ESPTerm web interface submodule, separated to make testing and development easier
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
4.2 KiB

(function (w) {
const authStr = ['Open', 'WEP', 'WPA', 'WPA2', 'WPA/WPA2']
let curSSID
// Get XX % for a slider input
function rangePt (inp) {
return Math.round(((inp.value / inp.max) * 100)) + '%'
// Display selected STA SSID etc
function selectSta (name, password, ip) {
$('#sta-nw').toggleClass('hidden', name.length === 0)
$('#sta-nw-nil').toggleClass('hidden', name.length > 0)
$('#sta-nw .essid').html(e(name))
const nopw = undef(password) || password.length === 0
$('#sta-nw .passwd').toggleClass('hidden', nopw)
$('#sta-nw .nopasswd').toggleClass('hidden', !nopw)
$('#sta-nw .ip').html(ip.length > 0 ? tr('wifi.connected_ip_is') + ip : tr('wifi.not_conn'))
/** Update display for received response */
function onScan (resp, status) {
// var ap_json = {
// "result": {
// "inProgress": "0",
// "APs": [
// {"essid": "Chlivek", "bssid": "88:f7:c7:52:b3:99", "rssi": "204", "enc": "4", "channel": "1"},
// {"essid": "TyNikdy", "bssid": "5c:f4:ab:0d:f1:1b", "rssi": "164", "enc": "3", "channel": "1"},
// ]
// }
// };
if (status !== 200) {
// bad response
rescan(5000) // wait 5sm then retry
try {
resp = JSON.parse(resp)
} catch (e) {
const done = !bool(resp.result.inProgress) && (resp.result.APs.length > 0)
rescan(done ? 15000 : 1000)
if (!done) return // no redraw yet
// clear the AP list
let $list = $('#ap-list')
// remove old APs
$('#ap-list .AP').remove()
$list.toggleClass('hidden', !done)
$('#ap-loader').toggleClass('hidden', done)
// scan done
resp.result.APs.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.rssi - a.rssi
}).forEach(function (ap) {
ap.enc = parseInt(ap.enc)
if (ap.enc > 4) return // hide unsupported auths
let item = mk('div')
let $item = $(item)
.data('ssid', ap.essid)
.data('pwd', ap.enc)
.attr('tabindex', 0)
// mark current SSID
if (ap.essid === curSSID) {
let inner = mk('div')
let escapedSSID = $.htmlEscape(ap.essid)
.htmlAppend(`<div class="rssi">${ap.rssi_perc}</div>`)
.htmlAppend(`<div class="essid" title="${escapedSSID}">${escapedSSID}</div>`)
.htmlAppend(`<div class="auth">${authStr[ap.enc]}</div>`)
$item.on('click', function () {
let $th = $(this)
const conn_ssid = $'ssid')
let conn_pass = ''
if (+$'pwd')) {
// this AP needs a password
conn_pass = prompt(tr('wifi.enter_passwd').replace(':ssid:', conn_ssid))
if (!conn_pass) return
selectSta(conn_ssid, conn_pass, '')
function startScanning () {
$('#ap-loader .anim-dots').html('.')
/** Ask the CGI what APs are visible (async) */
function scanAPs () {
if (_demo) {
onScan(_demo_aps, 200)
} else {
$.get('http://' + _root + '/cfg/wifi/scan', onScan)
function rescan (time) {
setTimeout(scanAPs, time)
/** Set up the WiFi page */
function wifiInit (cfg) {
// Update slider value displays
$('.Row.range').forEach(function (x) {
let inp = x.querySelector('input')
let disp1 = x.querySelector('.x-disp1')
let disp2 = x.querySelector('.x-disp2')
let t = rangePt(inp)
$(inp).on('input', function () {
t = rangePt(inp)
// Forget STA credentials
$('#forget-sta').on('click', function () {
selectSta('', '', '')
return false
selectSta(cfg.sta_ssid, cfg.sta_password, cfg.sta_active_ip)
curSSID = cfg.sta_active_ssid
w.init = wifiInit
w.startScanning = startScanning
})(window.WiFi = {})