Bootstrap and definition library for programming STM32L100RC in ARM assembler. This was a class project to learn ARM assembly
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9 years ago
; AUTOR : Petr Dousa, Ondrej Hruska
; DATUM : 10/2015
; POPIS : Bitove masky ridicich registru pro ADC
; Toto je soucast knihovny pro STM32L100 vyvijene na Katedre mereni FEL CVUT.
; Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
;******************* Bit definition for ADC_SR register *******************
ADC_SR_AWD EQU 0x00000001 ; Analog watchdog flag
ADC_SR_EOC EQU 0x00000002 ; End of conversion
ADC_SR_JEOC EQU 0x00000004 ; Injected channel end of conversion
ADC_SR_JSTRT EQU 0x00000008 ; Injected channel Start flag
ADC_SR_STRT EQU 0x00000010 ; Regular channel Start flag
ADC_SR_OVR EQU 0x00000020 ; Overrun flag
ADC_SR_ADONS EQU 0x00000040 ; ADC ON status
ADC_SR_RCNR EQU 0x00000100 ; Regular channel not ready flag
ADC_SR_JCNR EQU 0x00000200 ; Injected channel not ready flag
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_CR1 register *******************
ADC_CR1_AWDCH EQU 0x0000001F ; AWDCH[4:0] bits (Analog watchdog channel select bits)
ADC_CR1_AWDCH_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR1_AWDCH_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR1_AWDCH_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_CR1_AWDCH_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_CR1_AWDCH_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
ADC_CR1_EOCIE EQU 0x00000020 ; Interrupt enable for EOC
ADC_CR1_AWDIE EQU 0x00000040 ; Analog Watchdog interrupt enable
ADC_CR1_JEOCIE EQU 0x00000080 ; Interrupt enable for injected channels
ADC_CR1_SCAN EQU 0x00000100 ; Scan mode
ADC_CR1_AWDSGL EQU 0x00000200 ; Enable the watchdog on a single channel in scan mode
ADC_CR1_JAUTO EQU 0x00000400 ; Automatic injected group conversion
ADC_CR1_DISCEN EQU 0x00000800 ; Discontinuous mode on regular channels
ADC_CR1_JDISCEN EQU 0x00001000 ; Discontinuous mode on injected channels
ADC_CR1_DISCNUM EQU 0x0000E000 ; DISCNUM[2:0] bits (Discontinuous mode channel count)
ADC_CR1_DISCNUM_0 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR1_DISCNUM_1 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR1_DISCNUM_2 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 2
ADC_CR1_PDD EQU 0x00010000 ; Power Down during Delay phase
ADC_CR1_PDI EQU 0x00020000 ; Power Down during Idle phase
ADC_CR1_JAWDEN EQU 0x00400000 ; Analog watchdog enable on injected channels
ADC_CR1_AWDEN EQU 0x00800000 ; Analog watchdog enable on regular channels
ADC_CR1_RES EQU 0x03000000 ; RES[1:0] bits (Resolution)
ADC_CR1_RES_0 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR1_RES_1 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR1_OVRIE EQU 0x04000000 ; Overrun interrupt enable
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_CR2 register *******************
ADC_CR2_ADON EQU 0x00000001 ; A/D Converter ON / OFF
ADC_CR2_CONT EQU 0x00000002 ; Continuous Conversion
ADC_CR2_CFG EQU 0x00000004 ; ADC Configuration
ADC_CR2_DELS EQU 0x00000070 ; DELS[2:0] bits (Delay selection)
ADC_CR2_DELS_0 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR2_DELS_1 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR2_DELS_2 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 2
ADC_CR2_DMA EQU 0x00000100 ; Direct Memory access mode
ADC_CR2_DDS EQU 0x00000200 ; DMA disable selection (Single ADC)
ADC_CR2_EOCS EQU 0x00000400 ; End of conversion selection
ADC_CR2_ALIGN EQU 0x00000800 ; Data Alignment
ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL EQU 0x000F0000 ; JEXTSEL[3:0] bits (External event select for injected group)
ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 2
ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 3
ADC_CR2_JEXTEN EQU 0x00300000 ; JEXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for injected channels)
ADC_CR2_JEXTEN_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR2_JEXTEN_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR2_JSWSTART EQU 0x00400000 ; Start Conversion of injected channels
ADC_CR2_EXTSEL EQU 0x0F000000 ; EXTSEL[3:0] bits (External Event Select for regular group)
ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_0 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_1 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_2 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_3 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 3
ADC_CR2_EXTEN EQU 0x30000000 ; EXTEN[1:0] bits (External Trigger Conversion mode for regular channels)
ADC_CR2_EXTEN_0 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CR2_EXTEN_1 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CR2_SWSTART EQU 0x40000000 ; Start Conversion of regular channels
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_SMPR1 register ******************
ADC_SMPR1_SMP20 EQU 0x00000007 ; SMP20[2:0] bits (Channel 20 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP20_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP21 EQU 0x00000038 ; SMP21[2:0] bits (Channel 21 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_0 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_1 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP21_2 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP22 EQU 0x000001C0 ; SMP22[2:0] bits (Channel 22 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_0 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_1 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP22_2 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP23 EQU 0x00000E00 ; SMP23[2:0] bits (Channel 23 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_0 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_1 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP23_2 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP24 EQU 0x00007000 ; SMP24[2:0] bits (Channel 24 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_0 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_1 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP24_2 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP25 EQU 0x00038000 ; SMP25[2:0] bits (Channel 25 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP25_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP26 EQU 0x001C0000 ; SMP26[2:0] bits (Channel 26 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_0 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_1 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP26_2 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP27 EQU 0x00E00000 ; SMP27[2:0] bits (Channel 27 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP27_0 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP27_1 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP27_2 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP28 EQU 0x07000000 ; SMP28[2:0] bits (Channel 28 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP28_0 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP28_1 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP28_2 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR1_SMP29 EQU 0x38000000 ; SMP29[2:0] bits (Channel 29 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR1_SMP29_0 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR1_SMP29_1 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR1_SMP29_2 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 2
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_SMPR2 register ******************
ADC_SMPR2_SMP10 EQU 0x00000007 ; SMP10[2:0] bits (Channel 10 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP10_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP10_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP10_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP11 EQU 0x00000038 ; SMP11[2:0] bits (Channel 11 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP11_0 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP11_1 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP11_2 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP12 EQU 0x000001C0 ; SMP12[2:0] bits (Channel 12 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP12_0 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP12_1 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP12_2 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP13 EQU 0x00000E00 ; SMP13[2:0] bits (Channel 13 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP13_0 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP13_1 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP13_2 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP14 EQU 0x00007000 ; SMP14[2:0] bits (Channel 14 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP14_0 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP14_1 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP14_2 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP15 EQU 0x00038000 ; SMP15[2:0] bits (Channel 5 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP15_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP15_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP15_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP16 EQU 0x001C0000 ; SMP16[2:0] bits (Channel 16 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP16_0 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP16_1 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP16_2 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP17 EQU 0x00E00000 ; SMP17[2:0] bits (Channel 17 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP17_0 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP17_1 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP17_2 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP18 EQU 0x07000000 ; SMP18[2:0] bits (Channel 18 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP18_0 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP18_1 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP18_2 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR2_SMP19 EQU 0x38000000 ; SMP19[2:0] bits (Channel 19 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR2_SMP19_0 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR2_SMP19_1 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR2_SMP19_2 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 2
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_SMPR3 register ******************
ADC_SMPR3_SMP0 EQU 0x00000007 ; SMP0[2:0] bits (Channel 0 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP0_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP1 EQU 0x00000038 ; SMP1[2:0] bits (Channel 1 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP1_0 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP1_1 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP1_2 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP2 EQU 0x000001C0 ; SMP2[2:0] bits (Channel 2 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP2_0 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP2_1 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP2_2 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP3 EQU 0x00000E00 ; SMP3[2:0] bits (Channel 3 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP3_0 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP3_1 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP3_2 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP4 EQU 0x00007000 ; SMP4[2:0] bits (Channel 4 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP4_0 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP4_1 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP4_2 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP5 EQU 0x00038000 ; SMP5[2:0] bits (Channel 5 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP5_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP5_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP5_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP6 EQU 0x001C0000 ; SMP6[2:0] bits (Channel 6 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP6_0 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP6_1 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP6_2 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP7 EQU 0x00E00000 ; SMP7[2:0] bits (Channel 7 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP7_0 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP7_1 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP7_2 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP8 EQU 0x07000000 ; SMP8[2:0] bits (Channel 8 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP8_0 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP8_1 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP8_2 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP9 EQU 0x38000000 ; SMP9[2:0] bits (Channel 9 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP9_0 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP9_1 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP9_2 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 2
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_JOFR1 register ******************
ADC_JOFR1_JOFFSET1 EQU 0x00000FFF ; Data offset for injected channel 1
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_JOFR2 register ******************
ADC_JOFR2_JOFFSET2 EQU 0x00000FFF ; Data offset for injected channel 2
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_JOFR3 register ******************
ADC_JOFR3_JOFFSET3 EQU 0x00000FFF ; Data offset for injected channel 3
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_JOFR4 register ******************
ADC_JOFR4_JOFFSET4 EQU 0x00000FFF ; Data offset for injected channel 4
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_HTR register *******************
ADC_HTR_HT EQU 0x00000FFF ; Analog watchdog high threshold
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_LTR register *******************
ADC_LTR_LT EQU 0x00000FFF ; Analog watchdog low threshold
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_SQR1 register ******************
ADC_SQR1_L EQU 0x00F00000 ; L[3:0] bits (Regular channel sequence length)
ADC_SQR1_L_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR1_L_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR1_L_2 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR1_L_3 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR1_SQ28 EQU 0x000F8000 ; SQ28[4:0] bits (25th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR1_SQ28_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR1_SQ28_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR1_SQ28_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR1_SQ28_3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR1_SQ28_4 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR1_SQ27 EQU 0x00007C00 ; SQ27[4:0] bits (27th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR1_SQ27_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR1_SQ27_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR1_SQ27_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR1_SQ27_3 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR1_SQ27_4 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR1_SQ26 EQU 0x000003E0 ; SQ26[4:0] bits (26th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR1_SQ26_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR1_SQ26_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR1_SQ26_2 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR1_SQ26_3 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR1_SQ26_4 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR1_SQ25 EQU 0x0000001F ; SQ25[4:0] bits (25th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR1_SQ25_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR1_SQ25_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR1_SQ25_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR1_SQ25_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR1_SQ25_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_SQR2 register ******************
ADC_SQR2_SQ19 EQU 0x0000001F ; SQ19[4:0] bits (19th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR2_SQ19_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR2_SQ19_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR2_SQ19_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR2_SQ19_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR2_SQ19_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR2_SQ20 EQU 0x000003E0 ; SQ20[4:0] bits (20th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR2_SQ20_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR2_SQ20_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR2_SQ20_2 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR2_SQ20_3 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR2_SQ20_4 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR2_SQ21 EQU 0x00007C00 ; SQ21[4:0] bits (21th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR2_SQ21_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR2_SQ21_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR2_SQ21_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR2_SQ21_3 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR2_SQ21_4 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR2_SQ22 EQU 0x000F8000 ; SQ22[4:0] bits (22th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR2_SQ22_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR2_SQ22_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR2_SQ22_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR2_SQ22_3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR2_SQ22_4 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR2_SQ23 EQU 0x01F00000 ; SQ23[4:0] bits (23th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR2_SQ23_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR2_SQ23_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR2_SQ23_2 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR2_SQ23_3 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR2_SQ23_4 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR2_SQ24 EQU 0x3E000000 ; SQ24[4:0] bits (24th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR2_SQ24_0 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR2_SQ24_1 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR2_SQ24_2 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR2_SQ24_3 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR2_SQ24_4 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 4
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_SQR3 register ******************
ADC_SQR3_SQ13 EQU 0x0000001F ; SQ13[4:0] bits (13th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR3_SQ13_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR3_SQ13_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR3_SQ13_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR3_SQ13_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR3_SQ13_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR3_SQ14 EQU 0x000003E0 ; SQ14[4:0] bits (14th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR3_SQ14_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR3_SQ14_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR3_SQ14_2 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR3_SQ14_3 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR3_SQ14_4 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR3_SQ15 EQU 0x00007C00 ; SQ15[4:0] bits (15th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR3_SQ15_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR3_SQ15_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR3_SQ15_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR3_SQ15_3 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR3_SQ15_4 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR3_SQ16 EQU 0x000F8000 ; SQ16[4:0] bits (16th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR3_SQ16_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR3_SQ16_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR3_SQ16_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR3_SQ16_3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR3_SQ16_4 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR3_SQ17 EQU 0x01F00000 ; SQ17[4:0] bits (17th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR3_SQ17_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR3_SQ17_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR3_SQ17_2 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR3_SQ17_3 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR3_SQ17_4 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR3_SQ18 EQU 0x3E000000 ; SQ18[4:0] bits (18th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR3_SQ18_0 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR3_SQ18_1 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR3_SQ18_2 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR3_SQ18_3 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR3_SQ18_4 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 4
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_SQR4 register ******************
ADC_SQR4_SQ7 EQU 0x0000001F ; SQ7[4:0] bits (7th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR4_SQ7_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR4_SQ7_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR4_SQ7_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR4_SQ7_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR4_SQ7_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR4_SQ8 EQU 0x000003E0 ; SQ8[4:0] bits (8th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR4_SQ8_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR4_SQ8_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR4_SQ8_2 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR4_SQ8_3 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR4_SQ8_4 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR4_SQ9 EQU 0x00007C00 ; SQ9[4:0] bits (9th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR4_SQ9_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR4_SQ9_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR4_SQ9_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR4_SQ9_3 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR4_SQ9_4 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR4_SQ10 EQU 0x000F8000 ; SQ10[4:0] bits (10th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR4_SQ10_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR4_SQ10_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR4_SQ10_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR4_SQ10_3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR4_SQ10_4 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR4_SQ11 EQU 0x01F00000 ; SQ11[4:0] bits (11th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR4_SQ11_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR4_SQ11_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR4_SQ11_2 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR4_SQ11_3 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR4_SQ11_4 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR4_SQ12 EQU 0x3E000000 ; SQ12[4:0] bits (12th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR4_SQ12_0 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR4_SQ12_1 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR4_SQ12_2 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR4_SQ12_3 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR4_SQ12_4 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 4
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_SQR5 register ******************
ADC_SQR5_SQ1 EQU 0x0000001F ; SQ1[4:0] bits (1st conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR5_SQ1_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR5_SQ1_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR5_SQ1_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR5_SQ1_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR5_SQ1_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR5_SQ2 EQU 0x000003E0 ; SQ2[4:0] bits (2nd conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR5_SQ2_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR5_SQ2_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR5_SQ2_2 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR5_SQ2_3 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR5_SQ2_4 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR5_SQ3 EQU 0x00007C00 ; SQ3[4:0] bits (3rd conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR5_SQ3_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR5_SQ3_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR5_SQ3_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR5_SQ3_3 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR5_SQ3_4 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR5_SQ4 EQU 0x000F8000 ; SQ4[4:0] bits (4th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR5_SQ4_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR5_SQ4_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR5_SQ4_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR5_SQ4_3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR5_SQ4_4 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR5_SQ5 EQU 0x01F00000 ; SQ5[4:0] bits (5th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR5_SQ5_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR5_SQ5_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR5_SQ5_2 EQU 0x00400000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR5_SQ5_3 EQU 0x00800000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR5_SQ5_4 EQU 0x01000000 ; Bit 4
ADC_SQR5_SQ6 EQU 0x3E000000 ; SQ6[4:0] bits (6th conversion in regular sequence)
ADC_SQR5_SQ6_0 EQU 0x02000000 ; Bit 0
ADC_SQR5_SQ6_1 EQU 0x04000000 ; Bit 1
ADC_SQR5_SQ6_2 EQU 0x08000000 ; Bit 2
ADC_SQR5_SQ6_3 EQU 0x10000000 ; Bit 3
ADC_SQR5_SQ6_4 EQU 0x20000000 ; Bit 4
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_JSQR register ******************
ADC_JSQR_JSQ1 EQU 0x0000001F ; JSQ1[4:0] bits (1st conversion in injected sequence)
ADC_JSQR_JSQ1_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_JSQR_JSQ1_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_JSQR_JSQ1_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_JSQR_JSQ1_3 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 3
ADC_JSQR_JSQ1_4 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 4
ADC_JSQR_JSQ2 EQU 0x000003E0 ; JSQ2[4:0] bits (2nd conversion in injected sequence)
ADC_JSQR_JSQ2_0 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 0
ADC_JSQR_JSQ2_1 EQU 0x00000040 ; Bit 1
ADC_JSQR_JSQ2_2 EQU 0x00000080 ; Bit 2
ADC_JSQR_JSQ2_3 EQU 0x00000100 ; Bit 3
ADC_JSQR_JSQ2_4 EQU 0x00000200 ; Bit 4
ADC_JSQR_JSQ3 EQU 0x00007C00 ; JSQ3[4:0] bits (3rd conversion in injected sequence)
ADC_JSQR_JSQ3_0 EQU 0x00000400 ; Bit 0
ADC_JSQR_JSQ3_1 EQU 0x00000800 ; Bit 1
ADC_JSQR_JSQ3_2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Bit 2
ADC_JSQR_JSQ3_3 EQU 0x00002000 ; Bit 3
ADC_JSQR_JSQ3_4 EQU 0x00004000 ; Bit 4
ADC_JSQR_JSQ4 EQU 0x000F8000 ; JSQ4[4:0] bits (4th conversion in injected sequence)
ADC_JSQR_JSQ4_0 EQU 0x00008000 ; Bit 0
ADC_JSQR_JSQ4_1 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 1
ADC_JSQR_JSQ4_2 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 2
ADC_JSQR_JSQ4_3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Bit 3
ADC_JSQR_JSQ4_4 EQU 0x00080000 ; Bit 4
ADC_JSQR_JL EQU 0x00300000 ; JL[1:0] bits (Injected Sequence length)
ADC_JSQR_JL_0 EQU 0x00100000 ; Bit 0
ADC_JSQR_JL_1 EQU 0x00200000 ; Bit 1
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_JDR1 register ******************
ADC_JDR1_JDATA EQU 0x0000FFFF ; Injected data
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_JDR2 register ******************
ADC_JDR2_JDATA EQU 0x0000FFFF ; Injected data
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_JDR3 register ******************
ADC_JDR3_JDATA EQU 0x0000FFFF ; Injected data
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_JDR4 register ******************
ADC_JDR4_JDATA EQU 0x0000FFFF ; Injected data
;******************* Bit definition for ADC_DR register *******************
ADC_DR_DATA EQU 0x0000FFFF ; Regular data
;***************** Bit definition for ADC_SMPR0 register ******************
ADC_SMPR3_SMP30 EQU 0x00000007 ; SMP30[2:0] bits (Channel 30 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP30_0 EQU 0x00000001 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP30_1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP30_2 EQU 0x00000004 ; Bit 2
ADC_SMPR3_SMP31 EQU 0x00000038 ; SMP31[2:0] bits (Channel 31 Sample time selection)
ADC_SMPR3_SMP31_0 EQU 0x00000008 ; Bit 0
ADC_SMPR3_SMP31_1 EQU 0x00000010 ; Bit 1
ADC_SMPR3_SMP31_2 EQU 0x00000020 ; Bit 2
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_CSR register *******************
ADC_CSR_AWD1 EQU 0x00000001 ; ADC1 Analog watchdog flag
ADC_CSR_EOC1 EQU 0x00000002 ; ADC1 End of conversion
ADC_CSR_JEOC1 EQU 0x00000004 ; ADC1 Injected channel end of conversion
ADC_CSR_JSTRT1 EQU 0x00000008 ; ADC1 Injected channel Start flag
ADC_CSR_STRT1 EQU 0x00000010 ; ADC1 Regular channel Start flag
ADC_CSR_OVR1 EQU 0x00000020 ; ADC1 overrun flag
ADC_CSR_ADONS1 EQU 0x00000040 ; ADON status of ADC1
;****************** Bit definition for ADC_CCR register *******************
ADC_CCR_ADCPRE EQU 0x00030000 ; ADC prescaler
ADC_CCR_ADCPRE_0 EQU 0x00010000 ; Bit 0
ADC_CCR_ADCPRE_1 EQU 0x00020000 ; Bit 1
ADC_CCR_TSVREFE EQU 0x00800000 ; Temperature Sensor and VREFINT Enable