forked from MightyPork/crsn
Compare commits
11 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
4e67ac291f | 4 years ago |
66b3674f81 | 4 years ago |
02f73a21f4 | 4 years ago |
83996348cb | 4 years ago |
cfcd099060 | 4 years ago |
1cfab8d21e | 4 years ago |
506a4e42a2 | 4 years ago |
191ba495f2 | 4 years ago |
e6c8125cfe | 4 years ago |
ae82157d19 | 4 years ago |
40d4b272e4 | 4 years ago |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
( |
(def A 10) |
(def FOO (=add A (sub 10 5))) |
; FOO is 15 |
(ld r0 (=add 14 1)) |
(cmp r0 15 (ne? (fault "1"))) |
(ld r0 (=add FOO 1)) |
(cmp r0 16 (ne? (fault "2"))) |
(ld r0 (=add (sub FOO 2) 3)) |
(cmp r0 16 (ne? (fault "3"))) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
( |
(ld r0 5) |
(:next) |
(rng r1 0 1 (z? (lds @cout "(1€)\n")) (else? (lds @cout "(::)\n"))) |
(dec r0 (nz? (j :next))) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
( |
(def W 128) |
(def H 48) |
(def MAXITER 50) |
(sym asciigr r10) |
(mkbf asciigr ( |
'.' ',' ':' '+' '=' '%' '@' '#' |
'$' '&' '*' '|' '-' ':' '.' ' ' |
)) |
(sym x r7) |
(sym y r8) |
(:row) |
(:col) |
(call pixel x y) |
(sub r0 MAXITER 1) |
(rcmp res0 1 r0 |
(eq? |
(mod r0 res0 16) |
(bfrd @cout @asciigr r0) |
) |
(else? |
(ld @cout ' ') |
) |
) |
(sc-wr x y r0) |
(inc x) |
(cmp x W) |
( :col) |
(ld x 0) |
(inc y) |
(ld @cout '\n') |
(cmp y H) |
( :row) |
(halt) |
(proc pixel xi yi |
(sym x0 r7) |
(sym y0 r8) |
(itf x0 xi) |
(itf y0 yi) |
; Scale to the interesting range |
(itf r0 W) |
(itf r1 H) |
(fdiv x0 r0) |
(fmul x0 3.5) |
(fsub x0 2.5) |
(fdiv y0 r1) |
(fmul y0 2.4) |
(fsub y0 1.2) |
(sym x r5) |
(sym y r6) |
(ld x 0.0) |
(ld y 0.0) |
(sym iter r4) |
(:iter) |
(cmp iter MAXITER) |
(j.eq :end) |
(fmul r0 x x) |
(fmul r1 y y) |
(fadd r2 r1) |
(fcmp r2 4.0) |
( :end) |
(fsub r2 r0 r1) |
(fadd r2 x0) |
(fmul r0 x y) |
(fmul r0 2.0) |
(fadd r0 y0) |
(ld y r0) |
(ld x r2) |
(inc iter) |
(j :iter) |
(:end) |
(ret iter) |
) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
( |
; High resolution mandelbrot |
(def W 800) |
(def H 600) |
(def MAXITER 50) ; Increase for more detail but slower render |
(sc-init W H) |
(sc-opt SCREEN_AUTOBLIT 0) |
(sym gradient r9) |
(sym asciigr r10) |
(mkbf gradient ( |
0x421e0f 0x19071a 0x09012f 0x040449 0x000764 0x0c2c8a 0x1852b1 0x397dd1 |
0x86b5e5 0xd3ecf8 0xf1e9bf 0xf8c95f 0xffaa00 0xcc8000 0x995700 0x6a3403)) |
(sym x r7) |
(sym y r8) |
(:row) |
(:col) |
(call pixel x y) |
(sub r0 MAXITER 1) |
(rcmp res0 1 r0 |
(eq? |
(mod r0 res0 16) |
(bfrd r0 @gradient r0) |
) |
(else? (ld r0 0)) |
) |
(sc-wr x y r0) |
(inc x) |
(cmp x W) |
( :col) |
(ld x 0) |
(inc y) |
(sc-blit) ; Render after every row |
(cmp y H) |
( :row) |
;(sc-blit) |
(:slp) |
(sc-poll) |
(mslp 10) |
(j :slp) |
(proc pixel xi yi |
(sym x0 r7) |
(sym y0 r8) |
(itf x0 xi) |
(itf y0 yi) |
; Scale to the interesting range x -2.5..1 and y -1..1 |
(itf r0 W) |
(itf r1 H) |
(fdiv x0 r0) |
(fmul x0 3.5) |
(fsub x0 2.5) |
(fdiv y0 r1) |
(fmul y0 2.4) |
(fsub y0 1.2) |
(sym x r5) |
(sym y r6) |
(ld x 0.0) |
(ld y 0.0) |
(sym iter r4) |
(:iter) |
(cmp iter MAXITER) |
(j.eq :end) |
(fmul r0 x x) |
(fmul r1 y y) |
(fadd r2 r1) |
(fcmp r2 4.0) |
( :end) |
(fsub r2 r0 r1) |
(fadd r2 x0) |
(fmul r0 x y) |
(fmul r0 2.0) |
(fadd r0 y0) |
(ld y r0) |
(ld x r2) |
(inc iter) |
(j :iter) |
(:end) |
(ret iter) |
) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ |
( |
(def W 1024) |
(def H 768) |
(def DEF_MAXITER 50) |
; --- |
(sc-init W H) |
(sc-opt SCREEN_AUTOBLIT 0) |
(sym maxiter g0) |
(ld maxiter DEF_MAXITER) |
(lds @cout "Interactive Mandelbrot\n") |
(lds @cout "----------------------\n") |
(lds @cout "Navigate using WASD, zoom: Q+/E-, detail: R+/F-; fast move/zoom: LShift, force redraw: G\n") |
(lds @cout "To get a high-res image, stop interacting for while\n") |
(sym mb_x r7) |
(sym mb_y r8) |
(sym mb_s r9) |
(sym mb_row r10) |
; index into the skip/size table |
(sym mb_skip_index r11) |
; Interactive movement speed |
(def ZOOM_STEP 0.1) |
(def PAN_STEP 0.3) |
; size of big pixels |
(def COL_SKIP 8) |
(def ROW_SKIP 8) |
; incrementally renders 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, ... |
(sym mb_skip_table_x r12) |
(sym mb_skip_table_y r13) |
(sym mb_size_table r14) |
(mkbf mb_skip_table_x ( |
0 4 0 4 2 6 0 2 4 6 2 6 0 2 4 6 |
; 8x8 grid |
1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 |
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 |
1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 |
; do top left pixels again |
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 |
)) |
(mkbf mb_skip_table_y ( |
0 0 4 4 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 6 |
; 8x8 grid |
0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 |
1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 |
1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 |
; do top left pixels again |
0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 |
)) |
(mkbf mb_size_table ( |
8 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 |
; 8x8 grid |
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
; do top left pixels again |
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
)) |
(ld mb_x 0.0) |
(ld mb_y 0.0) |
(ld mb_s 1.0) |
(sym did_change r15) |
(sym is_first_render r6) |
(ld is_first_render 1) |
(sym GRADIENT g1) |
(mkbf GRADIENT ( |
0x421e0f 0x19071a 0x09012f 0x040449 0x000764 0x0c2c8a 0x1852b1 0x397dd1 |
0x86b5e5 0xd3ecf8 0xf1e9bf 0xf8c95f 0xffaa00 0xcc8000 0x995700 0x6a3403)) |
; render row |
; size - pixel size |
; col - column offset |
; px - offset x |
; py - offset y |
; scale - scaling |
; row - row position |
(proc render_row size col px py scale row |
(sym x r7) |
(sym y r8) |
(add y row) |
(ld x col) |
(:col) |
(call pixel x y px py scale) |
(sub r0 maxiter 1) |
(rcmp res0 1 r0 |
(eq? |
(mod r0 res0 16) |
(bfrd r0 @GRADIENT r0) |
) |
(else? (ld r0 0)) |
) |
(sc-rect x y size size r0) |
(add x COL_SKIP) |
(cmp x W) |
( :col) |
(sc-blit) |
(ret) |
) |
(:loop) |
(sc-poll) |
; did_change -- did the user interact during this frame? |
(ld did_change 0) |
(sym pstep r2) |
(sym zstep r3) |
(ld pstep PAN_STEP) |
(ld zstep ZOOM_STEP) |
(sc-key _ KEY_ShiftL (nz? |
; turbo mode |
(fmul pstep 5.0) |
(fmul zstep 5.0) |
)) |
(fadd zstep 1.0) |
; scaled movement speed |
(fdiv pstep mb_s) |
(tst is_first_render (z? |
; A < |
(sc-key _ KEY_A (nz? |
(fsub mb_x pstep) |
(ld did_change 1) |
(lds @cout "Pan left\n") |
)) |
; W ^ |
(sc-key _ KEY_W (nz? |
(fsub mb_y pstep) |
(ld did_change 1) |
(lds @cout "Pan up\n") |
)) |
; S v |
(sc-key _ KEY_S (nz? |
(fadd mb_y pstep) |
(ld did_change 1) |
(lds @cout "Pan down\n") |
)) |
; D > |
(sc-key _ KEY_D (nz? |
(fadd mb_x pstep) |
(ld did_change 1) |
(lds @cout "Pan right\n") |
)) |
; Q + |
(sc-key r0 KEY_Q (nz? |
(fmul mb_s zstep) |
(ld did_change 1) |
(lds @cout "Zoom in\n") |
)) |
; E - |
(sc-key r0 KEY_E (nz? |
(fdiv mb_s zstep) |
(ld did_change 1) |
(lds @cout "Zoom out\n") |
)) |
; R iter+ |
(sc-key r0 KEY_R (nz? |
(add maxiter 50) |
(lds @cout "ITER=") (call printnum maxiter) (ld @cout '\n') |
(mslp 200) ; Avoid unexpected rapid change |
)) |
; F iter- |
(sc-key r0 KEY_F (nz? |
(cmp maxiter 50) |
( maxiter 50) |
(lds @cout "ITER=") (call printnum maxiter) (ld @cout '\n') |
(mslp 200) ; Avoid unexpected rapid change |
)) |
; G force redraw |
(sc-key r0 KEY_G (nz? |
(ld did_change 1) |
)) |
(tst did_change (nz? |
; something changed... |
; mark this as a first render and reset col_skip and row_skip |
(ld is_first_render 1) |
(ld mb_skip_index 0) |
; Start from top |
(ld mb_row 0) |
)) |
)) |
(unsym pstep) |
(unsym zstep) |
(sym mb_col_skip r2) |
(sym mb_row_skip r3) |
(bfrd mb_col_skip @mb_skip_table_x mb_skip_index) |
(bfrd mb_row_skip @mb_skip_table_y mb_skip_index) |
(bfrd r1 @mb_size_table mb_skip_index) |
; render row mb_row + row skip |
(ld r0 mb_row) |
(add r0 mb_row_skip) |
(call render_row r1 mb_col_skip mb_x mb_y mb_s r0) |
(unsym mb_col_skip) |
(unsym mb_row_skip) |
(cmp mb_row H |
(lt? |
; if mb_row < H |
(add mb_row ROW_SKIP) |
) |
(else? |
; otherwise, this frame is done |
(ld mb_row 0) |
(add mb_skip_index 1) |
(ld is_first_render 0) |
(cmp mb_skip_index MB_SKIP_TABLE_SIZE (ge? |
; if skip index is out of bounds, go back to repeating area |
(ld mb_skip_index MB_SKIP_REPEAT_INDEX) |
)) |
) |
) |
(j :loop) |
(proc pixel xi yi off_x off_y scale |
(sym x0 r7) |
(sym y0 r8) |
(itf x0 xi) |
(itf y0 yi) |
; Scale to the interesting range x -2.5..1 and y -1..1 |
(itf r0 W) |
(itf r1 H) |
(fdiv x0 r0) |
(fmul x0 3.5) |
(fsub x0 2.5) |
(fdiv y0 r1) |
(fmul y0 2.4) |
(fsub y0 1.2) |
(fdiv x0 scale) |
(fdiv y0 scale) |
(fadd x0 off_x) |
(fadd y0 off_y) |
(sym x r5) |
(sym y r6) |
(ld x 0.0) |
(ld y 0.0) |
(sym iter r4) |
(:iter) |
(cmp iter maxiter) |
(j.eq :end) |
(fmul r0 x x) |
(fmul r1 y y) |
(fadd r2 r1) |
(fcmp r2 4.0) |
( :end) |
(fsub r2 r0 r1) |
(fadd r2 x0) |
(fmul r0 x y) |
(fmul r0 2.0) |
(fadd r0 y0) |
(ld y r0) |
(ld x r2) |
(inc iter) |
(j :iter) |
(:end) |
(ret iter) |
) |
(proc printnum num |
(mkbf r15) |
(ld r1 num) |
(tst r1 (<0? (mul r1 -1))) |
(:next) |
(mod r0 r1 10) |
(add r0 '0') |
(bfrpush @r15 r0) |
(div r1 10 (z? |
(tst num (<0? (bfrpush @r15 '-'))) |
(lds @cout @r15) |
(del @r15) |
(ret))) |
(j :next) |
) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ |
( |
(def PX_W 1024) |
(def PX_H 768) |
(def UPSCALE 8) |
(def MAXITER 50) |
(sc-init PX_W PX_H) |
(sc-opt SCREEN_AUTOBLIT 0) |
(def W (=div PX_W UPSCALE)) |
(def H (=div PX_H UPSCALE)) |
(sym gradient r9) |
(sym asciigr r10) |
(mkbf gradient ( |
0x421e0f 0x19071a 0x09012f 0x040449 0x000764 0x0c2c8a 0x1852b1 0x397dd1 |
0x86b5e5 0xd3ecf8 0xf1e9bf 0xf8c95f 0xffaa00 0xcc8000 0x995700 0x6a3403)) |
(sym x r7) |
(sym y r8) |
(:row) |
(:col) |
(call pixel x y) |
(sub r0 MAXITER 1) |
(rcmp res0 1 r0 |
(eq? |
(mod r0 res0 16) |
(bfrd r0 @gradient r0) |
) |
(else? (ld r0 0)) |
) |
(sc-wr x y r0) |
(inc x) |
(cmp x W) |
( :col) |
(ld x 0) |
(inc y) |
(sc-blit) ; Render after every row |
(cmp y H) |
( :row) |
;(sc-blit) |
(:slp) |
(sc-poll) |
(mslp 10) |
(j :slp) |
(proc pixel xi yi |
(sym x0 r7) |
(sym y0 r8) |
(itf x0 xi) |
(itf y0 yi) |
; Scale to the interesting range x -2.5..1 and y -1..1 |
(itf r0 W) |
(itf r1 H) |
(fdiv x0 r0) |
(fmul x0 3.5) |
(fsub x0 2.5) |
(fdiv y0 r1) |
(fmul y0 2.4) |
(fsub y0 1.2) |
(sym x r5) |
(sym y r6) |
(ld x 0.0) |
(ld y 0.0) |
(sym iter r4) |
(:iter) |
(cmp iter MAXITER) |
(j.eq :end) |
(fmul r0 x x) |
(fmul r1 y y) |
(fadd r2 r1) |
(fcmp r2 4.0) |
( :end) |
(fsub r2 r0 r1) |
(fadd r2 x0) |
(fmul r0 x y) |
(fmul r0 2.0) |
(fadd r0 y0) |
(ld y r0) |
(ld x r2) |
(inc iter) |
(j :iter) |
(:end) |
(ret iter) |
) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++==============+++++++++++++++++++=::::::::::::::::::::: |
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 104 KiB |
Reference in new issue