Croissant Runtime
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59 lines
1.6 KiB

; Helper to check key codes of physical keys
(sc-init 200 200)
(lds @cout "Press keys in the window to see their codes...\n")
(sym pressed r15)
(mkbf pressed 256)
(mslp 10)
(sym cnt r14)
(ld cnt 0)
(sc-key _ cnt
(inval? (nop))
(bfrd r1 @pressed cnt
(call printnum cnt)
(lds @cout " PRESS\n")
(bfwr @pressed cnt 1)
(rng r0 0 #ffffff)
(sc-erase r0)
(bfrd r1 @pressed cnt
(call printnum cnt)
(lds @cout " RELEASE\n")
(bfwr @pressed cnt 0)
(inc cnt)
(cmp cnt 256 (ne? (j :next)))
(j :loop)
; this is a version if itoa that prints a number
(proc printnum num
(mkbf r15)
(ld r1 num)
(tst r1 (<0? (mul r1 -1)))
(mod r0 r1 10)
(add r0 '0')
(bfrpush @r15 r0)
(div r1 10 (z?
(tst num (<0? (bfrpush @r15 '-')))
(lds @cout @r15)
(del @r15)
(j :next)