Bluepill (STM32F103) + NeoPixel version of the Simon game
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
2.4 KiB

#include <common.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
// helper to mark printf functions
#define PRINTF_LIKE __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
// formatting symbols
#define DEBUG_EOL "\r\n"
#define DEBUG_TAG_WARN "[W] "
#define DEBUG_TAG_ERROR "[E] "
#define DEBUG_TAG_BASE "[ ] "
#define DEBUG_TAG_INFO "[i] "
/** Print a log message with no tag and no newline */
void dbg_printf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE;
/** Print via va_list */
void dbg_va_base(const char *fmt, const char *tag, va_list va);
/** Print a string to the debug interface (length not limited) */
static inline void dbg_raw(const char *str)
fputs(str, stdout);
/** Print a char to the debug interface */
static inline void dbg_raw_c(char c)
putchar((uint8_t) c);
/** Print a log message with a "debug" tag and newline */
void dbg(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE;
/** Print a log message with an "info" tag and newline */
void info(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE;
/** Print a log message with a "banner" tag and newline */
void banner(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE;
/** Print a log message with a "warning" tag and newline */
void warn(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE;
/** Print a log message with an "error" tag and newline */
void error(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE;
/** ANSI formatting attributes */
typedef enum {
// Non-colour Attributes
FMT_RESET = 0, // Reset all attributes
FMT_BRIGHT = 1, // Bright
FMT_DIM = 2, // Dim
FMT_UNDER = 4, // Underscore
FMT_BLINK = 5, // Blink
FMT_INVERS = 7, // Reverse
FMT_HIDDEN = 8, // Hidden
FMT_ITALIC = 16, // Italic font
FMT_FAINT = 32, // Faint color
// Foreground Colours
FMT_BLACK = 30, // Black
FMT_RED = 31, // Red
FMT_GREEN = 32, // Green
FMT_YELLOW = 33, // Yellow
FMT_BLUE = 34, // Blue
FMT_MAGENTA = 35, // Magenta
FMT_CYAN = 36, // Cyan
FMT_WHITE = 37, // White
// Background Colours
FMT_BLACK_BG = 40, // Black
FMT_RED_BG = 41, // Red
FMT_GREEN_BG = 42, // Green
FMT_YELLOW_BG = 43, // Yellow
FMT_BLUE_BG = 44, // Blue
FMT_MAGENTA_BG = 45, // Magenta
FMT_CYAN_BG = 46, // Cyan
FMT_WHITE_BG = 47, // White
} ANSI_attr_t;
#define VA_NUM_ARGS(...) VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 5,4,3,2,1)
#define VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, N, ...) N
#define v100_attr(...) v100_attr_(VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
* Send formatting code to a com interface
void v100_attr_(uint8_t count, ...);
#endif //MPORK_DEBUG_H