Basic vanilla C boilerplate for STM32L100xC (Discovery L100C). Uses GCC. This was some class project without much practical use
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
Ondřej Hruška b80f0c504f mention of .pro file pirms 8 gadiem
lib light averaging pirms 8 gadiem
utils more stuff pirms 8 gadiem
.gitignore Added ADC, DAC, SPI, I2C, TIM definitions pirms 8 gadiem
LICENSE Initial commit pirms 8 gadiem
Makefile removed garbage, added readme pirms 8 gadiem mention of .pro file pirms 8 gadiem
blink.c usart handler example + nvic code pirms 8 gadiem
blink.h usart handler example + nvic code pirms 8 gadiem
init.c removed garbage, added readme pirms 8 gadiem
init.h removed garbage, added readme pirms 8 gadiem
main.c removed garbage, added readme pirms 8 gadiem more stuff pirms 8 gadiem
startup_stm32l100xc.s Added code pirms 8 gadiem
stm32l100rc.ld Added code pirms 8 gadiem
style.astylerc Added code pirms 8 gadiem

This is a bootstrap project for programming STM32L100 without any external libs (with just libc).

It uses arm-none-eabi-gcc and is written for STM32L100C-DISCOVERY.

The .pro file can be opened with QtCreator. You can use any other text editor, of course.