Utility for running PHP code inside the browser (Laravel package)
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PHP Sandbox
*~ Improved & slimmed down fork of [Seldaek/php-console](https://github.com/Seldaek/php-console) ~*
A web editor to try your PHP code.
This allows you to run small bits of code easily right from your browser,
in the context of your Laravel application.
There is no sandboxing or security built in, this is meant for testing in a local dev environment.
The sandbox routes can be enabled using `ENABLE_PHP_SANDBOX=true` in .env, it is disabled by default.
**Tip:** Press Ctrl+Enter to evaluate the code
About this fork
This is a fork of the original code by Seldaek (Jordi Boggiano), cleaned and turned into a Laravel package.
- Changed colors to look more like Sublime Text, with Monokai theme
- Slightly improved layout
- Removed info text at the bottom of the screen
- Output is now plain text, not HTML (more useful for debugging). However, some html output works too (in particular `dd()`)
- Removed "krumo", "clippy", and "Melody (bloat from the original version)
- Updated ACE to 1.2.0 with a patch to support the PHP trait keyword
- Removed the loader animation (it was broken)
It is a Composer package for the Laravel framework.
- Install it (`composer require mightypork/php-sandbox`), then `composer dump-autoload`.
- Add the service provider to your `config/app.php` file (providers section):
- Run `php artisan vendor:publish` and select the package; this copies the JS and CSS assets to your public folder, and creates the config file (`config/php-sandbox.php`).
- Add `ENABLE_PHP_SANDBOX=true` to your .env file to enable access
The sandbox is available at `/sandbox`.
If you wish to change the path, that can be done in the config file. You can also decide which middleware to use.
PHP Console is licensed under the New BSD License.