Python client for GEX
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.2 KiB

import gex
class USART(gex.Unit):
def _type(self):
return 'USART'
def listen(self, handler, decode='utf-8'):
Attach a Rx listener callback.
decode can be: None, 'utf-8', 'ascii' (any valid encoding for bytearray.decode())
None decoding returns bytearray
handler receives args: (bytes, timestamp)
self.handler_decode = decode
self.handler = handler
def write(self, payload, sync=False, confirm=True):
Write bytes. If 'sync' is True, wait for completion. sync implies confirm
if type(payload) is str:
payload = payload.encode('utf-8')
pb = gex.PayloadBuilder()
pb.blob(payload) # payload to write
self._send(0x01 if sync else 0x00, pb.close(), confirm=confirm or sync)
def _on_event(self, event:int, payload, timestamp:int):
if event == 0:
# Data received
if self.handler:
data = payload if self.handler_decode is None \
else payload.decode(self.handler_decode)
self.handler(data, timestamp)