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package mightypork.utils.math.constraints;
import mightypork.gamecore.control.timing.Poller;
import mightypork.utils.math.rect.RectVal;
import mightypork.utils.math.rect.RectView;
import mightypork.utils.math.vect.VectAdapter;
import mightypork.utils.math.vect.Vect;
import mightypork.utils.math.vect.VectVal;
import mightypork.utils.math.vect.VectView;
* Constraint factory.<br>
* Import statically for best experience.
* @author MightyPork
public class Constraints {
public static RectCache cCached(final Poller poller, final RectConstraint rc)
return new RectCache(poller, rc);
* Convert {@link Number} to {@link NumberConstraint} if needed
* @param o unknown numeric value
* @return converted
private static NumberConstraint toConstraint(final Object o)
if (o instanceof NumberConstraint) return (NumberConstraint) o;
if (o instanceof Number) return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return ((Number) o).doubleValue();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid numeric type.");
* Convert {@link Number} or {@link NumberConstraint} to double (current
* value)
* @param o unknown numeric value
* @return double value
private static double toDouble(final Object o)
return toConstraint(o).getValue();
public static NumberConstraint cMin(final Object a, final Object b)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return Math.min(toDouble(a), toDouble(b));
public static NumberConstraint cMax(final Object a, final Object b)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return Math.max(toDouble(a), toDouble(b));
public static NumberConstraint cAbs(final NumberConstraint a)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return Math.abs(a.getValue());
public static NumberConstraint cHalf(final NumberConstraint a)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return a.getValue() / 2;
public static NumberConstraint cRound(final NumberConstraint a)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return Math.round(a.getValue());
public static RectConstraint cRound(final RectConstraint r)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().round();
public static NumberConstraint cCeil(final NumberConstraint a)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return Math.ceil(a.getValue());
public static NumberConstraint cFloor(final NumberConstraint a)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return Math.floor(a.getValue());
public static NumberConstraint cNeg(final NumberConstraint a)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return -a.getValue();
public static NumberConstraint cAdd(final Object a, final Object b)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return toDouble(a) + toDouble(b);
public static NumberConstraint cSub(final Object a, final Object b)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return toDouble(a) - toDouble(b);
public static NumberConstraint cMul(final Object a, final Object b)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return toDouble(a) * toDouble(b);
public static NumberConstraint cHalf(final Object a)
return cMul(a, 0.5);
public static NumberConstraint cDiv(final Object a, final Object b)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return toDouble(a) / toDouble(b);
public static NumberConstraint cPerc(final Object whole, final Object percent)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return toDouble(whole) * (toDouble(percent) / 100);
public static RectConstraint cRow(final RectConstraint r, final int rows, final int index)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final double height = r.getRect().getHeight();
final double perRow = height / rows;
final Vect origin = r.getRect().getOrigin().add(0, perRow * index);
final Vect size = r.getRect().getSize().setY(perRow);
return RectVal.make(origin, size);
public static RectConstraint cColumn(final RectConstraint r, final int columns, final int index)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final double width = r.getRect().getWidth();
final double perCol = width / columns;
final Vect origin = r.getRect().getOrigin().add(perCol * index, 0);
final Vect size = r.getRect().getSize().setX(perCol);
return RectVal.make(origin, size);
public static RectConstraint cTile(final RectConstraint r, final int rows, final int cols, final int left, final int top)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final double height = r.getRect().getHeight();
final double width = r.getRect().getHeight();
final double perRow = height / rows;
final double perCol = width / cols;
final Vect origin = r.getRect().getOrigin().add(perCol * left, perRow * (rows - top - 1));
return RectVal.make(origin, perCol, perRow);
public static RectConstraint cShrink(RectConstraint r, Object shrink)
final NumberConstraint n = toConstraint(shrink);
return cShrink(r, n, n, n, n);
public static RectConstraint cShrink(RectConstraint context, Object horiz, Object vert)
return cShrink(context, horiz, vert, horiz, vert);
public static RectConstraint cShrink(final RectConstraint r, final Object left, final Object top, final Object right, final Object bottom)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(toDouble(left), toDouble(top), toDouble(right), toDouble(bottom));
public static RectConstraint cShrinkTop(final RectConstraint r, final Object shrink)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(0, toDouble(shrink), 0, 0);
public static RectConstraint cShrinkBottom(final RectConstraint r, final Object shrink)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(0, 0, 0, toDouble(shrink));
public static RectConstraint cShrinkLeft(final RectConstraint r, final Object shrink)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(toDouble(shrink), 0, 0, 0);
public static RectConstraint cShrinkRight(final RectConstraint r, final Object shrink)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(0, 0, toDouble(shrink), 0);
public static RectConstraint cGrow(RectConstraint r, Object grow)
final NumberConstraint n = toConstraint(grow);
return cGrow(r, n, n, n, n);
public static RectConstraint cGrow(RectConstraint r, Object horiz, Object vert)
return cGrow(r, horiz, vert, horiz, vert);
public static RectConstraint cGrow(final RectConstraint r, final Object left, final Object right, final Object top, final Object bottom)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().grow(toDouble(left), toDouble(right), toDouble(top), toDouble(bottom));
public static RectConstraint cGrowUp(final RectConstraint r, final Object grow)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().grow(0, toDouble(grow), 0, 0);
public static RectConstraint cGrowDown(final RectConstraint r, final Object grow)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().grow(0, 0, 0, toDouble(grow));
public static RectConstraint cGrowLeft(final RectConstraint r, final Object grow)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().grow(toDouble(grow), 0, 0, 0);
public static RectConstraint cGrowRight(final RectConstraint r, final Object grow)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().grow(0, 0, toDouble(grow), 0);
public static RectConstraint cBox(final Object side)
return cBox(side, side);
public static RectConstraint cBox(final VectConstraint origin, final Object width, final Object height)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return RectVal.make(origin.getVec(), toDouble(width), toDouble(height));
public static RectConstraint cBox(final Object width, final Object height)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return RectVal.make(0, 0, toDouble(width), toDouble(height));
public static RectConstraint cBox(final RectConstraint r, final Object width, final Object height)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final Vect origin = r.getRect().getOrigin();
return RectVal.make(origin.x(), origin.y(), toDouble(width), toDouble(height));
public static RectConstraint cBox(final RectConstraint r, final Object x, final Object y, final Object width, final Object height)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final Vect origin = r.getRect().getOrigin();
return RectVal.make(origin.x() + toDouble(x), origin.y() + toDouble(y), toDouble(width), toDouble(height));
public static RectConstraint cCenterTo(final RectConstraint r, final RectConstraint centerTo)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final VectView size = r.getRect().getSize();
final VectView center = centerTo.getRect().getCenter();
return RectVal.make(center.sub(size.half()), size);
public static RectConstraint cCenterTo(final RectConstraint r, final VectConstraint centerTo)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final VectView size = r.getRect().getSize();
return RectVal.make(centerTo.getVec().sub(size.half()), size);
public static RectConstraint cCenterTo(final RectConstraint r, final Object x, final Object y)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final VectView size = r.getRect().getSize();
final VectView v = VectVal.make(toDouble(x), toDouble(y));
return RectVal.make(v.sub(size.half()), size);
public static RectConstraint cMove(final RectConstraint r, final VectConstraint move)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().move(move.getVec());
public static RectConstraint cMove(final RectConstraint r, final Object x, final Object y)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().move(toDouble(x), toDouble(y));
* Make a rect around coord
* @param c coord
* @param allSides size to grow on all sides
* @return rect constraint
public static RectConstraint cExpand(final VectConstraint c, final Object allSides)
return cExpand(c, allSides, allSides, allSides, allSides);
* Make a rect around coord
* @param c coord
* @param horizontal horisontal grow (left, right)
* @param vertical vertical grow (top, bottom)
* @return rect constraint
public static RectConstraint cExpand(final VectConstraint c, final Object horizontal, final Object vertical)
return cExpand(c, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical);
* Make a rect around coord, growing by given amounts
* @param c coord
* @param top
* @param right
* @param bottom
* @param left
* @return rect constraint
public static RectConstraint cExpand(final VectConstraint c, final Object top, final Object right, final Object bottom, final Object left)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final double t = toDouble(top);
final double r = toDouble(right);
final double b = toDouble(bottom);
final double l = toDouble(left);
final double x = c.getVec().x();
final double y = c.getVec().y();
return RectVal.make(x - l, y - t, l + r, t + b);
public static RectConstraint cLeftEdge(final RectConstraint r)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(0, 0, r.getRect().getWidth(), 0);
public static RectConstraint cTopEdge(final RectConstraint r)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(0, 0, 0, r.getRect().getHeight());
public static RectConstraint cRightEdge(final RectConstraint r)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(r.getRect().getWidth(), 0, 0, 0);
public static RectConstraint cBottomEdge(final RectConstraint r)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
return r.getRect().shrink(0, r.getRect().getHeight(), 0, 0);
public static NumberConstraint cX(final VectConstraint c)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return c.getVec().x();
public static NumberConstraint cY(final VectConstraint c)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return c.getVec().y();
public static NumberConstraint cZ(final VectConstraint c)
return new NumberConstraint() {
public double getValue()
return c.getVec().z();
public static VectConstraint cNeg(final VectConstraint c)
return cMul(c, -1);
public static VectConstraint cHalf(final VectConstraint c)
return cMul(c, 0.5);
public static VectConstraint cAdd(final VectConstraint c1, final VectConstraint c2)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return c1.getVec().add(c2.getVec());
public static VectConstraint cAdd(final VectConstraint c, final Object x, final Object y)
return cAdd(c, x, y, 0);
public static VectConstraint cAdd(final VectConstraint c, final Object x, final Object y, final Object z)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return c.getVec().add(toDouble(x), toDouble(y), toDouble(z));
public static VectConstraint cSub(final VectConstraint c1, final VectConstraint c2)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return c1.getVec().sub(c2.getVec());
public static VectConstraint cSub(final VectConstraint c, final Object x, final Object y)
return cSub(c, x, y, 0);
public static VectConstraint cSub(final VectConstraint c, final Object x, final Object y, final Object z)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return c.getVec().sub(toDouble(x), toDouble(y), toDouble(z));
public static VectConstraint cMul(final VectConstraint c, final Object mul)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return c.getVec().mul(toDouble(mul));
public static VectConstraint cOrigin(final RectConstraint r)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return r.getRect().getOrigin();
public static VectConstraint cSize(final RectConstraint r)
return new VectAdapter() {
public VectView getSource()
return r.getRect().getSize();
public static NumberConstraint cHeight(final RectConstraint r)
return cY(cSize(r));
public static NumberConstraint cWidth(final RectConstraint r)
return cX(cSize(r));
public static VectConstraint cCenter(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), cHalf(cSize(r)));
public static VectConstraint cTopLeft(final RectConstraint r)
return cOrigin(r);
public static VectConstraint cTopRight(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), cWidth(r), 0);
public static VectConstraint cBottomLeft(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), 0, cWidth(r));
public static VectConstraint cBottomRight(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), cSize(r));
public static VectConstraint cTopCenter(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), cHalf(cWidth(r)), 0);
public static VectConstraint cBottomCenter(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), cHalf(cWidth(r)), cWidth(r));
public static VectConstraint cCenterLeft(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), 0, cHalf(cWidth(r)));
public static VectConstraint cCenterRight(final RectConstraint r)
return cAdd(cOrigin(r), cWidth(r), cHalf(cWidth(r)));
* Zero-sized RectView at given coord
* @param c coord
* @return rect
public static RectConstraint cZeroRect(final VectConstraint c)
return new RectConstraint() {
public RectView getRect()
final Vect v = c.getVec();
return RectVal.make(v.x(), v.y(), 0, 0);