ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
13 KiB

const $ = require('../lib/chibi')
const { encode2B } = require('../utils')
* User input
* --- Rx messages: ---
* S - screen content (binary encoding of the entire screen with simple compression)
* T - text labels - Title and buttons, \0x01-separated
* B - beep
* . - heartbeat
* --- Tx messages ---
* s - string
* b - action button
* p - mb press
* r - mb release
* m - mouse move
module.exports = function (conn, screen) {
// handle for input object
let input
const KEY_NAMES = {
0x03: 'Cancel',
0x06: 'Help',
0x08: 'Backspace',
0x09: 'Tab',
0x0C: 'Clear',
0x0D: 'Enter',
0x10: 'Shift',
0x11: 'Control',
0x12: 'Alt',
0x13: 'Pause',
0x14: 'CapsLock',
0x1B: 'Escape',
0x20: ' ',
0x21: 'PageUp',
0x22: 'PageDown',
0x23: 'End',
0x24: 'Home',
0x25: 'ArrowLeft',
0x26: 'ArrowUp',
0x27: 'ArrowRight',
0x28: 'ArrowDown',
0x29: 'Select',
0x2A: 'Print',
0x2B: 'Execute',
0x2C: 'PrintScreen',
0x2D: 'Insert',
0x2E: 'Delete',
0x3A: ':',
0x3B: ';',
0x3C: '<',
0x3D: '=',
0x3E: '>',
0x3F: '?',
0x40: '@',
0x5B: 'Meta',
0x5C: 'Meta',
0x5D: 'ContextMenu',
0x6A: 'Numpad*',
0x6B: 'Numpad+',
0x6D: 'Numpad-',
0x6E: 'Numpad.',
0x6F: 'Numpad/',
0x90: 'NumLock',
0x91: 'ScrollLock',
0xA0: '^',
0xA1: '!',
0xA2: '"',
0xA3: '#',
0xA4: '$',
0xA5: '%',
0xA6: '&',
0xA7: '_',
0xA8: '(',
0xA9: ')',
0xAA: '*',
0xAB: '+',
0xAC: '|',
0xAD: '-',
0xAE: '{',
0xAF: '}',
0xB0: '~',
0xBA: ';',
0xBB: '=',
0xBC: 'Numpad,',
0xBD: '-',
0xBE: 'Numpad,',
0xC0: '`',
0xC2: 'Numpad,',
0xDB: '[',
0xDC: '\\',
0xDD: ']',
0xDE: "'",
0xE0: 'Meta'
// numbers 0-9
for (let i = 0x30; i <= 0x39; i++) KEY_NAMES[i] = String.fromCharCode(i)
// characters A-Z
for (let i = 0x41; i <= 0x5A; i++) KEY_NAMES[i] = String.fromCharCode(i)
// function F1-F20
for (let i = 0x70; i <= 0x83; i++) KEY_NAMES[i] = `F${i - 0x70 + 1}`
// numpad 0-9
for (let i = 0x60; i <= 0x69; i++) KEY_NAMES[i] = `Numpad${i - 0x60}`
let cfg = {
8 years ago
np_alt: false, // Application Numpad Mode
cu_alt: false, // Application Cursors Mode
fn_alt: false, // SS3 function keys mode
mt_click: false, // Mouse click tracking
mt_move: false, // Mouse move tracking
no_keys: false, // Suppress any key / clipboard event intercepting
crlf_mode: false, // Enter sends CR LF
all_fn: false // Capture also F5, F11 and F12
/** Fn alt choice for key message */
const fa = (alt, normal) => cfg.fn_alt ? alt : normal
/** Cursor alt choice for key message */
const ca = (alt, normal) => cfg.cu_alt ? alt : normal
/** Numpad alt choice for key message */
const na = (alt, normal) => cfg.np_alt ? alt : normal
const keymap = {
/* eslint-disable key-spacing */
'Backspace': '\x08',
'Tab': '\x09',
'Enter': () => cfg.crlf_mode ? '\x0d\x0a' : '\x0d',
'Control+Enter': '\x0a',
'Escape': '\x1b',
'ArrowUp': () => ca('\x1bOA', '\x1b[A'),
'ArrowDown': () => ca('\x1bOB', '\x1b[B'),
'ArrowRight': () => ca('\x1bOC', '\x1b[C'),
'ArrowLeft': () => ca('\x1bOD', '\x1b[D'),
'Home': () => ca('\x1bOH', fa('\x1b[H', '\x1b[1~')),
'Insert': '\x1b[2~',
'Delete': '\x1b[3~',
'End': () => ca('\x1bOF', fa('\x1b[F', '\x1b[4~')),
'PageUp': '\x1b[5~',
'PageDown': '\x1b[6~',
'F1': () => fa('\x1bOP', '\x1b[11~'),
'F2': () => fa('\x1bOQ', '\x1b[12~'),
'F3': () => fa('\x1bOR', '\x1b[13~'),
'F4': () => fa('\x1bOS', '\x1b[14~'),
'F5': '\x1b[15~', // note the disconnect
'F6': '\x1b[17~',
'F7': '\x1b[18~',
'F8': '\x1b[19~',
'F9': '\x1b[20~',
'F10': '\x1b[21~', // note the disconnect
'F11': '\x1b[23~',
'F12': '\x1b[24~',
'Shift+F1': () => fa('\x1bO1;2P', '\x1b[25~'),
'Shift+F2': () => fa('\x1bO1;2Q', '\x1b[26~'), // note the disconnect
'Shift+F3': () => fa('\x1bO1;2R', '\x1b[28~'),
'Shift+F4': () => fa('\x1bO1;2S', '\x1b[29~'), // note the disconnect
'Shift+F5': () => fa('\x1b[15;2~', '\x1b[31~'),
'Shift+F6': () => fa('\x1b[17;2~', '\x1b[32~'),
'Shift+F7': () => fa('\x1b[18;2~', '\x1b[33~'),
'Shift+F8': () => fa('\x1b[19;2~', '\x1b[34~'),
'Shift+F9': () => fa('\x1b[20;2~', '\x1b[35~'), // 35-38 are not standard - but what is?
'Shift+F10': () => fa('\x1b[21;2~', '\x1b[36~'),
'Shift+F11': () => fa('\x1b[22;2~', '\x1b[37~'),
'Shift+F12': () => fa('\x1b[23;2~', '\x1b[38~'),
'Numpad0': () => na('\x1bOp', '0'),
'Numpad1': () => na('\x1bOq', '1'),
'Numpad2': () => na('\x1bOr', '2'),
'Numpad3': () => na('\x1bOs', '3'),
'Numpad4': () => na('\x1bOt', '4'),
'Numpad5': () => na('\x1bOu', '5'),
'Numpad6': () => na('\x1bOv', '6'),
'Numpad7': () => na('\x1bOw', '7'),
'Numpad8': () => na('\x1bOx', '8'),
'Numpad9': () => na('\x1bOy', '9'),
'Numpad*': () => na('\x1bOR', '*'),
'Numpad+': () => na('\x1bOl', '+'),
'Numpad-': () => na('\x1bOS', '-'),
'Numpad.': () => na('\x1bOn', '.'),
'Numpad/': () => na('\x1bOQ', '/'),
// we don't implement numlock key (should change in numpad_alt mode,
// but it's even more useless than the rest and also has the side
// effect of changing the user's numlock state)
// shortcuts
'Control+]': '\x1b', // alternate way to enter ESC
'Control+\\': '\x1c',
'Control+[': '\x1d',
'Control+^': '\x1e',
'Control+_': '\x1f',
// extra controls
'Control+ArrowLeft': '\x1f[1;5D',
'Control+ArrowRight': '\x1f[1;5C',
'Control+ArrowUp': '\x1f[1;5A',
'Control+ArrowDown': '\x1f[1;5B',
'Control+Home': '\x1f[1;5H',
'Control+End': '\x1f[1;5F',
// extra shift controls
'Shift+ArrowLeft': '\x1f[1;2D',
'Shift+ArrowRight': '\x1f[1;2C',
'Shift+ArrowUp': '\x1f[1;2A',
'Shift+ArrowDown': '\x1f[1;2B',
'Shift+Home': '\x1f[1;2H',
'Shift+End': '\x1f[1;2F',
// macOS text editing commands
'Alt+ArrowLeft': '\x1bb', // ⌥← to go back a word (^[b)
'Alt+ArrowRight': '\x1bf', // ⌥→ to go forward one word (^[f)
'Meta+ArrowLeft': '\x01', // ⌘← to go to the beginning of a line (^A)
'Meta+ArrowRight': '\x05', // ⌘→ to go to the end of a line (^E)
'Alt+Backspace': '\x17', // ⌥⌫ to delete a word (^W)
'Meta+Backspace': '\x15', // ⌘⌫ to delete to the beginning of a line (^U)
// copy to clipboard
'Control+Shift+C' () {
'Control+Insert' () {
// toggle debug mode
'Control+F12' () {
screen.window.debug ^= 1
/* eslint-enable key-spacing */
// ctrl+[A-Z] sent as simple low ASCII codes
for (let i = 1; i <= 26; i++) {
keymap[`Control+${String.fromCharCode(0x40 + i)}`] = String.fromCharCode(i)
/** Send a literal message */
function sendString (str) {
return conn.send('s' + str)
/** Send a button event */
7 years ago
function sendButton (index) {
conn.send('b' + String.fromCharCode(index + 1))
8 years ago
const shouldAcceptEvent = function () {
if (cfg.no_keys) return false
8 years ago
if (document.activeElement instanceof window.HTMLTextAreaElement) return false
return true
const keyBlacklist = [
'F5', 'F11', 'F12', 'Shift+F5'
let softModifiers = {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false
const handleKeyDown = function (e) {
8 years ago
if (!shouldAcceptEvent()) return
let modifiers = []
// sorted alphabetically
if (e.altKey || softModifiers.alt) modifiers.push('Alt')
if (e.ctrlKey || softModifiers.ctrl) modifiers.push('Control')
if (e.metaKey || softModifiers.meta) modifiers.push('Meta')
if (e.shiftKey || softModifiers.shift) modifiers.push('Shift')
let key = KEY_NAMES[e.which] || e.key
// ignore clipboard events
if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && key === 'V') return
let binding = null
for (let name in keymap) {
let itemModifiers = name.split('+')
let itemKey = itemModifiers.pop()
if (itemKey === key && itemModifiers.sort().join() === modifiers.join()) {
if (keyBlacklist.includes(name) && !cfg.all_fn) continue
binding = keymap[name]
if (binding) {
if (binding instanceof Function) binding = binding()
if (typeof binding === 'string') {
/** Bind/rebind key messages */
function initKeys ({ allFn }) {
// This takes care of text characters typed
window.addEventListener('keypress', function (evt) {
8 years ago
if (!shouldAcceptEvent()) return
if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) return
let str = ''
if (evt.key && evt.key.length === 1) str = evt.key
else if (evt.which && evt.which !== 229) str = String.fromCodePoint(evt.which)
if (str.length > 0 && str.charCodeAt(0) >= 32) {
// prevent space from scrolling
if (evt.which === 32) evt.preventDefault()
window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown)
window.addEventListener('copy', e => {
8 years ago
if (!shouldAcceptEvent()) return
let selectedText = screen.getSelectedText()
if (selectedText) {
e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', selectedText)
window.addEventListener('paste', e => {
8 years ago
if (!shouldAcceptEvent()) return
let string = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')
if (string.includes('\n') || string.length > 90) {
if (!input.termUpload) console.error('input.termUpload is undefined')
} else {
// simple string, just paste it
if (screen.bracketedPaste) string = `\x1b[200~${string}\x1b[201~`
cfg.all_fn = allFn
// mouse button states
let mb1 = 0
let mb2 = 0
let mb3 = 0
/** Init the Input module */
function init (opts) {
// global mouse state tracking - for motion reporting
window.addEventListener('mousedown', evt => {
if (evt.button === 0) mb1 = 1
if (evt.button === 1) mb2 = 1
if (evt.button === 2) mb3 = 1
window.addEventListener('mouseup', evt => {
if (evt.button === 0) mb1 = 0
if (evt.button === 1) mb2 = 0
if (evt.button === 2) mb3 = 0
// record modifier keys
// bits: Meta, Alt, Shift, Ctrl
let modifiers = 0b0000
window.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
if (e.ctrlKey) modifiers |= 1
if (e.shiftKey) modifiers |= 2
if (e.altKey) modifiers |= 4
if (e.metaKey) modifiers |= 8
window.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
modifiers = 0
if (e.ctrlKey) modifiers |= 1
if (e.shiftKey) modifiers |= 2
if (e.altKey) modifiers |= 4
if (e.metaKey) modifiers |= 8
/** Prepare modifiers byte for mouse message */
function packModifiersForMouse () {
return modifiers
input = {
/** Init the Input module */
/** Send a literal string message */
7 years ago
/** Enable alternate key modes (cursors, numpad, fn) */
setAlts: function (cu, np, fn, crlf) {
if (cfg.cu_alt !== cu || cfg.np_alt !== np || cfg.fn_alt !== fn || cfg.crlf_mode !== crlf) {
cfg.cu_alt = cu
cfg.np_alt = np
cfg.fn_alt = fn
cfg.crlf_mode = crlf
setMouseMode (click, move) {
cfg.mt_click = click
cfg.mt_move = move
// Mouse events
onMouseMove (x, y) {
if (!cfg.mt_move) return
const b = mb1 ? 1 : mb2 ? 2 : mb3 ? 3 : 0
const m = packModifiersForMouse()
conn.send('m' + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m))
onMouseDown (x, y, b) {
if (!cfg.mt_click) return
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return
const m = packModifiersForMouse()
conn.send('p' + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m))
onMouseUp (x, y, b) {
if (!cfg.mt_click) return
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return
const m = packModifiersForMouse()
conn.send('r' + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m))
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseWheel (x, y, dir) {
if (!cfg.mt_click) return
// -1 ... btn 4 (away from user)
// +1 ... btn 5 (towards user)
const m = packModifiersForMouse()
const b = (dir < 0 ? 4 : 5)
conn.send('p' + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m))
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
* Prevent capturing keys. This is used for text input
* modals on the terminal screen
blockKeys (yes) {
cfg.no_keys = yes
return input