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package mightypork.utils.math.vect;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.NumBound;
import mightypork.utils.math.num.Num;
import mightypork.utils.math.num.NumVal;
import mightypork.utils.math.num.NumView;
* Dynamic vector math functions, to be used with a view.
* @author MightyPork
abstract class VectMathDynamic extends VectMath<VectView, NumBound> {
private NumView size;
private VectView neg;
private VectView half;
private VectView abs;
private NumView xc;
private NumView yc;
private NumView zc;
* @return X constraint
public final NumView xn()
if (xc == null) xc = new NumView() {
public double value()
return x();
return xc;
* @return Y constraint
public final NumView yn()
if (yc == null) yc = new NumView() {
public double value()
return y();
return yc;
* @return Z constraint
public final NumView zn()
if (zc == null) zc = new NumView() {
public double value()
return z();
return zc;
public VectView abs()
if (abs == null) abs = new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return Math.abs(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.abs(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.abs(t.z());
return abs;
public VectView add(Vect vec)
return add(vec.view().xn(), vec.view().yn(), vec.view().zn());
public VectView add(double x, double y)
return add(x, y, 0);
public VectView add(final double x, final double y, final double z)
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return t.x() + x;
public double y()
return t.y() + y;
public double z()
return t.z() + z;
public VectView add(Num x, Num y)
return add(x, y, Num.ZERO);
public VectView add(final Num x, final Num y, final Num z)
return new VectView() {
final Vect t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return t.x() + x.value();
public double y()
return t.y() + y.value();
public double z()
return t.z() + z.value();
public VectView half()
if (half == null) half = mul(0.5);
return half;
public VectView mul(double d)
return mul(d, d, d);
public VectView mul(Vect vec)
return mul(vec.view().xn(), vec.view().yn(), vec.view().zn());
public VectView mul(double x, double y)
return mul(x, y, 1);
public VectView mul(final double x, final double y, final double z)
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return t.x() * x;
public double y()
return t.y() * y;
public double z()
return t.z() * z;
public VectView mul(final Num d)
return mul(d, d, d);
public VectView mul(final Num x, final Num y)
return mul(x, y, Num.ONE);
public VectView mul(final Num x, final Num y, final Num z)
return new VectView() {
final Vect t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return t.x() * x.value();
public double y()
return t.y() * y.value();
public double z()
return t.z() * z.value();
public VectView round()
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return Math.round(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.round(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.round(t.z());
public VectView floor()
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return Math.floor(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.floor(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.floor(t.z());
public VectView ceil()
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return Math.ceil(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.ceil(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.ceil(t.z());
public VectView sub(Vect vec)
return sub(vec.view().xn(), vec.view().yn(), vec.view().zn());
public VectView sub(double x, double y)
return add(-x, -y, 0);
public VectView sub(double x, double y, double z)
return add(-x, -y, -z);
public VectView sub(Num x, Num y)
return sub(x, y, Num.ZERO);
public VectView sub(final Num x, final Num y, final Num z)
return new VectView() {
final Vect t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return t.x() - x.value();
public double y()
return t.y() - y.value();
public double z()
return t.z() - z.value();
public VectView neg()
if (neg == null) neg = mul(-1);
return neg;
public VectView norm(final Num size)
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
final double tSize = t.size().value();
final double nSize = size.value();
if (tSize == 0 || nSize == 0) return 0;
return x() / (nSize / tSize);
public double y()
final double tSize = t.size().value();
final double nSize = size.value();
if (tSize == 0 || nSize == 0) return 0;
return y() / (nSize / tSize);
public double z()
final double tSize = t.size().value();
final double nSize = size.value();
if (tSize == 0 || nSize == 0) return 0;
return z() / (nSize / tSize);
public VectView norm(final double size)
return norm(NumVal.make(size));
public NumView distTo(final Vect point)
return new NumView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double value()
final double dx = t.x() - point.x();
final double dy = t.y() - point.y();
final double dz = t.z() - point.z();
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
public final VectView midTo(final Vect point)
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return (point.x() + t.x()) * 0.5;
public double y()
return (point.y() + t.y()) * 0.5;
public double z()
return (point.z() + t.z()) * 0.5;
public final VectView vectTo(final Vect point)
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return (point.x() - t.x());
public double y()
return (point.y() - t.y());
public double z()
return (point.z() - t.z());
public final VectView cross(final Vect vec)
return new VectView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double x()
return t.y() * vec.z() - t.z() * vec.y();
public double y()
return t.z() * vec.x() - t.x() * vec.z();
public double z()
return t.x() * vec.y() - t.y() * vec.x();
public NumView dot(final Vect vec)
return new NumView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double value()
return t.x() * vec.x() + t.y() * vec.y() + t.z() * vec.z();
public Num size()
if (size == null) size = new NumView() {
final VectMathDynamic t = VectMathDynamic.this;
public double value()
final double x = t.x(), y = t.y(), z = t.z();
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
return size;