bread gallery data and generator script

Updated 4 years ago

simple binary file splitting tool for huge files

Updated 2 years ago

FAT16 library written for an ATmega project with SD card

Updated 6 years ago

generic circular buffer implementation in C

Updated 2 years ago

boilerplate for rust CLI apps

Updated 4 years ago

Croissant Runtime

Updated 4 years ago

Croissant Runtime

Updated 4 years ago

bla bla

Updated 4 years ago codebase

Updated 6 years ago

GEX demo measuring the amplitude and phase frequency response of analog filters

Updated 6 years ago

Analyzing raw analog signal from HC-SR04 triggered by GEX

Updated 6 years ago

Pomodoro timer with a Neopixel strip for indication

Updated 6 years ago

Example scripts for the Python GEX library

Updated 6 years ago

digest auth for rust

Updated 1 year ago

digest auth for rust

Updated 1 year ago

mastodon API rust lib elefren, fixed and updated. and also all ASYNC! NB. most examples are now wrong.

Updated 3 years ago

Air quality sensor

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

IR blaster with esp32, WIP

Updated 2 years ago