Each ESPTerm listens for such requests and relays them to UART:
`\e^m;<i>SrcIP</i>;L=<i>length</i>;<i>message</i>\a`, with _length_ being the byte length of
_message_, as ASCII.
Notice a pattern with the first letter: capital is always a command, lower case a response.
This is followed with the HTTP commands and any networking commands added in the future.
*Example:* Node sends a message to `\e^M;;Hello\a`.
Node receives `\e^m;;L=5;Hello\a` on the UART. Note that the IP
address in the reception message is that of the first node, thus it can be used to send a message back.
<h3>External HTTP requests</h3>
To request an external server, use `\e^H;<i>method</i>;<i>options</i>;<i>url</i>\n<i>body</i>\a`.
<li>`_method_` - can be any usual HTTP verb, such as `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `HEAD`.
<li>`_options_` - is a comma-separated list of flags and parameters:
<li>`H` - get response headers
<li>`B` - get response body
<li>`X` - ignore the response, return nothing
<li>`T=<i>ms</i>` - request timeout (default 5000~ms), in milliseconds
<li>`L=<i>bytes</i>` - limit response length (default 0 = don't limit). Applies to the head, body, or both combined, depending on the `H` and `B` flags
<li>`l=<i>bytes</i>` - limit the response buffer size (default 5000~B).
This can reduce RAM usage, however it shouldn't be set too small, as this buffer
is used for both headers and the response body.
<li>`_url_` - full request URL, including `http://`. Port may be specified if different from :80,
and GET arguments may be appended to the URL if needed.
<li>`_body_` - optional, separated from `_url_` by a single line feed character (`\n`).
This can be used for POST and PUT requests. Note: the command may be truncated to the
maximum total length of 256 characters if too long.
<p>The response has the following format: `\e^h;<i>status</i>;<i>options</i>;<i>response</i>\a`</p>
<li>`_status_` - a HTTP status code, eg. 200 is OK, 404 Not found.
<li>`_options_` - similar to those in the request, here describing the response data.
This field can contain comma-separated `B`, `H` and `L=<i>bytes</i>`.
<li>`_response_` - the response, as requested. If both headers and body are received,
they will be separated by an empty line (i.e. `\r\n\r\n`). Response can be up to several
kilobytes long, depending on the `L=` and `l=` options.
*Example:* `\e^H;GET;B;http://wtfismyip.com/text\a` - get the body of a web page
(wtfismyip.com is a service that sends back your IP address).
A response could be `\e^h;200;B,L=11;\a`.