3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected
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# Exported from Wings 3D 1.4.1
mtllib bs_triangle.mtl
o bs_triangle
#10 vertices, 7 faces
v -1.00000000 -1.00000000 1.00000000
v -5.7191665e-18 -1.00000000 1.00000000
v 1.00000000 -0.50000000 1.00000000
v 1.00000000 0.50000000 1.00000000
v -1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000
v -5.7191665e-18 1.00000000 1.00000000
v -1.00000000 -1.00000000 4.4408921e-16
v -1.00000000 1.00000000 4.4408921e-16
v -1.00000000 -0.50000000 -1.00000000
v -1.00000000 0.50000000 -1.00000000
vt 0.11004438 0.67442031
vt 0.11004438 0.87250993
vt 0.22771502 5.7043455e-2
vt 0.22771502 0.25513308
vt 0.22778348 0.25513013
vt 0.22779083 0.25518214
vt 0.30813400 0.57537550
vt 0.30813400 0.97155474
vt 0.37020797 0.42416365
vt 0.37044415 0.42465287
vt 0.50622362 0.57537550
vt 0.50622362 0.97155474
vt 0.50626678 0.57537292
vt 0.50626678 0.97155216
vt 0.50785897 0.54618722
vt 0.50850746 0.54620972
vt 0.64592229 0.42463036
vt 0.64615846 0.42418616
vt 0.70435640 0.57537292
vt 0.70435640 0.97155216
vt 0.78792163 0.25509477
vt 0.78799708 5.7043455e-2
vt 0.78799708 0.25513308
vt 0.78812309 0.25512641
vt 0.90244602 0.87250735
vt 0.90244602 0.67441773
vn -0.57735027 -0.57735027 0.57735027
vn 0.20897385 -0.92982699 0.30290545
vn 0.80410303 -0.58864427 -8.3163976e-2
vn 0.80410303 0.58864427 -8.3163976e-2
vn -0.57735027 0.57735027 0.57735027
vn 0.20897385 0.92982699 0.30290545
vn -0.30290545 -0.92982699 -0.20897385
vn -0.30290545 0.92982699 -0.20897385
vn 8.3163976e-2 -0.58864427 -0.80410303
vn 8.3163976e-2 0.58864427 -0.80410303
g bs_triangle_bs_triangle
usemtl bs_triangle
s 1
f 1/15/1 7/9/7 2/17/2
f 2/19/2 3/26/3 4/25/4 6/20/6 5/14/5 1/13/1
f 2/17/2 7/9/7 9/5/9 3/24/3
f 4/4/4 3/3/3 9/22/9 10/23/10
f 5/12/5 8/8/8 10/2/10 9/1/9 7/7/7 1/11/1
f 6/10/6 8/18/8 5/16/5
f 8/18/8 6/10/6 4/6/4 10/21/10