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package mightypork.utils.math.vect;
* Implementation of coordinate methods
* @author MightyPork
* @param <V> Return type of methods
abstract class VectMath<V extends Vect> extends AbstractVect {
* <p>
* Some operation was performed and this result was obtained.
* </p>
* <p>
* It's now up to implementing class what to do - mutable ones can alter
* it's data values, immutable can return a new Vec.
* </p>
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @return the result Vec
public abstract V result(double x, double y, double z);
* Set X coordinate (if immutable, in a copy).
* @param x x coordinate
* @return result
public V setX(double x)
return result(x, y(), z());
* Set Y coordinate (if immutable, in a copy).
* @param y y coordinate
* @return result
public V setY(double y)
return result(x(), y, z());
* Set Z coordinate (if immutable, in a copy).
* @param z z coordinate
* @return result
public V setZ(double z)
return result(x(), y(), z);
* Get absolute value (positive)
* @return result
public V abs()
return result(Math.abs(x()), Math.abs(y()), Math.abs(z()));
* Add a vector.
* @param vec offset
* @return result
public V add(Vect vec)
return add(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z());
* Add to each component.<br>
* Z is unchanged.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return result
public V add(double x, double y)
return add(x, y, 0);
* Add to each component.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return result
public V add(double x, double y, double z)
return result(x() + x, y() + y, z() + z);
* Get copy divided by two
* @return result
public V half()
return mul(0.5);
* Multiply each component.
* @param d multiplier
* @return result
public V mul(double d)
return mul(d, d, d);
* Multiply each component.
* @param vec vector of multipliers
* @return result
public V mul(Vect vec)
return mul(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z());
* Multiply each component.<br>
* Z is unchanged.
* @param x x multiplier
* @param y y multiplier
* @return result
public V mul(double x, double y)
return mul(x, y, 1);
* Multiply each component.
* @param x x multiplier
* @param y y multiplier
* @param z z multiplier
* @return result
public V mul(double x, double y, double z)
return result(x() * x, y() * y, z() * z);
* Round coordinates.
* @return result
public V round()
return result(Math.round(x()), Math.round(y()), Math.round(z()));
* Round coordinates down.
* @return result
public V floor()
return result(Math.floor(x()), Math.floor(y()), Math.floor(z()));
* Round coordinates up.
* @return result
public V ceil()
return result(Math.ceil(x()), Math.ceil(y()), Math.ceil(z()));
* Subtract vector.
* @param vec offset
* @return result
public V sub(Vect vec)
return sub(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z());
* Subtract a 2D vector.<br>
* Z is unchanged.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return result
public V sub(double x, double y)
return sub(x, y, 0);
* Subtract a 3D vector.
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return result
public V sub(double x, double y, double z)
return result(x() - x, y() - y, z() - z);
* Negate all coordinates (* -1)
* @return result
public V neg()
return result(-x(), -y(), -z());
* Scale vector to given size.
* @param size size we need
* @return result
public V norm(double size)
if (isZero()) return result(x(), y(), z()); // can't norm zero vector
final double k = size / size();
return mul(k);
* Get distance to other point
* @param point other point
* @return distance
public final double distTo(Vect point)
final double dx = x() - point.x();
final double dy = y() - point.y();
final double dz = z() - point.z();
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
* Get middle of line to other point
* @param point other point
* @return result
public final VectVal midTo(Vect point)
final double dx = (point.x() - x()) * 0.5;
final double dy = (point.y() - y()) * 0.5;
final double dz = (point.z() - z()) * 0.5;
return VectVal.make(dx, dy, dz);
* Create vector from this point to other point
* @param point second point
* @return result
public final VectVal vectTo(Vect point)
return VectVal.make(point.x() - x(), point.y() - y(), point.z() - z());
* Get cross product (vector multiplication)
* @param vec other vector
* @return result
public final VectVal cross(Vect vec)
return VectVal.make(
y() * vec.z() - z() * vec.y(),
z() * vec.x() - x() * vec.z(),
x() * vec.y() - y() * vec.x());
* Get dot product (scalar multiplication)
* @param vec other vector
* @return dot product
public final double dot(Vect vec)
return x() * vec.x() + y() * vec.y() + z() * vec.z();