Bootstrap and definition library for programming STM32L100RC in ARM assembler. This was a class project to learn ARM assembly
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9 years ago
; AUTOR : Petr Dousa, Ondrej Hruska
; DATUM : 10/2015
; POPIS : Bitove masky ridicich registru pro LCD
; LCD Controller (LCD)
9 years ago
; Toto je soucast knihovny pro STM32L100 vyvijene na Katedre mereni FEL CVUT.
; LCD config
LCD_CR EQU (_LCD + 0x00) ; LCD control register,
LCD_FCR EQU (_LCD + 0x04) ; LCD frame control register,
LCD_SR EQU (_LCD + 0x08) ; LCD status register,
LCD_CLR EQU (_LCD + 0x0C) ; LCD clear register,
LCD_RAM EQU (_LCD + 0x14) ; LCD display memory,
9 years ago
9 years ago
;****************** Bit definition for LCD_CR register ********************
LCD_CR_LCDEN EQU 0x00000001 ; LCD Enable Bit
LCD_CR_VSEL EQU 0x00000002 ; Voltage source selector Bit
LCD_CR_DUTY EQU 0x0000001C ; DUTY[2:0] bits (Duty selector)
LCD_CR_DUTY_0 EQU 0x00000004 ; Duty selector Bit 0
LCD_CR_DUTY_1 EQU 0x00000008 ; Duty selector Bit 1
LCD_CR_DUTY_2 EQU 0x00000010 ; Duty selector Bit 2
LCD_CR_BIAS EQU 0x00000060 ; BIAS[1:0] bits (Bias selector)
LCD_CR_BIAS_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bias selector Bit 0
LCD_CR_BIAS_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bias selector Bit 1
LCD_CR_MUX_SEG EQU 0x00000080 ; Mux Segment Enable Bit
;****************** Bit definition for LCD_FCR register *******************
LCD_FCR_HD EQU 0x00000001 ; High Drive Enable Bit
LCD_FCR_SOFIE EQU 0x00000002 ; Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit
LCD_FCR_UDDIE EQU 0x00000008 ; Update Display Done Interrupt Enable Bit
LCD_FCR_PON EQU 0x00000070 ; PON[2:0] bits (Puls ON Duration)
LCD_FCR_PON_0 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 0
LCD_FCR_PON_1 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 1
LCD_FCR_PON_2 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 2
LCD_FCR_DEAD EQU 0x00000380 ; DEAD[2:0] bits (DEAD Time)
LCD_FCR_DEAD_0 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 0
LCD_FCR_DEAD_1 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 1
LCD_FCR_DEAD_2 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 2
LCD_FCR_CC EQU 0x00001C00 ; CC[2:0] bits (Contrast Control)
LCD_FCR_CC_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
LCD_FCR_CC_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
LCD_FCR_CC_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
LCD_FCR_BLINKF EQU 0x0000E000 ; BLINKF[2:0] bits (Blink Frequency)
LCD_FCR_BLINKF_0 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 0
LCD_FCR_BLINKF_1 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 1
LCD_FCR_BLINKF_2 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 2
LCD_FCR_BLINK EQU 0x00030000 ; BLINK[1:0] bits (Blink Enable)
LCD_FCR_BLINK_0 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 0
LCD_FCR_BLINK_1 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 1
LCD_FCR_DIV EQU 0x003C0000 ; DIV[3:0] bits (Divider)
LCD_FCR_PS EQU 0x03C00000 ; PS[3:0] bits (Prescaler)
;****************** Bit definition for LCD_SR register ********************
LCD_SR_ENS EQU 0x00000001 ; LCD Enabled Bit
LCD_SR_SOF EQU 0x00000002 ; Start Of Frame Flag Bit
LCD_SR_UDR EQU 0x00000004 ; Update Display Request Bit
LCD_SR_UDD EQU 0x00000008 ; Update Display Done Flag Bit
LCD_SR_RDY EQU 0x00000010 ; Ready Flag Bit
LCD_SR_FCRSR EQU 0x00000020 ; LCD FCR Register Synchronization Flag Bit
;****************** Bit definition for LCD_CLR register *******************
LCD_CLR_SOFC EQU 0x00000002 ; Start Of Frame Flag Clear Bit
LCD_CLR_UDDC EQU 0x00000008 ; Update Display Done Flag Clear Bit
;****************** Bit definition for LCD_RAM register *******************