<form class="Box str mobcol" action="<?= e(url('network_set')) ?>" method="GET" id="form-2">
<h2 tabindex=0><?= tr('net.sta') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain">
<?= tr('net.explain_sta') ?>
<div class="Row checkbox x-static-toggle" >
<label><?= tr('net.sta_dhcp_enable') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="sta_dhcp_enable" name="sta_dhcp_enable" value="%sta_dhcp_enable%">
<div class="Row x-static">
<label for="sta_addr_ip"><?= tr('net.sta_addr_ip') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="sta_addr_ip" id="sta_addr_ip" value="%h:sta_addr_ip%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row x-static">
<label for="sta_addr_mask"><?= tr('net.sta_addr_mask') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="sta_addr_mask" id="sta_addr_mask" value="%h:sta_addr_mask%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row x-static">
<label for="sta_addr_gw"><?= tr('net.sta_addr_gw') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="sta_addr_gw" id="sta_addr_gw" value="%h:sta_addr_gw%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-2').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
<form class="Box str mobcol" action="<?= e(url('network_set')) ?>" method="GET" id="form-1">
<h2 tabindex=0><?= tr('net.ap') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain">
<?= tr('net.explain_ap') ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="ap_addr_mask"><?= tr('net.ap_addr_mask') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="ap_addr_mask" id="ap_addr_mask" value="%h:ap_addr_mask%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row">
<label for="ap_addr_ip"><?= tr('net.ap_addr_ip') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="ap_addr_ip" id="ap_addr_ip" value="%h:ap_addr_ip%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row">
<label for="ap_dhcp_start"><?= tr('net.ap_dhcp_start') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="ap_dhcp_start" id="ap_dhcp_start" value="%h:ap_dhcp_start%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row">
<label for="ap_dhcp_end"><?= tr('net.ap_dhcp_end') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="ap_dhcp_end" id="ap_dhcp_end" value="%h:ap_dhcp_end%" <?=$ipmask?> required>
<div class="Row">
<label for="ap_dhcp_time"><?= tr('net.ap_dhcp_time') ?><span class="mq-phone">&nbsp;(min)</span></label>
<input type="number" step=1 min=1 max=2880 name="ap_dhcp_time" id="ap_dhcp_time" value="%ap_dhcp_time%" required>
<span class="mq-no-phone">&nbsp;min</span>
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-1').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
<div class="Box mobcol">
<h2><?= tr('net.details') ?></h2>
<div class="Row">
<label><?= tr('net.sta_mac') ?></label><input type="text" readonly value="%sta_mac%">
<div class="Row">
<label><?= tr('net.ap_mac') ?></label><input type="text" readonly value="%ap_mac%">
function updateStaticDisp() {
var sttc = !parseInt($('#sta_dhcp_enable').val());
$('.x-static').toggleClass('hidden', !sttc);
$('.x-static-toggle').on('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
<div class="Box str mobcol">
<h2 tabindex=0><?= tr('system.save_restore') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain nomargintop">
<?= tr('system.explain_persist') ?>
<div class="Row buttons2">
<a class="button icn-restore"
onclick="return confirm('<?= tr('system.confirm_restore') ?>');"
href="<?= e(url('restore_defaults')) ?>">
<?= tr('system.restore_defaults') ?>
<div class="Row buttons2">
<a onclick="writeDefaults(); return false;" href="#"><?= tr('system.write_defaults') ?></a>
<div class="Row buttons2">
<a onclick="return confirm('<?= tr('system.confirm_restore_hard') ?>');"
href="<?= e(url('restore_hard')) ?>">
<?= tr('system.restore_hard') ?>
<form class="Box str mobcol" action="<?= e(url('system_set')) ?>" method="GET" id="form-1">
<h2 tabindex=0><?= tr('system.uart') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain">
<?= tr('system.explain_uart') ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="uart_baud"><?= tr('uart.baud') ?><span class="mq-phone">&nbsp;(bps)</span></label>
<select name="uart_baud" id="uart_baud" class="short">
<?php foreach([
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 74880, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600, 1843200, 3686400,
] as $b):
?><option value="<?=$b?>"><?= number_format($b, 0, ',', '.') ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="mq-no-phone">&nbsp;bps</span>
<div class="Row">
<label for="uart_parity"><?= tr('uart.parity') ?></label>
<select name="uart_parity" id="uart_parity" class="short">
<?php foreach([
2 => tr('uart.parity.none'),
1 => tr('uart.parity.odd'),
0 => tr('uart.parity.even'),
] as $k => $label):
?><option value="<?=$k?>"><?=$label?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="uart_stopbits"><?= tr('uart.stop_bits') ?></label>
<select name="uart_stopbits" id="uart_stopbits" class="short">
<?php foreach([
1 => tr(''),
2 => tr('uart.stop_bits.one_and_half'),
3 => tr('uart.stop_bits.two'),
] as $k => $label):
?><option value="<?=$k?>"><?=$label?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-1').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
function writeDefaults() {
var pw = prompt('<?= tr('system.confirm_store_defaults') ?>');
if (!pw) return;
location.href = <?=json_encode(url('write_defaults')) ?> + '?pw=' + pw;

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
<div class="Box">
<a href="<?= e(url('reset_screen')) ?>"><?= tr('term.reset_screen') ?></a>
<form class="Box mobopen str" action="<?= e(url('term_set')) ?>" method="GET" id='form-1'>
<h2><?= tr('term.defaults') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain">
<?= tr('term.explain_initials') ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="theme"><?= tr("term.theme") ?></label>
<select name="theme" id="theme" class="short" onchange="showColor()">
<option value="0">Tango</option>
<option value="1">Linux</option>
<option value="2">XTerm</option>
<option value="3">Rxvt</option>
<option value="4">Ambience</option>
<option value="5">Solarized</option>
<div class="Row color-preview">
<div class="colorprev">
<span data-fg=0 class="bg0 fg0">30</span><!--
--><span data-fg=1 class="bg0 fg1">31</span><!--
--><span data-fg=2 class="bg0 fg2">32</span><!--
--><span data-fg=3 class="bg0 fg3">33</span><!--
--><span data-fg=4 class="bg0 fg4">34</span><!--
--><span data-fg=5 class="bg0 fg5">35</span><!--
--><span data-fg=6 class="bg0 fg6">36</span><!--
--><span data-fg=7 class="bg0 fg7">37</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span data-fg=8 class="bg0 fg8">90</span><!--
--><span data-fg=9 class="bg0 fg9">91</span><!--
--><span data-fg=10 class="bg0 fg10">92</span><!--
--><span data-fg=11 class="bg0 fg11">93</span><!--
--><span data-fg=12 class="bg0 fg12">94</span><!--
--><span data-fg=13 class="bg0 fg13">95</span><!--
--><span data-fg=14 class="bg0 fg14">96</span><!--
--><span data-fg=15 class="bg0 fg15">97</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span data-bg=0 class="bg0 fg15">40</span><!--
--><span data-bg=1 class="bg1 fg15">41</span><!--
--><span data-bg=2 class="bg2 fg15">42</span><!--
--><span data-bg=3 class="bg3 fg0">43</span><!--
--><span data-bg=4 class="bg4 fg15">44</span><!--
--><span data-bg=5 class="bg5 fg15">45</span><!--
--><span data-bg=6 class="bg6 fg15">46</span><!--
--><span data-bg=7 class="bg7 fg0">47</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span data-bg=8 class="bg8 fg15">100</span><!--
--><span data-bg=9 class="bg9 fg0">101</span><!--
--><span data-bg=10 class="bg10 fg0">102</span><!--
--><span data-bg=11 class="bg11 fg0">103</span><!--
--><span data-bg=12 class="bg12 fg0">104</span><!--
--><span data-bg=13 class="bg13 fg0">105</span><!--
--><span data-bg=14 class="bg14 fg0">106</span><!--
--><span data-bg=15 class="bg15 fg0">107</span>
<div class="Row color-preview">
<div style="
" id="color-example">
<?= tr("term.example") ?>
<div class="Row">
<label><?= tr("term.default_fg_bg") ?></label>
<select name="default_fg" id="default_fg" class="short" onchange="showColor()">
<?php for($i=0; $i<16; $i++): ?>
<option value="<?=$i?>"><?= tr("color.$i") ?></option>
<?php endfor; ?>
--><select name="default_bg" id="default_bg" class="short" onchange="showColor()">
<?php for($i=0; $i<16; $i++): ?>
<option value="<?=$i?>"><?= tr("color.$i") ?></option>
<?php endfor; ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="term_width"><?= tr('term.term_width') ?></label>
<input type="number" step=1 min=1 max=255 name="term_width" id="term_width" value="%term_width%" required>&nbsp;<!--
--><input type="number" step=1 min=1 max=255 name="term_height" id="term_height" value="%term_height%" required>
<div class="Row">
<label for="term_title"><?= tr('term.term_title') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="term_title" id="term_title" value="%h:term_title%" required>
<div class="Row">
<label><?= tr("term.buttons") ?></label>
<input class="short" type="text" name="btn1" id="btn1" value="%h:btn1%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="btn2" id="btn2" value="%h:btn2%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="btn3" id="btn3" value="%h:btn3%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="btn4" id="btn4" value="%h:btn4%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="btn5" id="btn5" value="%h:btn5%">
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-1').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
<form class="Box fold str" action="<?= e(url('term_set')) ?>" method="GET" id='form-2'>
<h2><?= tr('') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain">
<?= tr('term.explain_expert') ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="parser_tout_ms"><?= tr('term.parser_tout_ms') ?><span class="mq-phone">&nbsp;(ms)</span></label>
<input type="number" step=1 min=0 name="parser_tout_ms" id="parser_tout_ms" value="%parser_tout_ms%" required>
<span class="mq-no-phone">&nbsp;ms</span>
<div class="Row">
<label for="display_tout_ms"><?= tr('term.display_tout_ms') ?><span class="mq-phone">&nbsp;(ms)</span></label>
<input type="number" step=1 min=0 name="display_tout_ms" id="display_tout_ms" value="%display_tout_ms%" required>
<span class="mq-no-phone">&nbsp;ms</span>
<div class="Row">
<label for="display_cooldown_ms"><?= tr('term.display_cooldown_ms') ?><span class="mq-phone">&nbsp;(ms)</span></label>
<input type="number" step=1 min=0 name="display_cooldown_ms" id="display_cooldown_ms" value="%display_cooldown_ms%" required>
<span class="mq-no-phone">&nbsp;ms</span>
<div class="Row">
<label><?= tr("term.button_msgs") ?></label>
<input class="short" type="text" name="bm1" id="bm1" value="%h:bm1%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="bm2" id="bm2" value="%h:bm2%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="bm3" id="bm3" value="%h:bm3%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="bm4" id="bm4" value="%h:bm4%">&nbsp;
<input class="short" type="text" name="bm5" id="bm5" value="%h:bm5%">
<div class="Row checkbox" >
<label><?= tr('term.fn_alt_mode') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="fn_alt_mode" name="fn_alt_mode" value="%fn_alt_mode%">
<div class="Row checkbox" >
<label><?= tr('term.show_buttons') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="show_buttons" name="show_buttons" value="%show_buttons%">
<div class="Row checkbox" >
<label><?= tr('term.show_config_links') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="show_config_links" name="show_config_links" value="%show_config_links%">
<div class="Row checkbox" >
<label><?= tr('term.loopback') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="loopback" name="loopback" value="%loopback%">
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-2').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
function showColor() {
var ex = qs('#color-example');
ex.className = '';
var th = $('#theme').val();
$('.color-preview').forEach(function(e) {
e.className = 'Row color-preview theme-'+th;
$('.colorprev span').on('click', function() {
var fg = this.dataset.fg;
var bg =;
if (typeof fg != 'undefined') $('#default_fg').val(fg);
if (typeof bg != 'undefined') $('#default_bg').val(bg);

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
<form class="Box str mobcol" action="<?= e(url('wifi_set')) ?>" method="GET" id="form-1">
<h2 tabindex=0><?= tr('wifi.ap') ?></h2>
<div class="Row checkbox x-ap-toggle">
<label><?= tr('wifi.enable') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0></span>
<input type="hidden" id="ap_enabled" name="ap_enable" value="%ap_enable%">
<div class="Row x-ap-on">
<label for="ap_ssid"><?= tr('wifi.ap_ssid') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="ap_ssid" id="ap_ssid" value="%h:ap_ssid%" required>
<div class="Row x-ap-on">
<label for="ap_password"><?= tr('wifi.ap_password') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="ap_password" id="ap_password" value="%h:ap_password%">
<div class="Row x-ap-on">
<label for="ap_channel"><?= tr('wifi.ap_channel') ?></label>
<input type="number" name="ap_channel" id="ap_channel" min=1 max=14 value="%ap_channel%" required>
<div class="Row range x-ap-on">
<label for="tpw">
<?= tr('wifi.tpw') ?>
<span class="display x-disp1 mq-phone"></span>
<input type="range" name="tpw" id="tpw" step=1 min=0 max=82 value="%tpw%">
<span class="display x-disp2 mq-no-phone"></span>
<div class="Row checkbox x-ap-on">
<label><?= tr('wifi.ap_hidden') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0></span>
<input type="hidden" name="ap_hidden" value="%ap_hidden%">
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-1').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
<form class="Box str mobcol expanded" action="<?= e(url('wifi_set')) ?>" method="GET" id="form-2">
<h2 tabindex=0><?= tr('wifi.sta') ?></h2>
<div class="Row checkbox x-sta-toggle">
<label><?= tr('wifi.enable') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0></span>
<input type="hidden" id="sta_enabled" name="sta_enable" value="%sta_enable%">
<div class="Row explain nomargintop x-sta-on">
<span class="spacer"></span>
<?= tr("wifi.sta_explain") ?>
<input type="hidden" name="sta_ssid" id="sta_ssid" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="sta_password" id="sta_password" value="">
<div class="Row sta-info x-sta-on">
<label><?= tr('wifi.sta_info') ?></label>
<div class="AP-preview hidden" id="sta-nw">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="inner">
<div class="essid"></div>
<div class="passwd"><?= tr('wifi.sta_active_pw') ?></div>
<div class="nopasswd"><?= tr('wifi.sta_active_nopw') ?></div>
<div class="ip"></div>
<a class="forget" href="#" id="forget-sta">×</a>
<div class="AP-preview-nil" id="sta-nw-nil">
<?= tr('wifi.sta_none') ?>
<div id="ap-box" class="x-sta-on">
<label><?= tr('wifi.select_ssid') ?></label>
<div id="ap-scan"><a href="#" onclick="WiFi.startScanning(); return false"><?= tr('wifi.scan_now') ?></a></div>
<div id="ap-loader" class="hidden"><?= tr('wifi.scanning') ?><span class="anim-dots">.</span></div>
<div id="ap-list" class="hidden"></div>
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-2').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
WiFi.scan_url = '<?= url('wifi_scan', true) ?>';
sta_ssid: '%j:sta_ssid%',
sta_password: '%j:sta_password%',
sta_active_ip: '%j:sta_active_ip%',
sta_active_ssid: '%j:sta_active_ssid%',
function updateApDisp() {
var a = !!parseInt($('#ap_enabled').val());
$('.x-ap-on').toggleClass('hidden', !a);
$('.x-ap-toggle').on('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
function updateStaDisp() {
var a = !!parseInt($('#sta_enabled').val());
$('.x-sta-on').toggleClass('hidden', !a);
$('.x-sta-toggle').on('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
<h1><?= tr('menu.cfg_wifi_conn') ?></h1>
<div class="Box">
<p><b><?= tr('wifi.conn.status') ?></b> <span id="status"></span><span class="anim-dots">.</span></p>
<a href="<?= e(url('cfg_wifi')) ?>" id="backbtn" class="button"><?= tr('wifi.conn.back_to_config') ?></a>
<div class="Box">
<p><?= tr('wifi.conn.explain_android_sucks') ?></p>
<p><?= tr('wifi.conn.explain_reset') ?></p>
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var abortTmeo;
var failCounter = 0;
var messages = <?= json_encode([
'disabled' => tr('wifi.conn.disabled'),
'idle' => tr('wifi.conn.idle'),
'success' => tr('wifi.conn.success'),
'working' => tr('wifi.conn.working'),
'fail' => tr(''),
]) ?>;
function onFail() {
$("#status").html(<?= json_encode(tr('wifi.conn.telemetry_lost')) ?>);
function getStatus() {"GET", 'http://'+_root+'<?= url('wifi_connstatus', true) ?>');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
try {
var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var done = false;
var msg = messages[data.status] || '...';
if (data.status == 'success') {
msg += data.ip;
done = true;
if (data.status == 'fail') {
msg += data.cause;
done = true;
if (done) {
// $('#backbtn').removeClass('hidden');
} else {
// ask again after a short delay
window.setTimeout(getStatus, 1000);
} catch(e) {
// repeat
if (failCounter > 5) {
else {
window.setTimeout(getStatus, 1000);
} else {
// XHR timeout
abortTmeo = setTimeout(function () {
}, 4000);

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<div class="Box">
<a href="#" onclick="hpfold(1);return false">Expand all</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="hpfold(0);return false">Collapse all</a>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/troubleshooting.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/nomenclature.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/screen_behavior.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/input.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/charsets.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/sgr_styles.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/sgr_colors.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/cmd_cursor.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/cmd_screen.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/cmd_system.php"; ?>
function hpfold(yes) {
$('.fold').toggleClass('expanded', !!yes);

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Alternate Character Sets</h2>
<div class="Row v">
ESPTerm implements Alternate Character Sets as a way to print box drawing characters
and special symbols. A character set can change what each received ASCII character
is printed as on the screen (eg. "{" is "π" in codepage `0`). The implementation is based
on the original VT devices.
Since ESPTerm also supports UTF-8, this feature is the most useful for applications
which can't print UTF-8 or already use alternate character sets for historical reasons.
<h3>Supported codepages</h3>
<li>`B` - US ASCII (default)</li>
<li>`A` - UK ASCII: # replaced with £</li>
<li>`0` - Symbols and basic line drawing (standard DEC alternate character set)</li>
<li>`1` - Symbols and advanced line drawing (based on DOS codepage 437, ESPTerm specific)</li>
All codepages use codes 32-127, 32 being space. A character with no entry in the active codepage
stays unchanged.
$codepages = load_esp_charsets();
foreach($codepages as $name => $cp) {
echo "<h4>Codepage `$name`</h4>\n";
echo '<div class="charset">';
foreach($cp as $point) {
$dis = $point[1]==$point[2]?' class="none"' : '';
echo "<div$dis><span>$point[0]</span><span>$point[1]</span><span>$point[2]</span></div>";
echo '</div>';
<h3>Switching commands</h3>
There are two character set slots, G0 and G1.
Those slots are selected as active using ASCII codes Shift In and Shift Out (those originally served for shifting
a red-black typewriter tape). Often only G0 is used for simplicity.
Each slot (G0 and G1) can have a different codepage assigned. G0 and G1 and the active slot number are
saved and restored with the cursor and cleared with a screen reset (<code>\ec</code>).
<p>The following commands are used:</p>
<table class="ansiref w100">
<td>Set G0 = codepage <i>x</i></td>
<td>Set G1 = codepage <i>x</i></td>
<td>_SO_ (14)</td>
<td>Activate G0</td>
<td>_SI_ (15)</td>
<td>Activate G1</td>

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: Cursor Functions</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The coordinates are 1-based, origin is top left. The cursor can move within the entire screen,
or in the active Scrolling Region if Origin Mode is enabled.
<p>After writing a character, the cursor advances to the right. If it has reached the end of the row,
it stays on the same line, but writing the next character makes it jump to the start of the next
line first, scrolling up if needed. If Auto-wrap mode is disabled, the cursor never wraps or scrolls
the screen.
Italic letters such as _n_ are ASCII numbers that serve as arguments, separated with a semicolon.
If an argument is left out, it's treated as 0 or 1, depending on what makes sense for the command.
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[<i>n</i>A \\
\e[<i>n</i>B \\
\e[<i>n</i>C \\
<td>Move cursor up (`A`), down (`B`), right (`C`), left (`D`)</td>
\e[<i>n</i>F \\
<td>Go _n_ lines up (`F`) or down (`E`), start of line</td>
\e[<i>r</i>d \\
\e[<i>c</i>G \\
Go to absolute position - row (`d`), column (`G`), or both (`H`). Use `\e[H` to go to 1,1.
Query cursor position. Sent back as `\e[<i>r</i>;<i>c</i>R`.
<h3>Save / restore</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[s \\
<td>Save (`s`) or restore (`u`) cursor position</td>
\e7 \\
<td>Save (`7`) or restore (`8`) cursor position and attributes</td>
<h3>Scrolling Region</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
Set scrolling region to rows _a_ through _b_ and go to 1,1. By default, the
scrolling region spans the entire screen height. The cursor can leave the region using
absolute position commands, unless Origin Mode (see below) is active.
\e[?6h \\
Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) Origin Mode and go to 1,1. In Origin Mode, all coordinates
are relative to the Scrolling Region and the cursor can't leave the region.
\e[<i>n</i>S \\
Move contents of the Scrolling Region up (`S`) or down (`T`), pad with empty
lines of the current background color. This is similar to what happens when AutoWrap
is enabled and some text is printed at the very end of the screen.
<h3>Tab stops</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
Set tab stop at the current column. There are, by default, tabs every 8 columns.
\e[<i>n</i>I \\
<td>Advance (`I`) or go back (`Z`) _n_ tab stops or end/start of line. ASCII _TAB_ (9) is equivalent to <code>\e[1I</code></td>
\e[0g \\
\e[3g \\
<td>Clear tab stop at the current column (`0`), or all columns (`3`).</td>
<h3>Other options</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[?7h \\
<td>Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) cursor auto-wrap and screen auto-scroll</td>
\e[?25h \\
<td>Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) the cursor</td>

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: Screen Functions</h2>
<div class="Row v">
Italic letters such as _n_ are ASCII numbers that serve as arguments, separated with a semicolon.
If an argument is left out, it's treated as 0 or 1, depending on what makes sense for the command.
<table class="ansiref w100">
Clear part of screen. _m_: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all
Erase part of line. _m_: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all
Erase _n_ characters in line.
\e[<i>n</i>L \\
Insert (`L`) or delete (`M`) _n_ lines. Following lines are pulled up or pushed down.
\e[<i>n</i>@ \\
Insert (`@`) or delete (`P`) _n_ characters. The rest of the line is pulled left or pushed right.
Characters going past the end of line are lost.

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: System Functions</h2>
<div class="Row v">
It's possible to dynamically change the screen title text and action button labels.
Setting an empty label to a button makes it look disabled. The buttons send ASCII 1-5 when clicked.
Those changes are not retained after restart.
<table class="ansiref w100">
Clear screen, reset attributes and cursor.
The screen size, title and button labels remain unchanged.
Query device status, ESPTerm replies with `\e[0n` "device is OK".
Can be used to check if the terminal has booted up and is ready to receive commands.
<td>_CAN_ (24)</td>
This ASCII code is not a command, but is sent by ESPTerm when it becomes ready to receive commands.
When this code is received on the UART, it means ESPTerm has restarted and is ready. Use this to detect
spontaneous restarts which require a full screen repaint.
<td>Set screen title to _t_ (this is a standard OSC command)</td>
Set label for button _n_ = 1-5 (code 81-85) to _t_ - e.g.`\e]81;Yes\a`
sets the first button text to "Yes".
Set message for button _n_ = 1-5 (code 81-85) to _m_ - e.g.`\e]94;iv\a`
sets the 3rd button to send string "iv" when pressed.
\e[?800h \\
Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) action buttons (the blue buttons under the screen).
\e[?801h \\
Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) menu/help links under the screen.
\e[12h \\
Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) Send-Receive Mode (SRM).
SRM is the opposite of Local Echo, meaning `\e[12h` disables and `\e[12l` enables Local Echo.
<td>Set screen size to _r_ rows and _c_ columns (this is a command borrowed from Xterm)</td>

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>User Input: Keyboard, Mouse</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The user can input text using their keyboard, or on Android, using the on-screen keyboard which is open using
a button beneath the screen. Supported are all printable characters, as well as many control keys, such as arrows, _Ctrl+letters_
and function keys. Sequences sent by function keys are based on VT102 and Xterm.
The codes sent by _Home_, _End_, _F1-F4_ and cursor keys are affected by various keyboard modes (_Application Cursor Keys_,
_Application Numpad Mode_, _SS3 Fn Keys Mode_). Some can be set in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>,
others via commands.
Here are some examples of control key codes:
<td>Page Up</td>
<td>Page Down</td>
<td>`\r` (13)</td>
<td>`\n` (10)</td>
<td>`\t` (9)</td>
<td>`\e` (27)</td>
<td>`\b` (8)</td>
<td>ASCII 1-26</td>
<h3>Action buttons</h3>
The blue buttons under the screen send ASCII codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, which incidentally
correspond to _Ctrl+A,B,C,D,E_. This choice was made to make button press parsing as simple as possible.
ESPTerm implements standard mouse tracking modes based on Xterm. Mouse tracking can be used to implement
powerful user interactions such as on-screen buttons, draggable sliders or dials, menus etc. ESPTerm's
mouse tracking was tested using VTTest and should be compatible with all terminal applications
that request mouse tracking.
Mouse can be tracked in different ways; some are easier to parse, others more powerful. The coordinates
can also be encoded in different ways. All mouse tracking options are set using option commands:
`CSI ? _n_ h` to enable, `CSI ? _n_ l` to disable option _n_.
<h4>Mouse Tracking Modes</h4>
All tracking modes produce three numbers which are then encoded and send to the application.
First is the _event number_ N, then the _X and Y coordinates_, 1-based.
Mouse buttons are numbered: 1=left, 2=middle, 3=right.
Wheel works as two buttons (4 and 5) which generate only press events (no release).
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
This is the most basic tracking mode, in which <b>only button presses</b> are reported.
N = button - 1: (0 left, 1 middle, 2 right, 3, 4 wheel).
In Normal mode, both button presses and releases are reported.
The lower two bits of N indicate the button pressed:
`00b` (0) left, `01b` (1) middle, `10b` (2) right, `11b` (3) button release.
Wheel buttons are reported as 0 and 1 with added 64 (e.g. 64 and 65).
Normal mode also supports tracking of modifier keys, which are added to N as bit masks:
4=_Shift_, 8=_Meta/Alt_, 16=_Control/Cmd_. Example: middle button with _Shift_ = 1 + 4 = `101b` (5).
<td>*Button-Event tracking*</td>
This is similar to Normal mode (`1000`), but mouse motion with a button held is also reported.
A motion event is generated when the mouse cursor moves between screen character cells.
A motion event has the same N as a press event, but 32 is added.
For example, drag-drop event with the middle button will produce N = 1 (press), 33 (dragging) and 3 (release).
<td>*Any-Event tracking*</td>
This mode is almost identical to Button Event tracking (1002), but motion events
are sent even when no mouse buttons are held. This could be used to draw on-screen mouse cursor, for example.
Motion events with no buttons will use N = 32 + _11b_ (35).
Focus tracking is a separate function from the other mouse tracking modes, therefore they can be enabled together.
Focus tracking reports when the terminal window (in Xterm) gets or loses focus, or in ESPTerm's case, when any
user is connected. This can be used to pause/resume a game or on-screen animations.
Focus tracking mode sends `CSI I` when the terminal receives, and `CSI O` when it loses focus.
<h4>Mouse Report Encoding</h4>
The following encoding schemes can be used with any of the tracking modes (except Focus tracking, which is not affected).
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
This is the default encoding scheme used when no other option is selected.
In this mode, a mouse report has the format `CSI M _n_ _x_ _y_`,
where _n_, _x_ and _y_ are characters with ASCII value = 32 (space) + the respective number, e.g.
0 becomes 32 (space), 1 becomes 33 (!). The reason for adding 32 is to avoid producing control characters.
Example: `\e[M !!` - left button press at coordinates 1,1 when using X10 mode.
This scheme should encode each of the numbers as a UTF-8 code point, expanding the maximum possible value.
Since ESPTerm's screen size is limited and this has no practical benefit, this serves simply as an alias
to the normal scheme.
In SGR encoding, the response looks like a SGR sequence with the three numbers as semicolon-separated
ASCII values. In this case 32 is not added like in the Normal and UTF-8 schemes, because
it would serve nor purpose here. Also, button release is not reported as 11b,
but using the normal button code while changing the final SGR character: `M` for button press
and `m` for button release. Example: `\e[2;80;24m` - the right button was released
at row 80, column 24.
This is similar to SGR encoding, but the final character is always `M` and the numbers are
like in the Normal scheme, with 32 added. This scheme has no real advantage over the previous schemes and
was added solely for completeness.

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Basic Intro & Nomenclature</h2>
<div class="Row v">
<img src="/img/vt100.jpg" class="aside" alt="VT102">
ESPTerm emulates VT102 (pictured) with some additions from later VT models and Xterm.
All commonly used attributes and commands are supported.
ESPTerm is capable of displaying ncurses applications such as _Midnight Commander_ using _agetty_.
ESPTerm accepts UTF-8 characters received on the communication UART and displays them on the screen,
interpreting some codes as Control Characters. Those are e.g. _Carriage Return_ (13), _Line Feed_ (10),
_Tab_ (9), _Backspace_ (8) and _Bell_ (7).
Escape sequences start with the control character _ESC_ (27),
followed by any number of ASCII characters forming the body of the command.
<h3>Nomenclature & Command Types</h3>
Examples on this help page use the following symbols for special characters and command types:\\
(spaces are for clarity only, _DO NOT_ include them in the commands!)
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Symbol</th><th>ASCII</th><th>C string</th><th>Function</th></tr></thead>
<td>`ESC` (27)</td>
<td>`"\e"`, `"\x1b"`, `"\033"`</td>
<td>Introduces an escape sequence. _(Note: `\e` is a GCC extension)_</td>
<td>`"\a"`, `"\x7"`, `"\07"`</td>
<td>Audible beep</td>
<td>*String Terminator*</td>
<td>`ESC \`~(27~92)<br>_or_~`\a`~(7)</td>
<td>`"\x1b\\"`, `"\a"`</td>
<td>Terminates a string command (`\a` can be used as an alternative)</td>
<td>*Control Sequence Introducer*</td>
<td>`ESC [`</td>
<td>Starts a CSI command. Examples: `\e[?7;10h`, `\e[2J`</td>
<td>*Operating System Command*</td>
<td>`ESC ]`</td>
<td>Starts an OSC command. Is followed by a command string terminated by `ST`. Example: `\e]0;My Screen Title\a`</td>
<td>*Select Graphic Rendition*</td>
<td>`CSI <i>n</i>;<i>n</i>;<i>n</i>m`</td>
<td>Set text attributes, like color or style. 0 to 10 numbers can be used, `\e[m` is treated as `\e[0m`</td>
<p>There are also some other commands that don't follow the CSI, SGR or OSC pattern, such as `\e7` or
`\e#8`. A list of the most important escape sequences is presented in the following sections.</p>

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Screen Behavior & Refreshing</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The initial screen size, title text and button labels can be configured in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>.
Screen updates are sent to the browser through a WebSocket after some time of inactivity on the communication UART
(called "Redraw Delay"). After an update is sent, at least a time of "Redraw Cooldown" must elapse before the next
update can be sent. Those delays are used is to avoid burdening the server with tiny updates during a large screen
repaint. If you experience issues (broken image due to dropped bytes), try adjusting those config options. It may also
be useful to try different baud rates.

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<div class="Box fold theme-0">
<h2>Commands: Color SGR</h2>
<div class="Row v">
Colors are set using SGR commands (like `\e[10;20;30m`). The following tables list the SGR codes to use.
Selected colors are used for any new text entered, as well as for empty space when using line and screen clearing commands.
The configured default colors can be restored using SGR 39 for foreground and SGR 49 for background.
The actual color representation depends on a color theme which
can be selected in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>.
<h3>Foreground colors</h3>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg7 fg0">30</span>
<span class="bg0 fg1">31</span>
<span class="bg0 fg2">32</span>
<span class="bg0 fg3">33</span>
<span class="bg0 fg4">34</span>
<span class="bg0 fg5">35</span>
<span class="bg0 fg6">36</span>
<span class="bg0 fg7">37</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg8">90</span>
<span class="bg0 fg9">91</span>
<span class="bg0 fg10">92</span>
<span class="bg0 fg11">93</span>
<span class="bg0 fg12">94</span>
<span class="bg0 fg13">95</span>
<span class="bg0 fg14">96</span>
<span class="bg0 fg15">97</span>
<h3>Background colors</h3>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg15">40</span>
<span class="bg1 fg15">41</span>
<span class="bg2 fg15">42</span>
<span class="bg3 fg0">43</span>
<span class="bg4 fg15">44</span>
<span class="bg5 fg15">45</span>
<span class="bg6 fg15">46</span>
<span class="bg7 fg0">47</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg8 fg15">100</span>
<span class="bg9 fg0">101</span>
<span class="bg10 fg0">102</span>
<span class="bg11 fg0">103</span>
<span class="bg12 fg0">104</span>
<span class="bg13 fg0">105</span>
<span class="bg14 fg0">106</span>
<span class="bg15 fg0">107</span>

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: Style SGR</h2>
<div class="Row v">
All text attributes are set using SGR commands like `\e[10;20;30m`, with up to 10 numbers separated by semicolons.
To restore all attributes to their default states, use SGR 0: `\e[0m` or `\e[m`.
<p>Those are the supported text attributes SGR codes:</p>
<tr><td><b>Bold</b></td><td>1</td><td>21, 22</td></tr>
<tr><td style="opacity:.6">Faint</td><td>2</td><td>22</td></tr>
<tr><td><span style="color:black;background:#ccc;">Inverse</span></td><td>7</td><td>27</td></tr>

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Tips & Troubleshooting</h2>
<div class="Row v">
<li>*Communication UART (Rx, Tx)* can be configured in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.
<li>*Boot log and debug messages* are available on pin *GPIO2* (P2) at 115200\,baud, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Those messages may be disabled through compile flags.
<li>*Loopback test*: Connect the Rx and Tx pins with a piece of wire. Anything you type in the browser should
appear on the screen. Set _Parser Timeout = 0_ in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>
to be able to manually enter escape sequences.
<li>There is very little RAM available to the webserver, and it can support at most 4 connections at the same time.
Each terminal session (open window with the terminal screen) uses one persistent connection for screen updates.
*Avoid leaving unused windows open*, or either the RAM or connections may be exhausted.
<li>*For best performance*, use the module in Client mode (connected to external network) and minimize the number
of simultaneous connections. Enabling AP consumes extra RAM because the DHCP server and Captive Portal
DNS server are started.
<li>In AP mode, *check that the WiFi channel used is clear*; interference may cause flaky connection.
A good mobile app to use for this is
<a href="">WiFi Analyzer (Google Play)</a>.
Adjust the hotspot strength and range using the _Tx Power setting_.
<li>Hold the BOOT button (GPIO0 to GND) for ~1 second to force enable AP. Hold it for ~6 seconds to restore default settings.
(This is indicated by the blue LED rapidly flashing). Default settings can be overwritten in the
<a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Workaround for badly loaded page
setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof termInit == 'undefined' || typeof $ == 'undefined') {
console.error("Page load failed, refreshing…");
}, 3000);
<div class="Modal light hidden" id="fu_modal">
<div id="fu_form" class="Dialog">
<div class="fu-content">
<h2>Text Upload</h2>
<label for="fu_file">Load a text file:</label>
<input type="file" id="fu_file" accept="text/*" /><br>
<textarea id="fu_text"></textarea>
<label for="fu_crlf">Line Endings:</label>
<select id="fu_crlf">
<option value="CR">CR (Enter key)</option>
<option value="CRLF">CR LF (Windows)</option>
<option value="LF">LF (Linux)</option>
<label for="fu_delay">Line Delay (ms):</label>
<input id="fu_delay" type="number" value=1 min=0>
<div class="fu-buttons">
<button onclick="TermUpl.start()" class="icn-ok x-fu-go">Start</button>&nbsp;
<button onclick="TermUpl.close()" class="icn-cancel x-fu-cancel">Cancel</button>&nbsp;
<i class="fu-prog-box">Upload: <span id="fu_prog"></span></i>
<h1><!-- Screen title gets loaded here by JS --></h1>
<div id="term-wrap">
<div id="screen" class="theme-%theme%"></div>
<div id="action-buttons">
<button data-n="1"></button><!--
--><button data-n="2"></button><!--
--><button data-n="3"></button><!--
--><button data-n="4"></button><!--
--><button data-n="5"></button>
<textarea id="softkb-input" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<nav id="term-nav">
<a href="#" onclick="kbOpen(true);return false" class="mq-tablet-max"><i class="icn-keyboard"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.keybd') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="#" onclick=";return false"><i class="icn-download"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.upload') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-configure"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.config') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_wifi') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-wifi"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.wifi') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('help') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-help"></i><span><?= tr('') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('about') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-about"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.about') ?></span></a>
try {
window.noAutoShow = true;
termInit(); // the screen will be loaded via ajax
// auto-clear the input box
$('#softkb-input').on('input', function(e) {
var str = $('#softkb-input').val();
}, 1);
} catch(e) {
console.error("Fail, reloading in 3s…");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
function kbOpen(yes) {
var i = qs('#softkb-input');
if (yes) i.focus();
else i.blur();

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Customize Neat grid
@import "lib/neat/neat-helpers";
// optionally change gri settings
// Define breakpoints
$phone: new-breakpoint(max-width 544px);
$tablet: new-breakpoint(min-width 545px max-width 1000px);
$normal: new-breakpoint(min-width 1001px max-width 1376px);
$large: new-breakpoint(min-width 1377px);
$tablet-max: new-breakpoint(max-width 1000px);
$normal-max: new-breakpoint(max-width 1376px);
$tablet-min: new-breakpoint(min-width 545px);
$normal-min: new-breakpoint(min-width 1001px);

sass/_normalize.scss vendored

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
/* normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | */
* 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
* 2. Prevent iOS and IE text size adjust after device orientation change,
* without disabling user zoom.
*, *:before, *:after {
box-sizing: border-box;
html {
font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
* Remove default margin.
body {
margin: 0;
/* HTML5 display definitions
========================================================================== */
* Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
* Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11
* and Firefox.
* Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
display: block;
* 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
* 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
display: inline-block; /* 1 */
vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
* Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
* Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
//audio:not([controls]) {
// display: none;
// height: 0;
* Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.
* Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.
display: none;
/* Links
========================================================================== */
* Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.
a {
background-color: transparent;
* Improve readability of focused elements when they are also in an
* active/hover state.
a:hover {
outline: 0;
/* Text-level semantics
========================================================================== */
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
//abbr[title] {
// border-bottom: 1px dotted;
* Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
font-weight: bold;
* Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
//dfn {
// font-style: italic;
* Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
* contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
h2 {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
//mark {
// background: #ff0;
// color: #000;
* Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
small {
font-size: 80%;
* Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
sup {
font-size: 75%;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
vertical-align: baseline;
sup {
top: -0.5em;
sub {
bottom: -0.25em;
/* Embedded content
========================================================================== */
* Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.
img {
border: 0;
* Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.
svg:not(:root) {
overflow: hidden;
/* Grouping content
========================================================================== */
* Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.
//figure {
// margin: 1em 40px;
* Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
hr {
box-sizing: content-box;
height: 0;
* Contain overflow in all browsers.
pre {
overflow: auto;
* Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
font-family: "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Inconsolata", monospace;
font-size: 1em;
/* Forms
========================================================================== */
* Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited
* styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.
* 1. Correct color not being inherited.
* Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.
* 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.
* 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
textarea {
color: inherit; /* 1 */
font: inherit; /* 2 */
margin: 0; /* 3 */
* Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.
button {
overflow: visible;
* Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.
* All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.
* Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.
* Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.
select {
text-transform: none;
* 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`
* and `video` controls.
* 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
* 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
* `input` and others.
//html input[type="button"], /* 1 */
input[type="submit"] {
-webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
cursor: pointer; /* 3 */
* Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
html input[disabled] {
cursor: default;
* Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
input::-moz-focus-inner {
border: 0;
padding: 0;
* Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
* the UA stylesheet.
input {
line-height: normal;
* It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.
* Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.
* 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.
* 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.
input[type="radio"] {
box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 2 */
* Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain
* `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the
* decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.
//input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
// height: auto;
* 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.
* 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome.
//input[type="search"] {
// -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
// box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */
* Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.
* Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has
* padding (and `textfield` appearance).
//input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
// -webkit-appearance: none;
* Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
//fieldset {
// border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
// margin: 0 2px;
// padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
* 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.
* 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.
legend {
border: 0; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 2 */
* Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.
textarea {
overflow: auto;
* Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).
* NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.
//optgroup {
// font-weight: bold;
/* Tables
========================================================================== */
* Remove most spacing between table cells.
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
th {
padding: 0;

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Add a highlight for debugging
@mixin highlight($color) {
outline: 1px solid $color;
background: rgba($color, .05);
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px rgba($color, .2), inset 0 0 2px 2px rgba($color, .2);
// Ellipsis, but for block elements
@mixin block-ellipsis($width: 100%) {
display: block;
max-width: $width;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
word-wrap: normal;
// No margins, padding, borders
@mixin naked() {
border: 0 none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-decoration: none;
@mixin translate($x, $y) {
@include transform(translate($x, $y));
// Disallow wrapping
@mixin nowrap() {
white-space: nowrap;
word-wrap: normal;
@mixin click-through() {
pointer-events: none;
// Disallow text selection
@mixin noselect() {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
// Allow text selection
@mixin can-select() {
-webkit-user-select: text;
-moz-user-select: text;
-ms-user-select: text;
user-select: text;
cursor: text;

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
@import "normalize";
@import "fontello";
@import "lib/bourbon/bourbon";
@import "grid-settings";
@import "lib/neat/neat";
@import "utils";
$form-label-w: 160px;
$form-label-gap: 8px;
$form-field-w: 250px;
$c-red-outline: #ff0099;
$c-form-label-fg: white;
$c-form-field-bg: #3c3c3c;
$c-form-field-fg: white;
$c-form-highlight: #2972ba;
$c-form-highlight-a: #2ea1f9;
$c-modal-bg: #242426;
$screen-stack: "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Inconsolata", monospace;
@function dist($x) {
@return modular-scale($x, 1rem, $golden);
@function fsize($x) {
@return modular-scale($x, 1em, $major-second);
@import "layout/index";
@import "form/index";
// import all our pages
@import "pages/wifi";
@import "pages/term";
@import "pages/about";
// media queries
@include media($tablet-min) {
.mq-phone { display: none!important; }
@include media($phone) {
.mq-tablet-min, .mq-no-phone { display: none !important; }
@include media($normal-min) {
.mq-tablet-max { display: none !important; }
@include media($tablet-max) {
.mq-normal-min { display: none !important; }

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
@import "fancy_button_mixins";
$btn-gray-f: #DDDDDD;
$btn-gray-b: #505050;
$btn-gray-l: #343434; // line
$btn-green-f: #FEFEFE;
$btn-green-b: #2ca94b;
$btn-green-fa: #FEFEFE;
$btn-green-ba: #28ba5c;
$btn-red-f: #FEFEFE;
$btn-red-b: #D04E51;
$btn-red-fa: #FEFEFE;
$btn-red-ba: #d4403f;
$btn-blue-f: #FEFEFE;
$btn-blue-b: #3983cd;
$btn-blue-fa: #FEFEFE;
$btn-blue-ba: #2076C6;
$btn-orange-f: #FEFEFE;
$btn-orange-b: #dd8751;
$btn-orange-fa: #FEFEFE;
$btn-orange-ba: #C6733F;
button, input[type=submit], .button {
@include fancy-btn-base();
&.narrow {
min-width: initial;
&::before {
vertical-align: -1px;
margin-left: 0;
text-shadow: 1.5px 1.5px 2px rgba(black, 0.4);
@include fancy-btn-colors($btn-blue-f, $btn-blue-b, $btn-blue-fa, $btn-blue-ba);
&:focus {
outline-color: $c-red-outline;
//input[type="submit"], .btn-green {
// @include fancy-btn-colors($btn-green-f, $btn-green-b, $btn-green-fa, $btn-green-ba);
//.btn-red {
// @include fancy-btn-colors($btn-red-f, $btn-red-b, $btn-red-fa, $btn-red-ba);
//.btn-blue {
// @include fancy-btn-colors($btn-blue-f, $btn-blue-b, $btn-blue-fa, $btn-blue-ba);

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// Button styling
@mixin fancy-btn-base() {
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 0 0.6em;
border: 0 none;
//outline: 0 none !important;
line-height: 1.8em;
font-size: 1.1em;
margin-bottom: 3px;
min-width: 5em;
@include noselect();
//&[class^="icon-"]::before, &[class*=" icon-"]::before {
// margin-left:0;
&:active {
position: relative;
top: 2px;
//&, &:active, &:hover, &:visited {
// text-decoration: none;
@mixin fancy-btn-colors-full($text_p, $back_p, $side_p, $text_a, $back_a, $side_a) {
background-color: $back_p;
box-shadow: 0 3px 0 $side_p;
text-decoration: none !important;
&, &:link, &:visited {
color: $text_p;
&:hover, &:active, &.active, &.selected {
background-color: $back_a;
color: $text_a;
&:hover, &.selected, &.active {
box-shadow: 0 3px 0 $side_a;
// thinner shadow
&:active {
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 $side_a;
@mixin fancy-btn-colors($text_p, $back_p, $text_a, $back_a) {
@include fancy-btn-colors-full($text_p, $back_p, darken($back_p, 14), $text_a, $back_a, darken($back_a, 16));

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
@import "buttons";
#{$all-text-inputs}, select, {
width: $form-field-w;
input[type="number"], input.short, select.short {
width: $form-field-w/2;
#{$all-text-inputs}, select {
border: 0 none;
border-bottom: 2px solid $c-form-highlight;
background-color: $c-form-field-bg;
color: $c-form-field-fg;
padding: 6px;
line-height: 1em;
//outline: 0 none !important;
//-moz-outline: 0 none !important;
font-weight: normal;
&:focus, &:hover {
border-bottom-color: $c-form-highlight-a;
.Row.checkbox {
$h: 27px;
line-height: $h;
.box {
overflow: hidden;
width: $h;
height: $h;
border: 1px solid #808080;
border-radius: 3px;
background: $c-form-field-bg;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
color: $c-form-highlight-a;
&::before {
font-family: "fontello";
position: absolute;
//content: '×';
//content: '';
left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
line-height: 25px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 20px;
vertical-align: middle;
display: none;
@include icon-content('ok');
&.checked::before {
display: block;
.Row.range {
.display {
margin-left: 1ex;
label .display { font-weight: normal; }
//#{$all-text-inputs} {
// @include can-select();
//textarea {
// font-family: monospace;
// line-height: 1.2em;
// display: block; // fixes weird bottom margin
//@import "select";

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
// Unified Form wrapper
form { @include naked(); }
.Box.errors {
.list {
color: crimson;
font-weight: bold;
.lead {
color: white;
.Row {
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 12px auto;
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.35em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
&:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
&.v {
display: block;
.aside {
float: right;
margin-left: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
@include media($phone) {
margin: 0; float: none;
.spacer {
width: $form-label-w;
@include media($phone) {
display: none;
// buttons2 is the same style, but different selector for use in the admin page
&.buttons, &.buttons2 {
margin: 16px auto;
input, .button {
margin-right: dist(-1);
&.centered {
justify-content: center;
&.message {
font-size: 1em;
//margin-left: $label-gap + $w-labels;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black;
text-align: center;
&.error {
color: crimson;
&.ok {
color: #0fe851;
&.separator {
padding-top: 14px;
border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
textarea {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
min-height: 10rem;
flex-grow: 1;
resize: vertical;
label {
font-weight: bold;
color: $c-form-label-fg;
display: inline-block;
width: $form-label-w;
text-align: right;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black;
padding: $form-label-gap;
align-self: flex-start;
@include noselect;
@include nowrap;
label.error {
color: crimson;
//.checkbox-wrap {
// display: inline-block;
// width: $form-label-w;
// padding: $form-label-gap;
// text-align: right;
// align-self: flex-start;
// input[type=checkbox] {
// margin: auto;
// width: auto;
// height: auto;
// }
// & + label {
// width: $form-field-w;
// padding-left: 0;
// text-align: left;
// cursor: pointer;
// }
input[type="range"] {
width: 200px;
// special phone style
@include media($phone) {
flex-direction: column;
margin: 6px auto;
&.buttons, &.centered, &.checkbox {
flex-direction: row;
&.buttons {
justify-content: center;
// remove margin on lats button
:last-child {
label {
padding-left: 0;
text-align: left;
width: auto;
.checkbox-wrap {
order: 1;
text-align: left;
padding-bottom: 0;
border-radius: .4px;
width: auto;
& + label {
width: auto;
#{$all-text-inputs}, input[type="range"], textarea, select {
width: 100%;
// red asterisk
form span.required {
color: red;
.RadioGroup {
display: inline-block;
line-height: 1.5em;
vertical-align: middle;
label {
width: auto;
text-align: left;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: normal;
input[type="radio"] {
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 0 0 0 5px;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
@import 'fancy_button_mixins';
@import 'buttons';
@import 'form_elements';
%form-row-spacing {
& > * {
margin-right: dist(-2);
&:last-child { margin-right: 0 }
@import 'form_layout';
//@import 'select';

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// target chrome only
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
select { padding-right: 18px }
select {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
cursor: pointer;
line-height: 1.2em;
//padding: 3.5px;
padding-right: 1em;
// hack for firefox to disable dotted outline
&:-moz-focusring {
color: transparent;
text-shadow: 0 0 0 $c-form-field-fg;
option {
background: $c-form-field-bg;
} {
position: relative;
display: inline !important;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
width: auto !important;
&:after {
content: '<>'; /* will be rotated */
font-family: "Consolas", monospace;
font-weight: bold;
color: $c-form-highlight-a;
top: 50%;
@include transform(translate(0, -50%) rotate(90deg));
right: 2px;
z-index: 100;
pointer-events: none;

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
html {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
color: #D0D0D0;
background: #131315;
html, body {
@include naked();
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
a, a:visited, a:link {
cursor: pointer;
color: #5abfff;
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
color: #5abfff;
text-decoration: underline;
.hidden {
display: none !important;
[onclick] {
cursor: pointer;
ul > * {
padding-top: .3em;
padding-bottom: .3em;
ul {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
.botpad {
height: 5em;
.Box {
display: block;
max-width: 900px;
margin-top: dist(0);
padding: dist(-1) dist(0);
// clear floats
&::after {
content: '';
display: block;
clear: both
@include media($phone) {
margin-top: dist(-1);
h1, h2 {
overflow: hidden;
h1 + & {
margin-top: 0;
h2 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
border-radius: 3px;
background-color: rgba(white, .07);
box-shadow: 0 0 4px black;
border: 1px solid #4f4f4f;
&.wide {
width: initial;
max-width: initial;
&.medium {
max-width: 1200px;
//.Valfield {
// display: inline-block;
// min-width: 10em;
// Submit Top Right
&.str {
position: relative;
.Row.buttons {
position: absolute;
@include media($phone) {
right: dist(0);
top: 1.8em;
margin: 1rem auto;
@include media($tablet-min) {
right: 0;
top: 0;
margin-top: dist(-1);
&.str.mobopen .Row.buttons {
top: 0;
margin-top: dist(-1);
.Row.explain {
display: block; // this stops flex messing up text with inline tags
max-width: 600px; margin-left: 0;
line-height: 1.2;
@include media($phone) {
margin-top: 60px;
&.nomargintop {
margin-top: 12px !important;
&.padleft {
&.mobopen .Row.explain {
margin-top: 12px; // default from .Row
@include media($phone) {
margin-top: 18px;
@mixin mobcol-base {
h2 {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 2px 1.3rem 2px 5px;
margin: 0 -5px 0 -5px;
&::after {
position: absolute;
right: 4px;
content: '';
font-size: 120%;
font-weight: bold;
transform: translate(0,-50%) rotate(90deg);
&.expanded h2::after {
transform: translate(-25%,-50%) rotate(-90deg);
margin-bottom: dist(0);
.Row {
display: none;
&.expanded {
.Row {
display: flex;
&.v {
display: block;
.Box.fold {
@include mobcol-base;
@include media($phone) {
.Box.fold, .Box.mobcol {
h2 {
padding: 2px 1.3rem 2px 5px;
margin: 0 -5px 0 -5px;
&.expanded h2::after {
margin-bottom: dist(0);
.Box.mobcol {
@include mobcol-base;
#ap-box {
display: none;
&.expanded {
#ap-box {
display: block;

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#content {
flex-grow: 1;
position: relative;
padding: dist(0);
@include media($phone) {
padding: dist(-1);
overflow-y: auto;
& > * {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
h1 {
text-align: center;
font-size: fsize(7);
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: dist(0);
h2 {
font-size: fsize(3);
margin-bottom: dist(-1);
@include media($phone) {
h1 {
font-size: fsize(5);
margin-bottom: dist(-1);
h2 {
font-size: fsize(2);
margin-bottom: dist(-1);
td, th {
padding: dist(-2);
tbody th {
text-align: right;
width: $form-label-w;
color: $c-form-label-fg;
#content {
// fade in effect
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;
#content.load {
opacity: 1;

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@import "base";
@import "outer-wrap";
@import "menu";
@import "content";
@import "loader";
@import "box";
@import "modal";

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Loader wheel in top right corner
#loader {
position: absolute;
right: dist(1);
top: dist(1);
transition: opacity .2s;
opacity: 0;
@include media($phone) {
top: dist(0);
right: dist(0);
&.show {

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#menu {
$menu-bg: #3983CD;
$menu-hl: #5badff; //#1bd886;
$menu-fg: white;
flex: 0 0 15rem;
background: $menu-bg;
& > * {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
padding: dist(-1) dist(0);
@include nowrap;
@include noselect;
#brand {
cursor: pointer;
color: $menu-fg;
background: darken($menu-bg, 10%);
font-size: 120%;
text-align: center;
transition: none;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: dist(0);
@include media($phone) {
background: $menu-bg;
cursor: pointer;
margin-bottom: dist(-2);
&::after {
position: absolute;
color: rgba(black, .4);
right: dist(0);
content: '';
font-size: 120%;
font-weight: bold;
transform: translate(0,-50%) rotate(90deg);
&.expanded #brand {
background: darken($menu-bg, 10%);
@include media($phone) {
&:after { transform: translate(-25%,-50%) rotate(-90deg) }
a {
font-size: 130%;
color: $menu-fg;
transition: background-color 0.2s;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(black, .4);
&:hover, &.selected {
background: $menu-hl;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(black, .6);
&.selected {
position: relative;
box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(black, .5);
&:focus {
outline-color: $c-red-outline;
//&::before {
// content: "";
// padding-right: .5rem;
// position: relative;
// top: -0.1rem;
// Fontello
&::before {
vertical-align: -2px;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 15px;
@include media($phone) {
display: none;
&::before {margin-left: 10px;}
&.expanded a { display:block }
@include media($tablet) {
#brand {
font-size: 95%;
margin-bottom: dist(-1);
a { font-size: 105%; }
flex-basis: 10rem;
& > * { padding: dist(-2) dist(-1); }

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
.Modal {
z-index: 100;
position: fixed;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
transition: opacity .5s;
background: rgba(black, .65);
opacity: 0;
&.visible { opacity: 1 }
&.hidden { display: none }
&.light {
background: rgba(black, .25);
@include media($phone) {
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: flex-start;
overflow-y: auto;
.Dialog {
margin-top: dist(-1) !important;
flex-basis: unset;
flex-shrink: 0;
.Dialog {
margin: dist(-1);
padding: dist(0);
overflow: hidden;
//max-width: 100%;
//max-height: 100%;
flex-basis: 35rem;
//min-height: 15rem;
background: $c-modal-bg;//#1c1c1e;
border-left: 6px solid $c-form-highlight;
border-right: 6px solid $c-form-highlight;
//border-top: 1px solid $c-form-highlight;
//border-bottom: 1px solid $c-form-highlight;
box-shadow: 0 0 6px 0 black;
border-radius: 6px;
h1,h2 {
p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
// "toast"
.NotifyMsg {
position: fixed;
top: dist(1);
right: dist(2);
padding: dist(-1) dist(0);
// center horizontally
//left: 50%;
//@include translate(-50%,0);
// hack to remove blur in chrome
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0) scale(1.0, 1.0);
background: #3887d0;
&.error {
background: #d03e42;
color: white;
text-shadow: 0 0 2px black;
box-shadow: 0 0 6px 0 rgba(black, .6);
border-radius: 5px;
max-width: 80%;
@include media($phone) {
width: calc(100% - #{dist(0)});
transition: opacity .5s;
opacity: 0;
&.visible { opacity: 1 }
&.hidden { display: none }

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* Main outer container */
#outer {
display: flex;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
overflow: hidden;
flex-direction: row;
@include media($phone) {
#outer {
display: block;
overflow-y: scroll;

@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
// The following features have been deprecated and will be removed in the next MAJOR version release
@mixin inline-block {
display: inline-block;
@warn "The inline-block mixin is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
@mixin button ($style: simple, $base-color: #4294f0, $text-size: inherit, $padding: 7px 18px) {
@if type-of($style) == string and type-of($base-color) == color {
@include buttonstyle($style, $base-color, $text-size, $padding);
@if type-of($style) == string and type-of($base-color) == number {
$padding: $text-size;
$text-size: $base-color;
$base-color: #4294f0;
@if $padding == inherit {
$padding: 7px 18px;
@include buttonstyle($style, $base-color, $text-size, $padding);
@if type-of($style) == color and type-of($base-color) == color {
$base-color: $style;
$style: simple;
@include buttonstyle($style, $base-color, $text-size, $padding);
@if type-of($style) == color and type-of($base-color) == number {
$padding: $text-size;
$text-size: $base-color;
$base-color: $style;
$style: simple;
@if $padding == inherit {
$padding: 7px 18px;
@include buttonstyle($style, $base-color, $text-size, $padding);
@if type-of($style) == number {
$padding: $base-color;
$text-size: $style;
$base-color: #4294f0;
$style: simple;
@if $padding == #4294f0 {
$padding: 7px 18px;
@include buttonstyle($style, $base-color, $text-size, $padding);
&:disabled {
cursor: not-allowed;
opacity: 0.5;
@warn "The button mixin is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
// Selector Style Button
@mixin buttonstyle($type, $b-color, $t-size, $pad) {
// Grayscale button
@if $type == simple and $b-color == grayscale($b-color) {
@include simple($b-color, true, $t-size, $pad);
@if $type == shiny and $b-color == grayscale($b-color) {
@include shiny($b-color, true, $t-size, $pad);
@if $type == pill and $b-color == grayscale($b-color) {
@include pill($b-color, true, $t-size, $pad);
@if $type == flat and $b-color == grayscale($b-color) {
@include flat($b-color, true, $t-size, $pad);
// Colored button
@if $type == simple {
@include simple($b-color, false, $t-size, $pad);
@else if $type == shiny {
@include shiny($b-color, false, $t-size, $pad);
@else if $type == pill {
@include pill($b-color, false, $t-size, $pad);
@else if $type == flat {
@include flat($b-color, false, $t-size, $pad);
// Simple Button
@mixin simple($base-color, $grayscale: false, $textsize: inherit, $padding: 7px 18px) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 100%);
$border: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 9%, $lightness: -14%);
$inset-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: -8%, $lightness: 15%);
$stop-gradient: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 9%, $lightness: -11%);
$text-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 15%, $lightness: -18%);
@if is-light($base-color) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 20%);
$text-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 10%, $lightness: 4%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$border: grayscale($border);
$inset-shadow: grayscale($inset-shadow);
$stop-gradient: grayscale($stop-gradient);
$text-shadow: grayscale($text-shadow);
border: 1px solid $border;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 $inset-shadow;
color: $color;
display: inline-block;
font-size: $textsize;
font-weight: bold;
@include linear-gradient ($base-color, $stop-gradient);
padding: $padding;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $text-shadow;
background-clip: padding-box;
&:hover:not(:disabled) {
$base-color-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: -4%, $lightness: -5%);
$inset-shadow-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: -7%, $lightness: 5%);
$stop-gradient-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 8%, $lightness: -14%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$base-color-hover: grayscale($base-color-hover);
$inset-shadow-hover: grayscale($inset-shadow-hover);
$stop-gradient-hover: grayscale($stop-gradient-hover);
@include linear-gradient ($base-color-hover, $stop-gradient-hover);
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 $inset-shadow-hover;
cursor: pointer;
&:focus:not(:disabled) {
$border-active: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 9%, $lightness: -14%);
$inset-shadow-active: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 7%, $lightness: -17%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$border-active: grayscale($border-active);
$inset-shadow-active: grayscale($inset-shadow-active);
border: 1px solid $border-active;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 8px 4px $inset-shadow-active, inset 0 0 8px 4px $inset-shadow-active;
// Shiny Button
@mixin shiny($base-color, $grayscale: false, $textsize: inherit, $padding: 7px 18px) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 100%);
$border: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -117, $green: -111, $blue: -81);
$border-bottom: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -126, $green: -127, $blue: -122);
$fourth-stop: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -79, $green: -70, $blue: -46);
$inset-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $red: 37, $green: 29, $blue: 12);
$second-stop: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -56, $green: -50, $blue: -33);
$text-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -140, $green: -141, $blue: -114);
$third-stop: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -86, $green: -75, $blue: -48);
@if is-light($base-color) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 20%);
$text-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 10%, $lightness: 4%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$border: grayscale($border);
$border-bottom: grayscale($border-bottom);
$fourth-stop: grayscale($fourth-stop);
$inset-shadow: grayscale($inset-shadow);
$second-stop: grayscale($second-stop);
$text-shadow: grayscale($text-shadow);
$third-stop: grayscale($third-stop);
@include linear-gradient(top, $base-color 0%, $second-stop 50%, $third-stop 50%, $fourth-stop 100%);
border: 1px solid $border;
border-bottom: 1px solid $border-bottom;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 $inset-shadow;
color: $color;
display: inline-block;
font-size: $textsize;
font-weight: bold;
padding: $padding;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px $text-shadow;
&:hover:not(:disabled) {
$first-stop-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -13, $green: -15, $blue: -18);
$second-stop-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -66, $green: -62, $blue: -51);
$third-stop-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -93, $green: -85, $blue: -66);
$fourth-stop-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -86, $green: -80, $blue: -63);
@if $grayscale == true {
$first-stop-hover: grayscale($first-stop-hover);
$second-stop-hover: grayscale($second-stop-hover);
$third-stop-hover: grayscale($third-stop-hover);
$fourth-stop-hover: grayscale($fourth-stop-hover);
@include linear-gradient(top, $first-stop-hover 0%,
$second-stop-hover 50%,
$third-stop-hover 50%,
$fourth-stop-hover 100%);
cursor: pointer;
&:focus:not(:disabled) {
$inset-shadow-active: adjust-color($base-color, $red: -111, $green: -116, $blue: -122);
@if $grayscale == true {
$inset-shadow-active: grayscale($inset-shadow-active);
box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px 0 $inset-shadow-active;
// Pill Button
@mixin pill($base-color, $grayscale: false, $textsize: inherit, $padding: 7px 18px) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 100%);
$border-bottom: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 8, $saturation: -11%, $lightness: -26%);
$border-sides: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 4, $saturation: -21%, $lightness: -21%);
$border-top: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: -1, $saturation: -30%, $lightness: -15%);
$inset-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: -1, $saturation: -1%, $lightness: 7%);
$stop-gradient: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 8, $saturation: 14%, $lightness: -10%);
$text-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 5, $saturation: -19%, $lightness: -15%);
@if is-light($base-color) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 20%);
$text-shadow: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 10%, $lightness: 4%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$border-bottom: grayscale($border-bottom);
$border-sides: grayscale($border-sides);
$border-top: grayscale($border-top);
$inset-shadow: grayscale($inset-shadow);
$stop-gradient: grayscale($stop-gradient);
$text-shadow: grayscale($text-shadow);
border: 1px solid $border-top;
border-color: $border-top $border-sides $border-bottom;
border-radius: 16px;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 $inset-shadow;
color: $color;
display: inline-block;
font-size: $textsize;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1;
@include linear-gradient ($base-color, $stop-gradient);
padding: $padding;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px $text-shadow;
background-clip: padding-box;
&:hover:not(:disabled) {
$base-color-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $lightness: -4.5%);
$border-bottom: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 8, $saturation: 13.5%, $lightness: -32%);
$border-sides: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 4, $saturation: -2%, $lightness: -27%);
$border-top: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: -1, $saturation: -17%, $lightness: -21%);
$inset-shadow-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: -1%, $lightness: 3%);
$stop-gradient-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 8, $saturation: -4%, $lightness: -15.5%);
$text-shadow-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 5, $saturation: -5%, $lightness: -22%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$base-color-hover: grayscale($base-color-hover);
$border-bottom: grayscale($border-bottom);
$border-sides: grayscale($border-sides);
$border-top: grayscale($border-top);
$inset-shadow-hover: grayscale($inset-shadow-hover);
$stop-gradient-hover: grayscale($stop-gradient-hover);
$text-shadow-hover: grayscale($text-shadow-hover);
@include linear-gradient ($base-color-hover, $stop-gradient-hover);
background-clip: padding-box;
border: 1px solid $border-top;
border-color: $border-top $border-sides $border-bottom;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 $inset-shadow-hover;
cursor: pointer;
text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px $text-shadow-hover;
&:focus:not(:disabled) {
$active-color: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 4, $saturation: -12%, $lightness: -10%);
$border-active: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 6, $saturation: -2.5%, $lightness: -30%);
$border-bottom-active: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 11, $saturation: 6%, $lightness: -31%);
$inset-shadow-active: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 9, $saturation: 2%, $lightness: -21.5%);
$text-shadow-active: adjust-color($base-color, $hue: 5, $saturation: -12%, $lightness: -21.5%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$active-color: grayscale($active-color);
$border-active: grayscale($border-active);
$border-bottom-active: grayscale($border-bottom-active);
$inset-shadow-active: grayscale($inset-shadow-active);
$text-shadow-active: grayscale($text-shadow-active);
background: $active-color;
border: 1px solid $border-active;
border-bottom: 1px solid $border-bottom-active;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px 3px $inset-shadow-active;
text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px $text-shadow-active;
// Flat Button
@mixin flat($base-color, $grayscale: false, $textsize: inherit, $padding: 7px 18px) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 100%);
@if is-light($base-color) {
$color: hsl(0, 0, 20%);
background-color: $base-color;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 0;
color: $color;
display: inline-block;
font-size: $textsize;
font-weight: bold;
padding: $padding;
text-decoration: none;
background-clip: padding-box;
$base-color-hover: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 4%, $lightness: 5%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$base-color-hover: grayscale($base-color-hover);
background-color: $base-color-hover;
cursor: pointer;
&:focus:not(:disabled) {
$base-color-active: adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: -4%, $lightness: -5%);
@if $grayscale == true {
$base-color-active: grayscale($base-color-active);
background-color: $base-color-active;
cursor: pointer;
// Flexible grid
@function flex-grid($columns, $container-columns: $fg-max-columns) {
$width: $columns * $fg-column + ($columns - 1) * $fg-gutter;
$container-width: $container-columns * $fg-column + ($container-columns - 1) * $fg-gutter;
@return percentage($width / $container-width);
@warn "The flex-grid function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
// Flexible gutter
@function flex-gutter($container-columns: $fg-max-columns, $gutter: $fg-gutter) {
$container-width: $container-columns * $fg-column + ($container-columns - 1) * $fg-gutter;
@return percentage($gutter / $container-width);
@warn "The flex-gutter function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
@function grid-width($n) {
@return $n * $gw-column + ($n - 1) * $gw-gutter;
@warn "The grid-width function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release";
@function golden-ratio($value, $increment) {
@return modular-scale($increment, $value, $ratio: $golden);
@warn "The golden-ratio function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release. Please use the modular-scale function, instead.";
@mixin box-sizing($box) {
@include prefixer(box-sizing, $box, webkit moz spec);
@warn "The box-sizing mixin is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version release. This property can now be used un-prefixed.";

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
// Bourbon 4.2.6
// Copyright 2011-2015 thoughtbot, inc.
// MIT License
@import "settings/prefixer";
@import "settings/px-to-em";
@import "settings/asset-pipeline";
@import "functions/assign-inputs";
@import "functions/contains";
@import "functions/contains-falsy";
@import "functions/is-length";
@import "functions/is-light";
@import "functions/is-number";
@import "functions/is-size";
@import "functions/px-to-em";
@import "functions/px-to-rem";
@import "functions/shade";
@import "functions/strip-units";
@import "functions/tint";
@import "functions/transition-property-name";
@import "functions/unpack";
@import "functions/modular-scale";
@import "helpers/convert-units";
@import "helpers/directional-values";
@import "helpers/font-source-declaration";
@import "helpers/gradient-positions-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-angle-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-gradient-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-positions-parser";
@import "helpers/linear-side-corner-parser";
@import "helpers/radial-arg-parser";
@import "helpers/radial-positions-parser";
@import "helpers/radial-gradient-parser";
@import "helpers/render-gradients";
@import "helpers/shape-size-stripper";
@import "helpers/str-to-num";
@import "css3/animation";
@import "css3/appearance";
@import "css3/backface-visibility";
@import "css3/background";
@import "css3/background-image";
@import "css3/border-image";
@import "css3/calc";
@import "css3/columns";
@import "css3/filter";
@import "css3/flex-box";
@import "css3/font-face";
@import "css3/font-feature-settings";
@import "css3/hidpi-media-query";
@import "css3/hyphens";
@import "css3/image-rendering";
@import "css3/keyframes";
@import "css3/linear-gradient";
@import "css3/perspective";
@import "css3/placeholder";
@import "css3/radial-gradient";
@import "css3/selection";
@import "css3/text-decoration";
@import "css3/transform";
@import "css3/transition";
@import "css3/user-select";
@import "addons/border-color";
@import "addons/border-radius";
@import "addons/border-style";
@import "addons/border-width";
@import "addons/buttons";
@import "addons/clearfix";
@import "addons/ellipsis";
@import "addons/font-stacks";
@import "addons/hide-text";
@import "addons/margin";
@import "addons/padding";
@import "addons/position";
@import "addons/prefixer";
@import "addons/retina-image";
@import "addons/size";
@import "addons/text-inputs";
@import "addons/timing-functions";
@import "addons/triangle";
@import "addons/word-wrap";
@import "bourbon-deprecated-upcoming";

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for targeting `border-color` on specific sides of a box. Use a `null` value to skip a side.
/// @param {Arglist} $vals
/// List of arguments
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include border-color(#a60b55 #76cd9c null #e8ae1a);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// border-left-color: #e8ae1a;
/// border-right-color: #76cd9c;
/// border-top-color: #a60b55;
/// }
/// @require {mixin} directional-property
/// @output `border-color`
@mixin border-color($vals...) {
@include directional-property(border, color, $vals...);

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for targeting `border-radius` on both corners on the side of a box.
/// @param {Number} $radii
/// List of arguments
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element-one {
/// @include border-top-radius(5px);
/// }
/// .element-two {
/// @include border-left-radius(3px);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element-one {
/// border-top-left-radius: 5px;
/// border-top-right-radius: 5px;
/// }
/// .element-two {
/// border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
/// border-top-left-radius: 3px;
/// }
/// @output `border-radius`
@mixin border-top-radius($radii) {
border-top-left-radius: $radii;
border-top-right-radius: $radii;
@mixin border-right-radius($radii) {
border-bottom-right-radius: $radii;
border-top-right-radius: $radii;
@mixin border-bottom-radius($radii) {
border-bottom-left-radius: $radii;
border-bottom-right-radius: $radii;
@mixin border-left-radius($radii) {
border-bottom-left-radius: $radii;
border-top-left-radius: $radii;

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for targeting `border-style` on specific sides of a box. Use a `null` value to skip a side.
/// @param {Arglist} $vals
/// List of arguments
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include border-style(dashed null solid);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// border-bottom-style: solid;
/// border-top-style: dashed;
/// }
/// @require {mixin} directional-property
/// @output `border-style`
@mixin border-style($vals...) {
@include directional-property(border, style, $vals...);

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for targeting `border-width` on specific sides of a box. Use a `null` value to skip a side.
/// @param {Arglist} $vals
/// List of arguments
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include border-width(1em null 20px);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// border-bottom-width: 20px;
/// border-top-width: 1em;
/// }
/// @require {mixin} directional-property
/// @output `border-width`
@mixin border-width($vals...) {
@include directional-property(border, width, $vals...);

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Generates variables for all buttons. Please note that you must use interpolation on the variable: `#{$all-buttons}`.
/// @example scss - Usage
/// #{$all-buttons} {
/// background-color: #f00;
/// }
/// #{$all-buttons-focus},
/// #{$all-buttons-hover} {
/// background-color: #0f0;
/// }
/// #{$all-buttons-active} {
/// background-color: #00f;
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// button,
/// input[type="button"],
/// input[type="reset"],
/// input[type="submit"] {
/// background-color: #f00;
/// }
/// button:focus,
/// input[type="button"]:focus,
/// input[type="reset"]:focus,
/// input[type="submit"]:focus,
/// button:hover,
/// input[type="button"]:hover,
/// input[type="reset"]:hover,
/// input[type="submit"]:hover {
/// background-color: #0f0;
/// }
/// button:active,
/// input[type="button"]:active,
/// input[type="reset"]:active,
/// input[type="submit"]:active {
/// background-color: #00f;
/// }
/// @require assign-inputs
/// @type List
/// @todo Remove double assigned variables (Lines 5962) in v5.0.0
$buttons-list: 'button',
$all-buttons: assign-inputs($buttons-list);
$all-buttons-active: assign-inputs($buttons-list, active);
$all-buttons-focus: assign-inputs($buttons-list, focus);
$all-buttons-hover: assign-inputs($buttons-list, hover);
$all-button-inputs: $all-buttons;
$all-button-inputs-active: $all-buttons-active;
$all-button-inputs-focus: $all-buttons-focus;
$all-button-inputs-hover: $all-buttons-hover;

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides an easy way to include a clearfix for containing floats.
/// @link
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include clearfix;
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element::after {
/// clear: both;
/// content: "";
/// display: table;
/// }
@mixin clearfix {
&::after {
clear: both;
content: "";
display: table;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Truncates text and adds an ellipsis to represent overflow.
/// @param {Number} $width [100%]
/// Max-width for the string to respect before being truncated
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include ellipsis;
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// display: inline-block;
/// max-width: 100%;
/// overflow: hidden;
/// text-overflow: ellipsis;
/// white-space: nowrap;
/// word-wrap: normal;
/// }
@mixin ellipsis($width: 100%) {
display: inline-block;
max-width: $width;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
word-wrap: normal;

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Georgia font stack.
/// @type List
$georgia: "Georgia", "Cambria", "Times New Roman", "Times", serif;
/// Helvetica font stack.
/// @type List
$helvetica: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Roboto", "Arial", sans-serif;
/// Lucida Grande font stack.
/// @type List
$lucida-grande: "Lucida Grande", "Tahoma", "Verdana", "Arial", sans-serif;
/// Monospace font stack.
/// @type List
$monospace: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Consolas", "Courier", monospace;
/// Verdana font stack.
/// @type List
$verdana: "Verdana", "Geneva", sans-serif;

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/// Hides the text in an element, commonly used to show an image. Some elements will need block-level styles applied.
/// @link
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include hide-text;
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// overflow: hidden;
/// text-indent: 101%;
/// white-space: nowrap;
/// }
/// @todo Remove height argument in v5.0.0
@mixin hide-text($height: null) {
overflow: hidden;
text-indent: 101%;
white-space: nowrap;
@if $height {
@warn "The `hide-text` mixin has changed and no longer requires a height. The height argument will no longer be accepted in v5.0.0";

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for targeting `margin` on specific sides of a box. Use a `null` value to skip a side.
/// @param {Arglist} $vals
/// List of arguments
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include margin(null 10px 3em 20vh);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// margin-bottom: 3em;
/// margin-left: 20vh;
/// margin-right: 10px;
/// }
/// @require {mixin} directional-property
/// @output `margin`
@mixin margin($vals...) {
@include directional-property(margin, false, $vals...);

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for targeting `padding` on specific sides of a box. Use a `null` value to skip a side.
/// @param {Arglist} $vals
/// List of arguments
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include padding(12vh null 10px 5%);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// padding-bottom: 10px;
/// padding-left: 5%;
/// padding-top: 12vh;
/// }
/// @require {mixin} directional-property
/// @output `padding`
@mixin padding($vals...) {
@include directional-property(padding, false, $vals...);

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides a quick method for setting an elements position. Use a `null` value to skip a side.
/// @param {Position} $position [relative]
/// A CSS position value
/// @param {Arglist} $coordinates [null null null null]
/// List of values that correspond to the 4-value syntax for the edges of a box
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include position(absolute, 0 null null 10em);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// left: 10em;
/// position: absolute;
/// top: 0;
/// }
/// @require {function} is-length
/// @require {function} unpack
@mixin position($position: relative, $coordinates: null null null null) {
@if type-of($position) == list {
$coordinates: $position;
$position: relative;
$coordinates: unpack($coordinates);
$offsets: (
top: nth($coordinates, 1),
right: nth($coordinates, 2),
bottom: nth($coordinates, 3),
left: nth($coordinates, 4)
position: $position;
@each $offset, $value in $offsets {
@if is-length($value) {
#{$offset}: $value;

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// A mixin for generating vendor prefixes on non-standardized properties.
/// @param {String} $property
/// Property to prefix
/// @param {*} $value
/// Value to use
/// @param {List} $prefixes
/// Prefixes to define
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .element {
/// @include prefixer(border-radius, 10px, webkit ms spec);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .element {
/// -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
/// -moz-border-radius: 10px;
/// border-radius: 10px;
/// }
/// @require {variable} $prefix-for-webkit
/// @require {variable} $prefix-for-mozilla
/// @require {variable} $prefix-for-microsoft
/// @require {variable} $prefix-for-opera
/// @require {variable} $prefix-for-spec
@mixin prefixer($property, $value, $prefixes) {
@each $prefix in $prefixes {
@if $prefix == webkit {
@if $prefix-for-webkit {
-webkit-#{$property}: $value;
} @else if $prefix == moz {
@if $prefix-for-mozilla {
-moz-#{$property}: $value;
} @else if $prefix == ms {
@if $prefix-for-microsoft {
-ms-#{$property}: $value;
} @else if $prefix == o {
@if $prefix-for-opera {
-o-#{$property}: $value;
} @else if $prefix == spec {
@if $prefix-for-spec {
#{$property}: $value;
} @else {
@warn "Unrecognized prefix: #{$prefix}";
@mixin disable-prefix-for-all() {
$prefix-for-webkit: false !global;
$prefix-for-mozilla: false !global;
$prefix-for-microsoft: false !global;
$prefix-for-opera: false !global;
$prefix-for-spec: false !global;

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
@mixin retina-image($filename, $background-size, $extension: png, $retina-filename: null, $retina-suffix: _2x, $asset-pipeline: $asset-pipeline) {
@if $asset-pipeline {
background-image: image-url("#{$filename}.#{$extension}");
} @else {
background-image: url("#{$filename}.#{$extension}");
@include hidpi {
@if $asset-pipeline {
@if $retina-filename {
background-image: image-url("#{$retina-filename}.#{$extension}");
} @else {
background-image: image-url("#{$filename}#{$retina-suffix}.#{$extension}");
} @else {
@if $retina-filename {
background-image: url("#{$retina-filename}.#{$extension}");
} @else {
background-image: url("#{$filename}#{$retina-suffix}.#{$extension}");
background-size: $background-size;

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Sets the `width` and `height` of the element.
/// @param {List} $size
/// A list of at most 2 size values.
/// If there is only a single value in `$size` it is used for both width and height. All units are supported.
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .first-element {
/// @include size(2em);
/// }
/// .second-element {
/// @include size(auto 10em);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .first-element {
/// width: 2em;
/// height: 2em;
/// }
/// .second-element {
/// width: auto;
/// height: 10em;
/// }
/// @todo Refactor in 5.0.0 to use a comma-separated argument
@mixin size($value) {
$width: nth($value, 1);
$height: $width;
@if length($value) > 1 {
$height: nth($value, 2);
@if is-size($height) {
height: $height;
} @else {
@warn "`#{$height}` is not a valid length for the `$height` parameter in the `size` mixin.";
@if is-size($width) {
width: $width;
} @else {
@warn "`#{$width}` is not a valid length for the `$width` parameter in the `size` mixin.";

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Generates variables for all text-based inputs. Please note that you must use interpolation on the variable: `#{$all-text-inputs}`.
/// @example scss - Usage
/// #{$all-text-inputs} {
/// border: 1px solid #f00;
/// }
/// #{$all-text-inputs-focus},
/// #{$all-text-inputs-hover} {
/// border: 1px solid #0f0;
/// }
/// #{$all-text-inputs-active} {
/// border: 1px solid #00f;
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// input[type="color"],
/// input[type="date"],
/// input[type="datetime"],
/// input[type="datetime-local"],
/// input[type="email"],
/// input[type="month"],
/// input[type="number"],
/// input[type="password"],
/// input[type="search"],
/// input[type="tel"],
/// input[type="text"],
/// input[type="time"],
/// input[type="url"],
/// input[type="week"],
/// textarea {
/// border: 1px solid #f00;
/// }
/// input[type="color"]:focus,
/// input[type="date"]:focus,
/// input[type="datetime"]:focus,
/// input[type="datetime-local"]:focus,
/// input[type="email"]:focus,
/// input[type="month"]:focus,
/// input[type="number"]:focus,
/// input[type="password"]:focus,
/// input[type="search"]:focus,
/// input[type="tel"]:focus,
/// input[type="text"]:focus,
/// input[type="time"]:focus,
/// input[type="url"]:focus,
/// input[type="week"]:focus,
/// textarea:focus,
/// input[type="color"]:hover,
/// input[type="date"]:hover,
/// input[type="datetime"]:hover,
/// input[type="datetime-local"]:hover,
/// input[type="email"]:hover,
/// input[type="month"]:hover,
/// input[type="number"]:hover,
/// input[type="password"]:hover,
/// input[type="search"]:hover,
/// input[type="tel"]:hover,
/// input[type="text"]:hover,
/// input[type="time"]:hover,
/// input[type="url"]:hover,
/// input[type="week"]:hover,
/// textarea:hover {
/// border: 1px solid #0f0;
/// }
/// input[type="color"]:active,
/// input[type="date"]:active,
/// input[type="datetime"]:active,
/// input[type="datetime-local"]:active,
/// input[type="email"]:active,
/// input[type="month"]:active,
/// input[type="number"]:active,
/// input[type="password"]:active,
/// input[type="search"]:active,
/// input[type="tel"]:active,
/// input[type="text"]:active,
/// input[type="time"]:active,
/// input[type="url"]:active,
/// input[type="week"]:active,
/// textarea:active {
/// border: 1px solid #00f;
/// }
/// @require assign-inputs
/// @type List
$text-inputs-list: //'input[type="color"]',
$all-text-inputs: assign-inputs($text-inputs-list);
$all-text-inputs-active: assign-inputs($text-inputs-list, active);
$all-text-inputs-focus: assign-inputs($text-inputs-list, focus);
$all-text-inputs-hover: assign-inputs($text-inputs-list, hover);

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// CSS cubic-bezier timing functions. Timing functions courtesy of jquery.easie (
/// Timing functions are the same as demoed here:
/// @type cubic-bezier
$ease-in-quad: cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.085, 0.680, 0.530);
$ease-in-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190);
$ease-in-quart: cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.030, 0.685, 0.220);
$ease-in-quint: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060);
$ease-in-sine: cubic-bezier(0.470, 0.000, 0.745, 0.715);
$ease-in-expo: cubic-bezier(0.950, 0.050, 0.795, 0.035);
$ease-in-circ: cubic-bezier(0.600, 0.040, 0.980, 0.335);
$ease-in-back: cubic-bezier(0.600, -0.280, 0.735, 0.045);
$ease-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940);
$ease-out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000);
$ease-out-quart: cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000);
$ease-out-quint: cubic-bezier(0.230, 1.000, 0.320, 1.000);
$ease-out-sine: cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000);
$ease-out-expo: cubic-bezier(0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000);
$ease-out-circ: cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.820, 0.165, 1.000);
$ease-out-back: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275);
$ease-in-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.030, 0.515, 0.955);
$ease-in-out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000);
$ease-in-out-quart: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000);
$ease-in-out-quint: cubic-bezier(0.860, 0.000, 0.070, 1.000);
$ease-in-out-sine: cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.050, 0.550, 0.950);
$ease-in-out-expo: cubic-bezier(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000);
$ease-in-out-circ: cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860);
$ease-in-out-back: cubic-bezier(0.680, -0.550, 0.265, 1.550);

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
@mixin triangle($size, $color, $direction) {
$width: nth($size, 1);
$height: nth($size, length($size));
$foreground-color: nth($color, 1);
$background-color: if(length($color) == 2, nth($color, 2), transparent);
height: 0;
width: 0;
@if ($direction == up) or ($direction == down) or ($direction == right) or ($direction == left) {
$width: $width / 2;
$height: if(length($size) > 1, $height, $height/2);
@if $direction == up {
border-bottom: $height solid $foreground-color;
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if $direction == right {
border-bottom: $width solid $background-color;
border-left: $height solid $foreground-color;
border-top: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if $direction == down {
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
border-top: $height solid $foreground-color;
} @else if $direction == left {
border-bottom: $width solid $background-color;
border-right: $height solid $foreground-color;
border-top: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if ($direction == up-right) or ($direction == up-left) {
border-top: $height solid $foreground-color;
@if $direction == up-right {
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if $direction == up-left {
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if ($direction == down-right) or ($direction == down-left) {
border-bottom: $height solid $foreground-color;
@if $direction == down-right {
border-left: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if $direction == down-left {
border-right: $width solid $background-color;
} @else if ($direction == inset-up) {
border-color: $background-color $background-color $foreground-color;
border-style: solid;
border-width: $height $width;
} @else if ($direction == inset-down) {
border-color: $foreground-color $background-color $background-color;
border-style: solid;
border-width: $height $width;
} @else if ($direction == inset-right) {
border-color: $background-color $background-color $background-color $foreground-color;
border-style: solid;
border-width: $width $height;
} @else if ($direction == inset-left) {
border-color: $background-color $foreground-color $background-color $background-color;
border-style: solid;
border-width: $width $height;

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
@charset "UTF-8";
/// Provides an easy way to change the `word-wrap` property.
/// @param {String} $wrap [break-word]
/// Value for the `word-break` property.
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .wrapper {
/// @include word-wrap(break-word);
/// }
/// @example css - CSS Output
/// .wrapper {
/// overflow-wrap: break-word;
/// word-break: break-all;
/// word-wrap: break-word;
/// }
@mixin word-wrap($wrap: break-word) {
overflow-wrap: $wrap;
word-wrap: $wrap;
@if $wrap == break-word {
word-break: break-all;
} @else {
word-break: $wrap;

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Each of these mixins support comma separated lists of values, which allows different transitions for individual properties to be described in a single style rule. Each value in the list corresponds to the value at that same position in the other properties.
@mixin animation($animations...) {
@include prefixer(animation, $animations, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-name($names...) {
@include prefixer(animation-name, $names, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-duration($times...) {
@include prefixer(animation-duration, $times, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-timing-function($motions...) {
// ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out
@include prefixer(animation-timing-function, $motions, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-iteration-count($values...) {
// infinite | <number>
@include prefixer(animation-iteration-count, $values, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-direction($directions...) {
// normal | alternate
@include prefixer(animation-direction, $directions, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-play-state($states...) {
// running | paused
@include prefixer(animation-play-state, $states, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-delay($times...) {
@include prefixer(animation-delay, $times, webkit moz spec);
@mixin animation-fill-mode($modes...) {
// none | forwards | backwards | both
@include prefixer(animation-fill-mode, $modes, webkit moz spec);

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@mixin appearance($value) {
@include prefixer(appearance, $value, webkit moz ms o spec);

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@mixin backface-visibility($visibility) {
@include prefixer(backface-visibility, $visibility, webkit spec);

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// Background-image property for adding multiple background images with
// gradients, or for stringing multiple gradients together.
@mixin background-image($images...) {
$webkit-images: ();
$spec-images: ();
@each $image in $images {
$webkit-image: ();
$spec-image: ();
@if (type-of($image) == string) {
$url-str: str-slice($image, 1, 3);
$gradient-type: str-slice($image, 1, 6);
@if $url-str == "url" {
$webkit-image: $image;
$spec-image: $image;
@else if $gradient-type == "linear" {
$gradients: _linear-gradient-parser($image);
$webkit-image: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-image: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
@else if $gradient-type == "radial" {
$gradients: _radial-gradient-parser($image);
$webkit-image: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-image: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
$webkit-images: append($webkit-images, $webkit-image, comma);
$spec-images: append($spec-images, $spec-image, comma);
background-image: $webkit-images;
background-image: $spec-images;

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Background property for adding multiple backgrounds using shorthand
// notation.
@mixin background($backgrounds...) {
$webkit-backgrounds: ();
$spec-backgrounds: ();
@each $background in $backgrounds {
$webkit-background: ();
$spec-background: ();
$background-type: type-of($background);
@if $background-type == string or $background-type == list {
$background-str: if($background-type == list, nth($background, 1), $background);
$url-str: str-slice($background-str, 1, 3);
$gradient-type: str-slice($background-str, 1, 6);
@if $url-str == "url" {
$webkit-background: $background;
$spec-background: $background;
@else if $gradient-type == "linear" {
$gradients: _linear-gradient-parser("#{$background}");
$webkit-background: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-background: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
@else if $gradient-type == "radial" {
$gradients: _radial-gradient-parser("#{$background}");
$webkit-background: map-get($gradients, webkit-image);
$spec-background: map-get($gradients, spec-image);
@else {
$webkit-background: $background;
$spec-background: $background;
@else {
$webkit-background: $background;
$spec-background: $background;
$webkit-backgrounds: append($webkit-backgrounds, $webkit-background, comma);
$spec-backgrounds: append($spec-backgrounds, $spec-background, comma);
background: $webkit-backgrounds;
background: $spec-backgrounds;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
