GEX brings the Raspberry Pi GPIO header to the PC

Python client for GEX

업데이트됨 6 년 전

GEX port to STM32F072. This is currently the main port.

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GEX core repository.

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GEX website at

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Analyzing raw analog signal from HC-SR04 triggered by GEX

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A collection of useful resources, mostly about the used hardware platforms

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GEX demo measuring the amplitude and phase frequency response of analog filters

업데이트됨 6 년 전

GEX config edit utility (PyQt)

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Pre-built GEX binaries

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The nRF24L01+ wireless dongle firmware

업데이트됨 6 년 전

Pomodoro timer with a Neopixel strip for indication

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Example scripts for the Python GEX library

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GEX protocol documentation

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GEX thesis source code, full text, references

업데이트됨 6 년 전

GEX custom hardware sources and docs

업데이트됨 6 년 전
