ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier

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<h2>Tips & Troubleshooting</h2>
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<li>*Communication UART (Rx, Tx)* can be configured in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.
<li>*Boot log and debug messages* are available on pin *GPIO2* (P2) at 115200\,baud, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Those messages may be disabled through compile flags.
<li>*Loopback test*: Connect the Rx and Tx pins with a piece of wire. Anything you type in the browser should
appear on the screen. Set _Parser Timeout = 0_ in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>
to be able to manually enter escape sequences.
<li>Use Ctrl+F12 to open a screen debug panel. Additional debugging can be enabled in the
<a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a> (near the bottom).
<li>*For best performance*, use the module in Client mode (connected to external network) and minimize the number
of simultaneous connections. Enabling AP consumes extra RAM because the DHCP server and Captive Portal
DNS server are started.
<li>*Check that the WiFi channel used is clear*; interference may cause flaky connection.
A good mobile app to use for this is
<a href="">WiFi Analyzer (Google Play)</a>.
Adjust the hotspot strength and range using the _Tx Power setting_.
<li>Hold the BOOT button (GPIO0 to GND) for ~1 second to force enable AP. Hold it for ~6 seconds to restore default settings.
(This is indicated by the blue LED rapidly flashing). Default settings can be overwritten in the
<a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.