boilerplate for rust CLI apps
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# clappconfig - CLI app config boilerplate
This crate provides a simple CLI app boilerplate that takes care of
the most repetitive init tasks:
- Load JSON5 config from a custom or default path (or use `Default::default()`)
- Set up logging, with CLI and config-based overrides
- Optionally print the loaded or default config
- Show help / version on demand, courtesy of `clap`
- Optional start-up banner print
Supports custom `clap` arguments as well.
-> The repository is open to improvement PRs.
## Logging
- uses `env_logger` by default
- level can be set in the config file
- log level can be overridden by the `--log` CLI flag
- log level can be increased by repeated use of `-v` or `--verbose`
## Example
See the examples directory.
The example called "rotn" implements rot13 as a command-line tool.
5 years ago
$ cargo run --example rotn -- -h
Rot-N 0.1.0 by Ondřej Hruška <>
rotn [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --input <FILE>
--default-config Print the default config JSON for reference (or to be piped to a file)
--dump-config Print the loaded config struct
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity (repeat to increase)
-c, --config <FILE> Sets a custom config file (JSON5)
-i, --input <FILE> Input file
--log <LEVEL> Set logging verbosity (error,warning,info,debug,trace)
-n, --shift <N> Positive or negative shift, default 13
To get rot13 of this README, run `cargo run --example rotn --`.