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package mightypork.utils.math.coord;
import java.util.Random;
import mightypork.utils.math.Calc;
* Coordinate class, object with three or two double coordinates.<br>
* @author MightyPork
public class Coord {
/** RNG */
protected static Random rand = new Random();
* Get distance to other point
* @param a point a
* @param b point b
* @return distance in units
public static double dist(Coord a, Coord b)
return a.distTo(b);
* Generate random coord (gaussian)
* @param max max distance from 0
* @return new coord
public static Coord random(double max)
return new Coord(Calc.clampd(rand.nextGaussian() * max, -max * 2, max * 2), Calc.clampd(rand.nextGaussian() * max, -max * 2, max * 2),
Calc.clampd(rand.nextGaussian() * max, -max * 2, max * 2));
* Generate random coord (min-max)
* @param min min offset
* @param max max offset
* @return new coord
public static Coord random(double min, double max)
return new Coord((rand.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1) * (min + rand.nextDouble() * (max - min)), (rand.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1) * (min + rand.nextDouble() * (max - min)),
(rand.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1) * (min + rand.nextDouble() * (max - min)));
/** X coordinate */
public double x = 0;
/** Y coordinate */
public double y = 0;
/** Z coordinate */
public double z = 0;
* Create zero coord
public Coord() {}
* Create coord as a copy of another
* @param copied copied coord
public Coord(Coord copied) {
this.x = copied.x;
this.y = copied.y;
this.z = copied.z;
* Create 2D coord
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
public Coord(Number x, Number y) {
setTo(x, y);
* Create 3D coord
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
* @param z z coordinate
public Coord(Number x, Number y, Number z) {
setTo(x, y, z);
* Get a copy offset by vector
* @param vec offset
* @return the offset copy
public Coord add(Coord vec)
return getCopy().add_ip(vec);
* Get a copy offset by 2D coordinate
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return the offset copy
public Coord add(Number x, Number y)
return getCopy().add_ip(x, y);
* Get a copy offset by 3D coordinate
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return the offset copy
public Coord add(Number x, Number y, Number z)
return getCopy().add_ip(x, y, z);
* Offset by vector in place
* @param vec offset
* @return this
public Coord add_ip(Coord vec)
this.x += vec.x;
this.y += vec.y;
this.z += vec.z;
return this;
* Offset by 2D coordinate in place
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return this
public Coord add_ip(Number x, Number y)
this.x += x.doubleValue();
this.y += y.doubleValue();
return this;
* Offset by 3D coordinate in place
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return this
public Coord add_ip(Number x, Number y, Number z)
this.x += x.doubleValue();
this.y += y.doubleValue();
this.z += z.doubleValue();
return this;
* @return copy of this vector
public Coord getCopy()
return new Coord(x, y, z);
* Get distance to other point
* @param point other point
* @return distance in units
public double distTo(Coord point)
return Math.sqrt((point.x - x) * (point.x - x) + (point.y - y) * (point.y - y) + (point.z - z) * (point.z - z));
* Get copy divided by number
* @param d number to divide by
* @return divided copy
public Coord div(double d)
return getCopy().div_ip(d);
* Divide by number in place
* @param d number to divide by
* @return this
public Coord div_ip(double d)
if (d == 0) return this;
x /= d;
y /= d;
z /= d;
return this;
* Check if this rectangle in inside a rectangular zone
* @param min min coord
* @param max max coord
* @return is inside
public boolean isInRect(Coord min, Coord max)
return (x >= min.x && x <= max.x) && (y >= min.y && y <= max.y) && (z >= min.z && z <= max.z);
* Check if this rectangle in inside a rectangular zone
* @param rect checked rect.
* @return is inside
public boolean isInRect(Rect rect)
return isInRect(rect.min, rect.max);
* Get middle of line to other point
* @param other other point
* @return middle
public Coord midTo(Coord other)
return add(vecTo(other).mul_ip(0.5));
* Multiply by number
* @param d number
* @return multiplied copy
public Coord mul(double d)
return getCopy().mul_ip(d);
* Multiply coords by number
* @param xd x multiplier
* @param yd y multiplier
* @param zd z multiplier
* @return multiplied copy
public Coord mul(double xd, double yd, double zd)
return getCopy().mul_ip(xd, yd, zd);
* Multiply by number in place
* @param d multiplier
* @return this
public Coord mul_ip(double d)
x *= d;
y *= d;
z *= d;
return this;
* Multiply coords by number in place
* @param xd x multiplier
* @param yd y multiplier
* @param zd z multiplier
* @return this
public Coord mul_ip(double xd, double yd, double zd)
x *= xd;
y *= yd;
z *= zd;
return this;
* offset randomly
* @param max max +- offset
* @return offset coord
public Coord random_offset(double max)
Coord v = random(1).norm_ip(0.00001 + rand.nextDouble() * max);
return getCopy().add_ip(v);
* offset randomly
* @param min min offset
* @param max max offset
* @return offset coord
public Coord random_offset(double min, double max)
return getCopy().add_ip(random(min, max));
* offset randomly in place
* @param max max +- offset
* @return this
public Coord random_offset_ip(double max)
return add(random(max));
* offset randomly in place
* @param min min offset
* @param max max offset
* @return this
public Coord random_offset_ip(double min, double max)
add(random(min, max));
return this;
* Get a copy with rounded coords
* @return rounded copy
public Coord round()
return getCopy().round_ip();
* Round in place
* @return this
public Coord round_ip()
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
return this;
* Set to max values of this and other coord
* @param other other coord
public void setMax(Coord other)
x = Math.max(x, other.x);
y = Math.max(y, other.y);
z = Math.max(z, other.z);
* Set to min values of this and other coord
* @param other other coord
public void setMin(Coord other)
x = Math.min(x, other.x);
y = Math.min(y, other.y);
z = Math.min(z, other.z);
* Set coordinates to match other coord
* @param copied coord whose coordinates are used
* @return this
public Coord setTo(Coord copied)
setTo(copied.x, copied.y, copied.z);
return this;
* Set 2D coordinates to
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
* @return this
public Coord setTo(Number x, Number y)
setTo(x, y, 0);
return this;
* Set 3D coordinates to
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
* @param z z coordinate
* @return this
public Coord setTo(Number x, Number y, Number z)
this.x = x.doubleValue();
this.y = y.doubleValue();
this.z = z.doubleValue();
return this;
* Set X coordinate in a copy
* @param x x coordinate
* @return copy with set coordinate
public Coord setX(Number x)
return getCopy().setX_ip(x);
* Set X coordinate in place
* @param x x coordinate
* @return this
public Coord setX_ip(Number x)
this.x = x.doubleValue();
return this;
* Set Y coordinate in a copy
* @param y y coordinate
* @return copy with set coordinate
public Coord setY(Number y)
return getCopy().setY_ip(y);
* Set Y coordinate in place
* @param y y coordinate
* @return this
public Coord setY_ip(Number y)
this.y = y.doubleValue();
return this;
* Set Z coordinate in a copy
* @param z z coordinate
* @return copy with set coordinate
public Coord setZ(Number z)
return getCopy().setZ_ip(z);
* Set Z coordinate in place
* @param z z coordinate
* @return this
public Coord setZ_ip(Number z)
this.z = z.doubleValue();
return this;
* Get a copy subtracted by vector
* @param vec offset
* @return the offset copy
public Coord sub(Coord vec)
return getCopy().sub_ip(vec);
* Get a copy subtracted by 2D coordinate
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return the offset copy
public Coord sub(Number x, Number y)
return getCopy().sub_ip(x, y);
* Get a copy subtracted by 3D coordinate
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return the offset copy
public Coord sub(Number x, Number y, Number z)
return getCopy().sub_ip(x, y, z);
* Offset by vector in place
* @param vec offset
* @return this
public Coord sub_ip(Coord vec)
this.x -= vec.x;
this.y -= vec.y;
this.z -= vec.z;
return this;
* Offset by 2D coordinate in place
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @return this
public Coord sub_ip(Number x, Number y)
this.x -= x.doubleValue();
this.y -= y.doubleValue();
return this;
* Offset by 3D coordinate in place
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
* @return this
public Coord sub_ip(Number x, Number y, Number z)
this.x -= x.doubleValue();
this.y -= y.doubleValue();
this.z -= z.doubleValue();
return this;
* Create vector from this point to other point
* @param point second point
* @return vector
public Coord vecTo(Coord point)
return point.sub(this);
* @return X as double
public double x()
return x;
* @return X as double
public double xd()
return x;
* @return X as float
public float xf()
return (float) x;
* @return X as int
public int xi()
return (int) Math.round(x);
* @return Y as double
public double y()
return y;
* @return Y as double
public double yd()
return y;
* @return Y as float
public float yf()
return (float) y;
* @return Y as int
public int yi()
return (int) Math.round(y);
* @return Z as double
public double z()
return z;
* @return Z as double
public double zd()
return z;
* @return Z as float
public float zf()
return (float) z;
* @return Z as int
public int zi()
return (int) Math.round(z);
* Get cross product of two vectors
* @param a 1st vector
* @param b 2nd vector
* @return cross product
public static Coord cross(Coord a, Coord b)
return a.cross(b);
* Get dot product of two vectors
* @param a 1st vector
* @param b 2nd vector
* @return dot product
public static double dot(Coord a, Coord b)
* Multiply by other vector, vector multiplication
* @param vec other vector
* @return copy multiplied
public Coord cross(Coord vec)
return getCopy().cross_ip(vec);
* Multiply by other vector, vector multiplication; in place
* @param vec other vector
* @return this
public Coord cross_ip(Coord vec)
setTo(y * vec.z - z * vec.y, z * vec.x - x * vec.z, x * vec.y - y * vec.x);
return this;
* Get dot product
* @param vec other vector
* @return dot product
public double dot(Coord vec)
return x * vec.x + y * vec.y + z * vec.z;
* Negate all coordinates (* -1)
* @return negated coordinate
public Coord neg()
return getCopy().neg_ip();
* Negate all coordinates (* -1), in place
* @return this
public Coord neg_ip()
return this;
* Scale vector to given size
* @param size size we need
* @return scaled vector
public Coord norm(double size)
return getCopy().norm_ip(size);
* Scale vector to given size, in place
* @param size size we need
* @return scaled vector
public Coord norm_ip(double size)
if (size() == 0) {
z = -1;
if (size == 0) {
setTo(0, 0, 0);
return this;
double k = size / size();
return this;
* Get vector size
* @return vector size in units
public double size()
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
* Get copy divided by two
* @return copy halved
public Coord half()
return getCopy().half_ip();
* Divide in place by two
* @return this
public Coord half_ip()
return this;
public String toString()
return "[" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + "]";
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
long temp;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(x);
result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(y);
result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(z);
result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof Coord)) return false;
Coord other = (Coord) obj;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(x) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.x)) return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(y) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.y)) return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(z) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.z)) return false;
return true;
* @return true if this coord is a zero coord
public boolean isZero()
return x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0;
public static Coord zero()
return new Coord(0, 0, 0);
public static Coord one()
return new Coord(1, 1, 1);