Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package mightypork.utils.string;
* General purpose string utilities
* @author MightyPork
public class StringUtils {
* Get if string is in array
* @param needle checked string
* @param case_sensitive case sensitive comparision
* @param haystack array of possible values
* @return is in array
public static boolean isInArray(String needle, boolean case_sensitive, String... haystack)
if (case_sensitive) {
for (String s : haystack) {
if (needle.equals(s)) return true;
return false;
} else {
for (String s : haystack) {
if (needle.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) return true;
return false;
public static String fromLastDot(String s)
return fromLastChar(s, '.');
public static String toLastDot(String s)
return toLastChar(s, '.');
public static String fromLastChar(String s, char c)
if (s == null) return null;
return s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(c) + 1, s.length());
public static String toLastChar(String s, char c)
if (s == null) return null;
return s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(c));
* Repeat a string
* @param repeated string
* @param count
* @return output
public static String repeat(String repeated, int count)
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
s += repeated;
return s;
* convert string to a same-length sequence of # marks
* @param password password
* @return encoded
public static String passwordify(String password)
return passwordify(password, "*");
* convert string to a same-length sequence of chars
* @param password password
* @param replacing character used in output
* @return encoded
public static String passwordify(String password, String replacing)
return repeat(replacing, password.length());
* Get ordinal version of numbers (1 = 1st, 5 = 5th etc.)
* @param number number
* @return ordinal, string
public static String numberToOrdinal(int number)
if (number % 100 < 4 || number % 100 > 13) {
if (number % 10 == 1) return number + "st";
if (number % 10 == 2) return number + "nd";
if (number % 10 == 3) return number + "rd";
return number + "th";
* Format number with thousands separated by a dot.
* @param number number
* @return string 12.004.225
public static String formatInt(long number)
String num = number + "";
String out = "";
String dot = ".";
int cnt = 1;
for (int i = num.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
out = num.charAt(i) + out;
if (cnt % 3 == 0 && i > 0) out = dot + out;
return out;
public static boolean isValidFilenameChar(char ch)
return isValidFilenameString(Character.toString(ch));
public static boolean isValidFilenameString(String filename)
return filename.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9 +\\-.,_%@#!]+");
public static boolean isValidIdentifierChar(char ch)
return isValidIdentifierString(Character.toString(ch));
public static boolean isValidIdentifierString(String filename)
return filename.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9._]+");
public static String ellipsisStart(String orig, int length)
if (orig.length() > length) {
orig = "\u2026" + orig.substring(length, orig.length());
return orig;
public static String ellipsisEnd(String orig, int length)
if (orig.length() > length) {
orig = orig.substring(0, length - 1) + "\u2026";
return orig;