ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier

110 lines
2.5 KiB

* Those replacements are done by the development server to test it locally
* without esphttpd. This is needed mainly for places where the replacements
* are given to JavaScript, to avoid syntax errors with
$vers = '???';
$versfn = __DIR__ . '/../user/version.h';
$fwHash = '00000000';
if (file_exists($versfn)) {
$f = file_get_contents($versfn);
preg_match_all('/#define FW_V_.*? (\d+)/', $f, $vm);
#define FW_V_MAJOR 1
#define FW_V_MINOR 0
#define FW_V_PATCH 0
$vers = $vm[1][0] . '.' . $vm[1][1] . '.' . $vm[1][2];
$fwHash = trim(shell_exec('cd .. && git rev-parse --short HEAD'));
return [
'title' => ESP_DEMO ? 'ESPTerm Web UI Demo' : 'ESPTerm local debug',
'btn1' => 'OK',
'btn2' => 'Cancel',
'btn3' => '',
'btn4' => '',
'btn5' => 'Help',
'bm1' => '01,'.ord('y'),
'bm2' => '01,'.ord('n'),
'bm3' => '',
'bm4' => '',
'bm5' => '05',
'bc1' => '',
'bc2' => '',
'bc3' => '',
'bc4' => '',
'bc5' => '',
'button_count' => 5,
'labels_seq' => ESP_DEMO ? 'TESPTerm Web UI DemoOKCancelHelp' : 'TESPTerm local debugOKCancelHelp',
'want_all_fn' => '0',
'parser_tout_ms' => 10,
'display_tout_ms' => 15,
'display_cooldown_ms' => 35,
'fn_alt_mode' => '1',
'opmode' => '2',
'sta_enable' => '1',
'ap_enable' => '1',
'tpw' => '60',
'ap_channel' => '7',
'ap_ssid' => 'TERM-027451',
'ap_password' => '',
'ap_hidden' => '0',
'sta_ssid' => 'Cisco',
'sta_password' => 'Passw0rd!',
'sta_active_ip' => ESP_DEMO ? '' : '',
'sta_active_ssid' => 'Cisco',
'vers_fw' => $vers,
'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
'time' => date('G:i')." ".TIMEZONE,
'vers_httpd' => '0.4',
'vers_sdk' => '010502',
'githubrepo' => '',
'githubrepo_front' => '',
'hash_backend' => $fwHash,
'hash_frontend' => GIT_HASH,
'ap_dhcp_time' => '120',
'ap_dhcp_start' => '',
'ap_dhcp_end' => '',
'ap_addr_ip' => '',
'ap_addr_mask' => '',
'sta_dhcp_enable' => '1',
'sta_addr_ip' => '',
'sta_addr_mask' => '',
'sta_addr_gw' => '',
'sta_mac' => '5c:cf:7f:02:74:51',
'ap_mac' => '5e:cf:7f:02:74:51',
'width' => '80',
'height' => '25',
'default_bg' => '0',
'default_fg' => '7',
'show_buttons' => '1',
'show_config_links' => '1',
'font_stack' => '',
'font_size' => '20',
'uart_baudrate' => 115200,
'uart_stopbits' => 1,
'uart_parity' => 2,
'theme' => 0,
'pwlock' => 0,
'access_name' => 'espterm',
'allow_decopt_12' => 0,