Basic boilerplate for programming AVR (arduino) in C.
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AVR C Boilerplate

This is a basic boilerplate for programming AVRs in C.

The project aims to make programming Arduinos in C fun by providing support for basic functionality like GPIO and USART, so you can start developing without having the datasheet open all the time.

It is intended for ATmega328P (the chip in Arduinos), but can be easily adapted to other parts.


Before you can start coding, you need to install a few software packages:

  • avrdude - the flash tool
  • avr-gcc - compiler
  • avr-libc - libc implementation for AVR
  • avr-binutils - utils for manipulating AVR binaries
  • make - to run the Makefile

There's a good chance you already have make, the rest should be in your distribution's repos.

If you're on Arch:

# pacman -S base-devel avr-gcc avr-binutils avr-libc avrdude

If you're on Mac, you should be able to pull the software with brew.

Getting started

The provided main.c is a good starting point - it contains some simple demo code.

You can compile it with make and flash with make flash.

If you add a new C file to the project, add an entry for it's .o (object file, created by the compiler before linking) to the OBJS list in the Makefile.

Similarly, if you add a new folder with header files, add it to INCL_DIRS.

In case you need printf (or printf with floats), enable the appropriate LD_FLAGS in the Makefile (it's well commented). Code size will - obviously - grow quite a bit.