ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.9 KiB

<?php if (!DEBUG): ?>
// Workaround for badly loaded page
setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof termInit == 'undefined') {
console.error("Page load failed, refreshing…")
}, 3000);
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="Modal light hidden" id="fu_modal">
<div id="fu_form" class="Dialog">
<div class="fu-content">
<h2>Text Upload</h2>
<label for="fu_file">Load a text file:</label>
<input type="file" id="fu_file" accept="text/*" /><br>
<textarea id="fu_text"></textarea>
<label for="fu_crlf">Line Endings:</label>
<select id="fu_crlf">
<option value="CR">CR (Enter key)</option>
<option value="CRLF">CR LF (Windows)</option>
<option value="LF">LF (Linux)</option>
<label for="fu_delay">Line Delay (ms):</label>
<input id="fu_delay" type="number" value=1 min=0>
<div class="fu-buttons">
<button id="term-fu-start" class="icn-ok x-fu-go">Start</button>&nbsp;
<button id="term-fu-close" class="icn-cancel x-fu-cancel">Cancel</button>&nbsp;
<i class="fu-prog-box">Upload: <span id="fu_prog"></span></i>
<h1 id="screen-title"><!-- Screen title is loaded here by JS --></h1>
<a href="#" id="term-fit-screen" class="mq-tablet-max"><i id="resize-button-icon" class="icn-resize-small"></i></a>
<div id="term-wrap">
8 years ago
<div id="screen">
<input id="softkb-input" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" />
<div id="touch-select-menu">
<button id="touch-select-copy-btn">Copy</button>
<div class="screen-margin top"></div>
<div class="screen-margin left"></div>
<div class="screen-margin right"></div>
<div class="screen-margin bottom"></div>
8 years ago
<div id="action-buttons"></div>
<nav id="term-nav">
<a href="#" id="term-kb-open" class="mq-tablet-max"><i class="icn-keyboard"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.keybd') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="#" id="term-fu-open"><i class="icn-download"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.upload') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-configure"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.config') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_wifi') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-wifi"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.wifi') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('help') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-help"></i><span><?= tr('') ?></span></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('about') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><i class="icn-about"></i><span><?= tr('term_nav.about') ?></span></a>
try {
window.noAutoShow = true;
termInit({ allFn: !!+'%want_all_fn%', });
} catch (e) {
<?php if (!DEBUG): ?>
console.error("Fail, reloading in 3s…");
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
<?php endif; ?>