cpsdqs 8 years ago
parent 6cde517c55
commit 4731a259dd
Signed by untrusted user: cpsdqs
GPG Key ID: 3F59586BB7448DD1
  1. 122

@ -593,14 +593,20 @@ class TermScreen {
return [ x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height ]
drawCell ({ x, y, charSize, cellWidth, cellHeight, text, fg, bg, attrs }) {
drawCellBackground ({ x, y, cellWidth, cellHeight, bg }) {
const ctx = this.ctx
ctx.fillStyle = this.getColor(bg)
ctx.clearRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight,
Math.ceil(cellWidth), Math.ceil(cellHeight))
ctx.fillRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight,
Math.ceil(cellWidth), Math.ceil(cellHeight))
drawCell ({ x, y, charSize, cellWidth, cellHeight, text, fg, bg, attrs }) {
if (!text) return
const ctx = this.ctx
let underline = false
let blink = false
let strike = false
@ -647,6 +653,22 @@ class TermScreen {
ctx.globalAlpha = 1
getAdjacentCells (cell) {
const { width, height } = this.window
const screenLength = width * height
return [
cell - 1,
cell + 1,
cell - width,
cell + width,
cell - width - 1,
cell - width + 1,
cell + width - 1,
cell + width + 1
].filter(adjacentCell => adjacentCell >= 0 && adjacentCell < screenLength)
draw () {
const ctx = this.ctx
const {
@ -675,7 +697,7 @@ class TermScreen {
// Map of (attrs & FONT_MASK) -> Array of cell indices
const fontGroups = new Map()
// Map of (cell index) -> boolean, whether or not a cell needs to be redrawn
// Map of (cell index) -> boolean, whether or not a cell has updated
const updateMap = new Map()
for (let cell = 0; cell < screenLength; cell++) {
@ -703,7 +725,7 @@ class TermScreen {
bg = -2
let needsUpdate = text !== this.drawnScreen[cell] ||
let didUpdate = text !== this.drawnScreen[cell] ||
fg !== this.drawnScreenFG[cell] ||
bg !== this.drawnScreenBG[cell] ||
attrs !== this.drawnScreenAttrs[cell] ||
@ -713,9 +735,78 @@ class TermScreen {
if (!fontGroups.has(font)) fontGroups.set(font, [])
fontGroups.get(font).push([cell, x, y, text, fg, bg, attrs, isCursor])
updateMap.set(cell, needsUpdate)
updateMap.set(cell, didUpdate)
// Map of (cell index) -> boolean, whether or not a cell should be redrawn
const redrawMap = new Map()
// decide for each cell if it should be redrawn
let updateRedrawMapAt = cell => {
let shouldUpdate = updateMap.get(cell) || redrawMap.get(cell)
let adjacentCells = this.getAdjacentCells(cell)
if (!shouldUpdate) {
// check adjacent cells
let adjacentDidUpdate = false
for (let adjacentCell of adjacentCells) {
if (updateMap.get(adjacentCell)) {
adjacentDidUpdate = true
if (adjacentDidUpdate) shouldUpdate = true
if (shouldUpdate) {
// TODO: fonts (necessary?)
let text = this.screen[cell]
let isWideCell = ctx.measureText(text).width >= cellWidth
if (text === ' ') isWideCell = false
if (isWideCell) {
// set redraw for adjacent cells
for (let adjacentCell of adjacentCells) {
redrawMap.set(adjacentCell, true)
// update previous wide cells as well
let index = cell - 1
while (index > 0) {
let text = this.screen[index]
let isWide = ctx.measureText(text).width >= cellWidth && text !== ' '
if (redrawMap.get(index - 1)) break
// might be out of bounds but that doesn't matter
redrawMap.set(index - width, true)
redrawMap.set(index + width, true)
redrawMap.set(index--, true)
if (!isWide) break
redrawMap.set(cell, shouldUpdate)
for (let cell of updateMap.keys()) updateRedrawMapAt(cell)
// pass 1: backgrounds
for (let font of fontGroups.keys()) {
for (let data of fontGroups.get(font)) {
let [cell, x, y, text, fg, bg, attrs, isCursor] = data
if (redrawMap.get(cell)) {
this.drawCellBackground({ x, y, cellWidth, cellHeight, bg })
// pass 2: characters
for (let font of fontGroups.keys()) {
// set font once because in Firefox, this is a really slow action for some
// reason
@ -727,28 +818,7 @@ class TermScreen {
for (let data of fontGroups.get(font)) {
let [cell, x, y, text, fg, bg, attrs, isCursor] = data
// check if this cell or any adjacent cells updated
let needsUpdate = false
let updateCells = [
cell - 1,
cell + 1,
cell - width,
cell + width,
// diagonal box drawing characters exist, too
cell - width - 1,
cell - width + 1,
cell + width - 1,
cell + width + 1
for (let index of updateCells) {
if (updateMap.has(index) && updateMap.get(index)) {
needsUpdate = true
if (needsUpdate) {
if (redrawMap.get(cell)) {
x, y, charSize, cellWidth, cellHeight, text, fg, bg, attrs
