Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
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package mightypork.rogue.display;
import java.util.Random;
import mightypork.rogue.App;
import mightypork.rogue.input.KeyStroke;
import mightypork.rogue.util.RenderUtils;
import mightypork.utils.math.Polar;
import mightypork.utils.math.color.RGB;
import mightypork.utils.math.coord.Coord;
import mightypork.utils.math.easing.Easing;
import mightypork.utils.time.animation.AnimDouble;
import mightypork.utils.time.animation.AnimDoubleDeg;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
public class ScreenTestAnimations extends Screen {
private Random rand = new Random();
private AnimDoubleDeg degAnim = new AnimDoubleDeg(0, Easing.ELASTIC_OUT);
private AnimDouble[] anims = new AnimDouble[] {
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.NONE),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.LINEAR),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUADRATIC_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUADRATIC_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUADRATIC_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.CUBIC_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.CUBIC_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.CUBIC_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUADRATIC_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUADRATIC_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUADRATIC_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUINTIC_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUINTIC_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.QUINTIC_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.EXPO_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.EXPO_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.EXPO_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.SINE_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.SINE_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.SINE_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.CIRC_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.CIRC_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.CIRC_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BOUNCE_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BACK_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BACK_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.BACK_IN_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.ELASTIC_IN),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.ELASTIC_OUT),
// new AnimDouble(0, Easing.ELASTIC_IN_OUT),
public void initialize()
bindKeyStroke(new KeyStroke(Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT), new Runnable() {
public void run()
for (AnimDouble a : anims) {
a.animate(0, 1, 1+rand.nextDouble()*1);
bindKeyStroke(new KeyStroke(Keyboard.KEY_LEFT), new Runnable() {
public void run()
for (AnimDouble a : anims) {
a.animate(1, 0, 1+rand.nextDouble()*1);
protected void renderScreen()
double screenH = Display.getHeight();
double screenW = Display.getWidth();
double perBoxH = screenH / anims.length;
double padding = perBoxH * 0.1;
double boxSide = perBoxH - padding * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < anims.length; i++) {
AnimDouble a = anims[i];
RenderUtils.quadSize(padding + a.getCurrentValue() * (screenW - perBoxH), screenH - perBoxH * i - perBoxH + padding, boxSide, boxSide);
RenderUtils.translate(new Coord(Display.getWidth() / 2, Display.getHeight() / 2));
RenderUtils.quadSize(-10, -10, 20, 200);
public void receive(MouseMotionEvent event)
public void receive(MouseButtonEvent event)
if (event.isDown()) {
Coord vec = App.disp().getSize().half().vecTo(event.getPos());
Polar p = Polar.fromCoord(vec);
degAnim.fadeTo(p.getAngleDeg() - 90, 1.5);
protected void onEnter()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void onLeave()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void onSizeChanged(Coord size)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void updateScreen(double delta)
for (AnimDouble a : anims) {