GEX core repository.

Updated 6 years ago

GEX protocol documentation

Updated 6 years ago

GEX port to STM32F072. This is currently the main port.

Updated 6 years ago

GEX custom hardware sources and docs

Updated 6 years ago

The nRF24L01+ wireless dongle firmware

Updated 6 years ago

A collection of useful resources, mostly about the used hardware platforms

Updated 6 years ago

GEX thesis source code, full text, references

Updated 6 years ago

GEX website at

Updated 6 years ago

GEX config edit utility (PyQt)

Updated 6 years ago

pleroma groups!!!!!! try it ->

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Wrapper for HD44780 automatically taking care of custom CGRAM patterns and partial redraws to optimize response times

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 3 years ago

my KiCAD footprints and symbols library

Updated 12 months ago

Konami code for your website

Updated 5 years ago

Rust crate for geo coord parsing

Updated 4 years ago

Command-line shortcuts to make git easier

Updated 6 years ago

libOpenCM3 opamp config routines and definitions for STM32F303

Updated 6 years ago

lores ng (w.i.p)

Updated 6 years ago

Program optiboot to chinese arduino nano / pro mini that comes without a working bootloader

Updated 2 years ago