Turtle programming game that was never finished to a playable state (but had cute graphics and sounds)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
4.1 KiB

10 years ago
package net.tortuga.gui.widgets.input;
import static net.tortuga.gui.widgets.EColorRole.*;
import net.tortuga.fonts.FontManager;
import net.tortuga.fonts.LoadedFont;
import net.tortuga.gui.widgets.ETheme;
import net.tortuga.gui.widgets.Widget;
import net.tortuga.util.Align;
import net.tortuga.util.RenderUtils;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import com.porcupine.color.RGB;
import com.porcupine.coord.Coord;
import com.porcupine.util.StringUtils;
* Clcikable button.
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
10 years ago
public class TextInput extends Widget {
public static final String CHARS_ALL = FontManager.Glyphs.all;
public static final String CHARS_ALNUM = FontManager.Glyphs.alnum;
public static final String CHARS_BASIC = FontManager.Glyphs.basic;
public static final String CHARS_EMAIL = FontManager.Glyphs.alnum_nospace + ".@+-_";
public static final String CHARS_FILENAME = FontManager.Glyphs.alnum + ".,+-'!_&%#@()[]{}";
public static final String CHARS_NUMBERS = "0123456789";
public static final String CHARS_NUMBERS_FLOAT = "0123456789.-";
public static final String CHARS_USERNAME = FontManager.Glyphs.basic;
public String allowedChars = CHARS_BASIC;
public double borderWidth = 2;
public double paddingX = 6;
public double paddingY = 4;
public boolean passwordMode = false;
* new input
* @param id widget id
* @param text widget text
* @param font render font
public TextInput(int id, String text, LoadedFont font) {
* new input
* @param id widget id
* @param text widget text
public TextInput(int id, String text) {
public void calcChildSizes()
Coord oldms = getMinSize().copy();
// + borderWidth * 2 + paddingX * 2
setMinSize(new Coord(oldms.x, font.getHeight() + borderWidth * 2 + paddingY * 2));
if (minSize.x < oldms.x) minSize.x = oldms.x;
if (minSize.y < oldms.y) minSize.y = oldms.y;
rect.setTo(0, 0, minSize.x, minSize.y);
private String getShownText(String text)
if (!passwordMode) return text;
return StringUtils.passwordify(text);
public void onBlur()
public void onFocus()
public Widget onKey(int key, char chr, boolean down)
if (focused && enabled && down && chr != 0) {
if (key == Keyboard.KEY_BACK || key == Keyboard.KEY_DELETE) {
if (text.length() > 0) {
text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1);
return this;
if (allowedChars == null || allowedChars.contains("" + chr)) {
if (font.getWidth(getShownText(text + chr) + "|") <= getMinSize().x - borderWidth * 2 - paddingX * 2) {
text += chr;
return this;
return null;
public Widget onMouseButton(Coord pos, int button, boolean down)
if (down) {
if (isMouseOver(pos)) {
return this;
return null;
public Widget onScroll(Coord pos, int scroll)
return null;
public void render(Coord mouse)
if (!isVisible()) return;
boolean hover = isMouseOver(mouse) || focused;
RGB cBdr = getColor(BDR, mouse, hover);
RGB cBg = getColor(BG, mouse, hover);
RGB cFg = getColor(FG, mouse, hover);
RenderUtils.quadBorder(rect, borderWidth, cBdr, cBg);
boolean cursor = focused && enabled && System.currentTimeMillis() % 800 < 400;
Coord txtPos = rect.getMin().add(paddingX + borderWidth, paddingY + borderWidth - 2).round_ip();
String shown = getShownText(text);
font.draw(txtPos, shown + (cursor ? "|" : ""), cFg, Align.LEFT);
* Set chars allowed in this text input.
* @param allowed allowed chars
* @return this
public TextInput setAllowedChars(String allowed)
this.allowedChars = allowed;
return this;
public TextInput setBorderSize(double width)
borderWidth = width;
return this;
public TextInput setPadding(double x, double y)
paddingX = x;
paddingY = y;
return this;
public TextInput setPasswordMode(boolean state)
passwordMode = state;
return this;