3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected
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# Exported from Wings 3D 1.4.1
mtllib bs_point.mtl
o bs_point
#9 vertices, 7 faces
v -8.1640424e-17 0.0000000e+0 0.0000000e+0
v -1.00000000 0.0000000e+0 1.00000000
v 1.00000000 0.0000000e+0 1.00000000
v 1.00000000 0.50000000 1.00000000
v -1.00000000 0.50000000 1.00000000
v -1.00000000 -0.50000000 1.00000000
v 1.00000000 -0.50000000 1.00000000
v 0.0000000e+0 -1.00000000 1.00000000
v 0.0000000e+0 1.00000000 1.00000000
vt 8.7244444e-2 0.52448672
vt 8.7244444e-2 0.64948672
vt 8.7244444e-2 0.77448672
vt 0.33724444 0.39948672
vt 0.33724444 0.89948672
vt 0.41607778 0.13533279
vt 0.41628889 0.13576613
vt 0.58724444 0.52448672
vt 0.58724444 0.64948672
vt 0.58724444 0.77448672
vt 0.66607778 4.6944444e-2
vt 0.66607778 0.40049784
vt 0.66628889 4.7377778e-2
vt 0.66628889 0.40093117
vt 0.70025393 0.48936504
vt 0.70042168 0.48925393
vt 0.82525393 0.48936504
vt 0.82525393 0.84291843
vt 0.82542168 0.48925393
vt 0.82542168 0.84280732
vt 0.91607778 0.13533279
vt 0.91628889 0.13576613
vt 0.95025393 0.48936504
vt 0.95042168 0.48925393
vn -2.7205479e-17 0.0000000e+0 -1.00000000
vn -0.92387953 0.0000000e+0 0.38268343
vn 0.92387953 0.0000000e+0 0.38268343
vn 0.80592145 0.51639778 -0.28952367
vn -0.80592145 0.51639778 -0.28952367
vn -0.80592145 -0.51639778 -0.28952367
vn 0.80592145 -0.51639778 -0.28952367
vn 4.0390295e-17 -0.97014250 -0.24253563
vn 4.0390295e-17 0.97014250 -0.24253563
g bs_point_bs_point
usemtl bs_point
s 1
f 1/14/1 7/7/7 8/13/8
f 1/14/1 8/13/8 6/22/6
f 2/2/2 6/1/6 8/4/8 7/8/7 3/9/3 4/10/4 9/5/9 5/3/5
f 3/19/3 7/24/7 1/20/1 4/16/4
f 5/23/5 1/18/1 6/15/6 2/17/2
f 9/11/9 1/12/1 5/6/5
f 9/11/9 4/21/4 1/12/1