Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class ScratchMap {
private Tile[][] map;
private int width;
private int height;
private List<RoomDesc> rooms = new ArrayList<>();
Coord genMin;
Coord genMax;
private Theme theme;
private Random rand;
private Coord enterPoint;
public ScratchMap(int max_size, Theme theme, Random rand)
map = new Tile[max_size][max_size];
genMin = Coord.make(max_size / 2, max_size / 2);
genMax = genMin.add(1, 1);
width = max_size;
height = max_size;
this.rand = rand;
this.theme = theme;
fill(Coord.make(0, 0), Coord.make(width - 1, height - 1), Tiles.NULL_EMPTY);
public void addRoom(RoomBuilder rb)
Coord center = Coord.make(0, 0);
int failed = 0;
while (true) {
center.x = genMin.x + rand.nextInt(genMax.x - genMin.x);
center.y = genMin.y + rand.nextInt(genMax.y - genMin.y);
RoomDesc rd = rb.buildToFit(this, theme, rand, center);
if (rd != null) {
if (rooms.isEmpty()) {
enterPoint = center.copy();
genMin.x = Math.min(genMin.x, rd.min.x);
genMin.y = Math.min(genMin.y, rd.min.y);
genMax.x = Math.max(genMax.x, rd.max.x);
genMax.y = Math.max(genMax.y, rd.max.y);
} else {
if (failed % 5 == 0) {
switch(rand.nextInt(4)) {
case 0: genMin.x--; break;
case 1: genMin.y--; break;
case 2: genMax.x++; break;
case 3: genMax.y++; break;
if (failed > 200) {
public boolean isIn(Coord pos)
return pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < width && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < height;
public Tile get(Coord pos)
if (!isIn(pos)) {
return Tiles.NULL_SOLID.createTile();
return map[pos.y][pos.x];
public boolean set(Coord pos, TileModel tm)
return set(pos, tm.createTile());
public boolean set(Coord pos, Tile tile)
if (!isIn(pos)) {
return false;
map[pos.y][pos.x] = tile;
return true;
public boolean canBuild(Coord pos)
if (!isIn(pos)) return false;
TileModel tm = get(pos).getModel();
return tm.isNullTile() && tm.isWalkable();
public boolean isClear(Coord min, Coord max)
if (!isIn(min)) return false;
if (!isIn(max)) return false;
for (RoomDesc r : rooms) {
if (r.intersectsWith(min, max)) return false;
return true;
public void fill(Coord min, Coord max, TileModel tm)
Coord c = Coord.make(0, 0);
for (c.y = min.y; c.y <= max.y; c.y++)
for (c.x = min.x; c.x <= max.x; c.x++)
set(c, tm.createTile());
public void border(Coord min, Coord max, TileModel tm)
Coord c = Coord.make(0, 0);
for (c.y = min.y; c.y <= max.y; c.y++) {
for (c.x = min.x; c.x <= max.x; c.x++) {
if (c.y > min.y && c.y < max.y && c.x > min.x && c.x < max.x) continue;
set(c, tm.createTile());
public Coord getNeededSize()
return Coord.make(genMax.x - genMin.x + 1, genMax.y - genMin.y + 1);
public void writeToLevel(Level level)
Coord c1 = Coord.make(0, 0);
Coord c = Coord.make(0, 0);
for (c.x = genMin.x, c1.x = 0; c.x <= genMax.x; c.x++, c1.x++) {
for (c.y = genMin.y, c1.y = 0; c.y <= genMax.y; c.y++, c1.y++) {
level.setTile(get(c), c1.x, c1.y);
WorldPos p = new WorldPos(enterPoint.x - genMin.x, enterPoint.y - genMin.y);