Bluepill (STM32F103) + NeoPixel version of the Simon game
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Ondřej Hruška 85590593ce Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
.idea Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
Drivers Initial import il y a 8 ans
Inc Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
Src Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
User Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
build Initial import il y a 8 ans
.cproject cleanup il y a 8 ans
.gitignore Initial import il y a 8 ans
.mxproject Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
.project cleanup il y a 8 ans
CMakeLists.txt renamed project etc il y a 8 ans readme il y a 8 ans
STM32F103C8Tx_FLASH.ld Initial import il y a 8 ans
f103-bluepill.ioc Simon Says implementation il y a 8 ans
f103-bluepill.xml cleanup il y a 8 ans
f103.cmake renamed project etc il y a 8 ans Initial import il y a 8 ans

STM32F103 CLion CubeMX boilerplate


  • This is a CMake / CLion project, using arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-newlib.
  • It's built on Linux. Whether it works on Windows or MacOS is left as an exercise to the reader 😛
  • Update the init files using STM32CubeMX to fit your project needs. Open bluepill.ioc in CubeMX, then export to the same folder.
  • Since we're using CubeMX, this project is based on HAL. It's not so bad, if you don't look at the source too much.

Getting Started - Usage

  • The default setup is USART1, 115200 baud, at PA9 (Tx), PA10 (Rx); PC13 as output (built-in LED).
  • The program branches from main.c into User/user_main.c where the actual application code starts.
  • Initialization of the application code (libs) is done in User/init.c. Exception handlers and such are handled in User/handlers.c.
  • Use the included Debounce module for button inputs, Timebase for periodic and future tasks.
  • Functions from User/utils/debug.h print messages to USART1, and work like printf(). Regular printf() works as well.
  • Use malloc_s() and calloc_s() if you want error message on malloc fail instead of a hard fault / memory corruption.
  • Flash using ./ Hold the reset button on the board, and release it right after issuing the flash command.