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package mightypork.utils.math.constraints.vect;
import mightypork.utils.annotations.DefaultImpl;
import mightypork.utils.annotations.FactoryMethod;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.VectBound;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.num.Num;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.num.NumConst;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.rect.Rect;
* The most basic Vec methods
* @author MightyPork
public abstract class Vect implements VectBound {
public static final VectConst ZERO = new VectConst(0, 0, 0);
public static final VectConst ONE = new VectConst(1, 1, 1);
public static Vect make(Num xc, Num yc)
return Vect.make(xc, yc, Num.ZERO);
public static Vect make(Num xc, Num yc, Num zc)
return new VectNumAdapter(xc, yc, zc);
public static Vect make(VectBound bound)
return new VectBoundAdapter(bound);
public static VectConst make(NumConst xc, NumConst yc)
return Vect.make(xc, yc, Num.ZERO);
public static VectConst make(NumConst xc, NumConst yc, NumConst zc)
return new VectConst(xc.value(), yc.value(), zc.value());
public static VectConst make(double x, double y)
return Vect.make(x, y, 0);
public static VectConst make(double x, double y, double z)
return new VectConst(x, y, z);
public static VectVar makeVar()
return Vect.makeVar(Vect.ZERO);
public static VectVar makeVar(double x, double y)
return Vect.makeVar(x, y, 0);
public static VectVar makeVar(Vect copied)
return Vect.makeVar(copied.x(), copied.y(), copied.z());
public static VectVar makeVar(double x, double y, double z)
return new VectVar(x, y, z);
private Num p_size;
private Vect p_neg;
private Vect p_half;
private Vect p_abs;
private Num p_xc;
private Num p_yc;
private Num p_zc;
* @return X coordinate
public abstract double x();
* @return Y coordinate
public abstract double y();
* @return Z coordinate
public double z()
return 0; // implemented for ease with 2D anonymous subtypes
* @return X rounded
public int xi()
return (int) Math.round(x());
* @return Y rounded
public int yi()
return (int) Math.round(y());
* @return Z rounded
public int zi()
return (int) Math.round(z());
* @return X constraint
public Num xn()
if (p_xc == null) p_xc = new Num() {
public double value()
return x();
return p_xc;
* @return Y constraint
public Num yn()
if (p_yc == null) p_yc = new Num() {
public double value()
return y();
return p_yc;
* @return Z constraint
public Num zn()
if (p_zc == null) p_zc = new Num() {
public double value()
return z();
return p_zc;
public final Vect getVect()
return this;
* @return true if zero
public boolean isZero()
return x() == 0 && y() == 0 && z() == 0;
* Get a static immutable copy of the current state.
* @return a immutable copy
public VectConst freeze()
return new VectConst(this);
* Get a snapshot of the current state, to be used for processing.
* @return digest
public VectDigest digest()
return new VectDigest(this);
* Get a view with X set to given value
* @param x x coordinate
* @return result
public Vect withX(double x)
return withX(Num.make(x));
* Get a view with Y set to given value
* @param y y coordinate
* @return result
public Vect withY(double y)
return withY(Num.make(y));
* Get a view with Z set to given value
* @param z z coordinate
* @return result
public Vect withZ(double z)
return withZ(Num.make(z));
public Vect withX(final Num x)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return x.value();
public double y()
return t.z();
public double z()
return t.z();
public Vect withY(final Num y)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x();
public double y()
return y.value();
public double z()
return t.z();
public Vect withZ(final Num z)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x();
public double y()
return t.y();
public double z()
return z.value();
* Get absolute value (positive)
* @return result
public Vect abs()
if (p_abs == null) p_abs = new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return Math.abs(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.abs(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.abs(t.z());
return p_abs;
* Add a vector.
* @param vec offset
* @return result
public Vect add(Vect vec)
return add(vec.xn(), vec.yn(), vec.zn());
* Add to each component.<br>
* Z is unchanged.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return result
public Vect add(double x, double y)
return add(x, y, 0);
* Add to each component.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return result
public Vect add(final double x, final double y, final double z)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x() + x;
public double y()
return t.y() + y;
public double z()
return t.z() + z;
public Vect add(Num x, Num y)
return add(x, y, Num.ZERO);
public Vect add(final Num x, final Num y, final Num z)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x() + x.value();
public double y()
return t.y() + y.value();
public double z()
return t.z() + z.value();
* Get copy divided by two
* @return result
public Vect half()
if (p_half == null) p_half = mul(0.5);
return p_half;
* Multiply each component.
* @param d multiplier
* @return result
public Vect mul(double d)
return mul(d, d, d);
* Multiply each component.
* @param vec vector of multipliers
* @return result
public Vect mul(Vect vec)
return mul(vec.xn(), vec.yn(), vec.zn());
* Multiply each component.<br>
* Z is unchanged.
* @param x x multiplier
* @param y y multiplier
* @return result
public Vect mul(double x, double y)
return mul(x, y, 1);
* Multiply each component.
* @param x x multiplier
* @param y y multiplier
* @param z z multiplier
* @return result
public Vect mul(final double x, final double y, final double z)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x() * x;
public double y()
return t.y() * y;
public double z()
return t.z() * z;
* Multiply each component.
* @param d multiplier
* @return result
public Vect mul(final Num d)
return mul(d, d, d);
* Multiply each component.
* @param x x multiplier
* @param y y multiplier
* @return result
public Vect mul(final Num x, final Num y)
return mul(x, y, Num.ONE);
* Multiply each component.
* @param x x multiplier
* @param y y multiplier
* @param z z multiplier
* @return result
public Vect mul(final Num x, final Num y, final Num z)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x() * x.value();
public double y()
return t.y() * y.value();
public double z()
return t.z() * z.value();
* Round coordinates.
* @return result
public Vect round()
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return Math.round(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.round(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.round(t.z());
* Round coordinates down.
* @return result
public Vect floor()
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return Math.floor(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.floor(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.floor(t.z());
* Round coordinates up.
* @return result
public Vect ceil()
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return Math.ceil(t.x());
public double y()
return Math.ceil(t.y());
public double z()
return Math.ceil(t.z());
* Subtract vector.
* @param vec offset
* @return result
public Vect sub(Vect vec)
return sub(vec.xn(), vec.yn(), vec.zn());
* Subtract a 2D vector.<br>
* Z is unchanged.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return result
public Vect sub(double x, double y)
return add(-x, -y, 0);
* Subtract a 3D vector.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return result
public Vect sub(double x, double y, double z)
return add(-x, -y, -z);
public Vect sub(Num x, Num y)
return sub(x, y, Num.ZERO);
public Vect sub(final Num x, final Num y, final Num z)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.x() - x.value();
public double y()
return t.y() - y.value();
public double z()
return t.z() - z.value();
* Negate all coordinates (* -1)
* @return result
public Vect neg()
if (p_neg == null) p_neg = mul(-1);
return p_neg;
* Scale vector to given size.
* @param size size we need
* @return result
public Vect norm(final Num size)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
final double tSize = t.size().value();
final double nSize = size.value();
if (tSize == 0 || nSize == 0) return 0;
return x() / (nSize / tSize);
public double y()
final double tSize = t.size().value();
final double nSize = size.value();
if (tSize == 0 || nSize == 0) return 0;
return y() / (nSize / tSize);
public double z()
final double tSize = t.size().value();
final double nSize = size.value();
if (tSize == 0 || nSize == 0) return 0;
return z() / (nSize / tSize);
public Vect norm(final double size)
return norm(Num.make(size));
* Get distance to other point
* @param point other point
* @return distance
public Num dist(final Vect point)
return new Num() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double value()
final double dx = t.x() - point.x();
final double dy = t.y() - point.y();
final double dz = t.z() - point.z();
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
* Get middle of line to other point
* @param point other point
* @return result
public Vect midTo(final Vect point)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return (point.x() + t.x()) * 0.5;
public double y()
return (point.y() + t.y()) * 0.5;
public double z()
return (point.z() + t.z()) * 0.5;
* Create vector from this point to other point
* @param point second point
* @return result
public Vect vectTo(final Vect point)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return (point.x() - t.x());
public double y()
return (point.y() - t.y());
public double z()
return (point.z() - t.z());
* Get cross product (vector multiplication)
* @param vec other vector
* @return result
public final Vect cross(final Vect vec)
return new Vect() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double x()
return t.y() * vec.z() - t.z() * vec.y();
public double y()
return t.z() * vec.x() - t.x() * vec.z();
public double z()
return t.x() * vec.y() - t.y() * vec.x();
* Get dot product (scalar multiplication)
* @param vec other vector
* @return dot product
public Num dot(final Vect vec)
return new Num() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double value()
return t.x() * vec.x() + t.y() * vec.y() + t.z() * vec.z();
* Get vector size
* @return size
public Num size()
if (p_size == null) p_size = new Num() {
final Vect t = Vect.this;
public double value()
final double x = t.x(), y = t.y(), z = t.z();
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
return p_size;
* Expand to a rect, with given growth to each side.
* @param left
* @param right
* @param top
* @param bottom
* @return the rect
public Rect expand(double left, double right, double top, double bottom)
return Rect.make(this, Vect.ZERO).grow(left, right, top, bottom);
* Expand to a rect, with given growth to each side.
* @param left
* @param right
* @param top
* @param bottom
* @return the rect
public Rect expand(Num left, Num right, Num top, Num bottom)
return Rect.make(this, Vect.ZERO).grow(left, right, top, bottom);
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + Double.valueOf(x()).hashCode();
result = prime * result + Double.valueOf(y()).hashCode();
result = prime * result + Double.valueOf(z()).hashCode();
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof Vect)) return false;
final Vect other = (Vect) obj;
return x() == other.x() && y() == other.y() && z() == other.z();
public String toString()
return String.format("(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", x(), y(), z());