Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
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package mightypork.gamecore.gui.renderers;
import mightypork.gamecore.render.fonts.FontRenderer;
import mightypork.gamecore.render.fonts.FontRenderer.Align;
import mightypork.gamecore.render.fonts.GLFont;
import mightypork.utils.math.color.RGB;
import mightypork.utils.string.StringProvider;
import mightypork.utils.string.StringProvider.StringWrapper;
10 years ago
* Text painting component
* @author MightyPork
public class TextPainter extends PluggableRenderer {
private final FontRenderer font;
private RGB color;
private Align align;
private StringProvider text;
10 years ago
* @param font font to use
public TextPainter(GLFont font) {
this(font, Align.LEFT, RGB.WHITE);
10 years ago
* Constructor for fixed text
* @param font font to use
* @param align text align
* @param color default color
* @param text drawn text
public TextPainter(GLFont font, Align align, RGB color, String text) {
this(font, align, color, new StringWrapper(text));
10 years ago
* COnstructor for changeable text.
* @param font font to use
* @param align text align
* @param color default color
* @param text text provider
public TextPainter(GLFont font, Align align, RGB color, StringProvider text) {
this.font = new FontRenderer(font);
this.color = color;
this.align = align;
this.text = text;
10 years ago
* @param font font to use
* @param align text align
* @param color default color
public TextPainter(GLFont font, Align align, RGB color) {
this(font, align, color, (StringProvider) null);
* Use size specified during font init instead of size provided by
* {@link GLFont} instance (measured from tile heights.<br>
* This is better when the font is drawn in original size, but can cause
* weird artifacts if the font is scaled up.
* @param enable use it
public void usePtSize(boolean enable)
public void render()
if (getText() == null) return;
font.draw(getText(), getRect(), getAlign(), getColor());
10 years ago
* Assign paint color
* @param color paint color
public void setColor(RGB color)
this.color = color;
10 years ago
* Set text align
* @param align text align
public void setAlign(Align align)
this.align = align;
10 years ago
* Set drawn text
* @param text text
public void setText(String text)
this.text = new StringWrapper(text);
10 years ago
* Set drawn text provider
* @param text text provider
public void setText(StringProvider text)
this.text = text;
10 years ago
* Get draw color.<br>
* <i>This getter is used for getting drawing color; so if it's overriden,
* the draw color can be adjusted in real time.</i>
* @return drawing color
public RGB getColor()
return color;
10 years ago
* Get text align.<br>
* <i>This getter is used for getting align; so if it's overidden, the align
* can be adjusted in real time.</i>
* @return text align
public Align getAlign()
return align;
10 years ago
* Get text to draw.<br>
* <i>This getter is used for getting text to draw; so if it's overidden,
* the text can be adjusted in real time. (alternative to using
* StringProvider)</i>
* @return text align
public String getText()
return text.getString();