Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
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import mightypork.gamecore.util.annot.DefaultImpl;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonInput;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonObjBlob;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonOutput;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.Color;
* Tile data bundle. Client only renders.
* @author MightyPork
public abstract class Tile implements IonObjBlob {
// tmp extras
public final TileRenderData renderData = new TileRenderData();
public final TileGenData genData = new TileGenData();
protected final TileRenderer renderer;
public final TileModel model;
// temporary flag for map.
protected boolean occupied;
protected boolean explored;
public Tile(TileModel model, TileRenderer renderer)
this.model = model;
this.renderer = renderer;
* Render the tile, using the main texture sheet.
public void renderTile(TileRenderContext context)
if (!isExplored()) return;
if (doesReceiveShadow()) renderer.renderShadows(context);
* Render extra stuff (ie. dropped items).<br>
* Called after the whole map is rendered using renderTile.
* @param context
public void renderExtra(TileRenderContext context)
public void save(IonOutput out) throws IOException
public void load(IonInput in) throws IOException
explored = in.readBoolean();
public final boolean isOccupied()
return occupied;
public final void setOccupied(boolean occupied)
this.occupied = occupied;
public final boolean isExplored()
return explored;
public void setExplored()
explored = true;
public final boolean isNull()
return getType() == TileType.NULL;
public final boolean isWall()
return getType() == TileType.WALL;
public final boolean isFloor()
return getType() == TileType.FLOOR;
public final boolean isDoor()
return getType() == TileType.DOOR;
public void update(Level level, double delta)
* Check if this tile is right now walkable.<br>
* If type is not potentially walkable, this method must return false.
* @return true if currently walkable
public boolean isWalkable()
return isPotentiallyWalkable();
public final boolean isPotentiallyWalkable()
return getType().isPotentiallyWalkable();
public abstract TileType getType();
public abstract boolean doesCastShadow();
public boolean doesReceiveShadow()
return !doesCastShadow();
public final Color getMapColor()
return getType().getMapColor();
public final TileModel getModel()
return model;
* Drop item onto this tile
* @param item
* @return true if dropped
public abstract boolean dropItem(Item item);
* Remove an item from this tile
* @return the picked item, or null if none
public abstract Item pickItem();
* @return true if the tile has dropped items
public abstract boolean hasItem();