Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
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import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.Color;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.pal.RGB;
public class TileColors {
public static final Color NULL = RGB.NONE;
public static final Color FLOOR = RGB.GRAY_DARK;
public static final Color WALL = RGB.GRAY_LIGHT;
public static final Color DOOR = RGB.BROWN;
public static final Color COLLAPSED_WALL = RGB.GRAY;
public static final Color ENTRANCE = RGB.CYAN;
public static final Color EXIT = Color.fromHex(0x00EA8C);
public static final Color SECRET_DOOR_REVEALED = RGB.PINK;
public static final Color SECRET_DOOR_HIDDEN = WALL;