Croissant Runtime
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70 lines
2.4 KiB

use std::fmt::Debug;
pub use eval_res::EvalRes;
use crate::asm::data::literal::Value;
use crate::asm::data::Mask;
use crate::asm::error::Error;
use crate::asm::instr::Op;
use crate::asm::parse::arg_parser::ArgParser;
use crate::runtime::fault::Fault;
use crate::runtime::run_thread::state::RunState;
use crate::runtime::run_thread::ThreadInfo;
mod eval_res;
/// Result type returned from the op parser. This is the Ok variant of a Result.
pub enum ParseOpRes {
/// Parsing successful.
/// Instruction not recognized, but there was no error.
pub trait OpTrait: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static {
fn execute(&self, ti: &ThreadInfo, state: &mut RunState) -> Result<EvalRes, Fault>;
pub trait CrsnExtension: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static {
/// Get name of the module
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
/// Parse an op.
/// If the keyword matches and the function decides to parse the instruction, it must consume
/// the argument list and either return Ok or Err.
/// If the instruction keyword is not recognized, return Unknown with the unchanged argument list.
fn parse_op(&self, keyword: &str, arg_tokens: ArgParser) -> Result<ParseOpRes, Error>;
/// Drop an object referenced by a handle
fn drop_obj(&self,
#[allow(unused)] ti: &ThreadInfo,
#[allow(unused)] state: &mut RunState,
#[allow(unused)] handle: Value) -> Result<Option<()>, Fault>
// Default impl - we do not support dropping this object
/// Run-time method called to read an object (using the object handle syntax)
fn read_obj(&self,
#[allow(unused)] ti: &ThreadInfo,
#[allow(unused)] state: &mut RunState,
#[allow(unused)] handle: Value,
#[allow(unused)] mask: Mask,
) -> Result<Option<Value>, Fault> {
// Default impl - we do not support reading this object
/// Run-time method called to write an object (using the object handle syntax)
fn write_obj(&self,
#[allow(unused)] ti: &ThreadInfo,
#[allow(unused)] state: &mut RunState,
#[allow(unused)] handle: Value,
#[allow(unused)] mask: Mask,
) -> Result<Option<()>, Fault> {
// Default impl - we do not support writing this object