Python client for GEX
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#!/bin/env python3
import gex
with gex.Client(gex.TrxRawUSB()) as client:
# Neopixel strip
strip = gex.Neopixel(client, 'npx')
# Load RGB to the strip
strip.load([0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFF00FF])
# # I2C bus
# i2c = gex.I2C(client, 'i2c')
# # Read device register
# print(i2c.read_reg(address=0x76, reg=0xD0))
# # Write value to a register
# i2c.write_reg(address=0x76, reg=0xF4, value=0xFA)
# # SPI
# spi = gex.SPI(client, 'spi')
# # Query slave 0
# print(spi.query(0, [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD], rlen=2, rskip=4))
# # Write slaves 0 and 2
# spi.multicast(0b101, [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF])
# usart = gex.USART(client, 'serial')
# # Handle received data
# usart.listen(lambda x: print(x, end='', flush=True))
# # Write a string
# usart.write("AHOJ\r\n")
# # Digital output (8 pins)
# display = gex.DOut(client, 'display')
# display.write(0b10110011)
# display.toggle(0b00010010)