ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
3.3 KiB

const themes = exports.themes = [
[ // Tango
'#111213', '#CC0000', '#4E9A06', '#C4A000', '#3465A4', '#75507B', '#06989A', '#D3D7CF',
'#555753', '#EF2929', '#8AE234', '#FCE94F', '#729FCF', '#AD7FA8', '#34E2E2', '#EEEEEC'
[ // Linux (CGA)
'#000000', '#aa0000', '#00aa00', '#aa5500', '#0000aa', '#aa00aa', '#00aaaa', '#aaaaaa',
'#555555', '#ff5555', '#55ff55', '#ffff55', '#5555ff', '#ff55ff', '#55ffff', '#ffffff'
[ // xterm
'#000000', '#cd0000', '#00cd00', '#cdcd00', '#0000ee', '#cd00cd', '#00cdcd', '#e5e5e5',
'#7f7f7f', '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#ffff00', '#5c5cff', '#ff00ff', '#00ffff', '#ffffff'
[ // rxvt
'#000000', '#cd0000', '#00cd00', '#cdcd00', '#0000cd', '#cd00cd', '#00cdcd', '#faebd7',
'#404040', '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#ffff00', '#0000ff', '#ff00ff', '#00ffff', '#ffffff'
[ // Ambience
'#2e3436', '#cc0000', '#4e9a06', '#c4a000', '#3465a4', '#75507b', '#06989a', '#d3d7cf',
'#555753', '#ef2929', '#8ae234', '#fce94f', '#729fcf', '#ad7fa8', '#34e2e2', '#eeeeec'
[ // Solarized
'#073642', '#dc322f', '#859900', '#b58900', '#268bd2', '#d33682', '#2aa198', '#eee8d5',
'#002b36', '#cb4b16', '#586e75', '#657b83', '#839496', '#6c71c4', '#93a1a1', '#fdf6e3'
'#000000', '#69001A', '#117800', '#769100', '#1A00A6', '#8019AB', '#289E76', '#A4A4A4',
'#484848', '#C54E76', '#6DD441', '#D2ED46', '#765BFF', '#DC75FF', '#84FAD2', '#FFFFFF'
[ // ZX Spectrum
'#000000', '#aa0000', '#00aa00', '#aaaa00', '#0000aa', '#aa00aa', '#00aaaa', '#aaaaaa',
'#000000', '#ff0000', '#00FF00', '#ffff00', '#0000ff', '#ff00ff', '#00ffff', '#ffffff'
[ // Apple II
'#000000', '#722640', '#0E5940', '#808080', '#40337F', '#E434FE', '#1B9AFE', '#BFB3FF',
'#404C00', '#E46501', '#1BCB01', '#BFCC80', '#808080', '#F1A6BF', '#8DD9BF', '#ffffff'
[ // Commodore
'#000000', '#8D3E37', '#55A049', '#AAB95D', '#40318D', '#80348B', '#72C1C8', '#D59F74',
'#8B5429', '#B86962', '#94E089', '#FFFFB2', '#8071CC', '#AA5FB6', '#87D6DD', '#ffffff'
let colorTable256 = null
exports.buildColorTable = function () {
if (colorTable256 !== null) return colorTable256
// 256color lookup table
// should not be used to look up 0-15 (will return transparent)
colorTable256 = new Array(16).fill('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)')
// fill color table
// colors 16-231 are a 6x6x6 color cube
for (let red = 0; red < 6; red++) {
for (let green = 0; green < 6; green++) {
for (let blue = 0; blue < 6; blue++) {
let redValue = red * 40 + (red ? 55 : 0)
let greenValue = green * 40 + (green ? 55 : 0)
let blueValue = blue * 40 + (blue ? 55 : 0)
colorTable256.push(`rgb(${redValue}, ${greenValue}, ${blueValue})`)
// colors 232-255 are a grayscale ramp, sans black and white
for (let gray = 0; gray < 24; gray++) {
let value = gray * 10 + 8
colorTable256.push(`rgb(${value}, ${value}, ${value})`)
return colorTable256
exports.themePreview = function (n) {
document.querySelectorAll('[data-fg]').forEach((elem) => {
let shade = +elem.dataset.fg = themes[n][shade]
document.querySelectorAll('[data-bg]').forEach((elem) => {
let shade = = themes[n][shade]