FAT16 library written for an ATmega project with SD card

Updated 6 years ago

1-Wire bus search algorithm, new C implementation

Updated 6 years ago

simon says with pro mini, display, ws2812 and touch keys

Updated 6 years ago

Collection of useful utilities for Java games and apps. A lot of interesting utilities that could maybe still find some use if you work with Java...

Updated 6 years ago

Versatile Java game engine with pluggable backends (this was used in Rogue, I think)

Updated 6 years ago

GameCore LWJGL backend (the idea was that there would be multiple backends. this was the only one I made)

Updated 6 years ago

Turtle programming game that was never finished to a playable state (but had cute graphics and sounds)

Updated 6 years ago

Spritesheet generator for the tortuga game

Updated 6 years ago

Java lib for parsing and evaluating simple math expressions, using fractions. This was a seminar project in a Programming class. It is not very useful, but works

Updated 6 years ago

3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected

Updated 6 years ago

Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler

Updated 6 years ago

Bootstrap and definition library for programming STM32L100RC in ARM assembler. This was a class project to learn ARM assembly

Updated 6 years ago

C function for matching numeric vectors and calculating error / difference. This was used to detect difference between FFT results

Updated 6 years ago

libOpenCM3 opamp config routines and definitions for STM32F303

Updated 6 years ago

Basic vanilla C boilerplate for STM32L100xC (Discovery L100C). Uses GCC. This was some class project without much practical use

Updated 6 years ago

AVR driver for a group of 7-seg displays (with 70hc4094), controlled by UART.

Updated 6 years ago

pure assembly STM32 programming examples and boilerplates for masochists

Updated 6 years ago

stm32f103 neopixel demo simulating water / waving based on ultrasonic stimulus. This is an earlier version of what later became the "spatial-rgb" project

Updated 6 years ago

simple button-only gamepad project where a Pro Mini is built into the gamepad case and sends keys over UART

Updated 6 years ago

demo of driving MAX2719 dot matrix displays with STM32F103 Bluepill

Updated 6 years ago