@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
/* This script is run on demand to generate JS version of tr() */ |
require_once __DIR__ . '/base.php'; |
$selected = [ |
'wifi.connected_ip_is', |
'wifi.not_conn', |
'wifi.enter_passwd', |
'term_nav.fullscreen', |
'term_conn.connecting', |
'term_conn.waiting_content', |
'term_conn.disconnected', |
'term_conn.waiting_server', |
'term_conn.reconnecting' |
]; |
$out = []; |
foreach ($selected as $key) { |
$out[$key] = tr($key); |
} |
file_put_contents(__DIR__. '/js/lang.js', |
"// Generated from PHP locale file\n" . |
'let _tr = ' . json_encode($out, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) . ";\n\n" . |
"module.exports = function tr (key) { return _tr[key] || '?' + key + '?' }\n" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
let data = require('locale-data') |
module.exports = function localize (key) { |
return data[key] || `?${key}?` |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
// define language keys used by JS here
module.exports = [ |
'wifi.connected_ip_is', |
'wifi.not_conn', |
'wifi.enter_passwd', |
'term_nav.fullscreen', |
'term_conn.connecting', |
'term_conn.waiting_content', |
'term_conn.disconnected', |
'term_conn.waiting_server', |
'term_conn.reconnecting' |
] |
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ |
/* |
* This is a Webpack loader. |
* Loads language PHP files by parsing the PHP syntax and returning a Javascript |
* Object. This is because using JSON instead of PHP would not allow multiline |
* strings, and CSON is unsupported by PHP, and because splitting the language |
* files into PHP and JSON seems unwieldy. |
*/ |
const selectedKeys = require('./keys') |
const tokenizeRest = function (tokens, tokenize, ...args) { |
let i = 0 |
while (i < tokens.length) { |
if (typeof tokens[i] === 'string') { |
tokens.splice(i, 1, ...tokenize(tokens[i], ...args)) |
} |
i++ |
} |
return tokens |
} |
const tokenizers = { |
simpleType (code, regex, type, matchIndex = 1) { |
let tokens = [] |
let match |
while ((match = code.match(regex))) { |
let before = code.substr(0, match.index) |
code = code.substr(match.index + match[0].length) |
if (before) tokens.push(before) |
tokens.push({ |
type, |
match, |
content: match[matchIndex] |
}) |
} |
if (code) tokens.push(code) |
return tokens |
} |
} |
const unescapeString = function (token) { |
if (token.match[1] === "'") { |
// single-quoted string only has \\ and \'
return token.content.replace(/\\[\\']/g, match => match[1]) |
} else { |
// double-quoted string
// \n -> 0x0A
// \r -> 0x0D
// \t -> 0x09
// \v -> 0x0B
// \e -> 0x1B
// \f -> 0x0C
// \\ -> \
// \$ -> $
// \" -> "
// \[0-7]{1,3} -> char
// \x[\da-f]{1,2} -> char
// \u{[\da-f]+} -> char
let content = token.content |
content = content.replace(/\\[nrtvef\\$"]/g, match => match[1]) |
content = content.replace(/\\[0-7]{1,3}/g, match => { |
return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(match.substr(1), 8) % 0xFF) |
}) |
content = content.replace(/\\x[\da-f]{1,2}/ig, match => { |
return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(match.substr(1), 16) % 0xFF) |
}) |
content = content.replace(/\\u{[\da-f]+}/ig, match => { |
return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(match.substr(1), 16)) |
}) |
return content |
} |
} |
module.exports = function (source) { |
let originalSource = source |
// remove PHP header
source = source.replace(/^\s*<\?(?:php)?\s*/, '') |
// remove return statement
source = source.replace(/^return\s*/, '') |
// remove trailing semicolon
source = source.replace(/;\s*$/, '') |
// strings
let tokens = tokenizeRest([source], tokenizers.simpleType, /(['"])((?:\\.|[^\\\1])*?)\1/, 'string', 2) |
// comments
tokenizeRest(tokens, tokenizers.simpleType, /\/\/(.*)/, 'comment') |
// map delimiters
tokenizeRest(tokens, tokenizers.simpleType, /([[\]])/, 'map') |
// arrows
tokenizeRest(tokens, tokenizers.simpleType, /(=>)/, 'arrow') |
// commas
tokenizeRest(tokens, tokenizers.simpleType, /(,)/, 'comma') |
// whitespace
tokenizeRest(tokens, tokenizers.simpleType, /(\s+)/, 'whitespace') |
// remove whitespace tokens and comments
tokens = tokens.filter(token => !(['whitespace', 'comment'].includes(token.type))) |
// split tokens into an array of items, separated by commas
let currentItem = [] |
let items = [currentItem] |
for (let token of tokens) { |
let { type } = token |
if (type === 'map') continue |
if (type === 'comma') items.push(currentItem = []) |
else currentItem.push(token) |
} |
// remove null items
items = items.filter(item => item.length) |
// assume that every item will contain [string, arrow, string] and create
// an object
let data = {} |
for (let item of items) { |
let key = item[0] |
let value = item[2] |
if (!key || !value) { |
console.error('Item has no key or value!', item) |
continue |
} |
data[unescapeString(key)] = unescapeString(value) |
} |
let result = {} |
// put selected keys in result
for (let key of selectedKeys) { |
result[key] = data[key] |
} |
// adapted from webpack/loader-utils
let remainingRequest = this.remainingRequest |
if (!remainingRequest) { |
remainingRequest = this.loaders.slice(this.loaderIndex + 1) |
.map(obj => obj.request) |
.concat([this.resource]).join('!') |
} |
let currentRequest = this.currentRequest |
if (!currentRequest) { |
remainingRequest = this.loaders.slice(this.loaderIndex) |
.map(obj => obj.request) |
.concat([this.resource]).join('!') |
} |
let map = { |
version: 3, |
file: currentRequest, |
sourceRoot: '', |
sources: [remainingRequest], |
sourcesContent: [originalSource], |
names: [], |
mappings: 'AAAA;AAAA' |
} |
this.callback(null, `/* Generated language file */
module.exports=${JSON.stringify(result)}`, map)
} |
Reference in new issue