Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
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import mightypork.gamecore.input.InputSystem;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.Calc.Deg;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.Polar;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Coord;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Sides;
import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.vect.Vect;
public class MIPMouse implements MapInteractionPlugin {
private static final int BTN = 0; // left
public void update(MapView view, PlayerControl pc, double delta)
if (pc.getPlayerEntity().pos.hasPath()) return;
final Vect pos = InputSystem.getMousePos();
if (InputSystem.isMouseButtonDown(BTN)) {
if (mouseWalk(view, pc, pos)) return;
if (troToNav(view, pc, pos)) return;
public boolean onClick(MapView view, PlayerControl pc, Vect mouse, int button, boolean down)
if (!down && button == BTN) {
final Coord pos = view.toWorldPos(mouse);
final Tile t = pc.getLevel().getTile(pos);
if (t.onClick()) return true;
if (troToNav(view, pc, mouse)) return true;
return false;
private boolean troToNav(MapView view, PlayerControl pc, Vect mouse)
final Coord clicked = view.toWorldPos(mouse);
final Tile t = pc.getLevel().getTile(clicked);
if (!t.isWalkable() || !t.isExplored()) return false;
return true;
private boolean mouseWalk(MapView view, PlayerControl pc, Vect pos)
final Coord plpos = pc.getCoord();
final Coord clicked = view.toWorldPos(pos);
final Polar p = Polar.fromCoord(clicked.x - plpos.x, clicked.y - plpos.y);
final int dir = Deg.round90(p.getAngleDeg()) / 90;
switch (dir) {
case 0:
return pc.tryGo(Sides.E);
case 1:
return pc.tryGo(Sides.S);
case 2:
return pc.tryGo(Sides.W);
case 3:
return pc.tryGo(Sides.N);
return false;
public boolean onKey(MapView view, PlayerControl player, int key, boolean down)
return false;
public boolean onStepEnd(MapView mapView, PlayerControl player)
return false;