@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<classpath> |
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/> |
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6"/> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/jinput.jar" sourcepath="lib/"> |
<attributes> |
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="Sector-game/lib"/> |
</attributes> |
</classpathentry> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/lwjgl_util.jar" sourcepath="lib/"> |
<attributes> |
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="Sector-game/lib"/> |
</attributes> |
</classpathentry> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/lwjgl.jar" sourcepath="lib/"> |
<attributes> |
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="Sector-game/lib"/> |
</attributes> |
</classpathentry> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/slick-util.jar" sourcepath="lib/"> |
<attributes> |
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="Sector-game/lib"/> |
</attributes> |
</classpathentry> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/jogg-0.0.7.jar"> |
<attributes> |
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="Sector-game/lib"/> |
</attributes> |
</classpathentry> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/jorbis-0.0.15.jar"> |
<attributes> |
<attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="Sector-game/lib"/> |
</attributes> |
</classpathentry> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/jdom-2.0.3.jar" sourcepath="lib/"/> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/httpclient-4.2.2.jar" sourcepath="lib/"/> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/httpcore-4.2.2.jar" sourcepath="lib/"/> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-io-2.4.jar" sourcepath="lib/"/> |
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar"/> |
<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/> |
</classpath> |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
/bin/ |
*~ |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<projectDescription> |
<name>Sector-game</name> |
<comment></comment> |
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<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature> |
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
eclipse.preferences.version=1 |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode=enabled |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=1.6 |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.unusedLocal=preserve |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.6 |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.lineNumber=generate |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.localVariable=generate |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.sourceFile=generate |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.assertIdentifier=error |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enumIdentifier=error |
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=1.6 |
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@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ |
<?php |
class DbUtil{ |
public static function registerNewUser($name, $password, $email = "", $country = ""){ |
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name); |
$password = mysql_real_escape_string($password); |
$country = mysql_real_escape_string($country); |
$email = mysql_real_escape_string($email); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `name` = '$name';"); |
$rows=0; |
list($rows) = mysql_fetch_row($result); |
if($rows != 0){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("REGISTRATION_FAILED","Entered name is already taken."); |
} |
$uid = ""; |
while(true){ |
$uid = "U-".Util::uniqueString(12); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `uid` = '$uid' AND `removed` = '0';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result); |
if($row[0] == 0) break; |
} |
$time = time(); |
self::query(" |
(`uid`,`name`,`password`,`email`,`reg_time`,`country`) |
('$uid','$name','$password','$email','$time','$country'); |
"); |
self::refreshLogin($uid); |
exit(); |
} |
/* |
$_REQUEST["uid"], |
$_REQUEST["name"], |
$_REQUEST["password"], |
$_REQUEST["email"], |
$_REQUEST["country"] |
*/ |
public static function deleteProfile($uid){ |
$u = mysql_real_escape_string($uid); |
self::query("UPDATE `SECTOR_USERS` SET `removed`='1' WHERE `uid` = '$u' LIMIT 1;"); |
self::query("UPDATE `SECTOR_SCORES` SET `removed`='1' WHERE `uid` = '$u';"); |
// self::query("DELETE FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `uid` = '$u' LIMIT 1;"); |
// self::query("DELETE FROM `SECTOR_SCORES` WHERE `uid` = '$u';"); |
echo XmlGen::deleteMessage(); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function modifyProfile($uid,$name,$password,$email,$country){ |
if($name == null && $password == null && $email == null && $country == null){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Nothing to change."); |
} |
$n = mysql_real_escape_string($name); |
$u = mysql_real_escape_string($uid); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `name` = '$n' AND `uid` != '$u';"); |
$rows=0; |
list($rows) = mysql_fetch_row($result); |
if($rows != 0){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("NAME_NOT_UNIQUE"); |
} |
$sql = ""; |
if($name != null){ |
$sql .= ",`name` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."'"; |
} |
if($password != null){ |
$sql .= ",`password` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($password)."'"; |
} |
if($email == null) $email = ""; |
$sql .= ",`email` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($email)."'"; |
if($country == null) $country = ""; |
$sql .= ",`country` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($country)."'"; |
$sql = substr($sql,1); |
self::query(" |
SET $sql |
WHERE `uid` = '$uid' |
LIMIT 1; |
"); |
self::refreshLogin($uid); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function logIn($name, $passwordHash){ |
$name = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($name)); |
$result = self::query("SELECT `uid`,`password` FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `name` = '$name' AND `removed` = '0';"); |
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("LOGIN_FAILED","Bad name or password."); |
} |
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); |
$dbPwd = $row['password']; |
$uid = $row['uid']; |
// double hash with ugly salt! |
if( Util::calcSecureHash($name,$dbPwd) != $passwordHash){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("LOGIN_FAILED","Bad name or password."); |
} |
self::refreshLogin($uid); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function isTokenValid($uid, $token){ |
$uid = mysql_real_escape_string($uid); |
$result = self::query("SELECT `auth_token` FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `uid` = '$uid' AND `removed` = '0';"); |
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){ |
return false; // bad UID |
} |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
return $row[0] == $token; |
} |
public static function getInfo(){ |
$result = self::query("SELECT * FROM `SECTOR_INFO`;"); |
$entries = array(); |
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ |
$entries[$row[0]] = $row[1]; |
} |
$version = $entries['VERSION_NUMBER']+0; |
if($_REQUEST["VERSION"]<=$version){ |
// only publicly available releases are counted, |
// not prepared ones with higher version number |
// add to counter. |
$midnight = strtotime('midnight'); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_COUNTER` WHERE `date` = '$midnight';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
if($row[0] == 0){ |
self::query("INSERT INTO `SECTOR_COUNTER`(`date`,`visits`) VALUES ('$midnight','1');"); |
}else{ |
self::query("UPDATE `SECTOR_COUNTER` SET `visits`=`visits`+1 WHERE `date` = '$midnight' LIMIT 1;"); |
} |
} |
echo XmlGen::infoTable($entries); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function getUsers(){ |
$result = self::query("SELECT `name`,`reg_time`,`country` FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `removed` = '0';"); |
$entries = array(); |
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ |
$entries[] = $row; |
} |
echo XmlGen::userList($entries); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function getLevels(){ |
$result = self::query("SELECT `value` FROM `SECTOR_INFO` WHERE `key` = 'LEVELS_PATH';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$path = $row[0]; |
$result = self::query("SELECT `lid`,`title`,`filename`,`checksum`,`time` FROM `SECTOR_LEVELS` WHERE `removed` = '0';"); |
$entries = array(); |
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ |
$row[2] = $path.$row[2]; |
$entries[] = $row; |
} |
echo XmlGen::levelList($entries); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function getLevelScores($lid, $changeFlag = null, $lastRecord = null){ |
$lid = mysql_real_escape_string($lid); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_LEVELS` WHERE `lid` = '$lid' AND `removed` = '0';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$cnt = $row[0]; |
if($cnt==0) XmlGen::error_exit("NO_SUCH_LEVEL","No level with matching ID was found."); |
$result = self::query(" |
`SECTOR_USERS`.`name` AS `username`, |
`SECTOR_SCORES`.`uid`, |
`SECTOR_SCORES`.`time`, |
`SECTOR_SCORES`.`score` |
(`SECTOR_SCORES`.`uid` = `SECTOR_USERS`.`uid`) |
AND (`lid`='$lid') |
AND (`SECTOR_SCORES`.`removed` = '0') |
ORDER BY `score` DESC, `time` DESC; |
"); |
// username, uid, time, score |
$entries = array(); |
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ |
$entries[] = $row; |
} |
echo XmlGen::scoreList($lid, $entries, $changeFlag, $lastRecord); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function submitScore($uid, $lid, $score){ |
$lid = mysql_real_escape_string($lid); |
$uid = mysql_real_escape_string($uid); |
$score = $score+0; |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_LEVELS` WHERE `lid` = '$lid' AND `removed` = '0';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$cnt = $row[0]; |
if($cnt==0) XmlGen::error_exit("NO_SUCH_LEVEL","No level with matching ID was found."); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_SCORES` WHERE `lid` = '$lid' AND `uid` = '$uid';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$cnt = $row[0]; |
$time = time(); |
$change = "false"; |
$lastRecord = "-1"; |
if($cnt==0){ |
self::query("INSERT INTO `SECTOR_SCORES`(`uid`,`lid`,`time`,`score`) VALUES ('$uid','$lid','$time','$score');"); |
$change = "true"; |
}else{ |
$result = self::query("SELECT `score` FROM `SECTOR_SCORES` WHERE `lid` = '$lid' AND `uid` = '$uid';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$scoreOld = $row[0]; |
$lastRecord = "$scoreOld"; |
if($scoreOld > $score){ |
}else{ |
self::query("UPDATE `SECTOR_SCORES` SET `time`='$time', `score`='$score' WHERE `lid` = '$lid' AND `uid` = '$uid' LIMIT 1;"); |
if($scoreOld != $score) $change = "true"; |
} |
} |
self::getLevelScores($lid, $change, $lastRecord); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function refreshLogin($uid){ |
$token = Util::uniqueString(20); |
self::query(" |
SET `auth_token` = '$token' |
WHERE `uid` = '$uid' |
LIMIT 1; |
"); |
$result = self::query("SELECT `name`,`email`,`reg_time`,`country` FROM `SECTOR_USERS` WHERE `uid` = '$uid';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); |
$name = $row["name"]; |
$email = $row["email"]; |
$reg_time = $row["reg_time"]; |
$country = $row["country"]; |
echo XmlGen::sessionInfo($uid, $token, $name, $email, $reg_time, $country); |
} |
public static function addLevel($title, $filename){ |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_LEVELS` WHERE `filename` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($filename)."';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$cnt = $row[0]; |
if($cnt>0) XmlGen::error_exit("LEVEL_ALREADY_ADDED"); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_LEVELS` WHERE `title` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($title)."';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$cnt = $row[0]; |
if($cnt>0) XmlGen::error_exit("LEVEL_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE"); |
$result = self::query("SELECT `value` FROM `SECTOR_INFO` WHERE `key` = 'LEVELS_PATH_RELATIVE_TO_SERVER';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$path = $row[0]; |
$result = self::query("SELECT `value` FROM `SECTOR_INFO` WHERE `key` = 'LEVELS_PATH';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); |
$apath = $row[0]; |
$fpath = $path.$filename; |
if(!file_exists($fpath)){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("FILE_NOT_FOUND","Level file does not exist: ".$fpath); |
} |
if(substr($filename,strlen($filename)-4) != ".xml"){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("BAD_FILE_FORMAT", "Level file must be XML: ".$fpath); |
} |
// generate a LID |
$lid = ""; |
while(true){ |
$lid = "L-".Util::uniqueString(9); |
$result = self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SECTOR_LEVELS` WHERE `lid` = '$lid';"); |
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result); |
if($row[0] == 0) break; |
} |
$hash = md5_file($fpath); |
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($title); |
$filename = mysql_real_escape_string($filename); |
$time = time(); |
self::query(" |
(`lid`,`title`,`filename`,`checksum`,`time`) |
('$lid','$title','$filename','$hash','$time'); |
"); |
echo XmlGen::levelAddedInfo($lid, $title, $apath.$filename, $hash, $time); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function query($q){ |
$res = mysql_query($q) or die(XmlGen::error("INTERNAL_ERROR", "DbError: ".mysql_error())); |
return $res; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
<?php |
# Class for easier XML generation |
class SimpleDocument extends DOMDocument{ |
private $rootNode = null; |
public function __construct($rootName='xml', $attribs = array()){ |
parent::__construct('1.0', 'UTF-8'); |
$rootElement = $this->createElement($rootName, $attribs); |
$this->rootNode = $this->appendChild($rootElement); |
} |
public function createAttribute($name, $value){ |
$a = parent::createAttribute($name); |
$a->value = $value; |
return $a; |
} |
public function createElement($name='element', $attribs = null, $inner=''){ |
$elem = parent::createElement($name,$inner); |
if($attribs != null){ |
foreach($attribs as $key => $value){ |
$a = $this->createAttribute($key, $value); |
$elem->appendChild($a); |
} |
} |
return $elem; |
} |
public function appendChildToRoot(DOMElement $element){ |
return $this->rootNode->appendChild($element); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
<?php |
class Util{ |
// this needs name for salt. |
public static function calcSecureHash($name, $password){ |
// !!! When changing this, it must also be changed in the client piece! |
return sha1( $name."S^1edT@R+ kN0w9e".md5( "troe(l01".$password."d*G -? df lo%iUq" )."myL!tT1e(P)0nNY" ); |
} |
public static function uniqueString($len){ |
$scale = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; |
$token = ""; |
for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++){ |
$token .= substr($scale, rand(0, strlen($scale)-1), 1); |
} |
return $token; |
} |
public static function remoteFileExists($url) { |
$curl = curl_init($url); |
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); |
$result = curl_exec($curl); |
$ret = false; |
if ($result !== false) { |
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); |
if ($statusCode == 200) { |
$ret = true; |
} |
} |
curl_close($curl); |
return $ret; |
} |
public static function trimNullSafe($string){ |
if($string == null) return null; |
return trim($string); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
<?php |
global $ERR; |
# XML generator |
class XmlGen{ |
public static function sendHeaders(){ |
header("content-type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8"); |
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); |
} |
public static function hashCode($hash){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("hash"); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("hash", null, $hash) ); |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function deleteMessage(){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("status"); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("msg", null, "Profile deleted.") ); |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function infoTable($info){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("info"); |
foreach($info as $k => $v){ |
$eElem = $doc->createElement("entry"); |
$enode = $doc->appendChildToRoot($eElem); |
$enode->appendChild($doc->createElement("key", null, $k)); |
$enode->appendChild($doc->createElement("value", null, $v)); |
} |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function userList($users){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("users"); |
foreach($users as $u){ |
$userElem = $doc->createElement("user"); |
$unode = $doc->appendChildToRoot($userElem); |
$unode->appendChild($doc->createElement("name", null, $u[0])); |
$unode->appendChild($doc->createElement("reg_time", null, $u[1])); |
$unode->appendChild($doc->createElement("country", null, $u[2])); |
} |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function levelList($data){ // `lid`,`title`,`filename`,`checksum`,`time` |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("levels"); |
foreach($data as $l){ |
$level = $doc->createElement("level"); |
$lnode = $doc->appendChildToRoot($level); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("lid", null, $l[0])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("title", null, $l[1])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("url", null, $l[2])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("checksum", null, $l[3])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("created", null, $l[4])); |
} |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function scoreList($lid, $data, $changeFlag=null, $lastRecord=null){ // username, uid, time, score |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$attrs = array(); |
if($changeFlag!=null) $attrs["score_improved"] = $changeFlag; |
if($changeFlag!=null) $attrs["last_score"] = $lastRecord; |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("scores", $attrs); |
foreach($data as $l){ |
$level = $doc->createElement("score"); |
$lnode = $doc->appendChildToRoot($level); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("uid", null, $l[1])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("name", null, $l[0])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("time", null, $l[2])); |
$lnode->appendChild($doc->createElement("score", null, $l[3])); |
} |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function levelAddedInfo($lid, $title, $url, $hash, $time){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("level"); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("lid", null, $lid) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("title", null, $title) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("url", null, $url) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("checksum", null, $hash) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("created", null, $time) ); |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function sessionInfo($uid, $token, $name=null, $email=null, $reg_time=null, $country=null){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("session"); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("uid", null, $uid) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("auth_token", null, $token) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("name", null, $name) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("email", null, $email) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("reg_time", null, $reg_time) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("country", null, $country) ); |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function error($error, $msg=""){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
global $ERR; |
$e = $ERR[$error]; |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("error"); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("code", null, $e[0]) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("message", null, $e[1]) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("cause", null, $msg) ); |
return $doc->saveXML(); |
} |
public static function error_exit($error, $msg=""){ |
self::sendHeaders(); |
global $ERR; |
$e = $ERR[$error]; |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("error"); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("code", null, $e[0]) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("message", null, $e[1]) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("cause", null, $msg) ); |
echo $doc->saveXML(); |
exit(); |
} |
public static function hacking_exit(){ |
srand(round(time()/7200)); |
if(rand(0,10)==0){ |
$full_url_path = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].preg_replace("#/[^/]*\.php$#simU", "/", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."nothingHere.txt"; |
$ch = curl_init(); |
$timeout = 5; |
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $full_url_path); |
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); |
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); |
echo curl_exec($ch); |
curl_close($ch); |
/* echo "<HTML> |
<HEAD> |
<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE> |
</HEAD> |
<BODY> |
<H1>Not Found</H1> |
The requested document was not found on this server. |
<P> |
<HR> |
Web Server at ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']." |
</BODY> |
</HTML>";*/ |
exit(); |
} |
self::sendHeaders(); |
$doc = new SimpleDocument("error"); |
$msgs = array( |
15 => "Internal server error.", |
"Database connection timed out.", |
"Service temporarily overloaded.", |
"Service temporarily not available.", |
"Operation not permitted.", |
"Session has expired.", |
"Brandwidth limit reached, aborting.", |
"Access denied.", |
"Unauthorised server access.", |
"Invalid command exception.", |
"Operation aborted.", |
"Bad database entry format.", |
); |
$e = rand(15,15+count($msgs)-1); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("code", null, $e) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("message", null, $msgs[$e]) ); |
$doc->appendChildToRoot( $doc->createElement("cause", null, "") ); |
echo $doc->saveXML(); |
exit(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
`key` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Property key', |
`value` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Property value (text)', |
PRIMARY KEY (`key`) |
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Information for Sector, eg. Info about updates, messages etc'; |
('LEVELS_PATH', ''), |
('VERSION', 'Alpha 14'), |
('VERSION_NUMBER', '14'), |
`lid` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Level id', |
`title` varchar(120) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Level title (shown is game)', |
`filename` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'File name in storage', |
`checksum` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'hashcode of the file', |
`time` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'time of creation', |
PRIMARY KEY (`lid`), |
UNIQUE KEY `title` (`title`) |
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Table of official sector levels'; |
INSERT INTO `SECTOR_LEVELS` (`lid`, `title`, `filename`, `checksum`, `time`) VALUES |
('L-i5dvKm6Fv', 'Demo level', 'alpha14test.xml', 'b9d8db8da9c2ca54e78bf8d2a8a2dc6c', 1356545440); |
`id` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Entry ID', |
`uid` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User ID', |
`lid` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Level ID', |
`time` int(12) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Time when this score has been made', |
`score` int(12) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Highest score for player/level', |
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) |
`uid` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User ID', |
`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User''s nickname', |
`password` varchar(80) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User''s password', |
`auth_token` varchar(120) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Authentication code used to make communication more secure.', |
`email` varchar(120) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Email for password recovery', |
`reg_time` int(12) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Registration timestamp (for stats)', |
`country` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Country for stats', |
PRIMARY KEY (`uid`), |
UNIQUE KEY `uname` (`name`) |
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Table of SECTOR''s registered users'; |
*/ |
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<level> |
<info> |
<title>Alpha 14 test level</title> |
<subtitle>Challenge level with bosses</subtitle> |
<author>MightyPork</author> |
<minv>14</minv> |
</info> |
<config> |
<money>40000</money> |
<building>NORMAL</building> |
</config> |
<discoveries> |
<all level="max" /> |
<discovery name="cannon" level="0" /> |
</discoveries> |
<ship> |
<dim x="9" y="9" /> |
<sys energy="4" shield="2" /> |
<struct> |
<row> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<piece id="w_cannon" level="3" rotate="0" health="1.5" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<piece id="w_emp" level="1" rotate="0" health="3.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:1" /> |
<piece id="w_cannon" level="3" rotate="0" health="1.5" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<piece id="w_laser" level="3" rotate="0" health="2.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="180" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="w_laser" level="3" rotate="0" health="2.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<null /> |
<piece id="w_plasma" level="2" rotate="0" health="4.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_corner1" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_corner1" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="w_plasma" level="2" rotate="0" health="4.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<null /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<piece id="w_plasma" level="2" rotate="0" health="4.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="w_plasma" level="2" rotate="0" health="4.0" trigger="BTN_DOWN:0" /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="90" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="180" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_corner1" level="1" rotate="180" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bb_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_corner1" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="180" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bw_cube" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="180" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_side1" level="1" rotate="0" health="1.5" /> |
<piece id="bs_triangle" level="1" rotate="270" health="1.5" /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<piece id="bw_triangle" level="1" rotate="180" health="1.5" /> |
</row> |
<row> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<piece id="engine_ion" level="3" rotate="0" health="4.0" /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
<null /> |
</row> |
</struct> |
</ship> |
<sequence> |
<rockshift coord="0;-1" /> |
<rockgen id="rocks" > |
<type num="-1" /> |
<size range="2-8" /> |
<speed num="3" /> |
<rarity num="10" /> |
<x range="-30-30" /> |
<z range="100-120" /> |
</rockgen> |
<pause t="2" /> |
<msg str="Welcome to Sector!" t="3" /> |
<msg str="Level by MightyPork" t="1" /> |
<msg str="" t="1" /> |
<msg str="Enjoy!" t="1.5" /> |
<pause t="5" /> |
<shipgen id="mines" > |
<entity str="mine" /> |
<rarity num="60" /> |
<x range="-10-10" /> |
<z range="100-120" /> |
</shipgen> |
<shipgen id="fighters" > |
<entity str="fighter" /> |
<rarity num="110" /> |
<size range="0.5-1" /> |
<x range="-5-5" /> |
<z range="100-120" /> |
<wave str="annoyers" /> |
</shipgen> |
<shipgen id="birds" > |
<entity str="bird" /> |
<rarity num="150" /> |
<size range="0.5-1" /> |
<x range="-15:15" /> |
<z range="100-120" /> |
<wave str="annoyers" /> |
</shipgen> |
<pause t="5" /> |
<cycle> |
<!-- cleanup --> |
<disable gen="birds" /> |
<disable gen="fighters" /> |
<wait for="annoyers" /> |
<!-- SNAKEY --> |
<msg str="Snakey!" t="4"/> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="snake" /> |
<x range="-20:20" /> |
<z range="100:110"/> |
<wave str="boss" /> |
<count range="5-7" /> |
<dist num="2" /> |
<variant range="0-5" /> |
<uniform bool="true" /> |
<artifact bool="true" /> |
<formation str="snake" /> |
</spawn> |
<wait for="boss" /> |
<!-- /SNAKEY --> |
<!-- SNAKEY --> |
<msg str="And snake again!" t="4"/> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="snake" /> |
<x range="-20:20" /> |
<z range="100:110"/> |
<wave str="boss" /> |
<count range="5-7" /> |
<dist num="2" /> |
<variant range="0-5" /> |
<uniform bool="true" /> |
<artifact bool="true" /> |
<formation str="snake" /> |
</spawn> |
<wait for="boss" /> |
<!-- /SNAKEY --> |
<!-- BURGERS --> |
<pause t="3" /> |
<enable gen="birds" /> |
<enable gen="fighters" /> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="burger" /> |
<driver str="burger_zone" /> |
<x num="0" /> |
<z num="100" /> |
<count num="10" /> |
<formation str="line" /> |
<uniform bool="true" /> |
<dist num="3" /> |
<wave str="annoyers" /> |
</spawn> |
<pause t="3" /> |
<disable gen="birds" /> |
<disable gen="fighters" /> |
<wait for="annoyers" /> |
<!-- /BURGERS --> |
<!-- Getting ready for SHARK --> |
<disable gen="birds" /> |
<disable gen="fighters" /> |
<disable gen="mines" /> |
<msg str="Better reload your shield!" t="3" /> |
<wait for="annoyers" /> |
<disable gen="rocks" /> |
<pause t="10" /> |
<!-- SHARK --> |
<msg str="* Sushi Time *" t="2" /> |
<msg str="" t="1" /> |
<msg str="Want some seafood?" t="3" /> |
<msg str="It's all yours!" t="2" /> |
<pause t="3" /> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="shark" /> |
<driver str="shark" /> |
<x num="0" /> |
<z num="110" /> |
<count num="1" /> |
<artifact bool="true" /> |
<wave str="boss" /> |
<health num="2" /> |
</spawn> |
<wait for="boss" /> |
<!-- /SHARK --> |
<!-- Reload shield in some rocks. --> |
<enable gen="rocks" /> |
<pause t="6" /> |
<disable gen="rocks" /> |
<pause t="8" /> |
<!-- FALCONS --> |
<msg str="Falcons, oh man!" t="3"/> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="falcon" /> |
<driver str="falcon" /> |
<x range="-10:10" /> |
<z num="110" /> |
<count num="3" /> |
<wave str="boss" /> |
<formation str="row" /> |
<dist num="2.5" /> |
</spawn> |
<wait for="boss" /> |
<!-- /FALCONS --> |
<enable gen="rocks" /> |
<msg str="" t="3"/> |
<msg str="Ever played" t="1"/> |
<msg str="MINESWEEPER?" t="3"/> |
<wait t="10" /> |
<disable gen="rocks" /> |
<pause t="7" /> |
<msg str="WATCH OUT!" t="1.5"/> |
<pause t="4" /> |
<rockshift coord="0;-2.5" /> |
<repeat i="12"> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="mine" /> |
<scale num="1.3" /> |
<x num="0" /> |
<z range="110" /> |
<count num="15" /> |
<wave str="mines" /> |
<formation str="row" /> |
<dist num="1.5" /> |
</spawn> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="-0.3;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="-0.6;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="-0.8;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="-0.6;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="-0.3;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="0;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<spawn> |
<entity str="mine" /> |
<scale num="1.3" /> |
<x num="0" /> |
<z range="110" /> |
<count num="15" /> |
<wave str="mines" /> |
<formation str="row" /> |
<dist num="1.5" /> |
</spawn> |
<rockshift coord="0.3;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="0.6;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="0.8;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="0.6;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="0.3;-2.5" /> |
<pause t="0.08" /> |
<rockshift coord="0;-2.5" /> |
</repeat> |
<wait for="mines" /> |
<msg str="Wasn't this fun?" t="3"/> |
<rockshift coord="0;-1" /> |
<enable gen="rocks" /> |
<!-- a bit of rocks & annoyers --> |
<msg str="Relax..." t="1.5"/> |
<msg str="You're almost there..." t="3"/> |
<pause t="10" /> |
<enable gen="birds" /> |
<enable gen="fighters" /> |
<enable gen="mines" /> |
<pause t="10" /> |
<disable gen="birds" /> |
<disable gen="fighters" /> |
<disable gen="mines" /> |
<msg str="Congratulations!" t="3" /> |
<msg str="" t="2" /> |
<msg str="Welcome to the" t="2" /> |
<msg str="End of level!" t="3" /> |
<msg str="" t="2" /> |
<msg str="[repeat all]" t="1" /> |
<pause t="14" /> |
</cycle> |
</sequence> |
</level> |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<?php |
define("SQL_HOST","localhost"); |
define("SQL_DBNAME","tridni_net_main"); |
define("SQL_USERNAME","tridni_net_main"); |
define("SQL_PASSWORD","ondra"); |
mysql_set_charset("utf8"); |
mysql_select_db(SQL_DBNAME); |
mysql_query( |
"SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';". |
"SET character_set_client = utf8;". |
"SET character_set_connection = utf8;". |
"SET character_set_results = utf8;" |
); |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ |
<?php |
# Error codes and messages |
$ERR = array( |
"NO_COMMAND" => array(0, "No command received."), |
"INVALID_COMMAND" => array(1, "Invalid command requested."), |
"INTERNAL_ERROR" => array(2, "Internal server error."), |
"INCOMPLETE_COMMAND" => array(3, "Incomplete command received"), |
"REGISTRATION_FAILED" => array(4, "Registration failed."), |
"LOGIN_FAILED" => array(5, "Login failed."), |
"INVALID_TOKEN" => array(6, "Authentication failed."), |
"FILE_NOT_FOUND" => array(7, "File does not exist."), |
"BAD_FILE_FORMAT" => array(8, "Bad file format."), |
"LEVEL_ALREADY_ADDED" => array(9, "Level file is already registered to the Global Leaderboard."), |
"LEVEL_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE" => array(10, "Title already used by other level."), |
"NO_SUCH_LEVEL" => array(11, "No such level exists."), |
"HACKING_DETECTED" => array(12, "Access denied."), |
); |
define("CFG_FAKE_ERROR_FOR_HACKERS",true); |
require_once("mysql.php"); |
require_once("class.SimpleDocument.php"); |
require_once("class.XmlGen.php"); |
require_once("class.DbUtil.php"); |
require_once("class.Util.php"); |
if(isset($_REQUEST["cmd"]) && ($_REQUEST["cmd"]=="ADD_LEVEL")){}else{ //||$_REQUEST["cmd"]=="HASH" |
// Check if the request came from a genuine Sector game |
$headers = apache_request_headers(); |
if( |
$headers["User-Agent"] != "Sector/HttpHelper" |
or !isset($headers["X-SECTOR-VERSION"]) |
or isset($headers["Cookie"]) |
or isset($headers["Accept-Encoding"]) |
or isset($headers["Accept-Language"]) |
or isset($headers["Accept-Charset"]) |
or isset($headers["Accept"]) |
){ |
XmlGen::hacking_exit(); |
}else{ |
XmlGen::error_exit("HACKING_DETECTED","Unauthorized server access."); |
} |
} |
$_REQUEST["VERSION"] = $headers["X-SECTOR-VERSION"]+0; |
} |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["cmd"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("NO_COMMAND"); |
} |
switch($_REQUEST["cmd"]){ |
case "REGISTER": |
// check if name and password exist |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["name"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["password"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Missing 'name' or 'password'."); |
} |
// trim, null -> "" |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["email"])) $_REQUEST["email"] = ""; |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["country"])) $_REQUEST["country"] = ""; |
$name = trim($_REQUEST["name"]); |
$email = trim($_REQUEST["email"]); |
$password = trim($_REQUEST["password"]); |
$country = trim($_REQUEST["country"]); |
// check name and password length |
if(strlen($_REQUEST["name"])==0 || strlen($_REQUEST["password"])==0){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Zero-length 'name' or 'password'."); |
} |
// register and return uid+auth_token |
DbUtil::registerNewUser( |
$name, |
$password, |
$email, |
$country |
); |
exit(); |
case "EDIT_PROFILE": |
// check if name and password exist |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["uid"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["auth_token"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Missing 'uid' or 'auth_token'."); |
} |
if(!DbUtil::isTokenValid($_REQUEST["uid"], $_REQUEST["auth_token"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INVALID_TOKEN"); |
} |
// replace not set variables with nulls |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["email"])) $_REQUEST["email"] = ""; |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["country"])) $_REQUEST["country"] = ""; |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["name"])) $_REQUEST["name"] = null; |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["password"])) $_REQUEST["password"] = null; |
$uid = $_REQUEST["uid"]; |
$name = Util::trimNullSafe($_REQUEST["name"]); |
$email = trim($_REQUEST["email"]); |
$password = Util::trimNullSafe($_REQUEST["password"]); |
$country = trim($_REQUEST["country"]); |
// register and return uid+auth_token |
DbUtil::modifyProfile( |
$uid, |
$name, |
$password, |
$email, |
$country |
); |
exit(); |
// check if name and password exist |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["uid"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["auth_token"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Missing 'uid' or 'auth_token'."); |
} |
if(!DbUtil::isTokenValid($_REQUEST["uid"], $_REQUEST["auth_token"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INVALID_TOKEN"); |
} |
$uid = $_REQUEST["uid"]; |
// register and return uid+auth_token |
DbUtil::deleteProfile( |
$uid |
); |
exit(); |
case "ADD_LEVEL": |
// check if name and password exist |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["title"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["filename"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Missing 'title' or 'filename'."); |
} |
$title = trim($_REQUEST["title"]); |
$file = trim($_REQUEST["filename"]); |
DbUtil::addLevel( |
$title, |
$file |
); |
exit(); |
case "GET_LEVELS": |
DbUtil::getLevels(); |
exit(); |
case "GET_SCORES": |
if(!isset($_REQUEST["lid"])){ |
XmlGen::error_exit("INCOMPLETE_COMMAND","Missing 'lid'."); |
} |
DbUtil::getLevelScores($_REQUEST["lid"]); |
exit(); |