added i2c unit

Ondřej Hruška 6 years ago
parent 3fca05e239
commit 0d2d1fc926
Signed by: MightyPork
GPG Key ID: 2C5FD5035250423D
  1. 1
  2. 72
  3. 19

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from gex.Client import Client
from gex.units.DOut import DOut
from gex.units.DIn import DIn
from gex.units.Neopixel import Neopixel
from gex.units.I2C import I2C
# General, low level

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import gex
class I2C(gex.Unit):
I2C master direct access
def _type(self):
return 'I2C'
def _begin_i2c_pld(self, address:int, a10bit:bool=False):
pb = gex.PayloadBuilder()
if a10bit: address |= 0x8000
return pb
def write(self, address:int, payload, a10bit:bool=False):
Write to an address
pb = self._begin_i2c_pld(address, a10bit)
pb.blob(payload) # payload to write
self.query(0x80, pb.close())
def read(self, address:int, count, a10bit:bool=False):
Read from an address
pb = self._begin_i2c_pld(address, a10bit)
pb.u16(count) # number of bytes to read
self.query(0x01, pb.close())
def read_reg(self, address:int, reg, width:int=1, a10bit:bool=False, endian='little'):
Read a single register
return self.read_regs(address, reg, count=1, width=width, a10bit=a10bit, endian=endian)[0]
def read_regs(self, address:int, reg, count:int, width:int=1, a10bit:bool=False, endian='little'):
Read multiple registers from an address
pb = self._begin_i2c_pld(address, a10bit)
pb.u8(width*count) # we assume the device will auto-increment (most do)
resp = self.query(0x03, pb.close())
fields = []
pp = gex.PayloadParser(, endian=endian)
for i in range(0, count):
if width==1: fields.append(pp.u8())
elif width==2: fields.append(pp.u16())
elif width==3: fields.append(pp.u24())
elif width==4: fields.append(pp.u32())
else: raise Exception("Bad width")
return fields
def write_reg(self, address:int, reg, value:int, width:int=1, a10bit:bool=False, endian='little'):
Write a to a single register
pb = self._begin_i2c_pld(address, a10bit)
pb.endian = endian
if width == 1: pb.u8(value)
elif width == 2: pb.u16(value)
elif width == 3: pb.u24(value)
elif width == 4: pb.u32(value)
else: raise Exception("Bad width")
self.query(0x82, pb.close())

@ -50,14 +50,29 @@ if False:
strip.write((b << 2) | ((~b) & 1))
if True:
if False:
neo = gex.Neopixel(client, 'npx')
print('We have %d neopixels.\n' % neo.get_len())
# generate a little animation...
for i in range(0,512):
j = i if i < 256 else 255-(i-256)
neo.load([0x660000+j, 0x3300FF-j, 0xFFFF00-(j<<8), 0x0000FF+(j<<8)-j])
i2c = gex.I2C(client, 'i2c')
# i2c.write(0x76, payload=[0xD0])
# print(, count=1))
print(i2c.read_reg(0x76, 0xD0))
print("%x" % i2c.read_reg(0x76, 0xF9, width=3, endian='big'))
i2c.write_reg(0x76, 0xF4, 0xFA)
print(i2c.read_reg(0x76, 0xF4))
