Python client for GEX
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
790 B

import gex
class Neopixel(gex.Unit):
Raw access to a neopixel strip.
def _type(self):
return 'NEOPIXEL'
def get_len(self):
""" Get the neopixel strip length """
resp = self._query(0x04)
pp = gex.PayloadParser(resp)
return pp.u16()
def load(self, colors, reverse=True):
Load colors to the strip.
The numbers are normally 0xRRGGBB
If 'reverse' is false, they're treated as little-endian: 0xBBGGRR.
pb = gex.PayloadBuilder(endian='big' if reverse else 'little')
for c in colors:
self._send(0x01, pb.close())
def clear(self):
Reset the strip (set all to black)