Rogue: Savage Rats, a retro-themed dungeon crawler
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
6.6 KiB

package mightypork.util.objects;
import mightypork.util.constraints.vect.Vect;
import mightypork.util.constraints.vect.VectConst;
import mightypork.util.logging.Log;
import mightypork.util.math.Calc;
import mightypork.util.math.Range;
* Utility for converting Object to data types; Can also convert strings to data
* types.
* @author MightyPork
public class Convert {
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return integer
public static int toInteger(Object o, Integer def)
try {
if (o == null) return def;
if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).intValue();
if (o instanceof String) return (int) Math.round(Double.parseDouble((String) o));
if (o instanceof Range) return ((Range) o).randInt();
if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) o) ? 1 : 0;
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {}
return def;
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return double
public static double toDouble(Object o, Double def)
try {
if (o == null) return def;
if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).doubleValue();
if (o instanceof String) return Double.parseDouble((String) o);
if (o instanceof Range) return ((Range) o).randDouble();
if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) o) ? 1 : 0;
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {}
return def;
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return float
public static double toFloat(Object o, Float def)
try {
if (o == null) return def;
if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).floatValue();
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {}
return def;
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return boolean
public static boolean toBoolean(Object o, Boolean def)
if (o == null) return def;
if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).intValue() != 0;
if (o instanceof String) {
final String s = ((String) o).trim().toLowerCase();
if (s.equals("0")) return false;
if (s.equals("1")) return true;
try {
final double n = Double.parseDouble(s);
return n != 0;
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {}
if (s.equals("true")) return true;
if (s.equals("yes")) return true;
if (s.equals("y")) return true;
if (s.equals("a")) return true;
if (s.equals("enabled")) return true;
if (s.equals("false")) return false;
if (s.equals("no")) return false;
if (s.equals("n")) return false;
if (s.equals("disabled")) return true;
return def;
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return String
public static String toString(Object o, String def)
if (o == null) return def;
if (o instanceof String) return ((String) o);
if (o instanceof Float) return Calc.toString((float) o);
if (o instanceof Double) return Calc.toString((double) o);
if (o instanceof Vect) {
final Vect c = (Vect) o;
return String.format("(%f|%f|%f)", c.x(), c.y(), c.z());
if (o instanceof Range) {
final Range c = (Range) o;
return String.format("{%f|%f}", c.getMin(), c.getMax());
if (o instanceof Class<?>) {
return Log.str(o);
return o.toString();
* Get a vector
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return vector
public static VectConst toVect(Object o, Vect def)
try {
if (o == null) return def.freeze();
if (o instanceof Vect) return ((Vect) o).freeze();
if (o instanceof String) {
String s = ((String) o).trim();
// drop whitespace
s = s.replaceAll("\\s", "");
// drop brackets
s = s.replaceAll("[\\(\\[\\{\\)\\]\\}]", "");
// norm separators
s = s.replaceAll("[:;]", "|");
// norm floating point
s = s.replaceAll("[,]", ".");
final String[] parts = s.split("[|]");
if (parts.length >= 2) {
final double x = Double.parseDouble(parts[0].trim());
final double y = Double.parseDouble(parts[1].trim());
if (parts.length == 2) {
return Vect.make(x, y);
final double z = Double.parseDouble(parts[2].trim());
return Vect.make(x, y, z);
} catch (final NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// ignore
return def.freeze();
* @param o object
* @param def default value
* @return AiCoord
public static Range toRange(Object o, Range def)
try {
if (o == null) return def;
if (o instanceof Range) return (Range) o;
if (o instanceof Number) return new Range(((Number) o).doubleValue(), ((Number) o).doubleValue());
if (o instanceof String) {
String s = ((String) o).trim();
// drop whitespace
s = s.replaceAll("\\s", "");
// drop brackets
s = s.replaceAll("[\\(\\[\\{\\)\\]\\}]", "");
// norm separators
s = s.replaceAll("[:;]", "|").replace("..", "|");
// norm floating point
s = s.replaceAll("[,]", ".");
// dash to pipe, if not a minus sign
s = s.replaceAll("([0-9])\\s?[\\-]", "$1|");
final String[] parts = s.split("[|]");
if (parts.length >= 1) {
final double low = Double.parseDouble(parts[0].trim());
if (parts.length == 2) {
final double high = Double.parseDouble(parts[1].trim());
return Range.make(low, high);
return Range.make(low, low);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
// ignore
return def;
* @param o object
* @return integer
public static int toInteger(Object o)
return toInteger(o, 0);
* @param o object
* @return double
public static double toDouble(Object o)
return toDouble(o, 0d);
* @param o object
* @return float
public static double toFloat(Object o)
return toFloat(o, 0f);
* @param o object
* @return boolean
public static boolean toBoolean(Object o)
return toBoolean(o, false);
* @param o object
* @return String
public static String toString(Object o)
return toString(o, "");
* Get a vector of two or three coordinates
* @param o object
* @return Coord
public static VectConst toVect(Object o)
return toVect(o, Vect.ZERO);
* @param o object
* @return AiCoord
public static Range toRange(Object o)
return toRange(o, new Range());