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package com.porcupine.color;
import java.awt.Color;
import com.porcupine.math.Calc;
* RGB color
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
public class RGB {
/** White */
public static final RGB WHITE = new RGB(1, 1, 1);
/** Black */
public static final RGB BLACK = new RGB(0, 0, 0);
/** Red */
public static final RGB RED = new RGB(1, 0, 0);
/** Lime green */
public static final RGB GREEN = new RGB(0, 1, 0);
/** Blue */
public static final RGB BLUE = new RGB(0, 0, 1);
/** Yellow */
public static final RGB YELLOW = new RGB(1, 1, 0);
/** Purple */
public static final RGB PURPLE = new RGB(1, 0, 1);
/** Cyan */
public static final RGB CYAN = new RGB(0, 1, 1);
/** orange */
public static final RGB ORANGE = new RGB(1, 0.6, 0);
/** no color (alpha=0) */
public static final RGB TRANSPARENT = new RGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
/** R */
public double r;
/** G */
public double g;
/** B */
public double b;
/** ALPHA */
public double a = 1;
* Create black color 0,0,0
public RGB() {}
* Get copy with custom alpha
* @param alpha alpha to set
* @return copy w/ alpha
public RGB setAlpha(double alpha)
return copy().setAlpha_ip(alpha);
* set alpha IP
* @param alpha alpha to set
* @return this
public RGB setAlpha_ip(double alpha)
a = alpha;
return this;
* Get copy.
* @return copy
public RGB copy()
return new RGB(r, g, b, a);
* Get copy with alpha multiplied by custom value
* @param alpha alpha to set
* @return copy w/ alpha
public RGB mulAlpha(double alpha)
return copy().mulAlpha_ip(alpha);
* Multiply alpha by given number
* @param alpha alpha multiplier
* @return this
public RGB mulAlpha_ip(double alpha)
a *= alpha;
return this;
* Color from RGB 0-1
* @param r red
* @param g green
* @param b blue
public RGB(Number r, Number g, Number b) {
this.r = r.doubleValue();
this.g = g.doubleValue();
this.b = b.doubleValue();
* Color from RGB 0-1
* @param r red
* @param g green
* @param b blue
* @param a alpha
public RGB(Number r, Number g, Number b, Number a) {
this.r = r.doubleValue();
this.g = g.doubleValue();
this.b = b.doubleValue();
this.a = a.doubleValue();
* Color from hex 0xRRGGBB
* @param hex hex integer
public RGB(int hex) {
* Color from hex 0xRRGGBB
* @param hex hex integer
* @param alpha alpha color
public RGB(int hex, double alpha) {
a = alpha;
* Color from other RGB and alpha channel
* @param color other RGB color
* @param alpha new alpha channel
public RGB(RGB color, double alpha) {
* @return red channel 0-1
public double r()
return r;
* @return green channel 0-1
public double g()
return g;
* @return blue channel 0-1
public double b()
return b;
* @return alpha 0-1
public double a()
return a;
* Set color to other color
* @param copied copied color
* @return this
public RGB setTo(RGB copied)
r = copied.r;
g = copied.g;
b = copied.b;
a = copied.a;
return this;
* Set to represent hex color
* @param hex hex integer RRGGBB
* @return this
public RGB setTo(int hex)
return this;
* Set to R,G,B 0-1
* @param r red
* @param g green
* @param b blue
* @param a alpha
* @return this
public RGB setTo(Number r, Number g, Number b, Number a)
this.r = r.doubleValue();
this.g = g.doubleValue();
this.b = b.doubleValue();
this.a = a.doubleValue();
return this;
* Set to R,G,B 0-1
* @param r red
* @param g green
* @param b blue
* @return this
public RGB setTo(Number r, Number g, Number b)
this.r = r.doubleValue();
this.g = g.doubleValue();
this.b = b.doubleValue();
this.a = 1;
return this;
* Fix numbers out of range 0-1
* @return this
public RGB norm()
r = Calc.clampd(r, 0, 1);
g = Calc.clampd(g, 0, 1);
b = Calc.clampd(b, 0, 1);
a = Calc.clampd(a, 0, 1);
return this;
* Get hex value 0xRRGGBB
* @return hex value RRGGBB
public int getHex()
int ri = (int) Math.round(r * 255);
int gi = (int) Math.round(g * 255);
int bi = (int) Math.round(b * 255);
return (ri << 16) | (gi << 8) | bi;
* Convert to HSV
* @return HSV representation
public HSV toHSV()
float[] hsv = { 0, 0, 0 };
Color.RGBtoHSB((int) (r * 255), (int) (g * 255), (int) (b * 255), hsv);
return new HSV(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2]);
* Create color from hex 0xRRGGBB
* @param hex hex RRGGBB
* @return the new color
public static RGB fromHex(int hex)
int bi = hex & 0xff;
int gi = (hex >> 8) & 0xff;
int ri = (hex >> 16) & 0xff;
return new RGB(ri / 255D, gi / 255D, bi / 255D);
* Make from HSV
* @param color HSV color
* @return RGB
public static RGB fromHSV(HSV color)
return color.toRGB();
public String toString()
return "RGB[" + r + ";" + g + ";" + b + ";" + a + "]";
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof RGB)) return false;
return ((RGB) obj).r == r && ((RGB) obj).g == g && ((RGB) obj).b == b && ((RGB) obj).a == a;
public int hashCode()
return Double.valueOf(r).hashCode() ^ Double.valueOf(g).hashCode() ^ Double.valueOf(b).hashCode() ^ Double.valueOf(a).hashCode();